Archive for June 17, 2011
Your Questions About Best Deals On Appliances
Mary asks…
What stores have the best deals on appliances (refrigerators & washer & dryers) on black Friday in november?
what store usually has more deals on black friday between: home depot, best buy; lowes, etc… are there any other stores that you would recomend for cheap appliances?
admin answers:
I suggest keeping your eyes open for ads in your local newspaper. That’s where you can find the best deals and sometimes coupons.
Ken asks…
Best deals for Household electrical appliances?
20th Aug 2009-Where can I get the best deal for household appliances on a 0% credit card installment scheme? I need to buy the following: 350+ L fridge, washing machine with dryer/or dryer separate, microwave, rice cooker?New in singapore and no clue where to shop.Please help!please let me know all the places ..warehouses/shops/stores etc so tht i can search and decide.Thanks
admin answers:
Hi I know a Shop By the name of Euromark located at Toa Payoh you can tried calling 62554688 to look for David,He’s a rather nice man.
Mark asks…
where can you find the best deals on appliances (metro detroit area)????
admin answers:
The best deals on new appliances are usually from the national chains like Sears. I would reccomend a place that sells refurbished appliances for a fraction of the price.
Global Appliance
13007 E 8 Mile Rd
Warren, MI 48089
Phone: (586) 775-1110
call for hours
John asks…
How can you find the best deal for the best appliances?
I am going to be closing on my first home on friday so I will be shopping for new appliances in about a week and a half. I will be buying an electric stove, a refrigerator, a dishwasher, and a built in microwave. I would like to invest in appliances with features I want so the bundle packages won’t work, however I do want to get the best deal. Where is the best place to shop? How do you look for discounts, and do you have any suggestions on reliable brands or appliances you have used and liked? This is obviously a huge purchase so any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
admin answers:
Start at a store of your choice..tell them you are shopping for prices to compare and would like the best price they can give you on the appliances you choose. Usually the more you buy, the better the discount…have them write down their best price and have them give you a day to shop around (write it on the paper). Go to the next store that has the same appliances (this is the trick). Ask the next store for their best price. When you get it, tell them you are comparison shopping and if their price is higher than the first store, then show them the quote and ask if they can beat it…continue on in this manner with three or for stores locally. If you prefer a certain store over the others, then be sure to return to all the stores asking them to at least match the lowest price because you would rather deal with them. In my area, you can do this with The Brick, Leons, Sears, and a local shop. You can get great deals like this. I did this when purchasing all new appliances and got a great deal on the prices. As for brands…depends on the features you like. I like Maytag/Whirlpool/KitchenAid and the higher end products of these makes…especially the get what you pay for, so spend money on a good one and clean it properly so it lasts a long time. Be sure to ask if there are repairmen in the area for the brands you choose….that will influence your decision. Do not get sucked into paying for features you do not need, want or will use. Get extended warranties..if they won’t budge on prices, see if they will toss in an extended warranty for free. You do not know till you ask. I got mine free. Know what you want before going in for final pricing..this may mean you shop around a bit beforehand to know who carries your desired appliance. It is good you are seen a couple of times in the store before you decide anyway. Have fun!! Is worth the extra legwork for the discount you can get.
Michael asks…
Best deal on high end kitchen appliances?
I am looking to purchase Slide in or free standing duel fuel range 36″ and vent hood. 36″ built in counter depth frig and DW in stainless.Any suggestions to get a best deal? frig and DW are side by side so may need to be same brand ,but range is acros the room.
admin answers:
I have found that when you buy high end are paying for a name,and not performance.but if thats what you are wanting check site below.
Laura asks…
where can i get the best deal on stainless steel appliances in the GTA?
i’m looking for stainless steel – fridge, over the range microwave, diswasher and stove on a tight budget….
admin answers:
Some good deals here:
Thomas asks…
How to get the best deals on refrigerators?
I am buying a new house and it does not have a refrigerator in it. This is my first house and I have never purchased any appliances before. So are there any tricks/websites/stores that would offer better rates? What else should I be concerned about while making a deal on the refrigerator?
admin answers:
You need to read Chapters 2 and 3 of Herb Cohen’s book, “You Can Negotiate Anything”. You can read them for free as an excerpt on Google books. He uses purchasing a refrigerator as an example but the same techniques work with other appliances where a salesman is involved.
You can often get used appliances for free if you are able to pick them up. Use the second link below to locate one or more Freecycle™ groups that are active in your area out of the nearly 5000 groups worldwide. It costs absolutely nothing to join and participate. Refrigerators, washers, dryers, stoves, air conditioners and furniture show up pretty regularly in the group I belong to. Most anything else you can think of is likely to be offered too.
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Your Questions About History International
Laura asks…
Why is History International obsessed with Hitler?
Everytime i flip thru the channels I see Histi playing SOMETHING about hitler, I mean its NON-STOP.
I asked around and people said that its being run by Jews who wont let go of the past!
What are your opinions?
Keep in mind that i am talking about History International NOT History Channel.
admin answers:
I watch History channel and History International but if your talking about watching Hitler all of the time your more likely talking about the Military Channel. They show Hitler all of the time. I guess the reason why Hitler is talked about so much is best he is one of the most infamous leaders in world history. And the fact that there was cameras during his regime.
Ruth asks…
what are the chances of me getting into LSE to study international relations and history?
It require an ABB, im predicted an ABB. I’m in year 13, its also my first choice. I wrote in my personal statment about all sort of international history- not just british etc. Ive also done extra ciriculum things such as Mandarin and a 2 week language course in france in galleries lafayette etc etc. Ive heard its pretty competitive….im really worried!
admin answers:
I would try and beat those grades LSE is one of the top Unis in the world !
Mandy asks…
what is better to study, international business or history for international relations ,politics?
Gotta make a decision. Shall I study International business or history?
admin answers:
That would depend on what you are more interested in. I would go with business if you plan on finding a job more easily. The history would be useful for understanding the world and why it has problems today.
Mark asks…
How hard is studying history, international studies, and philosophy in graduate school?
And what are some schools to consider for history? My adviser strongly recommends his alma mater berkeley…but I was leaning more towards columbia or coming back to my state and attending NC State Uni.
admin answers:
It all depends on what kind of history you want to study – american history? Better go in america. Egyptian history – might consider egypt .
Its not hard if you love it. If you love it – all the work will be fun to you and you’ll enjoy it. We all have to learn how to work at some point – but – we make it work because we love what we do!
Good schools? That’s alllll a matter of opinion!
Sandy asks…
Are there any types of jobs involving history/international business?
I’m currently a high school student and I honestly have no idea what I want to do when I grow up. What I do know is that I want to do something were I can go to a different country, learn history, experience new cultures or something where I can help people. I thought about anthropology but are there any other jobs? I do plan on going to college. Maybe knowing what kind of profession I’m aiming for will help me chose what to study. Can you help me?
admin answers:
Thats right
Robert asks…
Can you become a Doctor with a undergrad degree in International History?
Posted early about becoming a Corporate Lawyer but my sister suggested that I should become a doctor, but i’m almost dome my undergrad degree in International History. so my question it can I get into med school with a History degree? thanks for every ones help
admin answers:
Minimum undergrad course requirements for medical school is:
1 year biology with lab
2 years chemistry (general chem & organic chem) with labs
1 year physics with lab
1 year English
1 year calculus, statistics, or other higher level math
As long as you’ve taken those classes you can have your bachelor’s degree in any subject.
Doing well in your science classes and on the MCAT exam will get you through the minimum qualifications, but you will still have to compete against the thousands of other applicants who have been preparing for medical school for a long time and vying for a one of very select slots in medical school.
John asks…
how long does international business go back in history?
i cant seem to find where in history did international business start.can someone help me please?
admin answers:
It goes as far back as written history. To the silk and spice trades. Egypt traded with other countries and it was going on before that.
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Develop your passions: find rewarding hobby ideas
Nowadays, it is difficult to make time for us. Centuries ago, the concept of a hobby was quite popular. People choose different types of activities to pass the time and of course, to improve a certain ability. Sometimes a career is made with a hobby. Today it is difficult, the idea of separating a hobby and a career. Decision on a rewarding hobby developed as a habit. It could be brought about as a child and you have it in adulthood, as read or continue playing the piano. If you feel you are hobby ideas, here are some tips that you should use.
Look back on your childhood hobbies. Most of us are intrigued about things gather, search around or maybe through images. The idea here is always passionate and curious. In addition, you should never losing childish curiosity. Sometimes the hobby, you are passionate only under the nose can be stay.
Look around your House. See different things, you have not already done. An idea in mind to cook or bake generate or perhaps to do repairs. If it drives you to do something, it can get you started on a hobby. A hobby must not to mention solemn. There are active as, repairs, or fine tuning of the car. It could also more exploratory like cooking or gardening. If it the part of your brain, which calls for you is to do it no matter what happens, then try it out. Developing a hobby is a habit-forming.
Outside go. Let your thoughts to wander a bit. Sometimes, the best things turn ideas to find another hobby. You may suddenly find the urge to do first steps with embroidery or crochet. I don’t think how you should be an expert. It is a hobby. If you feel that you can move in a different direction to him with your ideas, then education is necessary. Again, are the hobbies, you choose the really staying at spirit and soul.
You are never too old to find hobby ideas. She could be 70 and up but you can explore new things like reliving your passion for sport, or maybe quilting or fishing. You can expand your knowledge of plants still more difficult plants. It is never to be late to passionate about something.
According to Denis Diderot, French philosopher and art critic, “only passions, great passions, can increase the soul in great things.” Hobby to pretend only habits not ending ideas. Take you even better things to do and it can arise from a simple hobby to a famous experts.
To find and learn more about hobbies such as gardening, please visit guitar and piano hobby ideas website.
Related Reading:

Your Questions About History International
Ruth asks…
Why is History International obsessed with Hitler?
Everytime i flip thru the channels I see Histi playing SOMETHING about hitler, I mean its NON-STOP.
I asked around and people said that its being run by Jews who wont let go of the past!
What are your opinions?
Keep in mind that i am talking about History International NOT History Channel.
admin answers:
I watch History channel and History International but if your talking about watching Hitler all of the time your more likely talking about the Military Channel. They show Hitler all of the time. I guess the reason why Hitler is talked about so much is best he is one of the most infamous leaders in world history. And the fact that there was cameras during his regime.
James asks…
what are the chances of me getting into LSE to study international relations and history?
It require an ABB, im predicted an ABB. I’m in year 13, its also my first choice. I wrote in my personal statment about all sort of international history- not just british etc. Ive also done extra ciriculum things such as Mandarin and a 2 week language course in france in galleries lafayette etc etc. Ive heard its pretty competitive….im really worried!
admin answers:
I would try and beat those grades LSE is one of the top Unis in the world !
Lisa asks…
what is better to study, international business or history for international relations ,politics?
Gotta make a decision. Shall I study International business or history?
admin answers:
That would depend on what you are more interested in. I would go with business if you plan on finding a job more easily. The history would be useful for understanding the world and why it has problems today.
Betty asks…
How hard is studying history, international studies, and philosophy in graduate school?
And what are some schools to consider for history? My adviser strongly recommends his alma mater berkeley…but I was leaning more towards columbia or coming back to my state and attending NC State Uni.
admin answers:
It all depends on what kind of history you want to study – american history? Better go in america. Egyptian history – might consider egypt .
Its not hard if you love it. If you love it – all the work will be fun to you and you’ll enjoy it. We all have to learn how to work at some point – but – we make it work because we love what we do!
Good schools? That’s alllll a matter of opinion!
Daniel asks…
Are there any types of jobs involving history/international business?
I’m currently a high school student and I honestly have no idea what I want to do when I grow up. What I do know is that I want to do something were I can go to a different country, learn history, experience new cultures or something where I can help people. I thought about anthropology but are there any other jobs? I do plan on going to college. Maybe knowing what kind of profession I’m aiming for will help me chose what to study. Can you help me?
admin answers:
Thats right
Maria asks…
Can you become a Doctor with a undergrad degree in International History?
Posted early about becoming a Corporate Lawyer but my sister suggested that I should become a doctor, but i’m almost dome my undergrad degree in International History. so my question it can I get into med school with a History degree? thanks for every ones help
admin answers:
Minimum undergrad course requirements for medical school is:
1 year biology with lab
2 years chemistry (general chem & organic chem) with labs
1 year physics with lab
1 year English
1 year calculus, statistics, or other higher level math
As long as you’ve taken those classes you can have your bachelor’s degree in any subject.
Doing well in your science classes and on the MCAT exam will get you through the minimum qualifications, but you will still have to compete against the thousands of other applicants who have been preparing for medical school for a long time and vying for a one of very select slots in medical school.
Jenny asks…
how long does international business go back in history?
i cant seem to find where in history did international business start.can someone help me please?
admin answers:
It goes as far back as written history. To the silk and spice trades. Egypt traded with other countries and it was going on before that.
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Your Questions About History Of The Internet
Sharon asks…
How can I prevent users of my computer from deleting the internet browsing history?
I run an internet cafe and so many people are using one computer that its hard to keep track what they are doing when using the computer particularly internet browsing so I want to prevent users from deleting the browsing history (Internet Options) so I can check at the end of the day which websites they visited so I can trace where and when
admin answers:
Implement a proxy server and have all PC’s point the browser to it.
Turn on logging on said proxy server.
Also, use an access list to disable external internet from all client computer IP’s except for the proxy server.
Squid’s a good one but you have to have a bit of technological knowledge.
It should also increase the responsiveness of your internet browsing, since it is also a caching proxy.
John asks…
How do I delete my browser’s history? (Internet explorer 7)?
whenever I click the search bar, and type example “q” the previous things i’ve visited shows up in list. I already tried to do the tools> clear browser thing A LOT OF TIMES and it still appear…what should I do?
admin answers:
On my computer(not sure what version of internet explorer) you have to click favourites>click history>right click on the website>delete. Or you can just delete the whole day.
Hope this helps
Sandy asks…
Do the Internet providers keep a track/history of everything that we do online?
You know like an history of websites that we visit and stuff.
admin answers:
In this day everything is tracked.
Maria asks…
Where can I find REPRESENTATIONS of THE BRAIN in the HISTORY (internet)??
HI again…
To my English class I will use representations of the brain in the history… I will make an exposition about the history of the brain.
Is an exposition about the ideas of the brain… you now… the Aristotle´s ideas, the Galen´s ideas… please if you know about my question please hep me
PD: if do you want, can you correct my English of this mesagge? TY
admin answers:
There have been a lot of influential historical figures that were involved in medicine in one way or another. Hippocrates established a code of ethics and urged physicians to seek causes of disease, rather than blaming gos for disease as was the custom of his day. Aristotle was the first to say that complex structures are built from simpler parts (atoms). Galen, physician to the gladiators, saw science as a method of discovery. He did animal dissections (use of cadavers was banned) and wrote a book that advised his followers to trust their own observations. Avicenna was from the Muslim world. He wrote The Canon of Medicine, a book that was used in medical schools until the 16th century. There are numerous other people involved in different areas and beginnings of medicine. As for where to find the information on each of them, you’re probably going to have to look them up one by one, unfortunately. Here are some others you may want to consider: Vesalius (gross anatomy), Harvey (realized that blood flows into and back out of heart), Leeuwenhoek (invented the microscope to look at fabrics), Hooke (wrote Micrographia), Zeiss (developed and improved the compound microscope), and Schleiden & Schwann (cell theory of 1839). Hope this helps!
Lisa asks…
where can I find REPRESENTATIONS of THE BRAIN in the HISTORY (internet)??
HI again…
To my English class I will use representations of the brain in the history… I will make an exposition about the history of the brain.
Is an exposition about the ideas of the brain… you now… the Aristotle´s ideas, the Galen´s ideas… please if you know about my question please hep me
PD: if do you want, can you correct my English of this mesagge? TY
admin answers:
You need to contrast study of physical evolution and environmental evolution to get the brain history….
Susan asks…
How do I find deleted internet history on my laptop?
I have heard even though you delete your history on the internet off of your computer you can find it some how. I would like to find this information but I am not sure how. Can anyone help me?
admin answers:
I know there are deff. Ways to find the history other then internet. Dont know exactly how. Why not call a computer hotline. Someone will guide you thru it.
Ruth asks…
How to delete internet history files from the hardware?
I have a laptop on loan from the diploma I’m doing and they’re doing a complete hardware check of the internet sites we’ve been on, I’ve deleted the internet history from the browser but how do you get rid of it from the hardware? Or is there a program that will do this for you?
The browser I use is Safari.
Thank you!
admin answers:
Hi my friend.
First go to control panel and select Internet option then you will see a clock and a blank near that.Tick the blank and apply that.
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About History International
Michael asks…
Why is History International obsessed with Hitler?
Everytime i flip thru the channels I see Histi playing SOMETHING about hitler, I mean its NON-STOP.
I asked around and people said that its being run by Jews who wont let go of the past!
What are your opinions?
Keep in mind that i am talking about History International NOT History Channel.
admin answers:
I watch History channel and History International but if your talking about watching Hitler all of the time your more likely talking about the Military Channel. They show Hitler all of the time. I guess the reason why Hitler is talked about so much is best he is one of the most infamous leaders in world history. And the fact that there was cameras during his regime.
Sandra asks…
what are the chances of me getting into LSE to study international relations and history?
It require an ABB, im predicted an ABB. I’m in year 13, its also my first choice. I wrote in my personal statment about all sort of international history- not just british etc. Ive also done extra ciriculum things such as Mandarin and a 2 week language course in france in galleries lafayette etc etc. Ive heard its pretty competitive….im really worried!
admin answers:
I would try and beat those grades LSE is one of the top Unis in the world !
Lizzie asks…
what is better to study, international business or history for international relations ,politics?
Gotta make a decision. Shall I study International business or history?
admin answers:
That would depend on what you are more interested in. I would go with business if you plan on finding a job more easily. The history would be useful for understanding the world and why it has problems today.
Robert asks…
How hard is studying history, international studies, and philosophy in graduate school?
And what are some schools to consider for history? My adviser strongly recommends his alma mater berkeley…but I was leaning more towards columbia or coming back to my state and attending NC State Uni.
admin answers:
It all depends on what kind of history you want to study – american history? Better go in america. Egyptian history – might consider egypt .
Its not hard if you love it. If you love it – all the work will be fun to you and you’ll enjoy it. We all have to learn how to work at some point – but – we make it work because we love what we do!
Good schools? That’s alllll a matter of opinion!
Lisa asks…
Are there any types of jobs involving history/international business?
I’m currently a high school student and I honestly have no idea what I want to do when I grow up. What I do know is that I want to do something were I can go to a different country, learn history, experience new cultures or something where I can help people. I thought about anthropology but are there any other jobs? I do plan on going to college. Maybe knowing what kind of profession I’m aiming for will help me chose what to study. Can you help me?
admin answers:
Thats right
Carol asks…
Can you become a Doctor with a undergrad degree in International History?
Posted early about becoming a Corporate Lawyer but my sister suggested that I should become a doctor, but i’m almost dome my undergrad degree in International History. so my question it can I get into med school with a History degree? thanks for every ones help
admin answers:
Minimum undergrad course requirements for medical school is:
1 year biology with lab
2 years chemistry (general chem & organic chem) with labs
1 year physics with lab
1 year English
1 year calculus, statistics, or other higher level math
As long as you’ve taken those classes you can have your bachelor’s degree in any subject.
Doing well in your science classes and on the MCAT exam will get you through the minimum qualifications, but you will still have to compete against the thousands of other applicants who have been preparing for medical school for a long time and vying for a one of very select slots in medical school.
Ken asks…
how long does international business go back in history?
i cant seem to find where in history did international business start.can someone help me please?
admin answers:
It goes as far back as written history. To the silk and spice trades. Egypt traded with other countries and it was going on before that.
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Your Questions About History Channel
Charles asks…
history channel?
If you have Comcast… what is the channel for The History Channel????
I’m in San Fransico….
admin answers:
Channel 25 in the southern states
Mary asks…
History Channel?
So, how did everyone feel about the History Channel‘s The Universe series???? Also, all there other series and shows about space???? I think they are pretty interesting. Some were awesome and some were the perfect sleeping pill. just wanted tot hink what you guys thought
admin answers:
I thought it was brilliant. Instead of throwing a bunch of complex ideas that the average person wouldn’t understand it gave an accurate and understandable (something that is very hard to do) account of anything it talked about. Yea, some were kind of boring, like the outer planets, but most were interesting. And if you have the science channel i would check that out every once in a while, sometimes they have some pretty good things on. Like today they had a special on the information paradox of black holes.
David asks…
What channel is History Channel on comcast digital cable?
I have to watch a documentary for school on the human machine
and Ive been flippin through all my channels and likeee i couldnt find
history channel. So whats the channel plz? thanks. 10 points for best answer and achannel!
admin answers:
It all depends on where you live…in Vermont it is Ch 51. Go to and hit channel lineup and enter your zipcode and it will tell you what channel.
Or use this,subPage=main,target=,b3target=,b3selPath=,gridStart=1192933800000,gridFilter=all,searchTerm=,microCat=null,microSubcat=null,browseAlpha=null,browseListing=null,1192934027827
Jenny asks…
Why is the History channel showing a bunch of shows about aliens?
Every time I turn it to the history channel, they always have a different show about extra terrestrials and how they came down to earth to help the Myans or other civilizations out to give them ideas. Television has always shown tv shows about aliens and occasional shows about Roswell, but I think the history channel is over doing these types of shows. Is there a reason why the History channel keeps showing these shows over and over again? Are there really aliens that came from the future to help these civilizations out, and since they have found evidence that’s why they are frequently showing these shows? Any thoughts please.
admin answers:
As the popularized saying goes, you can’t handle the truth.
Yes, aliens are real. I have seen their ships along with others who were there on two occasions. I have met many other people who have seen them too. The aliens are very intelligent and know that people will figure them out eventually so they want to be the ones to tell the story about themselves. That means they are allowing themselves to be seen on purpose. You don’t really think they need all those running lights and clearance lights all over their ships at night do you?
Now, if average people have seen them so many times why would you think political leaders haven’t seen them? Well, that is because leaders have seen them.
Here you have Rush Limbaugh talking about it:…
Here is Congressman Dennis Kucinich talking about it and trying to back off to save his political standing:…
You just need to understand a simple fact: IF BEINGS HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY TO MAKE IT HERE FROM ANOTHER SOLAR SYSTEM THEY ALSO HAVE THE FAR EASIER TECHNOLOGY TO RULE OUR PLANET AND NATION BEHIND THE SCENES WITHOUT MOST PEOPLE KNOWING. That statement must be a fact in your mind if you have any measure of intellect or technical knowledge.
It must also be a given that if there were beings capable of coming here thousands of years ago and erecting monuments like the Great Pyramid of Giza which are impossible for us to construct today with our current technology then they must be at least several thousand years ahead of us in technology because of the time for research and development they have had since that time. The idea that they are only a couple hundred years ahead of us in technology must be thrown out the window. And yes, it is true what the History Channel says about it being impossible. There are 400,000 blocks of stone at Giza which no technology humanity has today can move 100 feet let alone 100s of miles.
You can easily research HAR1, the section of DNA all living creatures carry that has 18 points of difference between human and chimpanzee. This same section has only 2 points of difference between a chimpanzee and a fish. HAR1 is the section of DNA code that is most responsible for brain growth. If you have any education in biology or genetics you know that the numbers given in this paragraph deny any statistical possibility if you only take evolution into account.
So to answer your question given this collection of factual information:
The History Channel is showing lots of alien shows because the aliens have decided that is what they want to happen.
And that my friend is the BEST ANSWER. Thank you,
George asks…
What are all the history channel documentary’s about ww2?
What are all the history channel documentary’s about ww2? Please give a list of what the episode was called. Ex. History Channel – The plot to kill Hitler. You dont have to list them if you can find a site with them all already listed., just provide the link to the site. In case you cant figure it out i love learning bout ww2, i think its one of the most interesting events in history.
admin answers:
I find WWII interesting as well im so fascinated with it , but sry i dont know any website just wnated to say i like to learn about WWII if you want to play or “KIND” of reexperince WWII , i suggest u try playing call of duty world at war, it’s about WWII and actually contains real footage and clips from WWII and uses real facts and lcoations from WWII but the reason why i siad u re experince it is it kind of gives u a feeling on how terrible it was but offcourse it cant be compared to WWII at allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Robert asks…
What is the mysterious music played on the History Channel?
A lot of times on the history channel there is a specific music theme they play, typically when someone is talking about UFO’s or monsters. It is two medium string notes (violin, cello, ect.), followed by two lower notes. Does anyone have any idea what the title of the music is?
admin answers:
Without a specific (music) link – You Tube? – it’s very difficult to make any really meaningful attempts at identification.
The following piece is very often used in Cosmological/TV/Movie/ etc. Programs; see if it rings any kind of a bell for you [from Richard Wagner's "Die Gotterdammerung"] :
Lisa asks…
How can I tell good History Channel documentaries from bad?
I’ve been getting really into documentaries recently but I’ve noticed some of the History Channel stuff is really well done and some is absolute garbage! Anyone know how to tell the difference before I buy one? Are there certain directors to look for? Or “specials” vs. tv shows? Maybe the amount of people involved in making it will clue me in?
admin answers:
Personally I consider much of what’s on the “History” Channel to be crap designed to help charlatans like Erich Von Daniken sell more books and videos. I stick with PBS Nova these days.
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Your Questions About History Channel
Robert asks…
history channel?
If you have Comcast… what is the channel for The History Channel????
I’m in San Fransico….
admin answers:
Channel 25 in the southern states
Daniel asks…
History Channel?
So, how did everyone feel about the History Channel‘s The Universe series???? Also, all there other series and shows about space???? I think they are pretty interesting. Some were awesome and some were the perfect sleeping pill. just wanted tot hink what you guys thought
admin answers:
I thought it was brilliant. Instead of throwing a bunch of complex ideas that the average person wouldn’t understand it gave an accurate and understandable (something that is very hard to do) account of anything it talked about. Yea, some were kind of boring, like the outer planets, but most were interesting. And if you have the science channel i would check that out every once in a while, sometimes they have some pretty good things on. Like today they had a special on the information paradox of black holes.
Thomas asks…
What channel is History Channel on comcast digital cable?
I have to watch a documentary for school on the human machine
and Ive been flippin through all my channels and likeee i couldnt find
history channel. So whats the channel plz? thanks. 10 points for best answer and achannel!
admin answers:
It all depends on where you live…in Vermont it is Ch 51. Go to and hit channel lineup and enter your zipcode and it will tell you what channel.
Or use this,subPage=main,target=,b3target=,b3selPath=,gridStart=1192933800000,gridFilter=all,searchTerm=,microCat=null,microSubcat=null,browseAlpha=null,browseListing=null,1192934027827
Sandy asks…
Why is the History channel showing a bunch of shows about aliens?
Every time I turn it to the history channel, they always have a different show about extra terrestrials and how they came down to earth to help the Myans or other civilizations out to give them ideas. Television has always shown tv shows about aliens and occasional shows about Roswell, but I think the history channel is over doing these types of shows. Is there a reason why the History channel keeps showing these shows over and over again? Are there really aliens that came from the future to help these civilizations out, and since they have found evidence that’s why they are frequently showing these shows? Any thoughts please.
admin answers:
As the popularized saying goes, you can’t handle the truth.
Yes, aliens are real. I have seen their ships along with others who were there on two occasions. I have met many other people who have seen them too. The aliens are very intelligent and know that people will figure them out eventually so they want to be the ones to tell the story about themselves. That means they are allowing themselves to be seen on purpose. You don’t really think they need all those running lights and clearance lights all over their ships at night do you?
Now, if average people have seen them so many times why would you think political leaders haven’t seen them? Well, that is because leaders have seen them.
Here you have Rush Limbaugh talking about it:…
Here is Congressman Dennis Kucinich talking about it and trying to back off to save his political standing:…
You just need to understand a simple fact: IF BEINGS HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY TO MAKE IT HERE FROM ANOTHER SOLAR SYSTEM THEY ALSO HAVE THE FAR EASIER TECHNOLOGY TO RULE OUR PLANET AND NATION BEHIND THE SCENES WITHOUT MOST PEOPLE KNOWING. That statement must be a fact in your mind if you have any measure of intellect or technical knowledge.
It must also be a given that if there were beings capable of coming here thousands of years ago and erecting monuments like the Great Pyramid of Giza which are impossible for us to construct today with our current technology then they must be at least several thousand years ahead of us in technology because of the time for research and development they have had since that time. The idea that they are only a couple hundred years ahead of us in technology must be thrown out the window. And yes, it is true what the History Channel says about it being impossible. There are 400,000 blocks of stone at Giza which no technology humanity has today can move 100 feet let alone 100s of miles.
You can easily research HAR1, the section of DNA all living creatures carry that has 18 points of difference between human and chimpanzee. This same section has only 2 points of difference between a chimpanzee and a fish. HAR1 is the section of DNA code that is most responsible for brain growth. If you have any education in biology or genetics you know that the numbers given in this paragraph deny any statistical possibility if you only take evolution into account.
So to answer your question given this collection of factual information:
The History Channel is showing lots of alien shows because the aliens have decided that is what they want to happen.
And that my friend is the BEST ANSWER. Thank you,
Donna asks…
What are all the history channel documentary’s about ww2?
What are all the history channel documentary’s about ww2? Please give a list of what the episode was called. Ex. History Channel – The plot to kill Hitler. You dont have to list them if you can find a site with them all already listed., just provide the link to the site. In case you cant figure it out i love learning bout ww2, i think its one of the most interesting events in history.
admin answers:
I find WWII interesting as well im so fascinated with it , but sry i dont know any website just wnated to say i like to learn about WWII if you want to play or “KIND” of reexperince WWII , i suggest u try playing call of duty world at war, it’s about WWII and actually contains real footage and clips from WWII and uses real facts and lcoations from WWII but the reason why i siad u re experince it is it kind of gives u a feeling on how terrible it was but offcourse it cant be compared to WWII at allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Carol asks…
What is the mysterious music played on the History Channel?
A lot of times on the history channel there is a specific music theme they play, typically when someone is talking about UFO’s or monsters. It is two medium string notes (violin, cello, ect.), followed by two lower notes. Does anyone have any idea what the title of the music is?
admin answers:
Without a specific (music) link – You Tube? – it’s very difficult to make any really meaningful attempts at identification.
The following piece is very often used in Cosmological/TV/Movie/ etc. Programs; see if it rings any kind of a bell for you [from Richard Wagner's "Die Gotterdammerung"] :
Charles asks…
How can I tell good History Channel documentaries from bad?
I’ve been getting really into documentaries recently but I’ve noticed some of the History Channel stuff is really well done and some is absolute garbage! Anyone know how to tell the difference before I buy one? Are there certain directors to look for? Or “specials” vs. tv shows? Maybe the amount of people involved in making it will clue me in?
admin answers:
Personally I consider much of what’s on the “History” Channel to be crap designed to help charlatans like Erich Von Daniken sell more books and videos. I stick with PBS Nova these days.
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Your Questions About History International
Daniel asks…
Why is History International obsessed with Hitler?
Everytime i flip thru the channels I see Histi playing SOMETHING about hitler, I mean its NON-STOP.
I asked around and people said that its being run by Jews who wont let go of the past!
What are your opinions?
Keep in mind that i am talking about History International NOT History Channel.
admin answers:
I watch History channel and History International but if your talking about watching Hitler all of the time your more likely talking about the Military Channel. They show Hitler all of the time. I guess the reason why Hitler is talked about so much is best he is one of the most infamous leaders in world history. And the fact that there was cameras during his regime.
Sharon asks…
what are the chances of me getting into LSE to study international relations and history?
It require an ABB, im predicted an ABB. I’m in year 13, its also my first choice. I wrote in my personal statment about all sort of international history- not just british etc. Ive also done extra ciriculum things such as Mandarin and a 2 week language course in france in galleries lafayette etc etc. Ive heard its pretty competitive….im really worried!
admin answers:
I would try and beat those grades LSE is one of the top Unis in the world !
Sandy asks…
what is better to study, international business or history for international relations ,politics?
Gotta make a decision. Shall I study International business or history?
admin answers:
That would depend on what you are more interested in. I would go with business if you plan on finding a job more easily. The history would be useful for understanding the world and why it has problems today.
Michael asks…
How hard is studying history, international studies, and philosophy in graduate school?
And what are some schools to consider for history? My adviser strongly recommends his alma mater berkeley…but I was leaning more towards columbia or coming back to my state and attending NC State Uni.
admin answers:
It all depends on what kind of history you want to study – american history? Better go in america. Egyptian history – might consider egypt .
Its not hard if you love it. If you love it – all the work will be fun to you and you’ll enjoy it. We all have to learn how to work at some point – but – we make it work because we love what we do!
Good schools? That’s alllll a matter of opinion!
Richard asks…
Are there any types of jobs involving history/international business?
I’m currently a high school student and I honestly have no idea what I want to do when I grow up. What I do know is that I want to do something were I can go to a different country, learn history, experience new cultures or something where I can help people. I thought about anthropology but are there any other jobs? I do plan on going to college. Maybe knowing what kind of profession I’m aiming for will help me chose what to study. Can you help me?
admin answers:
Thats right
Carol asks…
Can you become a Doctor with a undergrad degree in International History?
Posted early about becoming a Corporate Lawyer but my sister suggested that I should become a doctor, but i’m almost dome my undergrad degree in International History. so my question it can I get into med school with a History degree? thanks for every ones help
admin answers:
Minimum undergrad course requirements for medical school is:
1 year biology with lab
2 years chemistry (general chem & organic chem) with labs
1 year physics with lab
1 year English
1 year calculus, statistics, or other higher level math
As long as you’ve taken those classes you can have your bachelor’s degree in any subject.
Doing well in your science classes and on the MCAT exam will get you through the minimum qualifications, but you will still have to compete against the thousands of other applicants who have been preparing for medical school for a long time and vying for a one of very select slots in medical school.
David asks…
how long does international business go back in history?
i cant seem to find where in history did international business start.can someone help me please?
admin answers:
It goes as far back as written history. To the silk and spice trades. Egypt traded with other countries and it was going on before that.
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Your Questions About History Of The Internet
Joseph asks…
How can I prevent users of my computer from deleting the internet browsing history?
I run an internet cafe and so many people are using one computer that its hard to keep track what they are doing when using the computer particularly internet browsing so I want to prevent users from deleting the browsing history (Internet Options) so I can check at the end of the day which websites they visited so I can trace where and when
admin answers:
Implement a proxy server and have all PC’s point the browser to it.
Turn on logging on said proxy server.
Also, use an access list to disable external internet from all client computer IP’s except for the proxy server.
Squid’s a good one but you have to have a bit of technological knowledge.
It should also increase the responsiveness of your internet browsing, since it is also a caching proxy.
Betty asks…
How do I delete my browser’s history? (Internet explorer 7)?
whenever I click the search bar, and type example “q” the previous things i’ve visited shows up in list. I already tried to do the tools> clear browser thing A LOT OF TIMES and it still appear…what should I do?
admin answers:
On my computer(not sure what version of internet explorer) you have to click favourites>click history>right click on the website>delete. Or you can just delete the whole day.
Hope this helps
Donna asks…
Do the Internet providers keep a track/history of everything that we do online?
You know like an history of websites that we visit and stuff.
admin answers:
In this day everything is tracked.
George asks…
Where can I find REPRESENTATIONS of THE BRAIN in the HISTORY (internet)??
HI again…
To my English class I will use representations of the brain in the history… I will make an exposition about the history of the brain.
Is an exposition about the ideas of the brain… you now… the Aristotle´s ideas, the Galen´s ideas… please if you know about my question please hep me
PD: if do you want, can you correct my English of this mesagge? TY
admin answers:
There have been a lot of influential historical figures that were involved in medicine in one way or another. Hippocrates established a code of ethics and urged physicians to seek causes of disease, rather than blaming gos for disease as was the custom of his day. Aristotle was the first to say that complex structures are built from simpler parts (atoms). Galen, physician to the gladiators, saw science as a method of discovery. He did animal dissections (use of cadavers was banned) and wrote a book that advised his followers to trust their own observations. Avicenna was from the Muslim world. He wrote The Canon of Medicine, a book that was used in medical schools until the 16th century. There are numerous other people involved in different areas and beginnings of medicine. As for where to find the information on each of them, you’re probably going to have to look them up one by one, unfortunately. Here are some others you may want to consider: Vesalius (gross anatomy), Harvey (realized that blood flows into and back out of heart), Leeuwenhoek (invented the microscope to look at fabrics), Hooke (wrote Micrographia), Zeiss (developed and improved the compound microscope), and Schleiden & Schwann (cell theory of 1839). Hope this helps!
Sandy asks…
where can I find REPRESENTATIONS of THE BRAIN in the HISTORY (internet)??
HI again…
To my English class I will use representations of the brain in the history… I will make an exposition about the history of the brain.
Is an exposition about the ideas of the brain… you now… the Aristotle´s ideas, the Galen´s ideas… please if you know about my question please hep me
PD: if do you want, can you correct my English of this mesagge? TY
admin answers:
You need to contrast study of physical evolution and environmental evolution to get the brain history….
David asks…
How do I find deleted internet history on my laptop?
I have heard even though you delete your history on the internet off of your computer you can find it some how. I would like to find this information but I am not sure how. Can anyone help me?
admin answers:
I know there are deff. Ways to find the history other then internet. Dont know exactly how. Why not call a computer hotline. Someone will guide you thru it.
Laura asks…
How to delete internet history files from the hardware?
I have a laptop on loan from the diploma I’m doing and they’re doing a complete hardware check of the internet sites we’ve been on, I’ve deleted the internet history from the browser but how do you get rid of it from the hardware? Or is there a program that will do this for you?
The browser I use is Safari.
Thank you!
admin answers:
Hi my friend.
First go to control panel and select Internet option then you will see a clock and a blank near that.Tick the blank and apply that.
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