Archive for June 19, 2011
Your Questions About Hobbies For Kids
Susan asks…
What are good hobbies for kids from ages 8-11?
By 8-11 I mostly mean like 9 or 10
admin answers:
These are age related sites.
Making Friends: Cool Crafts for Kewl Kids
Offers free craft ideas, including contests, downloads, age-rated projects and patterns.
Http:// –
Enchanted Learning Search
Crafts for kids. Kindergarten, preschool, and elementary school crafts. Make wonderful, simple crafts with things found around the house.
Http:// crafts -
Linda asks…
What was that Disney Channel short series where kids showed their hobbies?
I’m looking for this one where this girl worked with animals, and she talked kind of funny. These shorts always aired during commercials, and this one was probably from over 4 years ago. Does anyone remember?? And is there a video of it anywhere?
admin answers:
It’s called Show Your Stuff.
Mary asks…
what are some good hobbies for kids?
what are some good things to collect?
admin answers:
Maybe give 3d origami a try? It’s really fun, that’s my hobby. You can go to and type in the search box 3d origami. Pick any of them and all tutorials should keep you busy for a while. These take up a lot of time and patience, but if you get the hang of it, it becomes fun and rewarding.
Here’s an example:…
If you don’t want to keep them, you can sell it for a lot of money, but you need to learn how to make the basic triangle piece for 3d origami and they have that on youtube too.
I hope you give that a try. Go for it! If you need help on it, you can always let me know and I’ll try to help.
David asks…
Why do most parents dont support their kids hobbies..dancing?
for the past 2 years, ive grown to love dance, i went to a show 2 years ago and i was inspired to dance, i love dancing and i want to take it up as a hobby not to be a professional one, so far ive been training for the past year, and ive competed with my crew twice and we won 1st place, the issue is my parents dont support dancing and they dont want me to dance how do i tell them that this is what i love to do for a hobby and not professionally, im taking management and accounting in college and i want to be an accountant hopefully, they say that dancing is forbidden and its not good and music is forbidden (abomination in their view), why are they like this, im not doing anything wrong im taking up hip hop its not a bad thing its not like im a stripper, or partnering the opposite sex, ive made so many friends and met so many people and its completely changed my life, how do i convince them that this is just a hobby and not something i want to do professionally, i have lots of opportunities and shows and i usually have to stay till 11pm and go home why are they worried, im not sitting with bad people or doing anything wrong, im 18 btw, help please?
admin answers:
You are old enough to buy alcohol and cigarettes, go to war for your country, and get married. Why can’t you sign up for dance classes? Time to cut the cord and start making your own mature adult decisions.
Jenny asks…
What are good hobbies and talents for kids with ADHD?other than sports and art?
music what??
i am the kid with adhd, but thanks!
admin answers:
You took watch some really good anime like Full Metal Alchemist and Code Geass or read manga. If you decide you like anime then maybe you will appreciate it enough to start cosplaying which is costume role-playing as characters from the shows or even making your own costumes (buying is fine, too). It could become a talent/ hobby for you if you give it time. Also, listening to soft, melodic music from bands, such as, Evanescence, Florence & the Machine and Sia could help and taking on photography as a hobby is pretty pulchritudinous(in my opinion). Well, have fun with that. I hope you find something suitable.
George asks…
Which are the best ways of motivating our kids for taking hobbies?
admin answers:
Tell em that they’ll be more respectful in the society, win rewards and gifts if they pursue hobbies and can become popular in their school and amongst friends. U know wht i mean ? And kids need rewards to do anything other than what they really wanna do. Every kid wanna be popular. So ask them to take up a piano or guitar lesson(if they have that inclination for music). That should work.
Joseph asks…
what is great hobbies for kids?
admin answers:
Coin collecting
baseball cards
football cards
stamp collecting
assembling car or plane kits
painting, arts and crafts
beading [jewelery]
latch hook kits
needlepoint, crocheting, knitting
reading,learning a 2nd language
dancing, tap dancing, and other types
learn to play instruments
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tipster
Mary asks…
What are my rights as a “crimestoppers” police tipster?
I am interested in reporting a possible felony to a police agency. But I don’t want them to coerce me into giving information or denying me my compensation for any reason. Am I required to divulge the information if they do not make me feel secure or comfortable with making the report?
I am concerned about the crime, my safety, and I would like compensation for taking the risk.
admin answers:
For those very reasons you are reluctant crimestoppers is not part of the police but a community organization.
You can remain anonymous. They give you a number for ID.
Please be aware that it up to the people at crimestoppers what you compensation, if any, is.
Even if a reward has been publicized the rewards normally are contingent upon arrest and conviction. If your info is of the type where you are needed for conviction or for a warrant and you do not cooperate you get nil.
Luckily for most of us others actually believe in public service and their duty to the society or no one would be safe in their homes or on the streets.
Lisa asks…
Who is the best horse racing tipster to follow please?
my booky keeps beating me, need serious help lol! only betting small ampounts but i am pants at picking horses!
admin answers:
My simple advice:
Get the Daily Racing Form (DRF).
For the first four races on a card, calculate who is on-point. (On-point meaning: What handicapper listed in the DRF is picking winners, or at least horses that are showing).
After that, handicap as you would, but play credence to the “hot hand.” (the DRF handicapper that is on-point)
As stated, this advice only works for large claiming ($35,000), bona-fide allowance, or major stakes (G2+) races.
If you are trying to pick a mule at RiverDowns (or other small-priced tracks), choose a number, because all the handicapping advice in the world will not help.
There is a lot more handicapping advice out there, which in time, you will learn. However, if you follow the advice provided off the bat, you will get a good start in the game.
Michael asks…
Markopoulos Bernie Madoff tipster is a dead man walking in my opinion. What do you think?
admin answers:
Granma said Madoff- is living proof Jews cannot be trusted with large sums of money.
Her husband died fighting the Germans in Italy.
Steven asks…
I say, Idle Talk, My Will, Parsons Legacy.. Best of luck all you Yahooers..
admin answers:
1) State of Play.
2) Comply or Die.
3) Parsons Legacy.
Lizzie asks…
BWJ1963 is this yahoo best tipster?
those tips today were red hot i wish i had been near my pc ? and whats that number you keep writing ? it dont work keep the tips coming though they are spot on !
admin answers:
I live in the united states. I have been around crooked jockeys for 34 years…
So i pick like the owners think. Not the average player…i live in
so. California and 951-454-8265 is the turf-man’s insider secrets
horseracing hotline.. I sell my tip sheets at for $10.00
a day….but someone at y.a. Needed some winners in the u.k.
And i said i would put together a system for u.k. Players…
We are now 7 for 11….but we should be able to do better…
So feel free to e-mail me direct…..will send my plays for
saturday later on tonight…..thank’s for the comment…
All i can do is my best…..see you in the winners circle….
turf-man’s picks for saturday 10/20/2007…..
New market…..1705…..distinction
cheltenham…..1750…..razor royale
catterick…..1650… force
wolverhampton…..1900… badeya
cork…..1440… breaker
this week we are 7 out of 11…..and trying to add to that tally…
Ph# is in the united states…..951-454-8265
good luck and i will see you in the winners circle$$$$$
Betty asks…
usual rules apply three horses theoretical 1 point win on each disqualified means disqualified highest profit wins 10 points [only loser is me]
my three on this dark thursday night are
1. EASTERN GIFT …………ascot 3.35
2. MARKET FORCES…….york 5.20
3.MUSICAL SCRIPT……….kempton 6.50
goodluck !
last weeks winner DAVID G is in top form with a 6/1 winner and a short priced frankie whilst bernard has been unlucky with a non runner he still has ryan moores mount tonight but UNLESS it drifts i dont think he can catch david g DEFCON 1 came close to wipeing us all out with a 14/1 second and a respectful 3rd and 4th LOANSHARK tied with HUDDLEJO could only manage a second and KINGLOU could only manage a3rd its still not over yet but DAVID G could be home and dry.
a clear winner today welldone DAVID G can you make the hatrick next week? you should try the scoop 6 mate your in top form enjoy the points.
admin answers:
Gwanako 2.0 chep
red gala 2.20 asc
ibn khaldun 3.0 asc
Jenny asks…
How do I stop graffiti on my grandparents wall?
I put this in the immigration section cause I’m not sure where else it goes. There is this gang here called w*e*t b@ck pride (not correct spelling but you know what it means). They are kinda like the Mexica Movement and think that all whites, Asians, blacks, basically anyone who is not a Latino, needs to leave the country. Theyre illegal from Mex and trying to “take the US back”. They put WBP everywhere on their “turf” and keep doing it on my grandparents brick wall, they live on a corner. One night I came home from my friends house and saw one of them doing it, I walked out but he ran away like a coward. I called the cops, they said they have to have proof of them doing it, I called the Graffiti Tipster line and left a message months ago, nothing has been done. This is a costly problem, I know where some of the WBP members live and their parents. What can I do to stop this, my grandparents do not need to worry about this on top of all other things in our lives.
admin answers:
:[ That’s pretty sad, You can buy these fake security cameras from cheap shops etc, That have flashing lights, They don’t record, They just appear too, They won’t cost too much, Put it above the spot where they graffiti, Chances are they will either see it, smash it, or not graffiti at all. Maybe put some censor lights or use a camera or video recorder to catch them in the act, and take it to police, possibly even wait until they are near the property and ring police asap.
There is not too much you can do, Only hope these idiots will give up and have some respect. Maybe even put a sign saying, Please do not graffitti & take it off when the day starts,
You may even need to get some of your neighbors involved, Make a ctizens arrest, these vandals should be caught and deported.
Powered by Yahoo! Answers
Related Reading:

Turn your hobby into profit!
Let’s see if the known occurs. You have a hobby you enjoy, do very, very much. You are very passionate. So you’re ready quite a significant amount of money to finance this hobby sell. Buy materials for your scrapbooks, purchase old coins to your collection or get some new seedlings in your expansion of garden plants. You need to your cost exactly the right purse, so that you can have fuel pump enough about your passion. And often your loved ones spouse, parents, friends simply cannot understand why “Wasting money” would like to sell you on this hobby.
Sounds familiar?
Now, you’re not alone. And it as a surprise comes to me, always while so many people are willing, money for their hobbies, very few of them think about money earn from them. The fact of the matter is that can generate profit from every hobby in this day and age, with the help of large information technology, with which you can get in contact with virtually anyone around the world in an instant. It’s a niche market for everything literally-all interest and every quirk. Over the Internet, you can tap easily easily on these niche markets.
How do you make your hobby to profit? Now, let us simplify things a bit and this different hobbies in three different groups and see how you can make money from each.
The first group of hobbies include those, the “production”. This would, for example, scrapbooking, soap making, candle making and similar. The way to benefit from these hobbies is quite simple: to sell them. For many hobbyists have has detected without it, she already have a customer base. You have often made scrapbooks and soaps as gifts for friends and family. From there, you can move to market to your product. Instead of you as gifts, they offer to people for a price. Local fairs and shops serve often as the best starting points for your to bring wonderful products to the market.
A Catherine Failor started how many SOAP-makers. In the late 1980s, she began making homemade SOAP as gifts for family and friends. Before long she was experimenting with colors and scents, and patterns and started selling their SOAP gift shops and health food stores in the country. In just a few years Failor has been pulling in about $250,000. Now mind you, this takes several years, which is getting no get-rich-quick reads but it people.
The second group of hobbies include collecting: rare coins, stamps, trading cards, etc.. Avid collectors would be prepared, spend huge amounts of money, their hands on rare collectibles. This is then an obvious way that you can benefit from your collection. They play the role of broker an investment: an element buy and sell them at a higher price. But you can make money from this hobby another way is through the sale of valuable information. With your knowledge on a specific collecting hobby, you can develop newsletter and electronic journals, the people can by the payment of a fee (again, on the Internet make everything easy for you to do this) or you publish them for free and download other companies, to put their ads on it. This allows you to generate recurring revenue.
Finally, there is activity hobbies: sports, travel, cooking-you name it. Again, you benefit from the sale of information to colleagues and hobbyists. And you need not even start your own newsletter or ezine; They can for the paid writing articles on them and sell them to ezine publishers. Danube and that is for many people often happens – you can start your own blog and Google ads on it.
Only some of the more obvious ways are, like, you can make your hobby to profit. There are more possibilities are when you are ready to look for them. This should be your first agenda: get as much information as possible. There are hundreds of thousands of people who make a very comfortable life by their hobby alone. Many more make significant second streams of revenue by turning their hobby into profit. I know; I have some of them set up their companies helped. Now it’s your turn to your hobbies benefit.
Amanda Ryan is the proud owner of a successful business for scrapbooking and greeting cards, running from home. Now, it will help others set up their home based businesses. Amanda is convinced that they have someone what hobbies can turn into a profitable business. It offers resources http://hobbiesintoprofit.synthasite.comfor aspiring entrepreneurs on their website
Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tipster
Maria asks…
What are my rights as a “crimestoppers” police tipster?
I am interested in reporting a possible felony to a police agency. But I don’t want them to coerce me into giving information or denying me my compensation for any reason. Am I required to divulge the information if they do not make me feel secure or comfortable with making the report?
I am concerned about the crime, my safety, and I would like compensation for taking the risk.
admin answers:
For those very reasons you are reluctant crimestoppers is not part of the police but a community organization.
You can remain anonymous. They give you a number for ID.
Please be aware that it up to the people at crimestoppers what you compensation, if any, is.
Even if a reward has been publicized the rewards normally are contingent upon arrest and conviction. If your info is of the type where you are needed for conviction or for a warrant and you do not cooperate you get nil.
Luckily for most of us others actually believe in public service and their duty to the society or no one would be safe in their homes or on the streets.
Nancy asks…
Who is the best horse racing tipster to follow please?
my booky keeps beating me, need serious help lol! only betting small ampounts but i am pants at picking horses!
admin answers:
My simple advice:
Get the Daily Racing Form (DRF).
For the first four races on a card, calculate who is on-point. (On-point meaning: What handicapper listed in the DRF is picking winners, or at least horses that are showing).
After that, handicap as you would, but play credence to the “hot hand.” (the DRF handicapper that is on-point)
As stated, this advice only works for large claiming ($35,000), bona-fide allowance, or major stakes (G2+) races.
If you are trying to pick a mule at RiverDowns (or other small-priced tracks), choose a number, because all the handicapping advice in the world will not help.
There is a lot more handicapping advice out there, which in time, you will learn. However, if you follow the advice provided off the bat, you will get a good start in the game.
Donna asks…
Markopoulos Bernie Madoff tipster is a dead man walking in my opinion. What do you think?
admin answers:
Granma said Madoff- is living proof Jews cannot be trusted with large sums of money.
Her husband died fighting the Germans in Italy.
Charles asks…
I say, Idle Talk, My Will, Parsons Legacy.. Best of luck all you Yahooers..
admin answers:
1) State of Play.
2) Comply or Die.
3) Parsons Legacy.
Susan asks…
BWJ1963 is this yahoo best tipster?
those tips today were red hot i wish i had been near my pc ? and whats that number you keep writing ? it dont work keep the tips coming though they are spot on !
admin answers:
I live in the united states. I have been around crooked jockeys for 34 years…
So i pick like the owners think. Not the average player…i live in
so. California and 951-454-8265 is the turf-man’s insider secrets
horseracing hotline.. I sell my tip sheets at for $10.00
a day….but someone at y.a. Needed some winners in the u.k.
And i said i would put together a system for u.k. Players…
We are now 7 for 11….but we should be able to do better…
So feel free to e-mail me direct…..will send my plays for
saturday later on tonight…..thank’s for the comment…
All i can do is my best…..see you in the winners circle….
turf-man’s picks for saturday 10/20/2007…..
New market…..1705…..distinction
cheltenham…..1750…..razor royale
catterick…..1650… force
wolverhampton…..1900… badeya
cork…..1440… breaker
this week we are 7 out of 11…..and trying to add to that tally…
Ph# is in the united states…..951-454-8265
good luck and i will see you in the winners circle$$$$$
Mark asks…
usual rules apply three horses theoretical 1 point win on each disqualified means disqualified highest profit wins 10 points [only loser is me]
my three on this dark thursday night are
1. EASTERN GIFT …………ascot 3.35
2. MARKET FORCES…….york 5.20
3.MUSICAL SCRIPT……….kempton 6.50
goodluck !
last weeks winner DAVID G is in top form with a 6/1 winner and a short priced frankie whilst bernard has been unlucky with a non runner he still has ryan moores mount tonight but UNLESS it drifts i dont think he can catch david g DEFCON 1 came close to wipeing us all out with a 14/1 second and a respectful 3rd and 4th LOANSHARK tied with HUDDLEJO could only manage a second and KINGLOU could only manage a3rd its still not over yet but DAVID G could be home and dry.
a clear winner today welldone DAVID G can you make the hatrick next week? you should try the scoop 6 mate your in top form enjoy the points.
admin answers:
Gwanako 2.0 chep
red gala 2.20 asc
ibn khaldun 3.0 asc
Michael asks…
How do I stop graffiti on my grandparents wall?
I put this in the immigration section cause I’m not sure where else it goes. There is this gang here called w*e*t b@ck pride (not correct spelling but you know what it means). They are kinda like the Mexica Movement and think that all whites, Asians, blacks, basically anyone who is not a Latino, needs to leave the country. Theyre illegal from Mex and trying to “take the US back”. They put WBP everywhere on their “turf” and keep doing it on my grandparents brick wall, they live on a corner. One night I came home from my friends house and saw one of them doing it, I walked out but he ran away like a coward. I called the cops, they said they have to have proof of them doing it, I called the Graffiti Tipster line and left a message months ago, nothing has been done. This is a costly problem, I know where some of the WBP members live and their parents. What can I do to stop this, my grandparents do not need to worry about this on top of all other things in our lives.
admin answers:
:[ That’s pretty sad, You can buy these fake security cameras from cheap shops etc, That have flashing lights, They don’t record, They just appear too, They won’t cost too much, Put it above the spot where they graffiti, Chances are they will either see it, smash it, or not graffiti at all. Maybe put some censor lights or use a camera or video recorder to catch them in the act, and take it to police, possibly even wait until they are near the property and ring police asap.
There is not too much you can do, Only hope these idiots will give up and have some respect. Maybe even put a sign saying, Please do not graffitti & take it off when the day starts,
You may even need to get some of your neighbors involved, Make a ctizens arrest, these vandals should be caught and deported.
Powered by Yahoo! Answers
Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tipster
Sharon asks…
What are my rights as a “crimestoppers” police tipster?
I am interested in reporting a possible felony to a police agency. But I don’t want them to coerce me into giving information or denying me my compensation for any reason. Am I required to divulge the information if they do not make me feel secure or comfortable with making the report?
I am concerned about the crime, my safety, and I would like compensation for taking the risk.
admin answers:
For those very reasons you are reluctant crimestoppers is not part of the police but a community organization.
You can remain anonymous. They give you a number for ID.
Please be aware that it up to the people at crimestoppers what you compensation, if any, is.
Even if a reward has been publicized the rewards normally are contingent upon arrest and conviction. If your info is of the type where you are needed for conviction or for a warrant and you do not cooperate you get nil.
Luckily for most of us others actually believe in public service and their duty to the society or no one would be safe in their homes or on the streets.
Charles asks…
Who is the best horse racing tipster to follow please?
my booky keeps beating me, need serious help lol! only betting small ampounts but i am pants at picking horses!
admin answers:
My simple advice:
Get the Daily Racing Form (DRF).
For the first four races on a card, calculate who is on-point. (On-point meaning: What handicapper listed in the DRF is picking winners, or at least horses that are showing).
After that, handicap as you would, but play credence to the “hot hand.” (the DRF handicapper that is on-point)
As stated, this advice only works for large claiming ($35,000), bona-fide allowance, or major stakes (G2+) races.
If you are trying to pick a mule at RiverDowns (or other small-priced tracks), choose a number, because all the handicapping advice in the world will not help.
There is a lot more handicapping advice out there, which in time, you will learn. However, if you follow the advice provided off the bat, you will get a good start in the game.
James asks…
Markopoulos Bernie Madoff tipster is a dead man walking in my opinion. What do you think?
admin answers:
Granma said Madoff- is living proof Jews cannot be trusted with large sums of money.
Her husband died fighting the Germans in Italy.
Helen asks…
I say, Idle Talk, My Will, Parsons Legacy.. Best of luck all you Yahooers..
admin answers:
1) State of Play.
2) Comply or Die.
3) Parsons Legacy.
Ken asks…
BWJ1963 is this yahoo best tipster?
those tips today were red hot i wish i had been near my pc ? and whats that number you keep writing ? it dont work keep the tips coming though they are spot on !
admin answers:
I live in the united states. I have been around crooked jockeys for 34 years…
So i pick like the owners think. Not the average player…i live in
so. California and 951-454-8265 is the turf-man’s insider secrets
horseracing hotline.. I sell my tip sheets at for $10.00
a day….but someone at y.a. Needed some winners in the u.k.
And i said i would put together a system for u.k. Players…
We are now 7 for 11….but we should be able to do better…
So feel free to e-mail me direct…..will send my plays for
saturday later on tonight…..thank’s for the comment…
All i can do is my best…..see you in the winners circle….
turf-man’s picks for saturday 10/20/2007…..
New market…..1705…..distinction
cheltenham…..1750…..razor royale
catterick…..1650… force
wolverhampton…..1900… badeya
cork…..1440… breaker
this week we are 7 out of 11…..and trying to add to that tally…
Ph# is in the united states…..951-454-8265
good luck and i will see you in the winners circle$$$$$
George asks…
usual rules apply three horses theoretical 1 point win on each disqualified means disqualified highest profit wins 10 points [only loser is me]
my three on this dark thursday night are
1. EASTERN GIFT …………ascot 3.35
2. MARKET FORCES…….york 5.20
3.MUSICAL SCRIPT……….kempton 6.50
goodluck !
last weeks winner DAVID G is in top form with a 6/1 winner and a short priced frankie whilst bernard has been unlucky with a non runner he still has ryan moores mount tonight but UNLESS it drifts i dont think he can catch david g DEFCON 1 came close to wipeing us all out with a 14/1 second and a respectful 3rd and 4th LOANSHARK tied with HUDDLEJO could only manage a second and KINGLOU could only manage a3rd its still not over yet but DAVID G could be home and dry.
a clear winner today welldone DAVID G can you make the hatrick next week? you should try the scoop 6 mate your in top form enjoy the points.
admin answers:
Gwanako 2.0 chep
red gala 2.20 asc
ibn khaldun 3.0 asc
Joseph asks…
How do I stop graffiti on my grandparents wall?
I put this in the immigration section cause I’m not sure where else it goes. There is this gang here called w*e*t b@ck pride (not correct spelling but you know what it means). They are kinda like the Mexica Movement and think that all whites, Asians, blacks, basically anyone who is not a Latino, needs to leave the country. Theyre illegal from Mex and trying to “take the US back”. They put WBP everywhere on their “turf” and keep doing it on my grandparents brick wall, they live on a corner. One night I came home from my friends house and saw one of them doing it, I walked out but he ran away like a coward. I called the cops, they said they have to have proof of them doing it, I called the Graffiti Tipster line and left a message months ago, nothing has been done. This is a costly problem, I know where some of the WBP members live and their parents. What can I do to stop this, my grandparents do not need to worry about this on top of all other things in our lives.
admin answers:
:[ That’s pretty sad, You can buy these fake security cameras from cheap shops etc, That have flashing lights, They don’t record, They just appear too, They won’t cost too much, Put it above the spot where they graffiti, Chances are they will either see it, smash it, or not graffiti at all. Maybe put some censor lights or use a camera or video recorder to catch them in the act, and take it to police, possibly even wait until they are near the property and ring police asap.
There is not too much you can do, Only hope these idiots will give up and have some respect. Maybe even put a sign saying, Please do not graffitti & take it off when the day starts,
You may even need to get some of your neighbors involved, Make a ctizens arrest, these vandals should be caught and deported.
Powered by Yahoo! Answers
Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tips Au Prizes
Lizzie asks…
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Yes I did vote, just so that the sooner declared winner you can clean up all of that. So let’s start
1) To help fight boredom, put on some music you like while you clean.
2) This is where the music will really help: start with your closet, put all clean clothes where they belong (hangers, etc.) dirty clothes in a hamper, or laundry basket. Remember to put your shoes in the closet too. Then, your dresser-make sure all clean clothes are put away in proper order (underwear in top drawer, etc.,), Dust and declutter the top of the dresser, put things back where they belong. Same with desk, table, chair, etc. Have you changed the sheets on your bed yet this week? If not, please do so. Then Vacuum (or sweep the floor if hardwood), take out the trash. Done!
Now, the trick is this: to keep it up daily–if you have dirty dishes in your room, take them out to the kitchen as soon as you are done eating/drinking. Have a place for your papers, a file folder, etc. Make sure all surfaces are de-cluttered before you go to bed. Make your bed every morning when you first get up. You only need to dust and vacuum and take the trash out once per week (unless you have a lot of trash). Basically, it’s have a place for everything, and everything in it’s place. Being organized helps keep things clean/tidy.
3) For storage bins, I would suggest IKEA/Wal-Mart/K-Mart,
for inexpensive but good storage bins.
Have fun. Take care.
Donald asks…
Entering Dolly magazine’s Neighbours (a popular TV show in Australia) audition. Have any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (nearly 13) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people say I’m doing really well!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The prize is a contract on Neighbours for 6 weeks, which may be extended to up to three years!
All comments + tips etc. are appreciated! Thanks : )
P.S. – I also want to stand out in a crowd! After all, there will be a lot of people entering!
admin answers:
Go after your dreams. Be sure to mention ” Although I have no professional trainer in acting, I feel its just one of those that isn’t mandatory in being taught. However, if it is meant for you, you will learn naturally.” Also be sure to mention you have however that you have been participating in your high school drama. Keep in mind, a smile is cute so be sure to stay confident and smile.
David asks…
Entering the Dolly magazine’s Neighbours audition (Neighbours is a popular Aussie TV show). Got any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine, which I have), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (turning 13 this month) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people have been complimenting me and saying I’m doing really well (I really don’t mean to sound full of myself, but it is true that people say that)!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The main prize is a 6-week to 3-year contract on Neighbours!
I’m basically looking for ways to stand out in the crowd (there will be heaps of people entering!) as well as learn any other tips and comments etc. – all of which are appreciated : )
admin answers:
Your CV is your resume. Remember to put the most recent thing first, and divide it up into categories: e.g. Academic qualifications (obviously you’re quite young so won’t have many of these yet – don’t worry! Just include the schools you go / have been to), Work Experience, and Talents & Skills. If you have any vocational qualifications (e.g. Singing grades, dance exams, regional diving champion etc) then include those too.
Put in everything you can think of, even if it doesn’t seem relevant. Your startling ability to waterski may not seem worth mentioning but seem like it’ll make much difference to a soap based in a small dead-end street but if you’ve got something they can use, then they’ll be interested, because there’s no point in having actors who can’t do anything of use. They can always write things into the script, and you’ll find yourself waterskiing on national TV in no time!! Having said that, be concise, and don’t go over the top (e.g. “I once beat my friend at Connect 4 sixteen times in one afternoon)”. When it comes to your CV, you can’t say things like “everyone says I’m really good” – although that’s great that they say that, and obviously you can keep that thought in your head to give yourself confidence and drive, they won’t care, and it won’t look good.
Ditto what the poster above said in terms of character: do something different. Watch some episodes of Neighbours and see who is missing. Bree (? – it’s been a while since I watched it, and I’m in the UK so we’re behind!) did that whole goth-look already, so I wouldn’t recommend that. But which “group” isn’t being represented? Who would you, as a viewer, like to see on screen when you watch it every day? If you can have reasoning behind why you think that your character would be invaluable to the story, then they will be far more likely to take notice.
Good luck! The entire student population of Britain will be behind you!!
Steven asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Voted for you
Sharon asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Hello! I just voted for you five times (with different e mail accounts). It looks like you are ahead at the moment! I will go back next week and vote for you again when they let me!
Good luck! There is always room for improvement!
Ruth asks…
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
they jumble it up on every refresh – so just use the scroll until you find the one with a RED border around it! That’s mine !
thank you all so much for the votes!
admin answers:
You got my vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What happened Hurricane Katrina???????????
George asks…
Entering the Dolly magazine TV show audition. How can I stand out (for the right reasons)?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (in the latest Dolly magazine), and also a CV (resume) and a headshot photo of myself. The script is a monologue about a girl talking about her 1st day @ school and her feelings – good and bad.
I’m 12 (13 tomorrow!!) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people have been complimenting me and saying I’m doing really well (I really don’t mean to sound full of myself, but it is true that people say that).
Is there anything I really need to know? What should I include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The main prize is a 6-week to 3-year contract on the popular Aussie show, Neighbours!
I’m basically looking for ways to stand out in the crowd as well as learn any other tips and comments etc. – all of which are appreciated!
admin answers:
First of all, the video. I think it’s best that before recording, to practise in front of a mirror until you know what you’re supposed to say. After you’re comfortable with that, it esential that you ‘perform’ in front of an audience. Not anything big of course, just a couple of your friends (who won’t laugh at you!) Not only will it result in making you more comfortable with your monologue, but it will also give you and idea of what it may actually be like in the filming process. It won’t just be you and the camera on a Neighbours set!
Next, the CV. Don’t worry if you haven’t had any profesional experience. I dont think that they’ll expect professionals to audition for this anyways. They’re looking for fresh talent. However, what you can do, is put down what performances you have done, say, in school productions, whether you got leads or not, awards you may have received for drama ane etc. It’s not boasting, really, its just showing what you’ve got. Also, try to add in interesting things about yourself. Like what sports you may do, any charitable work, stuff like that. Don’t be afraid of doing it! In about the first 5 minutes of looking at your CV they’ll make a judgement, so what would you like them to think? You’re an inexperienced bore, or a competent, fun and interesting person, one that would be a pleasure to have on set? Go figure.
But remember, as this is your first time in audtioning, you shouldn’t expect to be chosen. If you are, that’s great, but if you aren’t, it will have been a worth while experience anyway. Learn from it and your mistakes, but what am I saying?! Enjoy it!
Powered by Yahoo! Answers
Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tips Au Prizes
Mandy asks…
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Yes I did vote, just so that the sooner declared winner you can clean up all of that. So let’s start
1) To help fight boredom, put on some music you like while you clean.
2) This is where the music will really help: start with your closet, put all clean clothes where they belong (hangers, etc.) dirty clothes in a hamper, or laundry basket. Remember to put your shoes in the closet too. Then, your dresser-make sure all clean clothes are put away in proper order (underwear in top drawer, etc.,), Dust and declutter the top of the dresser, put things back where they belong. Same with desk, table, chair, etc. Have you changed the sheets on your bed yet this week? If not, please do so. Then Vacuum (or sweep the floor if hardwood), take out the trash. Done!
Now, the trick is this: to keep it up daily–if you have dirty dishes in your room, take them out to the kitchen as soon as you are done eating/drinking. Have a place for your papers, a file folder, etc. Make sure all surfaces are de-cluttered before you go to bed. Make your bed every morning when you first get up. You only need to dust and vacuum and take the trash out once per week (unless you have a lot of trash). Basically, it’s have a place for everything, and everything in it’s place. Being organized helps keep things clean/tidy.
3) For storage bins, I would suggest IKEA/Wal-Mart/K-Mart,
for inexpensive but good storage bins.
Have fun. Take care.
Steven asks…
Entering Dolly magazine’s Neighbours (a popular TV show in Australia) audition. Have any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (nearly 13) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people say I’m doing really well!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The prize is a contract on Neighbours for 6 weeks, which may be extended to up to three years!
All comments + tips etc. are appreciated! Thanks : )
P.S. – I also want to stand out in a crowd! After all, there will be a lot of people entering!
admin answers:
Go after your dreams. Be sure to mention ” Although I have no professional trainer in acting, I feel its just one of those that isn’t mandatory in being taught. However, if it is meant for you, you will learn naturally.” Also be sure to mention you have however that you have been participating in your high school drama. Keep in mind, a smile is cute so be sure to stay confident and smile.
Linda asks…
Entering the Dolly magazine’s Neighbours audition (Neighbours is a popular Aussie TV show). Got any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine, which I have), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (turning 13 this month) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people have been complimenting me and saying I’m doing really well (I really don’t mean to sound full of myself, but it is true that people say that)!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The main prize is a 6-week to 3-year contract on Neighbours!
I’m basically looking for ways to stand out in the crowd (there will be heaps of people entering!) as well as learn any other tips and comments etc. – all of which are appreciated : )
admin answers:
Your CV is your resume. Remember to put the most recent thing first, and divide it up into categories: e.g. Academic qualifications (obviously you’re quite young so won’t have many of these yet – don’t worry! Just include the schools you go / have been to), Work Experience, and Talents & Skills. If you have any vocational qualifications (e.g. Singing grades, dance exams, regional diving champion etc) then include those too.
Put in everything you can think of, even if it doesn’t seem relevant. Your startling ability to waterski may not seem worth mentioning but seem like it’ll make much difference to a soap based in a small dead-end street but if you’ve got something they can use, then they’ll be interested, because there’s no point in having actors who can’t do anything of use. They can always write things into the script, and you’ll find yourself waterskiing on national TV in no time!! Having said that, be concise, and don’t go over the top (e.g. “I once beat my friend at Connect 4 sixteen times in one afternoon)”. When it comes to your CV, you can’t say things like “everyone says I’m really good” – although that’s great that they say that, and obviously you can keep that thought in your head to give yourself confidence and drive, they won’t care, and it won’t look good.
Ditto what the poster above said in terms of character: do something different. Watch some episodes of Neighbours and see who is missing. Bree (? – it’s been a while since I watched it, and I’m in the UK so we’re behind!) did that whole goth-look already, so I wouldn’t recommend that. But which “group” isn’t being represented? Who would you, as a viewer, like to see on screen when you watch it every day? If you can have reasoning behind why you think that your character would be invaluable to the story, then they will be far more likely to take notice.
Good luck! The entire student population of Britain will be behind you!!
Mark asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Voted for you
Paul asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Hello! I just voted for you five times (with different e mail accounts). It looks like you are ahead at the moment! I will go back next week and vote for you again when they let me!
Good luck! There is always room for improvement!
Thomas asks…
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
they jumble it up on every refresh – so just use the scroll until you find the one with a RED border around it! That’s mine !
thank you all so much for the votes!
admin answers:
You got my vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What happened Hurricane Katrina???????????
James asks…
Entering the Dolly magazine TV show audition. How can I stand out (for the right reasons)?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (in the latest Dolly magazine), and also a CV (resume) and a headshot photo of myself. The script is a monologue about a girl talking about her 1st day @ school and her feelings – good and bad.
I’m 12 (13 tomorrow!!) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people have been complimenting me and saying I’m doing really well (I really don’t mean to sound full of myself, but it is true that people say that).
Is there anything I really need to know? What should I include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The main prize is a 6-week to 3-year contract on the popular Aussie show, Neighbours!
I’m basically looking for ways to stand out in the crowd as well as learn any other tips and comments etc. – all of which are appreciated!
admin answers:
First of all, the video. I think it’s best that before recording, to practise in front of a mirror until you know what you’re supposed to say. After you’re comfortable with that, it esential that you ‘perform’ in front of an audience. Not anything big of course, just a couple of your friends (who won’t laugh at you!) Not only will it result in making you more comfortable with your monologue, but it will also give you and idea of what it may actually be like in the filming process. It won’t just be you and the camera on a Neighbours set!
Next, the CV. Don’t worry if you haven’t had any profesional experience. I dont think that they’ll expect professionals to audition for this anyways. They’re looking for fresh talent. However, what you can do, is put down what performances you have done, say, in school productions, whether you got leads or not, awards you may have received for drama ane etc. It’s not boasting, really, its just showing what you’ve got. Also, try to add in interesting things about yourself. Like what sports you may do, any charitable work, stuff like that. Don’t be afraid of doing it! In about the first 5 minutes of looking at your CV they’ll make a judgement, so what would you like them to think? You’re an inexperienced bore, or a competent, fun and interesting person, one that would be a pleasure to have on set? Go figure.
But remember, as this is your first time in audtioning, you shouldn’t expect to be chosen. If you are, that’s great, but if you aren’t, it will have been a worth while experience anyway. Learn from it and your mistakes, but what am I saying?! Enjoy it!
Powered by Yahoo! Answers
Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tips Au Prizes
Susan asks…
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Yes I did vote, just so that the sooner declared winner you can clean up all of that. So let’s start
1) To help fight boredom, put on some music you like while you clean.
2) This is where the music will really help: start with your closet, put all clean clothes where they belong (hangers, etc.) dirty clothes in a hamper, or laundry basket. Remember to put your shoes in the closet too. Then, your dresser-make sure all clean clothes are put away in proper order (underwear in top drawer, etc.,), Dust and declutter the top of the dresser, put things back where they belong. Same with desk, table, chair, etc. Have you changed the sheets on your bed yet this week? If not, please do so. Then Vacuum (or sweep the floor if hardwood), take out the trash. Done!
Now, the trick is this: to keep it up daily–if you have dirty dishes in your room, take them out to the kitchen as soon as you are done eating/drinking. Have a place for your papers, a file folder, etc. Make sure all surfaces are de-cluttered before you go to bed. Make your bed every morning when you first get up. You only need to dust and vacuum and take the trash out once per week (unless you have a lot of trash). Basically, it’s have a place for everything, and everything in it’s place. Being organized helps keep things clean/tidy.
3) For storage bins, I would suggest IKEA/Wal-Mart/K-Mart,
for inexpensive but good storage bins.
Have fun. Take care.
Carol asks…
Entering Dolly magazine’s Neighbours (a popular TV show in Australia) audition. Have any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (nearly 13) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people say I’m doing really well!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The prize is a contract on Neighbours for 6 weeks, which may be extended to up to three years!
All comments + tips etc. are appreciated! Thanks : )
P.S. – I also want to stand out in a crowd! After all, there will be a lot of people entering!
admin answers:
Go after your dreams. Be sure to mention ” Although I have no professional trainer in acting, I feel its just one of those that isn’t mandatory in being taught. However, if it is meant for you, you will learn naturally.” Also be sure to mention you have however that you have been participating in your high school drama. Keep in mind, a smile is cute so be sure to stay confident and smile.
Mandy asks…
Entering the Dolly magazine’s Neighbours audition (Neighbours is a popular Aussie TV show). Got any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine, which I have), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (turning 13 this month) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people have been complimenting me and saying I’m doing really well (I really don’t mean to sound full of myself, but it is true that people say that)!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The main prize is a 6-week to 3-year contract on Neighbours!
I’m basically looking for ways to stand out in the crowd (there will be heaps of people entering!) as well as learn any other tips and comments etc. – all of which are appreciated : )
admin answers:
Your CV is your resume. Remember to put the most recent thing first, and divide it up into categories: e.g. Academic qualifications (obviously you’re quite young so won’t have many of these yet – don’t worry! Just include the schools you go / have been to), Work Experience, and Talents & Skills. If you have any vocational qualifications (e.g. Singing grades, dance exams, regional diving champion etc) then include those too.
Put in everything you can think of, even if it doesn’t seem relevant. Your startling ability to waterski may not seem worth mentioning but seem like it’ll make much difference to a soap based in a small dead-end street but if you’ve got something they can use, then they’ll be interested, because there’s no point in having actors who can’t do anything of use. They can always write things into the script, and you’ll find yourself waterskiing on national TV in no time!! Having said that, be concise, and don’t go over the top (e.g. “I once beat my friend at Connect 4 sixteen times in one afternoon)”. When it comes to your CV, you can’t say things like “everyone says I’m really good” – although that’s great that they say that, and obviously you can keep that thought in your head to give yourself confidence and drive, they won’t care, and it won’t look good.
Ditto what the poster above said in terms of character: do something different. Watch some episodes of Neighbours and see who is missing. Bree (? – it’s been a while since I watched it, and I’m in the UK so we’re behind!) did that whole goth-look already, so I wouldn’t recommend that. But which “group” isn’t being represented? Who would you, as a viewer, like to see on screen when you watch it every day? If you can have reasoning behind why you think that your character would be invaluable to the story, then they will be far more likely to take notice.
Good luck! The entire student population of Britain will be behind you!!
William asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Voted for you
Michael asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Hello! I just voted for you five times (with different e mail accounts). It looks like you are ahead at the moment! I will go back next week and vote for you again when they let me!
Good luck! There is always room for improvement!
Mark asks…
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
they jumble it up on every refresh – so just use the scroll until you find the one with a RED border around it! That’s mine !
thank you all so much for the votes!
admin answers:
You got my vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What happened Hurricane Katrina???????????
Lisa asks…
Entering the Dolly magazine TV show audition. How can I stand out (for the right reasons)?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (in the latest Dolly magazine), and also a CV (resume) and a headshot photo of myself. The script is a monologue about a girl talking about her 1st day @ school and her feelings – good and bad.
I’m 12 (13 tomorrow!!) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people have been complimenting me and saying I’m doing really well (I really don’t mean to sound full of myself, but it is true that people say that).
Is there anything I really need to know? What should I include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The main prize is a 6-week to 3-year contract on the popular Aussie show, Neighbours!
I’m basically looking for ways to stand out in the crowd as well as learn any other tips and comments etc. – all of which are appreciated!
admin answers:
First of all, the video. I think it’s best that before recording, to practise in front of a mirror until you know what you’re supposed to say. After you’re comfortable with that, it esential that you ‘perform’ in front of an audience. Not anything big of course, just a couple of your friends (who won’t laugh at you!) Not only will it result in making you more comfortable with your monologue, but it will also give you and idea of what it may actually be like in the filming process. It won’t just be you and the camera on a Neighbours set!
Next, the CV. Don’t worry if you haven’t had any profesional experience. I dont think that they’ll expect professionals to audition for this anyways. They’re looking for fresh talent. However, what you can do, is put down what performances you have done, say, in school productions, whether you got leads or not, awards you may have received for drama ane etc. It’s not boasting, really, its just showing what you’ve got. Also, try to add in interesting things about yourself. Like what sports you may do, any charitable work, stuff like that. Don’t be afraid of doing it! In about the first 5 minutes of looking at your CV they’ll make a judgement, so what would you like them to think? You’re an inexperienced bore, or a competent, fun and interesting person, one that would be a pleasure to have on set? Go figure.
But remember, as this is your first time in audtioning, you shouldn’t expect to be chosen. If you are, that’s great, but if you aren’t, it will have been a worth while experience anyway. Learn from it and your mistakes, but what am I saying?! Enjoy it!
Powered by Yahoo! Answers
Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tips Au Prizes
Betty asks…
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Yes I did vote, just so that the sooner declared winner you can clean up all of that. So let’s start
1) To help fight boredom, put on some music you like while you clean.
2) This is where the music will really help: start with your closet, put all clean clothes where they belong (hangers, etc.) dirty clothes in a hamper, or laundry basket. Remember to put your shoes in the closet too. Then, your dresser-make sure all clean clothes are put away in proper order (underwear in top drawer, etc.,), Dust and declutter the top of the dresser, put things back where they belong. Same with desk, table, chair, etc. Have you changed the sheets on your bed yet this week? If not, please do so. Then Vacuum (or sweep the floor if hardwood), take out the trash. Done!
Now, the trick is this: to keep it up daily–if you have dirty dishes in your room, take them out to the kitchen as soon as you are done eating/drinking. Have a place for your papers, a file folder, etc. Make sure all surfaces are de-cluttered before you go to bed. Make your bed every morning when you first get up. You only need to dust and vacuum and take the trash out once per week (unless you have a lot of trash). Basically, it’s have a place for everything, and everything in it’s place. Being organized helps keep things clean/tidy.
3) For storage bins, I would suggest IKEA/Wal-Mart/K-Mart,
for inexpensive but good storage bins.
Have fun. Take care.
Linda asks…
Entering Dolly magazine’s Neighbours (a popular TV show in Australia) audition. Have any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (nearly 13) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people say I’m doing really well!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The prize is a contract on Neighbours for 6 weeks, which may be extended to up to three years!
All comments + tips etc. are appreciated! Thanks : )
P.S. – I also want to stand out in a crowd! After all, there will be a lot of people entering!
admin answers:
Go after your dreams. Be sure to mention ” Although I have no professional trainer in acting, I feel its just one of those that isn’t mandatory in being taught. However, if it is meant for you, you will learn naturally.” Also be sure to mention you have however that you have been participating in your high school drama. Keep in mind, a smile is cute so be sure to stay confident and smile.
Daniel asks…
Entering the Dolly magazine’s Neighbours audition (Neighbours is a popular Aussie TV show). Got any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine, which I have), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (turning 13 this month) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people have been complimenting me and saying I’m doing really well (I really don’t mean to sound full of myself, but it is true that people say that)!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The main prize is a 6-week to 3-year contract on Neighbours!
I’m basically looking for ways to stand out in the crowd (there will be heaps of people entering!) as well as learn any other tips and comments etc. – all of which are appreciated : )
admin answers:
Your CV is your resume. Remember to put the most recent thing first, and divide it up into categories: e.g. Academic qualifications (obviously you’re quite young so won’t have many of these yet – don’t worry! Just include the schools you go / have been to), Work Experience, and Talents & Skills. If you have any vocational qualifications (e.g. Singing grades, dance exams, regional diving champion etc) then include those too.
Put in everything you can think of, even if it doesn’t seem relevant. Your startling ability to waterski may not seem worth mentioning but seem like it’ll make much difference to a soap based in a small dead-end street but if you’ve got something they can use, then they’ll be interested, because there’s no point in having actors who can’t do anything of use. They can always write things into the script, and you’ll find yourself waterskiing on national TV in no time!! Having said that, be concise, and don’t go over the top (e.g. “I once beat my friend at Connect 4 sixteen times in one afternoon)”. When it comes to your CV, you can’t say things like “everyone says I’m really good” – although that’s great that they say that, and obviously you can keep that thought in your head to give yourself confidence and drive, they won’t care, and it won’t look good.
Ditto what the poster above said in terms of character: do something different. Watch some episodes of Neighbours and see who is missing. Bree (? – it’s been a while since I watched it, and I’m in the UK so we’re behind!) did that whole goth-look already, so I wouldn’t recommend that. But which “group” isn’t being represented? Who would you, as a viewer, like to see on screen when you watch it every day? If you can have reasoning behind why you think that your character would be invaluable to the story, then they will be far more likely to take notice.
Good luck! The entire student population of Britain will be behind you!!
Sandy asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Voted for you
Laura asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Hello! I just voted for you five times (with different e mail accounts). It looks like you are ahead at the moment! I will go back next week and vote for you again when they let me!
Good luck! There is always room for improvement!
Sharon asks…
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
they jumble it up on every refresh – so just use the scroll until you find the one with a RED border around it! That’s mine !
thank you all so much for the votes!
admin answers:
You got my vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What happened Hurricane Katrina???????????
Thomas asks…
Entering the Dolly magazine TV show audition. How can I stand out (for the right reasons)?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (in the latest Dolly magazine), and also a CV (resume) and a headshot photo of myself. The script is a monologue about a girl talking about her 1st day @ school and her feelings – good and bad.
I’m 12 (13 tomorrow!!) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people have been complimenting me and saying I’m doing really well (I really don’t mean to sound full of myself, but it is true that people say that).
Is there anything I really need to know? What should I include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The main prize is a 6-week to 3-year contract on the popular Aussie show, Neighbours!
I’m basically looking for ways to stand out in the crowd as well as learn any other tips and comments etc. – all of which are appreciated!
admin answers:
First of all, the video. I think it’s best that before recording, to practise in front of a mirror until you know what you’re supposed to say. After you’re comfortable with that, it esential that you ‘perform’ in front of an audience. Not anything big of course, just a couple of your friends (who won’t laugh at you!) Not only will it result in making you more comfortable with your monologue, but it will also give you and idea of what it may actually be like in the filming process. It won’t just be you and the camera on a Neighbours set!
Next, the CV. Don’t worry if you haven’t had any profesional experience. I dont think that they’ll expect professionals to audition for this anyways. They’re looking for fresh talent. However, what you can do, is put down what performances you have done, say, in school productions, whether you got leads or not, awards you may have received for drama ane etc. It’s not boasting, really, its just showing what you’ve got. Also, try to add in interesting things about yourself. Like what sports you may do, any charitable work, stuff like that. Don’t be afraid of doing it! In about the first 5 minutes of looking at your CV they’ll make a judgement, so what would you like them to think? You’re an inexperienced bore, or a competent, fun and interesting person, one that would be a pleasure to have on set? Go figure.
But remember, as this is your first time in audtioning, you shouldn’t expect to be chosen. If you are, that’s great, but if you aren’t, it will have been a worth while experience anyway. Learn from it and your mistakes, but what am I saying?! Enjoy it!
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Your Questions About My Tipster
Maria asks…
What are my rights as a “crimestoppers” police tipster?
I am interested in reporting a possible felony to a police agency. But I don’t want them to coerce me into giving information or denying me my compensation for any reason. Am I required to divulge the information if they do not make me feel secure or comfortable with making the report?
I am concerned about the crime, my safety, and I would like compensation for taking the risk.
admin answers:
For those very reasons you are reluctant crimestoppers is not part of the police but a community organization.
You can remain anonymous. They give you a number for ID.
Please be aware that it up to the people at crimestoppers what you compensation, if any, is.
Even if a reward has been publicized the rewards normally are contingent upon arrest and conviction. If your info is of the type where you are needed for conviction or for a warrant and you do not cooperate you get nil.
Luckily for most of us others actually believe in public service and their duty to the society or no one would be safe in their homes or on the streets.
Sandra asks…
Who is the best horse racing tipster to follow please?
my booky keeps beating me, need serious help lol! only betting small ampounts but i am pants at picking horses!
admin answers:
My simple advice:
Get the Daily Racing Form (DRF).
For the first four races on a card, calculate who is on-point. (On-point meaning: What handicapper listed in the DRF is picking winners, or at least horses that are showing).
After that, handicap as you would, but play credence to the “hot hand.” (the DRF handicapper that is on-point)
As stated, this advice only works for large claiming ($35,000), bona-fide allowance, or major stakes (G2+) races.
If you are trying to pick a mule at RiverDowns (or other small-priced tracks), choose a number, because all the handicapping advice in the world will not help.
There is a lot more handicapping advice out there, which in time, you will learn. However, if you follow the advice provided off the bat, you will get a good start in the game.
James asks…
Markopoulos Bernie Madoff tipster is a dead man walking in my opinion. What do you think?
admin answers:
Granma said Madoff- is living proof Jews cannot be trusted with large sums of money.
Her husband died fighting the Germans in Italy.
Michael asks…
I say, Idle Talk, My Will, Parsons Legacy.. Best of luck all you Yahooers..
admin answers:
1) State of Play.
2) Comply or Die.
3) Parsons Legacy.
Paul asks…
BWJ1963 is this yahoo best tipster?
those tips today were red hot i wish i had been near my pc ? and whats that number you keep writing ? it dont work keep the tips coming though they are spot on !
admin answers:
I live in the united states. I have been around crooked jockeys for 34 years…
So i pick like the owners think. Not the average player…i live in
so. California and 951-454-8265 is the turf-man’s insider secrets
horseracing hotline.. I sell my tip sheets at for $10.00
a day….but someone at y.a. Needed some winners in the u.k.
And i said i would put together a system for u.k. Players…
We are now 7 for 11….but we should be able to do better…
So feel free to e-mail me direct…..will send my plays for
saturday later on tonight…..thank’s for the comment…
All i can do is my best…..see you in the winners circle….
turf-man’s picks for saturday 10/20/2007…..
New market…..1705…..distinction
cheltenham…..1750…..razor royale
catterick…..1650… force
wolverhampton…..1900… badeya
cork…..1440… breaker
this week we are 7 out of 11…..and trying to add to that tally…
Ph# is in the united states…..951-454-8265
good luck and i will see you in the winners circle$$$$$
Carol asks…
usual rules apply three horses theoretical 1 point win on each disqualified means disqualified highest profit wins 10 points [only loser is me]
my three on this dark thursday night are
1. EASTERN GIFT …………ascot 3.35
2. MARKET FORCES…….york 5.20
3.MUSICAL SCRIPT……….kempton 6.50
goodluck !
last weeks winner DAVID G is in top form with a 6/1 winner and a short priced frankie whilst bernard has been unlucky with a non runner he still has ryan moores mount tonight but UNLESS it drifts i dont think he can catch david g DEFCON 1 came close to wipeing us all out with a 14/1 second and a respectful 3rd and 4th LOANSHARK tied with HUDDLEJO could only manage a second and KINGLOU could only manage a3rd its still not over yet but DAVID G could be home and dry.
a clear winner today welldone DAVID G can you make the hatrick next week? you should try the scoop 6 mate your in top form enjoy the points.
admin answers:
Gwanako 2.0 chep
red gala 2.20 asc
ibn khaldun 3.0 asc
Thomas asks…
How do I stop graffiti on my grandparents wall?
I put this in the immigration section cause I’m not sure where else it goes. There is this gang here called w*e*t b@ck pride (not correct spelling but you know what it means). They are kinda like the Mexica Movement and think that all whites, Asians, blacks, basically anyone who is not a Latino, needs to leave the country. Theyre illegal from Mex and trying to “take the US back”. They put WBP everywhere on their “turf” and keep doing it on my grandparents brick wall, they live on a corner. One night I came home from my friends house and saw one of them doing it, I walked out but he ran away like a coward. I called the cops, they said they have to have proof of them doing it, I called the Graffiti Tipster line and left a message months ago, nothing has been done. This is a costly problem, I know where some of the WBP members live and their parents. What can I do to stop this, my grandparents do not need to worry about this on top of all other things in our lives.
admin answers:
:[ That’s pretty sad, You can buy these fake security cameras from cheap shops etc, That have flashing lights, They don’t record, They just appear too, They won’t cost too much, Put it above the spot where they graffiti, Chances are they will either see it, smash it, or not graffiti at all. Maybe put some censor lights or use a camera or video recorder to catch them in the act, and take it to police, possibly even wait until they are near the property and ring police asap.
There is not too much you can do, Only hope these idiots will give up and have some respect. Maybe even put a sign saying, Please do not graffitti & take it off when the day starts,
You may even need to get some of your neighbors involved, Make a ctizens arrest, these vandals should be caught and deported.
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