Monthly Archives: December 2013
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Richard asks…
Can I rid bed bugs without a professional?
Can I get rid of bed bugs on my own? Called on a prof. and got a quote of $900, too much for me to afford! I don’t want to notify my landlord since it was probably my fault for bringing in a chair from the street.
tantan answers:
This website from the University of California, Davis, has some ideas on how to control them. They do suggest a professional if it gets out of hand. If you do go for a professional, do not hesitate to see if they are licensed and to see how aware they are of “integrated pest management” which is a rather generic term for using pesticides only as a last resort and using management methods instead.
For Bed Bug Control…
How to choose a pest control company from the Univ of Cal (sometimes ya gotta).
Note that these are meant for Californians, but will work other places as well. Good luck
Sharon asks…
How to get rid of bed bugs quickly and safely?
Alright, I need some help asap! We found one bed bug on the couch last night and my husband took apart the couch looking for the nest, no luck. But they have been eating me alive and we have a newborn at the house so I’m hesitant to call an exterminator. I was wondering are their any safe methods of getting rid of bed bugs? I know boric acid, I’m about to put that down, but what else can I use? What helped you? Also how long do they usually take to get rid of? I know after getting rid of the adults, there are still eggs that can hatch.
tantan answers:
Your best bet is first to hire a professional exterminator. However, sometimes even an exterminator cannot get rid of bed bugs. If the exterminator fails or if you cannot afford an exterminator, you can get rid of the bed bugs with baking soda.
Buy about 10 boxes of baking soda. And you’ll need more later. You might want to buy in bulk. This site seems to be reasonable:
Costco usually carries large bags of baking soda, too.
Start with one room at a time…maybe your bedroom.
1. Vacuum. Then sprinkle the baking soda everywhere on the floor. Make sure you put a good coating around and under the bed. Spread the baking soda with a broom, so you have a fairly even coating. Just leave the baking soda on the floor. Do not vacuum.
2. Remove all sheets and comforters. Wash these in detergent and Hot water. Dry thoroughly.
3. Vacuum the bed extremely well.
4. If you can afford to replace the mattress, replace it. If not, buy a bed bug mattress cover, like these:…0.0…1c.1.zUBiEhmdhe8&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=e9b38bf81a00f83f&bpcl=40096503&biw=819&bih=508
I’m sure you can find these at Walmart and Kmart if you’d rather not buy on line.
Sprinkle baking soda directly on your mattress before putting the mattress cover on. Make sure you flip the mattress in order to coat both sides with baking soda. Also use a generous amount of baking soda at the edges and in creases. Bed Bugs love the creases at the edges of the mattress. After coating with baking soda, you then put the mattress cover on and just leave it on…do not remove it for a year.
5. Wrap duct tape or Gorilla Tape around the bed legs STICKY SIDE OUT. This way the bugs will get stuck trying to get to you. Another alternative is to buy some peel and stick tiles and place the feet of your bed on these. (Place a little square of paper towel directly under the feet of the bed to keep the feet from sticking to the tiles.) Place the tiles sticky-side up, so the bugs will get stuck on the tiles. Change the tape or tiles as needed.
Alternatively you can place the feet of your bed in bed bugs traps, such as these:
6. Pull the bed away from the wall so that it does not touch.
7. Remake the bed, but never allow sheets or comforters to touch the floor.
After a week, vacuum the floors and re-apply the baking soda. (Just leave the mattress covers on.)
Treat all bedrooms this way. Also treat any room that you suspect harbors bed bugs. Treat for a full year. Yes, a year! Bed bugs are extremely hardy and it will take a full year of all out war to get rid of them.
Yes, your bedrooms will look a little funny with baking soda all over the floors, but it beats the alternative.
I would use baking soda, as opposed to Diatomaceous Earth (DE). DE works, but DE also cuts lungs in both people and pets, so it’s dangerous. Baking soda is gentle on people and pets but will kill the bed bugs.
I would also use baking soda as opposed to Borax. Borax is a poison that is harmful to people and pets. Plus it has been banned in many countries.
Good luck.
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Betty asks…
where can i find a complete list of cars for gta IV.?
i need a website because i do not want 2 buy a 20 dollar guide to see what vehicles are in the game.
tantan answers:
468-555-0100 Change weather
486-555-0150 Get a different selection of weapons
486-555-0100 Get a selection of weapons
267-555-0150 Raise wanted level
267-555-0100 Remove wanted level
362-555-0100 Restore armour You can also call up a map that reveals the location of all weapons, health bonuses, armour, vehicles,To get rid of Niko’s wanted level, insert the following number into your cell phone: (267)-555-0100. To add stars to Niko’s wanted level, insert this number instead: (267)-555-0150. Keep in mind that this will disable your ability to acquire some achievements.
Cheat: All Secret Locations
Head to the internet café (or wherever you can access the internet) and insert the URL If inserted properly, you’ll be brought to an in-game message board containing maps of secret locations in the game. Check it out!
Cheat: Refill Health, Armor & Ammo
To refill Niko’s health and to give him some fresh armor, insert the following number into your cell phone: (362)-555-0100. If you want to give him health, fresh armor and refill all ammunition, insert this number instead: (482)-555-0100. Keep in mind that this will disable your ability to acquire some achievements.
Cheat: Spawn Cars
Any time you’re outside, break out your cell phone and insert the following phone numbers to unlock the vehicles listed.
Annihilator (Helicopter) – (359)-555-0100
Cognoscenti (Car) – (227)-555-0142
Comet (Car) – (227)-555-0175
FIB Buffalo (Car) – (227)-555-0100
Jetmax (Boat) – (938)-555-0100
NRG-900 (Motorcycle) – (625)-555-0100
Sanchez (Car) – (625)-555-0150
Super GT (Car) – (227)-555-0168
Turismo (Car) – (227)-555-0147
Cheat: Weapon Batch 1
To unlock a baseball bat, grenades, M4, MP5, pistol, RPG and sniper rifle, insert the following number into your cell phone: (486)-555-0100. Keep in mind that this will disable your ability to acquire some achievements.
Cheat: Weapon Batch 2
To unlock an AK-47, knife, Molotov Cocktails, pistol, RPG, sniper rifle and Uzi, insert the following number into your cell phone: (486)-555-0150. Keep in mind that this will disable your ability to acquire some achievements.
Hint: Stunt Jump Locations
The map below represents the location of all of the stunt jumps in the game.
Stunt ramps, entertainment joints and pigeons. Simply wander into any of the in-game TW@ internet cafes, log onto a computer, and type in:
And if you object to the idea of bolstering Liberty City’s coffers every time you cross a toll road, there’s any easy way to avoid the $5 charge – simply steal an emergency vehicle, hit the lights and siren, and obliging booth attendants will let you through the toll for free.
482-555-0100 Restore health
227-555-0142 Spawn a Cognoscenti
227-555-0175 Spawn a Comet
938-555-0100 Spawn a Jetmax
625-555-0150 Spawn a Sanchez
227-555-0168 Spawn a SuperGT
227-555-0147 Spawn a Turismo
359-555-0100 Spawn an Annihiliator
227-555-0100 Spawn an FIB Buffalo
625-555-0100 Spawn an NRG-900
Grand Theft Auto IV cheats, tips and secrets
By Claudine Beaumont, Digital Channel Editor
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 29/04/2008
If you’re one of the lucky people who managed to get their hands on Grand Theft Auto IV before the shops started running out of stock, congratulations – but now, the hard work really begins.
Grand Theft Auto IV: Violence flares after launch
Claudine Beaumont: retailers gear up for release
Grand Theft Auto IV in full | In pictures
Watch the trailers: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4
With about 100 hours of gameplay to contend with, and the distinct possibility that no two gamers’ experiences will be the same, some fans are going to need a helping hand to unlock mini-games, additional content, extra weaponry, bonus lives and, erm, a map showing the location of all the pigeons in Liberty City.
Dial up a cheat: Niko’s phone can be used to make gamers’ lives a little easier
Here we give our low-down of some of the top cheats for GTA IV. All the cheat codes given below work on both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Our crack band of thumb bandits have tried most of them, but there are one or two we haven’t had the chance to check yet.
We recommend that you don’t save the game after using a cheat in case it causes an unexpected glitch – we’d hate you to lose everything you’ve just spent the last 18 hours building up, and online gaming forums suggest that the use of some cheats can prevent you from earning gaming achievements. Still, maybe that’s the reason for the saying “Cheats never prosper”…
Niko’s mobile phone provides the perfect tool for cheating your way through the game. Bring the handset onscreen and then dial the following numbers to unleash some cool new features:
advertisementDial GTA-555-0100 (482-555-0100) to restore Niko to full health and a complete complement of ammo.
Dial GUN-555-0150 (486-555-0100) to unlock some seriously heavy new weapons, including an RPG, grenades, a sniper rifle and a surprisingly handy baseball bat.
Dial COP-555-0100 (267-555-0100) to remove Niko’s wanted level if you’ve got too many of Liberty City’s finest on your tail.
Dial COP-555-0150 (267-555-0150) to add a star to Niko’s wanted level if it’s all proving just a bit too easy for your criminal mastermind.
Dial FLY-555-0100 (359-555-0100) to spawn a police helicopter.
Dial HOT-555-0100 (468-555-0100) to change the weather in Liberty City.
Charles asks…
In Sims Castaway I have found the 2 portals to the Hotsprings but it will not let me pass.What do i need to do
tantan answers:
The following sites will help you.
The Sims 2: Castaway PS2 Cheats
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IGN: The Sims 2: Castaway Review
IGN is the ultimate resource for The Sims 2: Castaway reviews featuring in-depth reviews from our award-winning … Guide. FAQs. Cheats. Reviews. Previews … – 145k – Cached
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IGN: The Sims 2: Castaway Cheats, Codes and Cheat Codes
IGN Cheats is the ultimate resource for The Sims 2: Castaway cheats featuring cheats, codes, walkthroughs, hints, full guides, faqs and cheat codes – Updated Daily! – 83k
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Outers now offers this rigid and durable hard case to stow and organize an assortment of gun care products to clean shotguns, rifles, or handguns, quickly and effectively. Their blow molded design has a specific compartment for each piece within that kit. Plus, the kit has additional compartments to hold bottles of gun-cleaning chemicals or any other gear you want to keep nearby.
- Hard-plastic, durable, latched case in traditional Outers’ maroon color
- Universal components to cover cleaning duties for a large variety of firearms
- Strong, solid brass rods with high-quality tips, mops, brushes and patches
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We have searched the web to find the best prices available. Click Here to find out where to get the best deal on Outers Universal 62-Piece Blow Molded Gun Cleaning Kit