Monthly Archives: May 2014
Ken asks…
Sims2 toilet!?
I have sims and the toilet floor is glowing blue and other blue shades. if anybody knows why or what this is please tell me!
tantan answers:
The toilet is leaking. It’s either broken or clogged. You can repair it yourself, by clicking on it and chose the “repair” option, or call a repairman.
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Lizzie asks…
How to fix a broken toilet handle?
There is a plastic handle on the toilet that is used to flush it. It broke off I want to know if I can fix it my self or do I need a plumber. I have guest coming. Need help fast.
tantan answers:
Take the cover off of your tank and look inside. There on the back side of the flush handle you will see a nut. It is threaded backwards. Turn to the right rather than the left to remove it. Take all of the parts with you to Lowes or Home Depot and they can assist you with finding the correct one for you.
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