Fashion Tips
Treatments split ends
Treatments split ends I dare be there isn’t a woman out there that as not bad experiences with split ends. my wife After trying endless treatments to try to get rid of split ends away for good, she was told that we just happen to have all the ingredients in our own kitchen
Its called Egg Shampoo
what you will need to treat your hair with this is, one ounce of rosemary needs to be fresh , hot water a pint , one egg. start by putting the Rosemary in the hot water and leave it there for 25 mins then let it cool. When its cool get your egg and start whipping it into the mix make it a good whipping, ,now massage the goo into your hair cover with a bag and wait 15 mins then rinse, then use your normal shampoo very little amount only . This will do the job! Treatments split ends
Castor oil Conditioner
This is also good for split ends as a conditioner, ,, castor oil is really good at helping with a lot,s of things, like it beinga great do it yourself treatment for your split ends.Just mix an equal amount of your oil, plus mustard oil also olive oil. then mix it into your hair and wrap it in a towel for about 25 mins then use your normal shampoo ! Treatments split ends
Organix Nourishing Split Ends Mender

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Heidi Klum Celebritie never disappoints Not only is she a beautiful model, television presenter and mother … She is too obsessed with halloween. The supermodel is known for throwing extravagant halloween parties every year that in the A-list stars like Jessica Alba and Anne Hathaway pulls. Klum makes her grand entrance in unreal costumes and amazed the crowd every year.
Rocking a floor-length blond wig and to make her entrance via horse, Heidi transformed into Lady Godiva.
His 8-months-pregnant, Klum hid her belly in a giant apple suit with a garden of Eden – style hose hose from the top.
This is than anything that Heidi has ever done before. As one of its most extravagant costumes still, Heidi added a belt of creepy faces up to a Hindu goddess. Not only is she painted from head to toe, but she added extra hands to complete the great costume.
Heidi herself transformed into a Black Crow with amazing knee high boots on. stylish!
With red hair and purple skin, Klum equipped like an alien transformer hybrid for its 2010-party.
What look like Heidi and without skin? Well, maybe this is. This costume is insane and amazing. The time this must have taken to this costume is insane, as they actually have brought on a stretcher.
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Heidi Klum
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Moroccan oil
Moroccan oil Can become your number one it treatment will soon become the first thing you think of about your hair
loose long hair
The top tip Moroccan oil I would suggest adding or incorporating the use of Moroccan oil into your daily hair care routines truly good product for getting rid of dry here and stops an awful lot of breakage some of been calling this product miracle oil due to the advantages it gives in the fields of beauty and health.
One advantage which is a big one is a great source of natural vitamins E sorts out split ends helps get pollution out of the hair is best applied to wet here use three or four pumps according to the thickness and length of your here to make your here look glossy but will not feel sticky or oily in any way one more advantage make your hair dry much faster the faster less chance of flurries and this and flyaway hair
Moroccan oil
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Pivotal African American Must Watch
In no particular order, the below 3 movies (according to me!) are must see African American movies. Not only are they educational, but they are entertaining.
1. The Color Purple
Based on a novel wrote in 1982, the movie is story line is based around a 14 year old African American girl who is pregnant with her fathers baby. Taking place mostly in Georgia, you take a look into the life of women of color in the southern United States in the 1930s. Although the film is a tad different from the novel in several significant aspects, the movie is still unbelievably important showing the audience about life in the poor South. It also highlighted lesbian relationships at times when doing so was frowned upon.
2. Lean on Me
Lean on Me is loosely based on the story of Joe Louis Clark, a real life inner city high school principal in Paterson, New Jersey. Clark’s school is at risk of being taken over by the New Jersey state government unless students improve their test scores. The reason this movie is so massive and such great inspiration is due to the fact that it is based on a true story. It proves that many of the predominate stereotypes relating to teenagers of all races in at-risk, low income areas, simply aren’t true or don’t have to be. There are teachers out there that will fight for their schools and most importantly, their students.
3. The Help
Based off a 2009 novel, the 2011 hit is about African-American maids working in white households in Jackson,Mississippi, during the early 1960s. The story revolves around three different characters, Aibileen Clark, Minny Jackson, and Skeeter Phelan as they live their lives on the different side of the racial barrier. The movie features such stars as Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer and many more. The film received four Academy Award nominations including Best Picture, Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress.
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We’ve all been there, sitting at the salon trying to pick that perfect nail color. Truth is, some nail colors look better on different skin tones. I find I always pick the wrong color as I just simply can never decide! The smallest change in one’s skin tone can make even the most beautiful nail polish look… blah. There are many reasons that will influence your nail color choice such as season, outfits and trends. African American skin tones do very well with brown and pale colors. Here are some colors to try for your next manicure:
This is the perfect go to color when in doubt. (I find myself having nude nails all the time!) This is such a rich look with darker skin as your nails will look longer and really accentuate your skin tone. OPI Bubble Bath $9
Burgundy Polish
Although your skin has a darker tone, don’t shy away from darker colors on your nails. Depending on your skin shade, don’t go overly dark if your skin is. Try to find the balance with the burgundy as you don’t want the color to disappear. MAC’s ‘Vintage Vamp’ Nail Lacquer $13
Dark Blue
This is a great color to put onto your toes and finger nails while going on vacay or just to spice up the winter. If you’re bored with the usual colors, try going for a dark blue and notice that your skin tone will look extra fresh. JINsoon Blue Iris $18
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Beyonce’s Best hair day yet
Beyonce’s Best Halftime showThe incredible beautiful one only, Beyonce, has seen a lot of different hair styles in her day. She sometimes blonde she sometimes dark but always beautiful and then to very short! He’s done the lot every here cut you can imagine what she does to a she always looks and as been known to use Moroccan oil Totally perfect in styles to easily achieve them.
BeyonceWith this woman looks fantastically beautiful any dress any clue did you see her at the Super BowlI haven’t seen her more beautiful Anything but natural. When she leaves her hair down and with its natural wave, the singer looks right at home on the beach. Want this look? Wet your hair, braid in multiple pieces and sleep on it (or blow dry!) Once you take out your braids in the morning or once they are dry, grab a wide brush and brush out gently. Make sure to start the braid at the top of your head for B’s look! Beyonce’s Best hair day yet
Glamourous curls
When B wants to go glam, she does it in style. Her blond hair with peak-a-boo of her dark color coming through, looks rock-n-roll and glam at the same time. She has worn this look on the red carpet and out at night with her hubby Jay Z. Want this look? Simply get a wide barrel curling iron and just curl the tips. If you find the curls are a tad too tight, wait for them to cool and brush out softly. This will give you that soft romantic look.
Short and straight
This is one of B’s newest and sexiest looks. With such a stunning face, she doesn’t need all that hair covering her natural beauty. The singer stuck with one of her signature looks which is the dark roots and just went blond on the rest. Want this look? Whether you want to go as short as B or not, you can achieve the look buy making sure you get the edge cut. Which means your hair is longer at the front than it is at the back. And then… straighten, straighten, straighten!
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