Archive for June 25, 2011
Your Questions About Next Shopping On Line
Robert asks…
do you find it rude when your shopping and the person next in line rushes?
up on you.
my example I was shopping today i paid with cash money so I had to put my cash i also count it so if there is an issue i still have the attention of the teller. then i put it in my purse or back pocket. today back pocket was that. Before I could even fold my money to put it away this lady was hiding my bag of stuff i bought with her body.
Once i got my money away i grabed my bag i said excuse me may i get my things. and she said sorry.. so I know it wasn’t intentional but this is just one example
i’m in ahurry because of lunch … but i find some people who do this are rude. Lilke can I have personal space.. if i wasn’t paying attention and yawned I would of knocked the lady out.
Where do you draw the line and when do you say something to another human for their rushes.?
i know we are in the fast go go go faster age. but still.
okay i normally do not thumbs down people but i guess today is an exception!
Please guys answer the questions I ask not the ones you develop in your head. please and thank you!
admin answers:
Im a cashier at a local mall around where I live. Unfortunately its really common for people to just assume that they have to rush the person in front of them. They should be aware that shopping is not a race. Generally if a customer does this I tell them to wait one moment (politely) and finish up with the other customer. Your cashier probably should have done that but sadly this doesn’t deter all customers. I would draw the line at someone just pushing their way in front of me and invading my space rather than just rushing me from behind. I say definitely mention when someone is being rude to you but don’t make a scene out of it because that helps no one.
Donna asks…
How do you keep a story interesting without rushing ahead to the next line or conversation?
“Wooo! Can we go on again?” Summer asked us all as we were clinking back to the start of the ride.
“YESS!” we all screeched pulling the safety bars back over us.
About six hours, lunch and lots more rides later we were tiring and Elisha’s mum who was picking us up rang us to say that she was done shopping and she’d be coming to pick us up in half an hour.
We rode our last ride at Alton Towers and then mooched back up to the car park were Elisha’s mum was waiting.
“Hi girls! Did you all have fun?” Elisha’s mum, Claire, asked, “Mind the bags, I‘ve been shopping all day.”
Elisha shoved all the bags in the boot and said “Get in.”
I feel like when I write I rush my story. The paragraph or sentence can be decent but then the next line will seem rushed like I’ve got bored of that bit so I’ll move on. How can I prevent this?
admin answers:
As you’re writing your first draft, you don’t have to worry too much about the pace of the story… That’s more an issue that comes with editing, than with initial writing.
Let yourself rush ahead if it feels like you’re bored… Maybe the story is ready to keep moving. You can always go back and add more if you need to. When you’re done with the entire story, and you have a better idea of the story that you’re telling, you’ll be able to reread what you’ve written and say “I’m rushing this… I want there to be more tension in this scene” and you can insert more dialogue, description or conflict as you need to.
It’s best to not focus TOO much on pacing during this first draft. Focus on getting the story out, and on your second draft, focus on getting the story better formed.
Betty asks…
How much makeup do you wear for everyday things like grocery shopping, errands etc. or do you not wear any?
Sometimes I feel like I wear too much makeup to go out for everday things like shopping and other errands etc. Here’s what I wear:
I do a full face application of Almay Smart Shade makeup, then I powder any shiny parts with a translucent face powder (usually Cover Girl), next I use some eyebrow powder on my eyebrows to fill in any bald looking spots. Then I apply only 1 shade of eyeshadow to my eyelids only (usually a med. brown eyeshadow). Next, I line my eyes with black liquid eyeliner, top of eye only along the edge of the eyelids and I try to make the line as thin as I can. (I never ever skip the eyeliner step, I feel naked without it). Next I do a coat of mascara and sometimes I curl my eyelashes and sometimes I don’t (depending on how much time I have). Then my favorite lipstick or lipgloss and finally, depending on if I have time or not I’ll use a little bit blush, but I usually skip the blush. Is that too much make-up to wear for going out to do errands?
admin answers:
I do my whole face…foundation, powder, eyeshadow, liner, mascara, lipstick or lipgloss…even if i`m just at home…i just luv playing around with makeup, it`s fun & i like to see how creative i can get!!! The only time i ever go outside without my makeup on, is when i`m going to the tanning bed…
Sharon asks…
Why do I need to take my telephone plug out from socket when I use my Credit card machine on the same tel line?
Here in my shop, I have got one tel line which is connected to my tel and Credit card machine. When I use C/C machine, the transaction does not go through until I disconnect the tel from its socket.
This problem does not occur in my next door shop. please help…
admin answers:
Your telephone jack is wired incorrectly. Try using a phone in the jack that you have the credit card machine plugged into.
Ruth asks…
My boyfriend and I are off to Greece next month and I want to buy a few new, cute outfits?
but I don’t want to spend alot. It will be cold in Greece next month and I need to do my shopping on-line! Any great stores that I should check out?
admin answers:
thats where i get all my clothes from i love all of those websites they are amazing!! Have fun!
Charles asks… What comes to mind? Would you be curious about there jewelry line?
its a domain name i’m coming up with, so far I have my Jewelry line, next mission is creating shirts in a few months… Would you shop at a place with this name? I sell rosaries (fashion) for jews, muslims and catholics, but no jesus on the crucifix, sorry y’all!
Or how about
I believe I can only handle the main religions lol, there are already a lot of christian rosaries and pagan and wiccan ones
admin answers:
Personally i would definitely look into. I am jewish so i would surely check it out!
David asks…
The Blues- Do’s & Dont’s
Another email I got. Anyone else see this? (Bet this has already been posted here 12 dozen times, huh?)
If you are new to Blues music, or like it but never really understood
the why and wherefores, here are some very fundamental rules:
1. Most Blues begin with: “Woke up this morning…”
2. “I got a good woman” is a bad way to begin the Blues, unless
you stick something nasty in the next line like, “I got a good
woman, with the meanest face in town.”
3. The Blues is simple. After you get the first line right, repeat it.
Then find something that rhymes – sort of: “Got a good woman
with the meanest face in town. Yes, I got a good woman with
the meanest face in town. Got teeth like Margaret Thatcher
and she weigh 500 pound.”
4. The Blues is not about choice. You stuck in a ditch, you stuck
in a ditch…ain’t no way out.
5. Blues cars: Chevys, Fords, Cadillacs and broken-down trucks.
Blues don’t travel in Volvos, BMWs, or Sport Utility Vehicles.
Most Blues transportation is a Greyhound bus or a southbound
train. Jet aircraft and state-sponsored motor pools ain’t even in
the running. Walkin’ plays a major part in the Blues lifestyle.
So does fixin’ to die.
6. Teenagers can’t sing the Blues. They ain’t fixin’ to die yet.
Adults sing the Blues. In Blues, “adulthood” means being old
enough to get the electric chair if you shoot a man in Memphis.
7. Blues can take place in New York City but not in Hawaii or
anywhere in Canada. Hard times in Minneapolis or Seattle is
probably just clinical depression. Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas
City, Memphis, and Nawlins are still the best places to have
the Blues. You cannot have the Blues in any place that don’t
get rain.
8. A man with male pattern baldness ain’t the Blues. A woman
with male pattern baldness is. Breaking your leg ’cause you
were skiing is not the Blues. Breaking your leg ’cause a alligator
be chomping on it is.
9. You can’t have no Blues in an office or a shopping mall. The
lighting is wrong. Go outside to the parking lot or sit by the
10. Good places for the Blues
a. highway
b. jailhouse
c. empty bed
d. bottom of a whiskey glass
11. Bad places for the Blues
a. Nordstrom’s
b. gallery openings
c. Ivy League institutions
d. golf courses
12. No one will believe it’s the Blues if you wear a suit, ‘less you
happen to be an old person, and you slept in it.
13. Do you have the right to sing the Blues?
Yes, if:
a. you’re older than dirt
b. you’re blind
c. you shot a man in Memphis
d. you can’t be satisfied
No, if:
a. you have all your teeth
b. you were once blind but now can see
c. the man in Memphis lived
d. you have a 401K or trust fund
14. Blues is not a matter of color. It’s a matter of bad luck. Tiger
Woods cannot sing the Blues. Sonny Liston could have.
Ugly white people also got a leg up on the Blues.
15. If you ask for water and your darlin’ gives you gasoline, it’s
the Blues.Other acceptable Blues beverages are:
a. cheap wine
b. whiskey or bourbon
c. muddy water
d. black coffee
The following are NOT Blues beverages:
a. Perrier
b. Chardonnay
c. Snapple
d. Slim Fast
16. If death occurs in a cheap motel or a shotgun shack, it’s a
Blues death. Stabbed in the back by a jealous lover is
another Blues way to die. So are the electric chair,
substance abuse and dying lonely on a broken-down cot.
You can’t have a Blues death if you die during a tennis
match or while getting liposuction.
17. Some Blues names for women:
a. Sadie
b. Big Mama
c. Bessie
d. Fat River Dumpling
18. Some Blues names for men:
a. Joe
b. Willie
c. Little Willie
d. Big Willie
19. Persons with names like Michelle, Amber, Jennifer, Debbie,
and Heather can’t sing the Blues no matter how many
men they shoot in Memphis.
20. Blues Name Starter Kit
a. name of physical infirmity (Blind, Cripple, Lame, etc.)
b. first name (see above) plus name of fruit (Lemon, Lime,
Kiwi, etc.)
c. last name of President (Jefferson, Johnson, Fillmore, etc.)
For example: Blind Lime Jefferson, Pegleg Lemon
Johnson or Cripple Kiwi Fillmore, etc. (Well, maybe not “Kiwi.”)
21. I don’t care how tragic your life is: if you own a computer, you
cannot sing the blues, period.
admin answers:
Fonzie, I love the blues. And this had to be one of the funniest things I’ve ever read.
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Your Questions About Asda Shopping On Line
Donald asks…
Hi can anyone tell me a valid code for Asda on-line shopping free Delivery mine has expired thanks?
admin answers:
Sorry I don’t have a valid code either, good luck thou Louise.!!!
Not much help on this one.!!
Mandy asks…
ASDA on-line shopping? probs?
I am having trouble with the website, it won’t let me pick a delivery slot, anyone else having this?
admin answers:
Its sunday, i cant explain why but i always have had problems with tescos and asdas sites on a sunday, especially for shopping
Sandra asks…
ASDA Grocery deliveries (on line shopping) I can’t find any Chestnuts?? what else could they be under?
admin answers:
Just type in chestnuts in the search box near the top right, and it should bring up anything relating to chestnuts.
Ive notcied in th past that not everything that is in-store is actually online though. So even though you know it is definitely in-store, is not guarantee that it will be on the online store for home delivery.
Just tried searching for chestnuts – this is all that was brought up when i did it. Might vary from area to area though? :;jsessionid=Hiz-5bNxWoXOmAw+TzT8dw**.oses4008-atg04?trailSize=1&searchString=chestnuts&domainName=Products&headerVersion=v1&_requestid=26531
Chris asks…
asda shopping whats the crack ??!?!?
Im doing my shopping on-line which I have done several times before with no problems.
But I cant search aisle by aisle …has anyone else got this problem.It is just blank…..
not where’s the crack!
none taken NAKED CHEF x
…just annoyed at asda (breathe)
admin answers:
Thats happened at tesco before the whole fish aisle disappeared etc. Dont worry it will come back.
Ken asks…
if your banned from asda stores can you shop on line still does any body know?
admin answers:
If you are banned from the store, why on earth would you want to give them your money?
In answer to your question, yes I suppose you can still shop online – as they will then be delivering, you will still not be breaking the ban to physically enter the store. If in doubt you could always ring them and ask
Hope this helps
Maria asks…
Working for ASDA home delivery?
I have recently applied for a job to be a home delivery driver for Asda‘s on-line shopping service, does anyone have any advice or experience of this role that they could pass on ? Thanks !!!
Thanks, I do have a clean driving license and am over 18
admin answers:
But advise to be a good talker and look the part.
Turn up for the interview looking good and do some homework on the routes they look for.
Do you know the area.
Look up interview skills here, these are the basic questions you will be asked.
Good luck.
Paul asks…
Have you ever recieved anything free?
I’m a little confused because my family done the shopping on-line with Asda on Sunday night and it was delivered on Monday evening, what’s strange is that I paid for it by debit card and I just checked my on-line banking there and I’ve not been charged at all for the shopping. Should I contact them or have I just got £60s worth of shopping for nothing?
Thanks for taking the time.
admin answers:
Yes. Once I ordered a scanner online from Wallyworld. They sent it. Then a few days later, another one showed up in my mail. I was never billed for the second one, but I did return it.
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Your Questions About Tesco Shopping On Line
Thomas asks…
Why can’t i check out at tesco on line?
I have been shopping on line with tesco for some time now, but when i go to the checkout page it won’t load, i can add my shopping and book my delivery slot but that is it. I have nortan security so im sure my computer is safe. Please help!!!!
admin answers:
Hi,I have had the same trouble with Tesco.Wait & try later.i did & managed to check out.I think its there server.Good
George asks…
is there a minimum amount you have to spent to shop on-line at tesco?
admin answers:
No i dont think so, but they do charge £5 for delivery so its a bit of a waste to only buy a couple of things. In sainsburys if you spend over £70ish its free delivery. Woop de doo!
Lisa asks…
On line grocery shopping?
Does anyone here shop for their groceries on line from Tesco or Asda etc? Never done it before so i’m a bit wary. Is there a charge for delivery? Do you find it good or are there any problems? Thanks x
admin answers:
Check out Tesco’s website , it will have info there, also it will have their contact info , so they can answer directly any questions you might have/
Jenny asks…
Is any one else having problems logging in to Barclay’s On-line Banking or is it just me?
Last night I tried to use my bank card to buy shopping on-line from tesco but My card was declined. I can not understand this as there should be plenty of money in account as have just been paid. I have been trying to log in to barclays on-line banking to try an see what is going on and why my card is being declined as im really worried. But each time I try and log in I type my surname and membership number and can get to the next page and type last for digits from card and code from pin sensory. But when I click next after this I get a error message that says (5. Barclay’s on-line banking is unavailable at the moment)and can’t log in. Is any one else having this problem this morning or is it just me
any advice would be much appreciated
thanks in advance
barclays on-line banking is working again now and my card is working again now. There whole system must have been down over night or some thing.
admin answers:
They did a maintenance update over night. I had used it OK Saturday morning, and saw the message on screen.
Sharon asks…
Have you seen the Christmas puddings on Tesco on-line?
I actually ordered one yesterday for tomorrow’s shopping. Thought I’d do a bit each week as they say. Then i thought, you stupid person What are you doing??? It’s September .
admin answers:
I have tried them all over the years..Lidls is the best by far..
Try one before Christmas if you dont believe me.
Dont knock ‘em you cannot get in the car park for 4×4′s where I live…they even sell horse tack.
Laura asks…
Poll: Are you now confined to shopping on line?
since Tesco has banned shoppers wearing pyjamas…………lmao
BJ&Co – Why thank you for being so kind
Steve – Melons Ehhh ha ha ha
LL – lmao @ that xx
admin answers:
LMAO! I can’t believe they did that. That’s hysterical!
Every single time I go shopping I threaten to shop online…and then come home and do nothing
David asks…
USA on line grocery shopping?
was just wondering what online grocery stores there is in the usa as in the uk we have asda tesco and 1 or 2 others i buy my grocerys from asda and have them deliverd every week as i find that grocery shopping online saves me a lot of time dose it work as the same way as in the uk you order and pay online and have them deliverd
admin answers:
Oh – didn’t expect this was just checking out the link and here I am.
ShopFoodex – Grocery Delivery
USA nationwide delivery of non-perishable groceries and local … Online Grocery Shopping and Delivery. Kickin’ it since 2003! Choose Your Service Below: … –
Nationwide online grocery shopping service offers food, drug store items, pet care products, and cleaning
Pack Barrel Caribbean Grocery Shipping Jamaica Online Grocery Shopping
Caribbean Grocery, Shipping Barrels to Jamaica, Jamaica online grocery shopping, company international delivery online Groceries to Caribbean and USA within 48 …
by the looks of it USA pretty much got it made! Hope this helps – more sites online I am sure. Good luck.
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Your Questions About Shopping On Line Shoes
Sharon asks…
Pls tell me the best on-line shoes shop in Greece,Turkey , Lebanon or Iran?
i want to konw the shoes style and fashion in these place ,thank you
admin answers:
In Turkey Hotiç is one of the famous shoe brands:
Mandy asks…
What is the best site to buy shoes on line?
I need a Nike basketball shoe size 14. Where do you shop for shoes on line at a great price? Thank you for your time and help.
admin answers:
Http:// is the best site to buy a Nike basketball shoe size 14 on line,The prices are good and maybe FREE Shipping.
William asks…
i want to open a shoes shop on line?
i want to open a shoes shop on line. but the first i need to own some beautiful shoes. i don’t know where to buy. my sister gave me this web i like them very much. but i can’t decide which of them will seal very well. would you help to me to choose some.?
admin answers:
Every girl needs a black pair and a red pair and also a peep toe
Christian Louboutin pumps Decollete Suede Red- I Like those
Christian Louboutin Rolando Hidden-Platform Black Pump
and also before you buy these are not the real thing so before i would buy i would double check the site and also pay with paypal so noone steals your info
Thomas asks…
Where can I find a reliable on-line shoe shop for men which ships worldwide?
(I’d like to know a website address)
admin answers:
Richard asks…
Can you provide me with links to shop on line for cute women’s clothing & shoes preferably in Britain?
I wont be able to go out for awhile due to an injury, so i would like to spend some time shopping online & i never really have before so i need some help. Im in my 20′s also if that helps give you an idea of taste. Im open to anything though, just not granny clothes or target etc. I want real shops. Not things like the Gap or American eagle etc. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks : )
admin answers: is a good ladies fashion online store, located in London. There are also some other fashionable shops like topshop, monsoon, asos, river island, h&m. Etc. These are very fashionalble shops that thousands shop at. Hope this helped you =]
Mary asks…
how to know my exact shoes size,on on-ine shopping,?
i want buy a pair of shoes for the coming winter on the on-line shop, but its difficult for me know the exact size of shoes. what should i do ?
admin answers:
See what size your shoes are then make sure you order the same size online.
Lizzie asks…
what are some of your favorite stores to shop on line?
what stores are your favorite stores to shop on line for clothes shoes and accessories?
if you could send me some out fits you love that would be great too. thank you everyone in advance!
admin answers:
I absolutely loove raiding the sales section of
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Your Questions About Videos Games
Susan asks…
How and why are women portrayed as victims in video games and music videos?
Please type as much as you want on this question. I already have some information on this, but it would be awesome to get responses from REAL live people. This is for a project of mine. Remember, how and why women are portrayed as VICTIMS in music videos and video games. Thanks if you can help out.
admin answers:
My favourite game is Haunting Ground – a complete ‘damsel in distress’ one, creepy as hell if you’re playing at night. Oh and Fatal Frame where you have to take pictures of ghosts…
Anyway check out these sites:
Jenny asks…
Why do so many people post videos of their wrestling video games on youtube?
What is up with so many people posting vids of their Smackdown vs Raw game on the internet? Do they think that we actually want to watc h them play videogames? Does ANYONE watch these videos? I keep looking for cool matches, then it turns out that half the search results are just vids of people playing video games. What gives?
admin answers:
I know thats so gay me too i want to see good matches in the past and i only see the game sd vs raw 2007 that is so gay and the ratings are like 4.5 or 5 stars on 5
who give 4.5 or 5 stars to watch ppl play their games
Lisa asks…
I want to make walk through videos for video games via television to put on youtube. How do I do that?
I want to make walk through videos for video games. I have a Xbox360 and a Playstation3 and I have a 74″ Sony Bravia. What type of equiment do i need to get to record a walk through then upload it to my computer?
admin answers:
You can use a TV tuner card that installs in an expansion port on your computer. There aren’t any of these that take HDMI connections, so you will have to use composite video. Also note that your TV will be left out of the loop.
To add your own commentary, you’ll need something better than WMM. There are some free options that may let you mix in audio, but you’ll probably find that any of the sub-$100 video editors are more versatile without being too expensive.
Ken asks…
How can i put videos & games on a Sylvania touch screen mp3 player?
my brother & i have one. i want to put games & videos on mine. i tried to put videos on mine but they wont play. I put music & pictures on mine & they word fine. Also im wondering can you get on the internet with one because it has explore & can i text on it because it has text on it. i need help with mine i cant figure out how to work everything on it.
admin answers:
Yo you can text on it or put internet but i just got one it comes with a cd so u put the video on the converter cover it den download
James asks…
How Do You Film Videos of Video Games?
I’ve seen videos of video games on a lot of things. For example, recent videos I’ve seen are these mario series on youtube by MATTHEWGU4 that were made on Super Mario 64.
admin answers:
For computer, web cam, video camera, digital camera or the best of all unregistered hyper cam 2 (free software, google it). For video games on ps2 and stuff, only video cameras work.
Richard asks…
Is it bad to play videos games through the night?
Well, sometimes i play videos games mostly all through the night…is this bad for my health? does it show an addiction?
admin answers:
Well not getting enough sleep would be bad, for example you could gaining weight 60/100 chance, stress 40/100 chance, loss of eye vision 20/100 chance, and not realizing your bored 60/100 chance. No it does not show addiction unless you play all the time throughout the night. I play game’s throughout the day becauses it’s a lot better
P.S. Hope I helped you and didn’t scare you :S
Laura asks…
How do I make 3d youtube videos of video games?
Now that youtube has a new built-in 3d mode on videos, I’ve seen a lot of video game ones. I understand how to use the method of two different cameras at different angles so I can use the “cross-eyed” view. But I don’t know how to get different angles. Any ideas of how people do this?
admin answers:
2 points
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Your Questions About Videos Games 2011
James asks…
What 2011 video games are you waiting for?
1-elder scrolls 5:skyrim
2-deus ex:human revolution
3-battlefield 3
4-tomb raider
i was gonna say metal gear solid:rising,but it seems like they’re taking metal gear to a “strange place”!
what games are you looking forward to?
admin answers:
Elder Scrolls Skyrim
Modern Warfare 3
Deux Ex (Long Overdue Sequel)
Mass Effect 3
Gears Of War 3
Lara Croft
What a good year for gaming (: Gamertag: M5TR x sPrEeZ
Richard asks…
What are your most anticipated games for 2011?
2011 sees releases of many video games including several prequels and sequels. What game/games are you looking forward to the most?
admin answers:
Fight Night Champions
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Yakuza 4
WWE All-Stars
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection
LA Noire
Portal 2
Driver San Francisco
Hunted: The Demon’s Forge- If it fulfills it’s promise of great co-op and if Bethesda doesn’t glitch it up.
Red Faction: Armageddon
MotorStorm Apocalypse
The Cursed Crusade- more potential co-op madness
True Crime: Hong Kong
Infamous 2
Lord of the Rings: War in the North- looks like Snowblind may finally do the books/movies justice, plus more intriguing co-op possibilities
Max Payne 3-if it actually gets released
Resistance 3
Batman: Arkham City
Metal Gear Solid Rising
Uncharted 3
Mass Effect 3
Elder Scrolls V
The Last Guardian
The new Tomb Raider
X-Men Destiny
Twisted Metal X
a couple of sleepers-Child of Eden, Deep Black, Shadows of the Damned
David asks…
what are the top 10 ps3 or xbox 2011 games?
what are the top 10 or more upcoming video games of 2011?
admin answers:
LittleBigPlanet 2 is a major sequel coming out January 18th…(read more here: )
Two Worlds 2 ( )
Dead Space 2 ( )
Mass Effect 2 ( )
Killzone 3 ( )
DC Universe Online ( )
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 ( )
Michael Jackson The Experience ( )
…not quite 10, but these are the most hyped up games coming out in the next couple months.
Helen asks…
What games set for 2011 are you most aniticipating?
What video games which look set to be released on 2011 are you anticipating the most.. ?
My personal choice has to be Metal Gear Solid Rising. It hasn’t been confirmed as a 2011 release, but I very much doubt we’ll have to wait until 2012 or later to get our hands on it..
admin answers:
Gears of war 3.
John asks…
What video games are you getting in 2011?
Ahh, 2011 is going to be an awesome year for gaming. What games are you most exicted for?
admin answers:
Pokemon Black and Elder Scrolls V
Betty asks…
What are some of the top 20 video games coming out in 2011 on the PS3 & WII consoles?
I have been having some trouble finding some new games for my systems but im mostly interested in sci-fi,adventure,and action genres
admin answers:
Assassin’s Creed 3 (I’m pretty sure it will be released this year)
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Conduit 2
That’s all I can really think of in terms of your genres. All of these are in the top 20 in my book.
Thomas asks…
Who Do You Think Should Be The 2011 Cover Athletes for These Video Games?
Im talking about the cover athletes for these games below for Xbox 360. Ill go then you give me your answer.
Madden NFL 11
MLB 2K11
NBA Live 11
NHL 11
NCAA Football 11
My Choices!
Madden NFL 11 – Drew Brees
MLB 2K11 – Matt Kemp
NBA Live 11 – Kevin Durant
NHL 11 – Sidney Crosby
NCAA Football 11 – C.J. Spiller
Now You Go.
admin answers:
Your choices are the same as mine bud,.
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Your Questions About Videos Games List
Donna asks…
If You Are Working On Microsoft Excel For A List Of Video Games And List 3 Groups, What Would It Be?
For Me, I Can Only Think Of Two Out Of Three…
Video Game List.
Video Game Company List.
But What About You?
admin answers:
Title, publisher, year, console, genre, # of players, etc.
John asks…
Where can I get a list of all video games for all platforms?
I need to create a database of video games for a client. The data can be from a website. I urgently need a list of games for nintendo, sony and microsoft platforms.
Wikipedia would be the ideal solution but this list doesnt seem the most comprehensive!
Using amazon(etc) is not an option as I would I know the games list in the first place!
Please DO NOT quote wikipedia
admin answers:
Maria asks…
list of video games and what generation they are?
anyone know of a site i can go to where it lists video games and cosols and what their generation is?
admin answers:
Mark asks…
What is your top 10 best video games list?
Any genres,any platform, any era
admin answers:
10. Mario Bros 3
9. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (Modded and on Pc)
8. Fable 2
7. Bloody Roar 2
6. Tank Wars: Wii Play
5. Dragon Age: Origins
4. Final Fantasy 7
3. Final Fantasy 8
2. Mass Effect 2
1. Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time
My Bf’s:
10. Diablo
9. Fable 1
8. Bioshock 2
7. GTA:4
6. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (PC)
5. Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
4. Dragon Age: Origins
3. Mass Effect 2
2. Fallout 3
1. Metro 2033
Linda asks…
where can i find a list of video games that professionals rated 9.5 or higher?
i really like to try out high rated video games what are some that are rated this high…or where can i find a list of them thanks!
admin answers: is probably the best choise OR u can search games on Wikipedia.
Nancy asks…
there are websites like shelfari where you can list books are there any websites you can list video games?
are there any other websites where you can list video games and music cd’s i found a website like that for books if anyone knows if there are any for games and music would be a really big help!
admin answers:
Yeah, theres IGN. IGN is mostly for gaming news, but also has game reviews. Each one of there reviews explains the game like what genre or how good it is in general. They also recommend other games on the side panel, unless they recently updated. Really cool site, there are various others like,, etc
Ruth asks…
A list of video games people need help on?
I can help any one with a list of games under here:
GTA: Vice City, San Andrews, Liberty City Stories
From Russia with Love (James Bond)
James Bond: Everything or Nothing, Agent Under Fire, Nightfire
Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Crash of the Titans
Project: Snowblind
Lego Star Wars the video game
Jak 2
Ratchet and Clank 1 and 3
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
There are more but I can’t think of any at the moment.
admin answers:
First off, this is a question and answer site. Where people ask questions, and you answer them. You don’t say “I can do this and that” and expect people to come to you.
Second if you want to help somebody so bad on those game go to a forum, and look for people asking questions regarding those game. Might I suggest gamefaqs?
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Your Questions About Videos Games
Sandra asks…
How and why are women portrayed as victims in video games and music videos?
Please type as much as you want on this question. I already have some information on this, but it would be awesome to get responses from REAL live people. This is for a project of mine. Remember, how and why women are portrayed as VICTIMS in music videos and video games. Thanks if you can help out.
admin answers:
My favourite game is Haunting Ground – a complete ‘damsel in distress’ one, creepy as hell if you’re playing at night. Oh and Fatal Frame where you have to take pictures of ghosts…
Anyway check out these sites:
Richard asks…
Why do so many people post videos of their wrestling video games on youtube?
What is up with so many people posting vids of their Smackdown vs Raw game on the internet? Do they think that we actually want to watc h them play videogames? Does ANYONE watch these videos? I keep looking for cool matches, then it turns out that half the search results are just vids of people playing video games. What gives?
admin answers:
I know thats so gay me too i want to see good matches in the past and i only see the game sd vs raw 2007 that is so gay and the ratings are like 4.5 or 5 stars on 5
who give 4.5 or 5 stars to watch ppl play their games
Linda asks…
I want to make walk through videos for video games via television to put on youtube. How do I do that?
I want to make walk through videos for video games. I have a Xbox360 and a Playstation3 and I have a 74″ Sony Bravia. What type of equiment do i need to get to record a walk through then upload it to my computer?
admin answers:
You can use a TV tuner card that installs in an expansion port on your computer. There aren’t any of these that take HDMI connections, so you will have to use composite video. Also note that your TV will be left out of the loop.
To add your own commentary, you’ll need something better than WMM. There are some free options that may let you mix in audio, but you’ll probably find that any of the sub-$100 video editors are more versatile without being too expensive.
Donna asks…
How can i put videos & games on a Sylvania touch screen mp3 player?
my brother & i have one. i want to put games & videos on mine. i tried to put videos on mine but they wont play. I put music & pictures on mine & they word fine. Also im wondering can you get on the internet with one because it has explore & can i text on it because it has text on it. i need help with mine i cant figure out how to work everything on it.
admin answers:
Yo you can text on it or put internet but i just got one it comes with a cd so u put the video on the converter cover it den download
John asks…
How Do You Film Videos of Video Games?
I’ve seen videos of video games on a lot of things. For example, recent videos I’ve seen are these mario series on youtube by MATTHEWGU4 that were made on Super Mario 64.
admin answers:
For computer, web cam, video camera, digital camera or the best of all unregistered hyper cam 2 (free software, google it). For video games on ps2 and stuff, only video cameras work.
Ruth asks…
Is it bad to play videos games through the night?
Well, sometimes i play videos games mostly all through the night…is this bad for my health? does it show an addiction?
admin answers:
Well not getting enough sleep would be bad, for example you could gaining weight 60/100 chance, stress 40/100 chance, loss of eye vision 20/100 chance, and not realizing your bored 60/100 chance. No it does not show addiction unless you play all the time throughout the night. I play game’s throughout the day becauses it’s a lot better
P.S. Hope I helped you and didn’t scare you :S
Lizzie asks…
How do I make 3d youtube videos of video games?
Now that youtube has a new built-in 3d mode on videos, I’ve seen a lot of video game ones. I understand how to use the method of two different cameras at different angles so I can use the “cross-eyed” view. But I don’t know how to get different angles. Any ideas of how people do this?
admin answers:
2 points
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About Videos Games
Laura asks…
How and why are women portrayed as victims in video games and music videos?
Please type as much as you want on this question. I already have some information on this, but it would be awesome to get responses from REAL live people. This is for a project of mine. Remember, how and why women are portrayed as VICTIMS in music videos and video games. Thanks if you can help out.
admin answers:
My favourite game is Haunting Ground – a complete ‘damsel in distress’ one, creepy as hell if you’re playing at night. Oh and Fatal Frame where you have to take pictures of ghosts…
Anyway check out these sites:
Nancy asks…
Why do so many people post videos of their wrestling video games on youtube?
What is up with so many people posting vids of their Smackdown vs Raw game on the internet? Do they think that we actually want to watc h them play videogames? Does ANYONE watch these videos? I keep looking for cool matches, then it turns out that half the search results are just vids of people playing video games. What gives?
admin answers:
I know thats so gay me too i want to see good matches in the past and i only see the game sd vs raw 2007 that is so gay and the ratings are like 4.5 or 5 stars on 5
who give 4.5 or 5 stars to watch ppl play their games
Donald asks…
I want to make walk through videos for video games via television to put on youtube. How do I do that?
I want to make walk through videos for video games. I have a Xbox360 and a Playstation3 and I have a 74″ Sony Bravia. What type of equiment do i need to get to record a walk through then upload it to my computer?
admin answers:
You can use a TV tuner card that installs in an expansion port on your computer. There aren’t any of these that take HDMI connections, so you will have to use composite video. Also note that your TV will be left out of the loop.
To add your own commentary, you’ll need something better than WMM. There are some free options that may let you mix in audio, but you’ll probably find that any of the sub-$100 video editors are more versatile without being too expensive.
Richard asks…
How can i put videos & games on a Sylvania touch screen mp3 player?
my brother & i have one. i want to put games & videos on mine. i tried to put videos on mine but they wont play. I put music & pictures on mine & they word fine. Also im wondering can you get on the internet with one because it has explore & can i text on it because it has text on it. i need help with mine i cant figure out how to work everything on it.
admin answers:
Yo you can text on it or put internet but i just got one it comes with a cd so u put the video on the converter cover it den download
Chris asks…
How Do You Film Videos of Video Games?
I’ve seen videos of video games on a lot of things. For example, recent videos I’ve seen are these mario series on youtube by MATTHEWGU4 that were made on Super Mario 64.
admin answers:
For computer, web cam, video camera, digital camera or the best of all unregistered hyper cam 2 (free software, google it). For video games on ps2 and stuff, only video cameras work.
Daniel asks…
Is it bad to play videos games through the night?
Well, sometimes i play videos games mostly all through the night…is this bad for my health? does it show an addiction?
admin answers:
Well not getting enough sleep would be bad, for example you could gaining weight 60/100 chance, stress 40/100 chance, loss of eye vision 20/100 chance, and not realizing your bored 60/100 chance. No it does not show addiction unless you play all the time throughout the night. I play game’s throughout the day becauses it’s a lot better
P.S. Hope I helped you and didn’t scare you :S
Charles asks…
How do I make 3d youtube videos of video games?
Now that youtube has a new built-in 3d mode on videos, I’ve seen a lot of video game ones. I understand how to use the method of two different cameras at different angles so I can use the “cross-eyed” view. But I don’t know how to get different angles. Any ideas of how people do this?
admin answers:
2 points
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