Archive for June 21, 2011
Your Questions About Google Images
Robert asks…
Google Images?!?!?!?!?
Ok so i have a blogger..where you make a blog.
and you know how on google images tehre are always pics of peoples things and stuff and then it gives a link to their website.
well I was wondering how do they get theirs up there and how can i make it where some of my pictures make it on google images?
and also if one of your images from your blog is on google images do you get to pick the one that goes up on there?
admin answers:
I, myself has my pictures in my blogs available at Google Images
It is already automatic that if you have a blog and you have images on it, the images are already part of Google Images…
If your pictures are not in Google Images then check if your picture has a name, then if it has a name, try putting in that name in the Google Images Search Engine. Surely, you will find you’re images because all pictures from around the world are in Google Images…
Steven asks…
google IMAGES?
On google images, How do you paste your own picture?? And another question, which one was more of a nightmare : Middle school, or high school
admin answers:
Cant put your own pic sorry =/
when you search the words it picks out thepictures from a page that has those words on it.
If itsa more popular page, like then it will have better results and will more than likely come up first.
And highschool even tho i havent finished its already worse than middle.
Helen asks…
google images?
i was looking to make a video to put on youtube or metacafe, but need some photos. can i use google images or does this goagainst the copyright law? Also how can i tell if an image is under the copyright law?
admin answers:
You are supposed to ask them (the host of the image should be displayed when you first click the image on your search page), but the owners of it have no way of tracking you, nor does the administration of the website ever enforce such strict rules.
Not saying you should do it, but the odds of any type of “infingement” charges against you are slim to zero.
Mary asks…
Google images?
I want to put a picture on google images of my horse i just made an acount so how would i put a picture on? thanks
admin answers:
Upload your image to a free image host, then submit the image url to Google. Make sure you name the file something relevant, because that’s how people will find your picture from their search.
You can’t upload a file to Google Images directly.
You can upload your photo/image to one of the following:
And then submit it to Google:
Linda asks…
How does Google images determine if a picture is for adults?
In google images, you can adjust the filter to display different levels offensive imagery (i.e. nudity, profanity, etc), but with the millions maybe billions of images online, how is it managed? Is there a google department in charge of surfing the internet to flag images? Or is it simply an algorithm of some sort?
If you’re just going to guess, how about you just don’t answer!
admin answers:
Google does have a user powered program that gets people to ‘tag’ random images for fun in their spare time. The more times an image is tagged with related keywords, the more confident Google can be that the image is what people are saying it is, and eventually those tags will be used to find that picture in the search results.
This is not the only way Google does it though. They do have computer algorithms that analyze and sort images very efficiently (it’s the only way possible, even a team of hundreds of users could never tag every image out there).
Google Images also has an option to search for images with faces. I believe this uses the same algorithm used in Google Street View to identify and blur faces. Some people comment on the fact that it’s pretty good at picking up faces even when they are not real, in one case the logo for KFC was blurred.
The algorithm for safe filtering is not perfect though… There are still things that can get through, especially if you use unusual search terms. I am studying Computer Science at University and in my opinion, the safe search option is done using a combination of algorithms and human intervention to help remove offending content that was not caught by the system automatically (as I noted earlier, this can only be done for a limited number of popular search terms though, so not everything gets filtered).
The algorithm most likely uses one of two methods (or both):
A) Identify the image as safe or not by determining whether the webpage it is hosted on is ‘safe’. This is most likely done by analyzing words on the page in a similar way to how Google indexes pages in the text search. This can’t be the only way since I know of websites that have completely unrelated text that don’t have their images show up in the ‘safe’ search.
B) Attempt to identify pornography by either measuring the ratio of skin-tone colours to non skin-tones (i.e. Try to determine how much ‘skin’ is showing) or using object recognition to identify ‘offending’ areas of the human body such as breasts or genitalia.
I should also mention that there is a report feature users can utilize to report offending images. This also helps filter out much of ‘unsafe’ images from popular search terms.
Charles asks…
How to put photos from google images to facebook?
Hey, i started a new group on facebook, and dont know how to get photos from google images, to the group’s profile picture thingy? I am new and dont really know how at all….Do I like have to download the picture from google images to my hard drive and stuff like that? Plz help!
admin answers:
1) Go on image, Click see full size image right click save as save it onto your computer somewhere
2) Go to group, Hover over the profile picture of the group you have created when it says Change Picture
3) click on change picture
4) Click Upload Picture
5) Click Browse
6) Select the image file youve saved
1) Go to image, view full size… Go to the adress bar at the top select all and Ctrl C (or just right click coppy up to u)
2)go to group Hover over the profile picture of the group you have created when it says Change Picture
3) click on change picture
4) Click Upload Picture
5) Click Browse
6) Select the image file youve saved
then click OK… And then your done
John asks…
How do you remove a picture from google images?
I recently tried googling my full name and I saw my picture.
It was a photo I posted on facebook.
I want to remove this photof rom google.. How do i do that?
By the way, i removed the picture from facebook, but it still apears in google images..
And why out of all the pictures of my on facebook, google chose that particular one to have in their image results?
admin answers:
You can’t. Google updates its search every so often- usually every couple of weeks, i think, to include new images and delete old ones. A representation of your picture is stored on google servers, and will continue to show up for a while longer.
As for why it did it, its a result of google’s mysterious algorithm. If anyone figured out how it worked, and why, they’d be rich. Just goes to show you how cautious you need to be on the internet.
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Your Questions About Videos Games Live
Steven asks…
How do I broadcast live videos of games?
Lately I’ve been on alot and i wanna start broadcasting my own channel of games on my computer of emulators and downloaded games etc. but i dont know what i need to get so any help?
admin answers:
If you want record from a console then you should use a Dazzle or an EasyCap but if you are using a PC then you could use a Hypercam or if u are using an emulator some of those have a record function on them
Donna asks…
where exactly on v cast videos can u find the live world cup games?
where exactly on v cast videos can u find the live world cup games? i know it is supposed to be thru espn & univsion, but it is very hard to browse the application and find where the live games will be. when i search all i find pre-recorded clips. i dont want to wait until 2:30 today when brasil plays to start trying to find it!
admin answers:
Watch Live Ivory Coast vs. Portugal
Sandy asks…
is it worth the trip to see video games live?
Was thinking bout planning a road trip with my friends to see the Video games live concert in LA its bout a five hour drive from where I live, think its worth it?
admin answers:
That’s takin it too serious unless your into designing them.
Joseph asks…
the benefits of playing video games live with others?
let’s say that a person is really shy in real life.
so he goes on xbox live or plays online and talks to other people on there.
will talking to other strangers online help this person gain more social skills in real life?
admin answers:
Yes, it should. Some people may be shy because of the way they look or the way they speak but if you’re playing online, you’re a complete stranger to everyone so even if you do make a fool of yourself, it doesn’t matter because they don’t know who you are in real life. If you get use to speaking to people online with the mic then it will boost you self confidence more outside.
Chris asks…
NBA Video Games: Live Action or Computer Generated?
Which do you think would be better?
A live action NBA video game, using the real players (think mortal kombat or NBA Jam type graphics) or the computer generated graphics used now.
I know players don’t have time to do videos with green/blue screen, but what about using some footage from their games?
Just a thought.
I think NBA games now suck and with the technology of the game systems now they should be much better/realistic.
What do you think should be added to them and what would make them better?
admin answers:
What would make them better is a new gameplay engine since thats were the graphics and everythin are pretty much based on so iwould say a better new gameplay engine
Lizzie asks…
In the Myst Medley on the album Video Games Live what are the songs that make up the song? the?
I was listening to it and thought the song was epic. So currently I wanna buy the sound tracks for the game or games that have those songs. I was wondering which they are.
admin answers:
The first one is the Myst Theme. The one at 3:44 (on Youtube) is the ending of Myst III: Exile. The song following that is the main theme of the same game. I am not too sure about the others. Just get the soundtracks for each game in the Myst Series.
Richard asks…
Website i can use to watch people play video games live?
Are there any popular sites that have people playing video games live and online?
admin answers:
you can watch people play ANY video game live, you can also broadcast your own.
By registering at Xfire FOR FREE!, over here >>>>>>
you can broadcast live videos for FREE! And free pro voice chat.
ADD ME my username is nexuesdeuxe
I can help you with Xfire and any other questions you have about it
add ee
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Your Questions About Videos Games List
Richard asks…
If You Are Working On Microsoft Excel For A List Of Video Games And List 3 Groups, What Would It Be?
For Me, I Can Only Think Of Two Out Of Three…
Video Game List.
Video Game Company List.
But What About You?
admin answers:
Title, publisher, year, console, genre, # of players, etc.
Thomas asks…
Where can I get a list of all video games for all platforms?
I need to create a database of video games for a client. The data can be from a website. I urgently need a list of games for nintendo, sony and microsoft platforms.
Wikipedia would be the ideal solution but this list doesnt seem the most comprehensive!
Using amazon(etc) is not an option as I would I know the games list in the first place!
Please DO NOT quote wikipedia
admin answers:
Sharon asks…
list of video games and what generation they are?
anyone know of a site i can go to where it lists video games and cosols and what their generation is?
admin answers:
Susan asks…
What is your top 10 best video games list?
Any genres,any platform, any era
admin answers:
10. Mario Bros 3
9. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (Modded and on Pc)
8. Fable 2
7. Bloody Roar 2
6. Tank Wars: Wii Play
5. Dragon Age: Origins
4. Final Fantasy 7
3. Final Fantasy 8
2. Mass Effect 2
1. Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time
My Bf’s:
10. Diablo
9. Fable 1
8. Bioshock 2
7. GTA:4
6. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (PC)
5. Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
4. Dragon Age: Origins
3. Mass Effect 2
2. Fallout 3
1. Metro 2033
Donna asks…
where can i find a list of video games that professionals rated 9.5 or higher?
i really like to try out high rated video games what are some that are rated this high…or where can i find a list of them thanks!
admin answers: is probably the best choise OR u can search games on Wikipedia.
Carol asks…
there are websites like shelfari where you can list books are there any websites you can list video games?
are there any other websites where you can list video games and music cd’s i found a website like that for books if anyone knows if there are any for games and music would be a really big help!
admin answers:
Yeah, theres IGN. IGN is mostly for gaming news, but also has game reviews. Each one of there reviews explains the game like what genre or how good it is in general. They also recommend other games on the side panel, unless they recently updated. Really cool site, there are various others like,, etc
Charles asks…
A list of video games people need help on?
I can help any one with a list of games under here:
GTA: Vice City, San Andrews, Liberty City Stories
From Russia with Love (James Bond)
James Bond: Everything or Nothing, Agent Under Fire, Nightfire
Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Crash of the Titans
Project: Snowblind
Lego Star Wars the video game
Jak 2
Ratchet and Clank 1 and 3
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
There are more but I can’t think of any at the moment.
admin answers:
First off, this is a question and answer site. Where people ask questions, and you answer them. You don’t say “I can do this and that” and expect people to come to you.
Second if you want to help somebody so bad on those game go to a forum, and look for people asking questions regarding those game. Might I suggest gamefaqs?
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Your Questions About Videos Games
Richard asks…
How and why are women portrayed as victims in video games and music videos?
Please type as much as you want on this question. I already have some information on this, but it would be awesome to get responses from REAL live people. This is for a project of mine. Remember, how and why women are portrayed as VICTIMS in music videos and video games. Thanks if you can help out.
admin answers:
My favourite game is Haunting Ground – a complete ‘damsel in distress’ one, creepy as hell if you’re playing at night. Oh and Fatal Frame where you have to take pictures of ghosts…
Anyway check out these sites:
Thomas asks…
Why do so many people post videos of their wrestling video games on youtube?
What is up with so many people posting vids of their Smackdown vs Raw game on the internet? Do they think that we actually want to watc h them play videogames? Does ANYONE watch these videos? I keep looking for cool matches, then it turns out that half the search results are just vids of people playing video games. What gives?
admin answers:
I know thats so gay me too i want to see good matches in the past and i only see the game sd vs raw 2007 that is so gay and the ratings are like 4.5 or 5 stars on 5
who give 4.5 or 5 stars to watch ppl play their games
Helen asks…
I want to make walk through videos for video games via television to put on youtube. How do I do that?
I want to make walk through videos for video games. I have a Xbox360 and a Playstation3 and I have a 74″ Sony Bravia. What type of equiment do i need to get to record a walk through then upload it to my computer?
admin answers:
You can use a TV tuner card that installs in an expansion port on your computer. There aren’t any of these that take HDMI connections, so you will have to use composite video. Also note that your TV will be left out of the loop.
To add your own commentary, you’ll need something better than WMM. There are some free options that may let you mix in audio, but you’ll probably find that any of the sub-$100 video editors are more versatile without being too expensive.
David asks…
How can i put videos & games on a Sylvania touch screen mp3 player?
my brother & i have one. i want to put games & videos on mine. i tried to put videos on mine but they wont play. I put music & pictures on mine & they word fine. Also im wondering can you get on the internet with one because it has explore & can i text on it because it has text on it. i need help with mine i cant figure out how to work everything on it.
admin answers:
Yo you can text on it or put internet but i just got one it comes with a cd so u put the video on the converter cover it den download
Ken asks…
How Do You Film Videos of Video Games?
I’ve seen videos of video games on a lot of things. For example, recent videos I’ve seen are these mario series on youtube by MATTHEWGU4 that were made on Super Mario 64.
admin answers:
For computer, web cam, video camera, digital camera or the best of all unregistered hyper cam 2 (free software, google it). For video games on ps2 and stuff, only video cameras work.
Mandy asks…
Is it bad to play videos games through the night?
Well, sometimes i play videos games mostly all through the night…is this bad for my health? does it show an addiction?
admin answers:
Well not getting enough sleep would be bad, for example you could gaining weight 60/100 chance, stress 40/100 chance, loss of eye vision 20/100 chance, and not realizing your bored 60/100 chance. No it does not show addiction unless you play all the time throughout the night. I play game’s throughout the day becauses it’s a lot better
P.S. Hope I helped you and didn’t scare you :S
Sharon asks…
How do I make 3d youtube videos of video games?
Now that youtube has a new built-in 3d mode on videos, I’ve seen a lot of video game ones. I understand how to use the method of two different cameras at different angles so I can use the “cross-eyed” view. But I don’t know how to get different angles. Any ideas of how people do this?
admin answers:
2 points
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Get the best hobby ideas
There are many available hobby ideas. There are no set rules, which must be your hobby and it can very often or very unique. If you are somewhat popular then you find like many other people with the same and this can help you. You decide what you do, how and why you want to include the hobby, this could be, for several reasons and again the personal choice.
You must choose, enjoy what you do and if you use as your hobby could as there are no restrictions, what you do as a hobby and the possibilities are endless. Can your hobby, how actively or as relaxed as you want to have it and you can spend as long as you want on that hobby. There are some hobbies are very popular and more people this recording to them are relaxation after a hard day work to help. Gardening, yoga, painting and crafts are all very relaxing and can be done at home. They can determine that these hobbies are ideal for you and you really enjoy, do it.
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Everyone is different and you can see that what you may have the same hobbies as your other half not, you don’t have a hobby and sometimes is it good for you to have separate interests. Find other people, who like the same things as you, and this makes a perfect opportunity to make new friends. As busy parents need time to get even and a hobby is an ideal way to do this, take care of many hobbies, you can do in the House, so you don’t need to travel or child minders.
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Get more great hobby ideas and information hobby books on
Related Reading:

Your Questions About Videos Games
Betty asks…
How and why are women portrayed as victims in video games and music videos?
Please type as much as you want on this question. I already have some information on this, but it would be awesome to get responses from REAL live people. This is for a project of mine. Remember, how and why women are portrayed as VICTIMS in music videos and video games. Thanks if you can help out.
admin answers:
My favourite game is Haunting Ground – a complete ‘damsel in distress’ one, creepy as hell if you’re playing at night. Oh and Fatal Frame where you have to take pictures of ghosts…
Anyway check out these sites:
Robert asks…
Why do so many people post videos of their wrestling video games on youtube?
What is up with so many people posting vids of their Smackdown vs Raw game on the internet? Do they think that we actually want to watc h them play videogames? Does ANYONE watch these videos? I keep looking for cool matches, then it turns out that half the search results are just vids of people playing video games. What gives?
admin answers:
I know thats so gay me too i want to see good matches in the past and i only see the game sd vs raw 2007 that is so gay and the ratings are like 4.5 or 5 stars on 5
who give 4.5 or 5 stars to watch ppl play their games
Sandra asks…
I want to make walk through videos for video games via television to put on youtube. How do I do that?
I want to make walk through videos for video games. I have a Xbox360 and a Playstation3 and I have a 74″ Sony Bravia. What type of equiment do i need to get to record a walk through then upload it to my computer?
admin answers:
You can use a TV tuner card that installs in an expansion port on your computer. There aren’t any of these that take HDMI connections, so you will have to use composite video. Also note that your TV will be left out of the loop.
To add your own commentary, you’ll need something better than WMM. There are some free options that may let you mix in audio, but you’ll probably find that any of the sub-$100 video editors are more versatile without being too expensive.
Donna asks…
How can i put videos & games on a Sylvania touch screen mp3 player?
my brother & i have one. i want to put games & videos on mine. i tried to put videos on mine but they wont play. I put music & pictures on mine & they word fine. Also im wondering can you get on the internet with one because it has explore & can i text on it because it has text on it. i need help with mine i cant figure out how to work everything on it.
admin answers:
Yo you can text on it or put internet but i just got one it comes with a cd so u put the video on the converter cover it den download
Maria asks…
How Do You Film Videos of Video Games?
I’ve seen videos of video games on a lot of things. For example, recent videos I’ve seen are these mario series on youtube by MATTHEWGU4 that were made on Super Mario 64.
admin answers:
For computer, web cam, video camera, digital camera or the best of all unregistered hyper cam 2 (free software, google it). For video games on ps2 and stuff, only video cameras work.
Helen asks…
Is it bad to play videos games through the night?
Well, sometimes i play videos games mostly all through the night…is this bad for my health? does it show an addiction?
admin answers:
Well not getting enough sleep would be bad, for example you could gaining weight 60/100 chance, stress 40/100 chance, loss of eye vision 20/100 chance, and not realizing your bored 60/100 chance. No it does not show addiction unless you play all the time throughout the night. I play game’s throughout the day becauses it’s a lot better
P.S. Hope I helped you and didn’t scare you :S
Sharon asks…
How do I make 3d youtube videos of video games?
Now that youtube has a new built-in 3d mode on videos, I’ve seen a lot of video game ones. I understand how to use the method of two different cameras at different angles so I can use the “cross-eyed” view. But I don’t know how to get different angles. Any ideas of how people do this?
admin answers:
2 points
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About Videos Games Live
Donna asks…
How do I broadcast live videos of games?
Lately I’ve been on alot and i wanna start broadcasting my own channel of games on my computer of emulators and downloaded games etc. but i dont know what i need to get so any help?
admin answers:
If you want record from a console then you should use a Dazzle or an EasyCap but if you are using a PC then you could use a Hypercam or if u are using an emulator some of those have a record function on them
Nancy asks…
where exactly on v cast videos can u find the live world cup games?
where exactly on v cast videos can u find the live world cup games? i know it is supposed to be thru espn & univsion, but it is very hard to browse the application and find where the live games will be. when i search all i find pre-recorded clips. i dont want to wait until 2:30 today when brasil plays to start trying to find it!
admin answers:
Watch Live Ivory Coast vs. Portugal
John asks…
is it worth the trip to see video games live?
Was thinking bout planning a road trip with my friends to see the Video games live concert in LA its bout a five hour drive from where I live, think its worth it?
admin answers:
That’s takin it too serious unless your into designing them.
Donald asks…
the benefits of playing video games live with others?
let’s say that a person is really shy in real life.
so he goes on xbox live or plays online and talks to other people on there.
will talking to other strangers online help this person gain more social skills in real life?
admin answers:
Yes, it should. Some people may be shy because of the way they look or the way they speak but if you’re playing online, you’re a complete stranger to everyone so even if you do make a fool of yourself, it doesn’t matter because they don’t know who you are in real life. If you get use to speaking to people online with the mic then it will boost you self confidence more outside.
Lisa asks…
NBA Video Games: Live Action or Computer Generated?
Which do you think would be better?
A live action NBA video game, using the real players (think mortal kombat or NBA Jam type graphics) or the computer generated graphics used now.
I know players don’t have time to do videos with green/blue screen, but what about using some footage from their games?
Just a thought.
I think NBA games now suck and with the technology of the game systems now they should be much better/realistic.
What do you think should be added to them and what would make them better?
admin answers:
What would make them better is a new gameplay engine since thats were the graphics and everythin are pretty much based on so iwould say a better new gameplay engine
Daniel asks…
In the Myst Medley on the album Video Games Live what are the songs that make up the song? the?
I was listening to it and thought the song was epic. So currently I wanna buy the sound tracks for the game or games that have those songs. I was wondering which they are.
admin answers:
The first one is the Myst Theme. The one at 3:44 (on Youtube) is the ending of Myst III: Exile. The song following that is the main theme of the same game. I am not too sure about the others. Just get the soundtracks for each game in the Myst Series.
Carol asks…
Website i can use to watch people play video games live?
Are there any popular sites that have people playing video games live and online?
admin answers:
you can watch people play ANY video game live, you can also broadcast your own.
By registering at Xfire FOR FREE!, over here >>>>>>
you can broadcast live videos for FREE! And free pro voice chat.
ADD ME my username is nexuesdeuxe
I can help you with Xfire and any other questions you have about it
add ee
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About Videos Games List
Nancy asks…
If You Are Working On Microsoft Excel For A List Of Video Games And List 3 Groups, What Would It Be?
For Me, I Can Only Think Of Two Out Of Three…
Video Game List.
Video Game Company List.
But What About You?
admin answers:
Title, publisher, year, console, genre, # of players, etc.
Jenny asks…
Where can I get a list of all video games for all platforms?
I need to create a database of video games for a client. The data can be from a website. I urgently need a list of games for nintendo, sony and microsoft platforms.
Wikipedia would be the ideal solution but this list doesnt seem the most comprehensive!
Using amazon(etc) is not an option as I would I know the games list in the first place!
Please DO NOT quote wikipedia
admin answers:
Laura asks…
list of video games and what generation they are?
anyone know of a site i can go to where it lists video games and cosols and what their generation is?
admin answers:
George asks…
What is your top 10 best video games list?
Any genres,any platform, any era
admin answers:
10. Mario Bros 3
9. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (Modded and on Pc)
8. Fable 2
7. Bloody Roar 2
6. Tank Wars: Wii Play
5. Dragon Age: Origins
4. Final Fantasy 7
3. Final Fantasy 8
2. Mass Effect 2
1. Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time
My Bf’s:
10. Diablo
9. Fable 1
8. Bioshock 2
7. GTA:4
6. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (PC)
5. Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
4. Dragon Age: Origins
3. Mass Effect 2
2. Fallout 3
1. Metro 2033
William asks…
where can i find a list of video games that professionals rated 9.5 or higher?
i really like to try out high rated video games what are some that are rated this high…or where can i find a list of them thanks!
admin answers: is probably the best choise OR u can search games on Wikipedia.
Richard asks…
there are websites like shelfari where you can list books are there any websites you can list video games?
are there any other websites where you can list video games and music cd’s i found a website like that for books if anyone knows if there are any for games and music would be a really big help!
admin answers:
Yeah, theres IGN. IGN is mostly for gaming news, but also has game reviews. Each one of there reviews explains the game like what genre or how good it is in general. They also recommend other games on the side panel, unless they recently updated. Really cool site, there are various others like,, etc
Ruth asks…
A list of video games people need help on?
I can help any one with a list of games under here:
GTA: Vice City, San Andrews, Liberty City Stories
From Russia with Love (James Bond)
James Bond: Everything or Nothing, Agent Under Fire, Nightfire
Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Crash of the Titans
Project: Snowblind
Lego Star Wars the video game
Jak 2
Ratchet and Clank 1 and 3
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
There are more but I can’t think of any at the moment.
admin answers:
First off, this is a question and answer site. Where people ask questions, and you answer them. You don’t say “I can do this and that” and expect people to come to you.
Second if you want to help somebody so bad on those game go to a forum, and look for people asking questions regarding those game. Might I suggest gamefaqs?
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Your Questions About Videos Games 2011
Sandy asks…
What 2011 video games are you waiting for?
1-elder scrolls 5:skyrim
2-deus ex:human revolution
3-battlefield 3
4-tomb raider
i was gonna say metal gear solid:rising,but it seems like they’re taking metal gear to a “strange place”!
what games are you looking forward to?
admin answers:
Elder Scrolls Skyrim
Modern Warfare 3
Deux Ex (Long Overdue Sequel)
Mass Effect 3
Gears Of War 3
Lara Croft
What a good year for gaming (: Gamertag: M5TR x sPrEeZ
Nancy asks…
What are your most anticipated games for 2011?
2011 sees releases of many video games including several prequels and sequels. What game/games are you looking forward to the most?
admin answers:
Fight Night Champions
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Yakuza 4
WWE All-Stars
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection
LA Noire
Portal 2
Driver San Francisco
Hunted: The Demon’s Forge- If it fulfills it’s promise of great co-op and if Bethesda doesn’t glitch it up.
Red Faction: Armageddon
MotorStorm Apocalypse
The Cursed Crusade- more potential co-op madness
True Crime: Hong Kong
Infamous 2
Lord of the Rings: War in the North- looks like Snowblind may finally do the books/movies justice, plus more intriguing co-op possibilities
Max Payne 3-if it actually gets released
Resistance 3
Batman: Arkham City
Metal Gear Solid Rising
Uncharted 3
Mass Effect 3
Elder Scrolls V
The Last Guardian
The new Tomb Raider
X-Men Destiny
Twisted Metal X
a couple of sleepers-Child of Eden, Deep Black, Shadows of the Damned
Donald asks…
what are the top 10 ps3 or xbox 2011 games?
what are the top 10 or more upcoming video games of 2011?
admin answers:
LittleBigPlanet 2 is a major sequel coming out January 18th…(read more here: )
Two Worlds 2 ( )
Dead Space 2 ( )
Mass Effect 2 ( )
Killzone 3 ( )
DC Universe Online ( )
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 ( )
Michael Jackson The Experience ( )
…not quite 10, but these are the most hyped up games coming out in the next couple months.
Chris asks…
What games set for 2011 are you most aniticipating?
What video games which look set to be released on 2011 are you anticipating the most.. ?
My personal choice has to be Metal Gear Solid Rising. It hasn’t been confirmed as a 2011 release, but I very much doubt we’ll have to wait until 2012 or later to get our hands on it..
admin answers:
Gears of war 3.
Laura asks…
What video games are you getting in 2011?
Ahh, 2011 is going to be an awesome year for gaming. What games are you most exicted for?
admin answers:
Pokemon Black and Elder Scrolls V
Joseph asks…
What are some of the top 20 video games coming out in 2011 on the PS3 & WII consoles?
I have been having some trouble finding some new games for my systems but im mostly interested in sci-fi,adventure,and action genres
admin answers:
Assassin’s Creed 3 (I’m pretty sure it will be released this year)
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Conduit 2
That’s all I can really think of in terms of your genres. All of these are in the top 20 in my book.
Helen asks…
Who Do You Think Should Be The 2011 Cover Athletes for These Video Games?
Im talking about the cover athletes for these games below for Xbox 360. Ill go then you give me your answer.
Madden NFL 11
MLB 2K11
NBA Live 11
NHL 11
NCAA Football 11
My Choices!
Madden NFL 11 – Drew Brees
MLB 2K11 – Matt Kemp
NBA Live 11 – Kevin Durant
NHL 11 – Sidney Crosby
NCAA Football 11 – C.J. Spiller
Now You Go.
admin answers:
Your choices are the same as mine bud,.
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Your Questions About Videos Games
Jenny asks…
How and why are women portrayed as victims in video games and music videos?
Please type as much as you want on this question. I already have some information on this, but it would be awesome to get responses from REAL live people. This is for a project of mine. Remember, how and why women are portrayed as VICTIMS in music videos and video games. Thanks if you can help out.
admin answers:
My favourite game is Haunting Ground – a complete ‘damsel in distress’ one, creepy as hell if you’re playing at night. Oh and Fatal Frame where you have to take pictures of ghosts…
Anyway check out these sites:
Laura asks…
Why do so many people post videos of their wrestling video games on youtube?
What is up with so many people posting vids of their Smackdown vs Raw game on the internet? Do they think that we actually want to watc h them play videogames? Does ANYONE watch these videos? I keep looking for cool matches, then it turns out that half the search results are just vids of people playing video games. What gives?
admin answers:
I know thats so gay me too i want to see good matches in the past and i only see the game sd vs raw 2007 that is so gay and the ratings are like 4.5 or 5 stars on 5
who give 4.5 or 5 stars to watch ppl play their games
Ken asks…
I want to make walk through videos for video games via television to put on youtube. How do I do that?
I want to make walk through videos for video games. I have a Xbox360 and a Playstation3 and I have a 74″ Sony Bravia. What type of equiment do i need to get to record a walk through then upload it to my computer?
admin answers:
You can use a TV tuner card that installs in an expansion port on your computer. There aren’t any of these that take HDMI connections, so you will have to use composite video. Also note that your TV will be left out of the loop.
To add your own commentary, you’ll need something better than WMM. There are some free options that may let you mix in audio, but you’ll probably find that any of the sub-$100 video editors are more versatile without being too expensive.
Linda asks…
How can i put videos & games on a Sylvania touch screen mp3 player?
my brother & i have one. i want to put games & videos on mine. i tried to put videos on mine but they wont play. I put music & pictures on mine & they word fine. Also im wondering can you get on the internet with one because it has explore & can i text on it because it has text on it. i need help with mine i cant figure out how to work everything on it.
admin answers:
Yo you can text on it or put internet but i just got one it comes with a cd so u put the video on the converter cover it den download
Carol asks…
How Do You Film Videos of Video Games?
I’ve seen videos of video games on a lot of things. For example, recent videos I’ve seen are these mario series on youtube by MATTHEWGU4 that were made on Super Mario 64.
admin answers:
For computer, web cam, video camera, digital camera or the best of all unregistered hyper cam 2 (free software, google it). For video games on ps2 and stuff, only video cameras work.
Mary asks…
Is it bad to play videos games through the night?
Well, sometimes i play videos games mostly all through the night…is this bad for my health? does it show an addiction?
admin answers:
Well not getting enough sleep would be bad, for example you could gaining weight 60/100 chance, stress 40/100 chance, loss of eye vision 20/100 chance, and not realizing your bored 60/100 chance. No it does not show addiction unless you play all the time throughout the night. I play game’s throughout the day becauses it’s a lot better
P.S. Hope I helped you and didn’t scare you :S
Lisa asks…
How do I make 3d youtube videos of video games?
Now that youtube has a new built-in 3d mode on videos, I’ve seen a lot of video game ones. I understand how to use the method of two different cameras at different angles so I can use the “cross-eyed” view. But I don’t know how to get different angles. Any ideas of how people do this?
admin answers:
2 points
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