Archive for June 23, 2011
Your Questions About Free Stuff
Sandy asks…
free stuff?
does anyone know of any web sites where i can get free stuff, coupons and samples….without taking those silly surveys, and without having to click through a million offers i dont want.
admin answers:
There’s a great network called Go to and type in your zip code. If you sign onto the Yahoo group for your area, you’ll get emails from people wanting to get rid of perfectly good stuff. My friends got a $1000 piano. There is lots of furniture, clothes, toys, garden implements, kitchen stuff, and on and on. The main point is to keep useful things out of landfills.
Laura asks…
Free stuff?
Anyone know a website where i can get free beauty products and make up stuff for free in the U.K?
Free samples? ive seen someone ask the same question, but their in USA so theyre links dont work for me =[
admin answers:
Thats easy- however
there are two websites that i know of that can get you free stuff but like i said you will have to complete offers to get points the offers are free and easy points REMEMBER 1 point= 1 dollar after you have a certain amount of points you can custom order all of that in the custom order buttons by entering the url of the item. Soon they will send you what you want for free!!! I got a customized rubiks cube.
Heres the sites
Joseph asks…
Free Stuff?
Surfing the web there are always offers for free stuff like 2 free ipod nanos for example. These are all basically scams because u have to register for sponser programs which actually COSTS MONEY so its not free. Are there any nonscam websites were u can actually get something free without paying a cent???
admin answers:
With that link you can get free stuff its easy really you just sign up and all you do is go and answer a few surveys, what i do is put the fake info so things go fast, you keep doing surveys and you keep getting points the points may not look like alot but w/ in time you’ll have enff to get a nintendo wiii or xbox 360 or ps3 or even phones best part is if they don’t have somthing you want you can do a custom order and they’ll do the best they can to get you it i got myself an iphone at first i thought the site was fake but i said wth why not give it a try all it takes is some time like you can do a few a day with in time you’ll have enff for whatever you want
Charles asks…
FRee StUfF??
i LOVE free stuff and am willing to take it. What is a good web site for free beauty products that don’t require to sign up for other things like “get money now!”, or something like that (aka, no terms and conditions??)
admin answers:
Check out the beauty section on
Helen asks…
Free STuff?
What are good sites for free stuff in the United States? Without answering surveys
admin answers:
Type in and poke around.
I’ve had good luck with their
Maria asks…
What does it mean when people constantly offer you free stuff?
it’s not even people who are selling, which i would understand because then it would be good for business to give me a free sample so i know they’ve got good stuff, that’s just common business practice. however, people i barely know offer to give me free stuff all the time, and they pay for my stuff whenever we hang out. am i just really fun to do stuff with or what?
admin answers:
I’m guessing you’re a girl right lol…. We get free stuff all the time because we are girls, ESPECIALLY being a PRETTY GIRL. People will do whatever especially guys but be careful because they are probably only doing it to get further with you (i.e. Sex, relationship, friendship, whatever) Good luck and hope this helps
Jenny asks…
What free stuff do u get in psal baseball?
For those of u guys that live in new york in any of the 5 boroughs, attand a public high school and plays for yr school baseball team. what stuff do u get 4 free because I planned on buying my own glove. Batting glove, and possibly cleats.
admin answers:
Well, u wont get much help if u talk like this. But if it’s high school baseball, you need you’re own glove, batting gloves if you use them, and cleats.
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Your Questions About Hobbies For Women
Sandy asks…
What were the typical activities/hobbies/interests of women in the 1910s?
I have to make a women‘s magazine that is pertinent for the years 1914-1920 for a history project, and I’m trying to figure out what kind of material to put in it. Basically, I haven’t been able to find the hobbies of women in the 1910s. If you have any ideas, that would be great!
admin answers:
Needle point (sewing in general)
singing, you can put sheet music in there, like an advertisement, to go out and buy a whole copy.
Newest fashion trends… Talk about boston or new york society and what women were wearing.
Practal advices, like old Dr. Remidies…
Something about life on the frontier… Because the lousiana purchase was in 1803… But people were still migrating in the 1900s
Laura asks…
What are some hobbies for women from biblical times?
I am wondering if most women had time to enjoy a hobby, and if they did – what would it be?
admin answers:
Nothing that we think of as a hobby. The little free time they had would be during their cycles. That was when they were sequestered away from men’s company and not allowed to work. For five days every month, they could pamper themselves, sing, tell stories to other women also having cycles then, and work on mending. It was like a mini-vacation compared to the rest of their month.
I still wonder why we gave that up.
Helen asks…
What are some good hobbies for women that will help get them out of the house?
I just want to find some hobbies that I may not have thought about. Please help me! Thanks.
admin answers:
Gardening, hiking, any kind of sport, join a club, volunteer…
James asks…
What are some hobbies for women going through a loss?
Over three years ago I gave my baby up for open adoption because I felt I was not fiancially nor mentally mature enough to raise a child. Now that I have matured, I find myself missing her more and more. I have been contemplating picking up a hobby so that I can take my mind of things and start the healing process that I had thought I had completed 2 years ago. Anyone have any suggestions? I was thinking something crafty/working with hands. Thanks!
admin answers:
Well, this almost certainly won’t take your mind off your daughter, but if it isn’t too emotional for you to do, it might be healing for you and her. And it is crafty.
The craft is scrapbooking, but this is a very particular type of scapbook called a lifebook. A lifebook is a special book that helps an adopted child come to terms with her beginnings. I have been working on one for my daughter, and even though it is not finished, she loves to look at it and it often brings up very strong emotions.
Here is a link to a post by a first mother who discusses making a lifebook for her son:
Here is a link to all of her posts on lifebooks or scrapbooking:
This blog entry describes a first mother and adoptive mother that worked on a lifebook together. I don’t know if that could work for you, but it might be very healing for your daughter:
I wish you all the best in your healing journey, whatever forms it may take.
Richard asks…
What are good casual hobbies for women?
My friend is having a hard time finding a hobby she likes. She has tried pottery and art but doesn’t like the time it takes to get good enough for her to enjoy the hobby. Things like cooking and sewing don’t really appeal to her as much either. What else is there she can try?
I didn’t mean women specifically, it was just added information. I would like ideas for hobbies, they don’t have to be gender specific. She has tried scrap booking and doesn’t like it as much and she hates cars (I work on cars)
admin answers:
Building furniture
Linda asks…
Do women have hobbies as obsessive as men’s and if so what are they?
My Girlfriend and I are having a debate as to whether or not women had hobbies that took up inordinate amounts of their freetime. I play Dungeons & Dragons and routinely spend 8 or more hours on a saturday playing with my friends and spend a lot of time during the week preparing for the game.
I know there are many other hobbies men participate in that suck up this kind of time like restoring old cars, historical reenactment, any kind of collecting, etc.
So women what are your obsessive hobbies??? What do you do with your freetime, especially in today’s busy world?
admin answers:
Scrapbooking for me. Usually takes me hours to do one layout. Costs alot of money for the supplies and it sucks you in and before you know it your addicted. Just like the video games men paly and your Dungeons and Dragons.
Thomas asks…
what other hobbies do women have besides vacuuming?
darning socks?
I see commercials for cleaning products and the ladies seem sooo chipper
admin answers:
I hate hobbies. All of them.
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Your Questions About Hobbies List
Maria asks…
Can someone list some hobbies for me to do?
I need a list of hobbies that are fun and affordable,Im bored
admin answers:
You could try creating differnt types of hairstyles on ur hair….it’s very fun for me…that way u’ll be able to see whch style fits u most nd it keeps u frm being bored…. You can also try going to the arcade…its very fun….:)
Michael asks…
what is a list of good hobbies for teens?
im 16, and i would like to have a list of hobbies to maybe make money, but doesn’t have to be a way to make money…anything that will help me be less bored. anything you can tell me would be great. Thanks in advance
admin answers:
Hmm, here’s some for you to enjoy.
Go to a club
have kids
chase squirrels
learn to be a NORMAL 16 year old & maybe get a life.
Bahhahahahaha ;D
Robert asks…
Should you list your hobbies on a resume?
I’ve heard varying opinions on this.
Say my hobbies are: sailing, art, photography, and martial arts.
admin answers:
Not unless it is REALLY pertinent to the job you are applying for. For instance, you are applying to be a security guard, your martial arts skills are pertinent, the fact that you sail is not.
Ruth asks…
List of hobbies for something to do this summer?
Can anyone give me a list of ‘different’ hobbies I could try out to occupy myself when I’m not out with friends this summer? Not really looking for a new sport such as golf, tennis, football ect ect since I’ve basically tried everything.
Thinking about something I could do with my hands.
I’m open to all suggestions.
admin answers:
You could try metal working or clay. Woodcrafting.
If you’re not limited by preconcieved and ridiculous notions of which genders can do what crafts then you could try things like knitting or crochet or sewing. You could also try things like screen printing, lineleum block printing, model car building, mosiacs, glass work, rc cars, photography, bookmaking, or even regular old painting/drawing.
Donna asks…
Where can I find a list of clubs (hobbies) on LI?
I am missing something in my life and I have decided I need to be part of something bigger. Maybe religion but more looking for a club or hobby…I am just at a loss as to what there even is here on LI. Can anyone suggest a place where I can find a list of what is available? Maybe something will catch my eye and change my life. Looking for that elusive miracle! Thank you in advance.
admin answers:
David asks…
Japanese speakers: How would I list several of my hobbies in Japanese?
I’m writing a blog in Japanese, even though I’m not very good at it. =D The reason I started was to improve my writing.
I’m writing about my hobbies and interest. I started making a list:
本を読んだり 音楽を聴い本を読んだり 音楽を聴いたり
Using this pattern (たり forms) how would I write the following?
watch movies 映画を見たり?
go on walks 散歩。。。
take pictures
go to the beach
write short stories
Thank you!
admin answers:
本を読んだり 音楽を聴い本を読んだり 音楽を聴いたり
I take it something screwy went with your typing? 本を読んだり、音楽を聴いたり is all you need.
Remember to end your list with する。
The たり form is simple. Just put the verbs in plain past tense and then add り.
食べる = 食べた = 食べたり
Carol asks…
Is it good to list my hobbies?
On my acting resume, I heard that if you have no experience that you can list your hobbies such as “I like going to the movies, drawing, hanging out with friends, etc”. Is that true or should I just leave my hobbies out.
admin answers:
You shouldn’t necessarily list your hobbies, just your special talents.
If you’re a gymnast or can play an instrument or something individual like that, then say so, but casting directors don’t care if you enjoy long walks on the beach or going to the movies.
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Your Questions About Hobbies For Women
Linda asks…
What were the typical activities/hobbies/interests of women in the 1910s?
I have to make a women‘s magazine that is pertinent for the years 1914-1920 for a history project, and I’m trying to figure out what kind of material to put in it. Basically, I haven’t been able to find the hobbies of women in the 1910s. If you have any ideas, that would be great!
admin answers:
Needle point (sewing in general)
singing, you can put sheet music in there, like an advertisement, to go out and buy a whole copy.
Newest fashion trends… Talk about boston or new york society and what women were wearing.
Practal advices, like old Dr. Remidies…
Something about life on the frontier… Because the lousiana purchase was in 1803… But people were still migrating in the 1900s
Paul asks…
What are some hobbies for women from biblical times?
I am wondering if most women had time to enjoy a hobby, and if they did – what would it be?
admin answers:
Nothing that we think of as a hobby. The little free time they had would be during their cycles. That was when they were sequestered away from men’s company and not allowed to work. For five days every month, they could pamper themselves, sing, tell stories to other women also having cycles then, and work on mending. It was like a mini-vacation compared to the rest of their month.
I still wonder why we gave that up.
Laura asks…
What are some good hobbies for women that will help get them out of the house?
I just want to find some hobbies that I may not have thought about. Please help me! Thanks.
admin answers:
Gardening, hiking, any kind of sport, join a club, volunteer…
Sharon asks…
What are some hobbies for women going through a loss?
Over three years ago I gave my baby up for open adoption because I felt I was not fiancially nor mentally mature enough to raise a child. Now that I have matured, I find myself missing her more and more. I have been contemplating picking up a hobby so that I can take my mind of things and start the healing process that I had thought I had completed 2 years ago. Anyone have any suggestions? I was thinking something crafty/working with hands. Thanks!
admin answers:
Well, this almost certainly won’t take your mind off your daughter, but if it isn’t too emotional for you to do, it might be healing for you and her. And it is crafty.
The craft is scrapbooking, but this is a very particular type of scapbook called a lifebook. A lifebook is a special book that helps an adopted child come to terms with her beginnings. I have been working on one for my daughter, and even though it is not finished, she loves to look at it and it often brings up very strong emotions.
Here is a link to a post by a first mother who discusses making a lifebook for her son:
Here is a link to all of her posts on lifebooks or scrapbooking:
This blog entry describes a first mother and adoptive mother that worked on a lifebook together. I don’t know if that could work for you, but it might be very healing for your daughter:
I wish you all the best in your healing journey, whatever forms it may take.
Ruth asks…
What are good casual hobbies for women?
My friend is having a hard time finding a hobby she likes. She has tried pottery and art but doesn’t like the time it takes to get good enough for her to enjoy the hobby. Things like cooking and sewing don’t really appeal to her as much either. What else is there she can try?
I didn’t mean women specifically, it was just added information. I would like ideas for hobbies, they don’t have to be gender specific. She has tried scrap booking and doesn’t like it as much and she hates cars (I work on cars)
admin answers:
Building furniture
James asks…
Do women have hobbies as obsessive as men’s and if so what are they?
My Girlfriend and I are having a debate as to whether or not women had hobbies that took up inordinate amounts of their freetime. I play Dungeons & Dragons and routinely spend 8 or more hours on a saturday playing with my friends and spend a lot of time during the week preparing for the game.
I know there are many other hobbies men participate in that suck up this kind of time like restoring old cars, historical reenactment, any kind of collecting, etc.
So women what are your obsessive hobbies??? What do you do with your freetime, especially in today’s busy world?
admin answers:
Scrapbooking for me. Usually takes me hours to do one layout. Costs alot of money for the supplies and it sucks you in and before you know it your addicted. Just like the video games men paly and your Dungeons and Dragons.
Helen asks…
what other hobbies do women have besides vacuuming?
darning socks?
I see commercials for cleaning products and the ladies seem sooo chipper
admin answers:
I hate hobbies. All of them.
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Your Questions About Hobbies That Make Money
William asks…
Hobbies that make money?
Does anyone know of hobbies that make good money? Any ideas would be helpful. I’m looking for something fun to do and I would like to have a little income at the same time! Thanks
admin answers:
It works the other way around. No matter what the hobby is, it takes a long time to get good enough at it to sell. So, what hobby do you have that you do so well, your friends are begging you to make it for them? It also has to be something that people think they could not make for themselves.
Ken asks…
Hobbies That Make Money?
I am a 14 year old boy, and one of my specialties is making things. I would like to know what sort of hobby I can take up that I can make money out of. It doesnt matter how much I will make from it, but as long as it suites my age and people will be interested in buying it.
admin answers:
Coins ….im 15 and have almost $30,000 woth of rare coins……no joke lol……..i just bought a 2000 s clad kennedy half dollar for $200 from ebay, and its worth $1000…….thats an investment and a profit…..try getting into the numismatic industry…..
Mary asks…
How can amateur inventors make money from creating the world’s first electric pickup with ‘free batteries’?
Is there any way for two hobby inventors make money from their knowledge in creating the world’s only licensed electric vehicle (a pickup truck with an electric motor) that runs exclusively on reconditioned batteries? Will this kind of ‘cost-free-energy’ be of use in countries where people are too poor to afford rechargeable lithium batteries? In other words, what’s next?
admin answers:
This is a great project, but it is probably not the ‘world’s only licensed electric vehicle running on reconditioned batteries.’ See this page for pictures of about a thousand electric vehicle owners and their cars/trucks:
Using scrap batteries is not a new idea. It’s a common tactic among EV owners to save money by restoring and using cast-off batteries from golf carts and other sources. If you’ve got a steady, easy source of such batteries, though, it is an intriguing idea.
It’s not surprising that a story like this would be treated as such a novelty. Electric vehicles get very little press, even though thousands of them are on the road.
Did you know that a car or truck converted to electricity can be purchased for as little as $5000 – and driven around for only a penny per mile? It’s true, take a look at the links on this page:
For the state-of-the-art in electric vehicles: Take a look at this electric pickup truck, using batteries based on research from MIT:
The Phoenix can travel up to 250 miles per charge, carries 5 passengers plus cargo at 95mph, charges in only 10 minutes, and has batteries that will last well over 200,000 miles (for the life of the car.) Yes, it’s a real car, orders have been taken and they begin building cars this month. Cost is about $45,000, but that price will fall if enough sales can be made.
Helen asks…
hobbies or crafts that help make money?does anyone have ideas on how to be more organized?
I would like any tips that could help make life easyer.I would like good parenting tips for a 4 year old, and a 9 year old. what do i tell my son if he ask me what can he do if someone is mean to him at school, ) i have told him to walk away and ignor it but he said that that person still picks on him.i know i have lots of questions but i guess what im really asking for are tips and advice….thank you have a good day
admin answers:
My dad always told me to walk away too. He always told me to not be the one who started trouble. But he also told me not to “run away” either. His exact words were, if you cannot reason with them or walk away from them, then pick up a stick and knock them in the head. In other words, do what it is going to take to win quickly and be done with it.
Of course I remember mom and dad being a bit miffed when I followed this advice literally and used a fallen pecan branch on the head of a kid who was picking on me. (That kid never messed with me again though.)
A few years later, after we had moved to another town, there were three guys at school who bullied me for a while. I finally had enough and got one of them alone one day. Frankly, I went berserk on him. One of the best days of my entire life. The next day at school I managed to get one of the others alone behind the gym and had a repeat performance. The third guy avoided me like the plague. The knots that had been in my stomach since I arrived in that miserable little town were gone and I was able to once again concentrate on school and play and being a normal kid.
It is worthwhile to remember that in every school shooting situation I can remember hearing about it was always a kid who was picked on for a long period who wound up being the shooter.
There is really only one way to deal with a bully and that is to kick their a$$ properly and with prejudice. They are usually not expecting it since probably no one else has ever stood up to them and they really are not practiced at handling such a situation. Once usually cures it.
If you fight a bully and lose the fight you have still won. Assuming you inflict as much pain on him as possible in the process. You still win because he will think twice about the value of coming after you again. If he knows it is going to cost him every time he will turn his attention elsewhere.
We do live in a different time than when I was a kid, no one brought knives or guns to school back then. But the principle is the same. When you walk away from some jerks, they just take it as a sign of weakness and close in for the kill, so to speak.
Ultimately, only you can rear your child. The best you can do is open your eyes wide and make the best judgment call you can. I wish you well.
David asks…
What ideas does everyone have on how I can make some side money? ie making jewlery…?
I need to make some extra money. My boss makes soap and gives massages. I was thinking I could do something like that. I have a few ideas, but anyone got some more that may trigger an idea. Please don’t tell me that I should take my hobby or anything like that. I’m not stupid and can’t figure that out on my own, I just don’t have any hobbies I can make money at. Just brainstorming ideas here. Thanks for the help!
admin answers:
Well you can do grass mowing baby sitting dog walking dog sitting A lot of ways out there if you will just look.
Donald asks…
What is a great hobby that you can make money from?
What is a interesting hobby you can make money from? Is there any special equipment you need? Thank you
admin answers:
Travel – You can use your intimate knowledge of an area to give lectures, tours, even teach the native language!
Whoops, I forgot to add the visual arts component to my answer – you can create architectural drawings for sale, create PowerPoint for the presentations, illustrate periodicals and books, create interesting post cards and other pleasant artwork for tourists to bring home as a memento of their trip.
Laura asks…
Good ideas / hobbies to make $$ in your spare time?
Are there any hobbies that can easily make passive income?
Need to kill time and make money in the absence of a proper job.
admin answers:
Did you try baking evil cookies????? It depends what you’re good at.
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Your Questions About Hobbies That Make Money
George asks…
Hobbies that make money?
Does anyone know of hobbies that make good money? Any ideas would be helpful. I’m looking for something fun to do and I would like to have a little income at the same time! Thanks
admin answers:
It works the other way around. No matter what the hobby is, it takes a long time to get good enough at it to sell. So, what hobby do you have that you do so well, your friends are begging you to make it for them? It also has to be something that people think they could not make for themselves.
Carol asks…
Hobbies That Make Money?
I am a 14 year old boy, and one of my specialties is making things. I would like to know what sort of hobby I can take up that I can make money out of. It doesnt matter how much I will make from it, but as long as it suites my age and people will be interested in buying it.
admin answers:
Coins ….im 15 and have almost $30,000 woth of rare coins……no joke lol……..i just bought a 2000 s clad kennedy half dollar for $200 from ebay, and its worth $1000…….thats an investment and a profit…..try getting into the numismatic industry…..
Lizzie asks…
How can amateur inventors make money from creating the world’s first electric pickup with ‘free batteries’?
Is there any way for two hobby inventors make money from their knowledge in creating the world’s only licensed electric vehicle (a pickup truck with an electric motor) that runs exclusively on reconditioned batteries? Will this kind of ‘cost-free-energy’ be of use in countries where people are too poor to afford rechargeable lithium batteries? In other words, what’s next?
admin answers:
This is a great project, but it is probably not the ‘world’s only licensed electric vehicle running on reconditioned batteries.’ See this page for pictures of about a thousand electric vehicle owners and their cars/trucks:
Using scrap batteries is not a new idea. It’s a common tactic among EV owners to save money by restoring and using cast-off batteries from golf carts and other sources. If you’ve got a steady, easy source of such batteries, though, it is an intriguing idea.
It’s not surprising that a story like this would be treated as such a novelty. Electric vehicles get very little press, even though thousands of them are on the road.
Did you know that a car or truck converted to electricity can be purchased for as little as $5000 – and driven around for only a penny per mile? It’s true, take a look at the links on this page:
For the state-of-the-art in electric vehicles: Take a look at this electric pickup truck, using batteries based on research from MIT:
The Phoenix can travel up to 250 miles per charge, carries 5 passengers plus cargo at 95mph, charges in only 10 minutes, and has batteries that will last well over 200,000 miles (for the life of the car.) Yes, it’s a real car, orders have been taken and they begin building cars this month. Cost is about $45,000, but that price will fall if enough sales can be made.
Ruth asks…
hobbies or crafts that help make money?does anyone have ideas on how to be more organized?
I would like any tips that could help make life easyer.I would like good parenting tips for a 4 year old, and a 9 year old. what do i tell my son if he ask me what can he do if someone is mean to him at school, ) i have told him to walk away and ignor it but he said that that person still picks on him.i know i have lots of questions but i guess what im really asking for are tips and advice….thank you have a good day
admin answers:
My dad always told me to walk away too. He always told me to not be the one who started trouble. But he also told me not to “run away” either. His exact words were, if you cannot reason with them or walk away from them, then pick up a stick and knock them in the head. In other words, do what it is going to take to win quickly and be done with it.
Of course I remember mom and dad being a bit miffed when I followed this advice literally and used a fallen pecan branch on the head of a kid who was picking on me. (That kid never messed with me again though.)
A few years later, after we had moved to another town, there were three guys at school who bullied me for a while. I finally had enough and got one of them alone one day. Frankly, I went berserk on him. One of the best days of my entire life. The next day at school I managed to get one of the others alone behind the gym and had a repeat performance. The third guy avoided me like the plague. The knots that had been in my stomach since I arrived in that miserable little town were gone and I was able to once again concentrate on school and play and being a normal kid.
It is worthwhile to remember that in every school shooting situation I can remember hearing about it was always a kid who was picked on for a long period who wound up being the shooter.
There is really only one way to deal with a bully and that is to kick their a$$ properly and with prejudice. They are usually not expecting it since probably no one else has ever stood up to them and they really are not practiced at handling such a situation. Once usually cures it.
If you fight a bully and lose the fight you have still won. Assuming you inflict as much pain on him as possible in the process. You still win because he will think twice about the value of coming after you again. If he knows it is going to cost him every time he will turn his attention elsewhere.
We do live in a different time than when I was a kid, no one brought knives or guns to school back then. But the principle is the same. When you walk away from some jerks, they just take it as a sign of weakness and close in for the kill, so to speak.
Ultimately, only you can rear your child. The best you can do is open your eyes wide and make the best judgment call you can. I wish you well.
Laura asks…
What ideas does everyone have on how I can make some side money? ie making jewlery…?
I need to make some extra money. My boss makes soap and gives massages. I was thinking I could do something like that. I have a few ideas, but anyone got some more that may trigger an idea. Please don’t tell me that I should take my hobby or anything like that. I’m not stupid and can’t figure that out on my own, I just don’t have any hobbies I can make money at. Just brainstorming ideas here. Thanks for the help!
admin answers:
Well you can do grass mowing baby sitting dog walking dog sitting A lot of ways out there if you will just look.
Charles asks…
What is a great hobby that you can make money from?
What is a interesting hobby you can make money from? Is there any special equipment you need? Thank you
admin answers:
Travel – You can use your intimate knowledge of an area to give lectures, tours, even teach the native language!
Whoops, I forgot to add the visual arts component to my answer – you can create architectural drawings for sale, create PowerPoint for the presentations, illustrate periodicals and books, create interesting post cards and other pleasant artwork for tourists to bring home as a memento of their trip.
Thomas asks…
Good ideas / hobbies to make $$ in your spare time?
Are there any hobbies that can easily make passive income?
Need to kill time and make money in the absence of a proper job.
admin answers:
Did you try baking evil cookies????? It depends what you’re good at.
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Your Questions About Hobbies For Women
Sharon asks…
What were the typical activities/hobbies/interests of women in the 1910s?
I have to make a women‘s magazine that is pertinent for the years 1914-1920 for a history project, and I’m trying to figure out what kind of material to put in it. Basically, I haven’t been able to find the hobbies of women in the 1910s. If you have any ideas, that would be great!
admin answers:
Needle point (sewing in general)
singing, you can put sheet music in there, like an advertisement, to go out and buy a whole copy.
Newest fashion trends… Talk about boston or new york society and what women were wearing.
Practal advices, like old Dr. Remidies…
Something about life on the frontier… Because the lousiana purchase was in 1803… But people were still migrating in the 1900s
Carol asks…
What are some hobbies for women from biblical times?
I am wondering if most women had time to enjoy a hobby, and if they did – what would it be?
admin answers:
Nothing that we think of as a hobby. The little free time they had would be during their cycles. That was when they were sequestered away from men’s company and not allowed to work. For five days every month, they could pamper themselves, sing, tell stories to other women also having cycles then, and work on mending. It was like a mini-vacation compared to the rest of their month.
I still wonder why we gave that up.
Linda asks…
What are some good hobbies for women that will help get them out of the house?
I just want to find some hobbies that I may not have thought about. Please help me! Thanks.
admin answers:
Gardening, hiking, any kind of sport, join a club, volunteer…
Susan asks…
What are some hobbies for women going through a loss?
Over three years ago I gave my baby up for open adoption because I felt I was not fiancially nor mentally mature enough to raise a child. Now that I have matured, I find myself missing her more and more. I have been contemplating picking up a hobby so that I can take my mind of things and start the healing process that I had thought I had completed 2 years ago. Anyone have any suggestions? I was thinking something crafty/working with hands. Thanks!
admin answers:
Well, this almost certainly won’t take your mind off your daughter, but if it isn’t too emotional for you to do, it might be healing for you and her. And it is crafty.
The craft is scrapbooking, but this is a very particular type of scapbook called a lifebook. A lifebook is a special book that helps an adopted child come to terms with her beginnings. I have been working on one for my daughter, and even though it is not finished, she loves to look at it and it often brings up very strong emotions.
Here is a link to a post by a first mother who discusses making a lifebook for her son:
Here is a link to all of her posts on lifebooks or scrapbooking:
This blog entry describes a first mother and adoptive mother that worked on a lifebook together. I don’t know if that could work for you, but it might be very healing for your daughter:
I wish you all the best in your healing journey, whatever forms it may take.
Joseph asks…
What are good casual hobbies for women?
My friend is having a hard time finding a hobby she likes. She has tried pottery and art but doesn’t like the time it takes to get good enough for her to enjoy the hobby. Things like cooking and sewing don’t really appeal to her as much either. What else is there she can try?
I didn’t mean women specifically, it was just added information. I would like ideas for hobbies, they don’t have to be gender specific. She has tried scrap booking and doesn’t like it as much and she hates cars (I work on cars)
admin answers:
Building furniture
Chris asks…
Do women have hobbies as obsessive as men’s and if so what are they?
My Girlfriend and I are having a debate as to whether or not women had hobbies that took up inordinate amounts of their freetime. I play Dungeons & Dragons and routinely spend 8 or more hours on a saturday playing with my friends and spend a lot of time during the week preparing for the game.
I know there are many other hobbies men participate in that suck up this kind of time like restoring old cars, historical reenactment, any kind of collecting, etc.
So women what are your obsessive hobbies??? What do you do with your freetime, especially in today’s busy world?
admin answers:
Scrapbooking for me. Usually takes me hours to do one layout. Costs alot of money for the supplies and it sucks you in and before you know it your addicted. Just like the video games men paly and your Dungeons and Dragons.
Nancy asks…
what other hobbies do women have besides vacuuming?
darning socks?
I see commercials for cleaning products and the ladies seem sooo chipper
admin answers:
I hate hobbies. All of them.
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Your Questions About Hobbies List
Mary asks…
Can someone list some hobbies for me to do?
I need a list of hobbies that are fun and affordable,Im bored
admin answers:
You could try creating differnt types of hairstyles on ur hair….it’s very fun for me…that way u’ll be able to see whch style fits u most nd it keeps u frm being bored…. You can also try going to the arcade…its very fun….:)
Carol asks…
what is a list of good hobbies for teens?
im 16, and i would like to have a list of hobbies to maybe make money, but doesn’t have to be a way to make money…anything that will help me be less bored. anything you can tell me would be great. Thanks in advance
admin answers:
Hmm, here’s some for you to enjoy.
Go to a club
have kids
chase squirrels
learn to be a NORMAL 16 year old & maybe get a life.
Bahhahahahaha ;D
Donald asks…
Should you list your hobbies on a resume?
I’ve heard varying opinions on this.
Say my hobbies are: sailing, art, photography, and martial arts.
admin answers:
Not unless it is REALLY pertinent to the job you are applying for. For instance, you are applying to be a security guard, your martial arts skills are pertinent, the fact that you sail is not.
Steven asks…
List of hobbies for something to do this summer?
Can anyone give me a list of ‘different’ hobbies I could try out to occupy myself when I’m not out with friends this summer? Not really looking for a new sport such as golf, tennis, football ect ect since I’ve basically tried everything.
Thinking about something I could do with my hands.
I’m open to all suggestions.
admin answers:
You could try metal working or clay. Woodcrafting.
If you’re not limited by preconcieved and ridiculous notions of which genders can do what crafts then you could try things like knitting or crochet or sewing. You could also try things like screen printing, lineleum block printing, model car building, mosiacs, glass work, rc cars, photography, bookmaking, or even regular old painting/drawing.
Sharon asks…
Where can I find a list of clubs (hobbies) on LI?
I am missing something in my life and I have decided I need to be part of something bigger. Maybe religion but more looking for a club or hobby…I am just at a loss as to what there even is here on LI. Can anyone suggest a place where I can find a list of what is available? Maybe something will catch my eye and change my life. Looking for that elusive miracle! Thank you in advance.
admin answers:
Paul asks…
Japanese speakers: How would I list several of my hobbies in Japanese?
I’m writing a blog in Japanese, even though I’m not very good at it. =D The reason I started was to improve my writing.
I’m writing about my hobbies and interest. I started making a list:
本を読んだり 音楽を聴い本を読んだり 音楽を聴いたり
Using this pattern (たり forms) how would I write the following?
watch movies 映画を見たり?
go on walks 散歩。。。
take pictures
go to the beach
write short stories
Thank you!
admin answers:
本を読んだり 音楽を聴い本を読んだり 音楽を聴いたり
I take it something screwy went with your typing? 本を読んだり、音楽を聴いたり is all you need.
Remember to end your list with する。
The たり form is simple. Just put the verbs in plain past tense and then add り.
食べる = 食べた = 食べたり
Sandy asks…
Is it good to list my hobbies?
On my acting resume, I heard that if you have no experience that you can list your hobbies such as “I like going to the movies, drawing, hanging out with friends, etc”. Is that true or should I just leave my hobbies out.
admin answers:
You shouldn’t necessarily list your hobbies, just your special talents.
If you’re a gymnast or can play an instrument or something individual like that, then say so, but casting directors don’t care if you enjoy long walks on the beach or going to the movies.
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Your Questions About Hobbies That Make Money
Sandy asks…
Hobbies that make money?
Does anyone know of hobbies that make good money? Any ideas would be helpful. I’m looking for something fun to do and I would like to have a little income at the same time! Thanks
admin answers:
It works the other way around. No matter what the hobby is, it takes a long time to get good enough at it to sell. So, what hobby do you have that you do so well, your friends are begging you to make it for them? It also has to be something that people think they could not make for themselves.
Mary asks…
Hobbies That Make Money?
I am a 14 year old boy, and one of my specialties is making things. I would like to know what sort of hobby I can take up that I can make money out of. It doesnt matter how much I will make from it, but as long as it suites my age and people will be interested in buying it.
admin answers:
Coins ….im 15 and have almost $30,000 woth of rare coins……no joke lol……..i just bought a 2000 s clad kennedy half dollar for $200 from ebay, and its worth $1000…….thats an investment and a profit…..try getting into the numismatic industry…..
Joseph asks…
How can amateur inventors make money from creating the world’s first electric pickup with ‘free batteries’?
Is there any way for two hobby inventors make money from their knowledge in creating the world’s only licensed electric vehicle (a pickup truck with an electric motor) that runs exclusively on reconditioned batteries? Will this kind of ‘cost-free-energy’ be of use in countries where people are too poor to afford rechargeable lithium batteries? In other words, what’s next?
admin answers:
This is a great project, but it is probably not the ‘world’s only licensed electric vehicle running on reconditioned batteries.’ See this page for pictures of about a thousand electric vehicle owners and their cars/trucks:
Using scrap batteries is not a new idea. It’s a common tactic among EV owners to save money by restoring and using cast-off batteries from golf carts and other sources. If you’ve got a steady, easy source of such batteries, though, it is an intriguing idea.
It’s not surprising that a story like this would be treated as such a novelty. Electric vehicles get very little press, even though thousands of them are on the road.
Did you know that a car or truck converted to electricity can be purchased for as little as $5000 – and driven around for only a penny per mile? It’s true, take a look at the links on this page:
For the state-of-the-art in electric vehicles: Take a look at this electric pickup truck, using batteries based on research from MIT:
The Phoenix can travel up to 250 miles per charge, carries 5 passengers plus cargo at 95mph, charges in only 10 minutes, and has batteries that will last well over 200,000 miles (for the life of the car.) Yes, it’s a real car, orders have been taken and they begin building cars this month. Cost is about $45,000, but that price will fall if enough sales can be made.
Ruth asks…
hobbies or crafts that help make money?does anyone have ideas on how to be more organized?
I would like any tips that could help make life easyer.I would like good parenting tips for a 4 year old, and a 9 year old. what do i tell my son if he ask me what can he do if someone is mean to him at school, ) i have told him to walk away and ignor it but he said that that person still picks on him.i know i have lots of questions but i guess what im really asking for are tips and advice….thank you have a good day
admin answers:
My dad always told me to walk away too. He always told me to not be the one who started trouble. But he also told me not to “run away” either. His exact words were, if you cannot reason with them or walk away from them, then pick up a stick and knock them in the head. In other words, do what it is going to take to win quickly and be done with it.
Of course I remember mom and dad being a bit miffed when I followed this advice literally and used a fallen pecan branch on the head of a kid who was picking on me. (That kid never messed with me again though.)
A few years later, after we had moved to another town, there were three guys at school who bullied me for a while. I finally had enough and got one of them alone one day. Frankly, I went berserk on him. One of the best days of my entire life. The next day at school I managed to get one of the others alone behind the gym and had a repeat performance. The third guy avoided me like the plague. The knots that had been in my stomach since I arrived in that miserable little town were gone and I was able to once again concentrate on school and play and being a normal kid.
It is worthwhile to remember that in every school shooting situation I can remember hearing about it was always a kid who was picked on for a long period who wound up being the shooter.
There is really only one way to deal with a bully and that is to kick their a$$ properly and with prejudice. They are usually not expecting it since probably no one else has ever stood up to them and they really are not practiced at handling such a situation. Once usually cures it.
If you fight a bully and lose the fight you have still won. Assuming you inflict as much pain on him as possible in the process. You still win because he will think twice about the value of coming after you again. If he knows it is going to cost him every time he will turn his attention elsewhere.
We do live in a different time than when I was a kid, no one brought knives or guns to school back then. But the principle is the same. When you walk away from some jerks, they just take it as a sign of weakness and close in for the kill, so to speak.
Ultimately, only you can rear your child. The best you can do is open your eyes wide and make the best judgment call you can. I wish you well.
Helen asks…
What ideas does everyone have on how I can make some side money? ie making jewlery…?
I need to make some extra money. My boss makes soap and gives massages. I was thinking I could do something like that. I have a few ideas, but anyone got some more that may trigger an idea. Please don’t tell me that I should take my hobby or anything like that. I’m not stupid and can’t figure that out on my own, I just don’t have any hobbies I can make money at. Just brainstorming ideas here. Thanks for the help!
admin answers:
Well you can do grass mowing baby sitting dog walking dog sitting A lot of ways out there if you will just look.
Carol asks…
What is a great hobby that you can make money from?
What is a interesting hobby you can make money from? Is there any special equipment you need? Thank you
admin answers:
Travel – You can use your intimate knowledge of an area to give lectures, tours, even teach the native language!
Whoops, I forgot to add the visual arts component to my answer – you can create architectural drawings for sale, create PowerPoint for the presentations, illustrate periodicals and books, create interesting post cards and other pleasant artwork for tourists to bring home as a memento of their trip.
John asks…
Good ideas / hobbies to make $$ in your spare time?
Are there any hobbies that can easily make passive income?
Need to kill time and make money in the absence of a proper job.
admin answers:
Did you try baking evil cookies????? It depends what you’re good at.
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