Archive for June 15, 2011
Your Questions About My Tips Taxable
Mary asks…
Taxable tips?
As a server, does the law require that you declare 100% of your tip income? My employer has said to claim 10% of my sales (almost 100%) and I am just curious what the law is. I am not concerned with fudging, I just want to know if employer’s have a say, or choose a standard, and what the IRS says.
admin answers:
Yes you have to claim 100% of your tips, however, any tips totaling under $20 for the month are not subject to social security & medicare. If your tips are less that the average for the business you work for (probably the 10% of sales figure your employer gave you), you need to keep a record of your tips (a tip diary) for documentation if the IRS requests it.
James asks…
tips earned are taxable but…?
Tips earned are taxable but is there a % of how much I should report to IRS or my employer? let’s say I earned $100 for tips, should I report the whole amount or can I report $80 only?
admin answers:
You’re supposed to report the full amount, but few do. I’ve attached a link about tip reporting.
Ken asks…
It looks like 100% of my wife’s tips are taken out of her paycheck?
On her paystub under GROSS REPORTED TIPS it reads $215. To the right in the section with medicare, fed tax, ss tax, etc. it shows that same $215 deducted from her pay. What gives? I realize that the tips are taxable, but doesn’t something seem off that 100% of her tips go to the fed and get taken out of her check? What’s the point in receiving tips if they ALL come out of your paycheck??
admin answers:
You are misunderstanding what’s happening.
The tips are added to her other income at the top before taxes are calculated on them. Then they’re subtracted back out since she has already gotten them. You’re forgetting she goes home with them in her pocket – so while the employer has to add them to her wages to calculate the tax, they then subtract them back out since she already has them.
Laura asks…
I get my tips back in cash… does this work with taxes?
I work at a baseball stadium as a vendor. It’s my first job. I get paid commission and then keep my tips. Just a coupel days ago, my dad told me tips are taxable. Luckily, I have kept track of all my tips in an envelope.
Here’s the thing: I get my tips in cash. I give my manager the money I was given at the beginning plus what I sold and then I take the tips home in cahs. I don’t report them or anything.
So how do I go about this? Am I supposed to report my tips at work (I’ve already worked a while now….that would be tough)? How do I get taxed if it’s all in cash? The tips do not show on the paycheck.
admin answers:
Yes you are supposed to report them at work, and they are supposed to withhold tax on it. If they are not having you report them, you still have to report them on your tax return. Start by asking at work how you report your tips to them. This is if you’re an employee.
If you’re considered an independent contractor, then you just report the tips the same as your commission.
Michael asks…
Paycheck with Tips Deducted?
My wife recently started working at a small bar part time.(California) Her first check was very questionable. He hired her at $8.00 and hour. Her first check was for 22 hours. That came to $176.00. He had kept track of her tips and put $59.00 down for income of tips. Total $235.00 He then took out $29.00 for Taxes. He did not list if it was State, Federal, SDI, just taxes. Then minused $59.00 back out after taxes for her tips. Is this right? I understand Tips are taxable income yet he ran them through the tax then minused out the entire $59.00 after taxes. is that correct? What about the taxes?
admin answers:
This does not seem right. I would definitely speak with your employer to ask how they came to that calculation. Most jobs that have tipping involved require the worker to report all tips actually earned. That amount is added to the hourly wage (gross income) then taxes are deducted based on local, state, and federal tax reporting laws and requirements.
He should not “assume” an amount that was earned from tips, but rely on the employee to report that amount earned. I would definitely question him how he came to that result.
If she is owed wages, most states have a procedure for filing a wage claim against the employer.
You can also try a paycheck calculator to see if her final pay was accurate.
Hope that helps.
David asks…
Are independently contracted drivers taxed on tips?
I am a college student considering taking a part time summer job as a food delivery driver. I would be considered an independent contractor, but I am unsure whether or not any tips I get would be taxable. I have to use my own car and my own insurance
admin answers:
Yes. All the income is taxable. Have you checked into the proper insurance? If you carry food for delivery your insurance will go up by 3 or 4 times.
Paul asks…
How to fill in 1040NR-EZ Form?
I was an international worker in Washington D.C. in 2006. I got a J-1 Visa (still a student). And I am not in the States right now.
When I filled in the 1040NR-EZ Form, I had some questions.
1.) For line 3 (Wages, Salaries, tips, the Taxable Income):
I received regular salaries. But I was a waiter, so I also got tips. Could I just write down the exact amount specified on Box-1 (Wages, tips, other comp.) on my W-2 Form, or should I add my tips as well? (if yes, how much need i put in?)
2.) For line 11 (Itemized deductions):
Could I write down the amount on Box-2(Federal income tax withheld) only? Or should I add the amount on Box-2 and Box-17(State income tax) together?
3.) My W-2 Form includes copies for “Federal Filling Copy,” “D.C. Filling Copy,” and “City or Local Filling”. Should I attach all the three copies on my 1040NR-WZ Form?
I’ll truly appreciate for your help!
admin answers:
1) You need to include your tips as if they were part of your pay.
2) Itemized deductions are not the same as taxes withheld. You get a choice between a “standard deduction” or a list of “itemized deductions”. If you didn’t purchase a home in the US with a bank loan, and if you didn’t have an excessive amount of hospital bills in 2006, you’ll probably just use the standard deduction. Your taxes withheld go at the bottom of the form on a different line.
3) Attach the “federal copy” to your fedral 1040 only. The only reason you would use the other copies is if you have to fill out a seperate income tax form for Washington DC taxes. Otherwise, they’re yours to keep.
(These are easy questions. No need to call for tax help. By the way, as a citizen of the US, I’d like to thank you for being honest with your taxes. When you hear Americans being angry with “non-residents” and migrant workers, you’re not the one we’re angry at. You’re one of the good ones. Heartfelt thanks, and come back again soon.)
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Your Questions About How Do You Take A Screenshot
Sandra asks…
How Do you take a screenshot of the computer on an HP ?
i got an HP for christmas and im trying to figure out how to take screenshot‘s of the computer screen.
i have an HP. so how do i do it? i tryed ctrl alt & prt screen.. then trying to paste it on paint. but it didnt work…. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!
do i press all of those buttons or is it like all one button?
admin answers:
You can take a screenshot by pressing the “prt sc” button on your computers keyboard. If you have a laptop, it might be squished into a double function key where the letters appear under another key. If this is the case, you’ll have to press Fn and prt sc at the same time. This puts the picture in your clipboard so you can go to Paint and press crt+v. You can also download screen capture programs that offer a lot more features like only taking a picture of a certain window and stuff, just google screen capture software.
George asks…
how do you take screenshot photos in halo 3?
when you go in the theater and play a video it has a picture of a camera
admin answers:
I guess you answered your own question then…
Thomas asks…
How do you take a screenshot on a MacBook in a Windows Partition?
I used Boot Camp to partition my MacBook and when I am in my Windows partition I don’t know how to take a screenshot. I know in OSX the screenshot command is Apple+Control+Shift+3, but what is it in my Windows XP Pro partition?
admin answers:
My brain + your question + Google = = screenshots of Windows in Bootcamp
Linda asks…
How do you take a screenshot and how do you take a video using your computer?
How to take a screenshot and a video using your computer?
admin answers:
To take a screenshot, press the “print screen” key on your keyboard. THen go into paint and click paste
To record a video, use CamStudio:
Sandy asks…
How do you take a screenshot on an HP laptop?
I want to know how to take a screenshot/snapshot on an HP G60 laptop.
Points to best answer.
Where/what is the Print screen button?
admin answers:
Shold the button shift and printscrn
Mark asks…
How do i take a screenshot of my webpage?
My mom is taking college courses online and needs to take a screenshot of her webpage. She has a Windows Vista laptop. Her instructions told her to press CTRL + FN button + Print Screen
We both cant figure it out. Can you please help us?
admin answers:
Just press control plus print screen. That puts the screen shot on the clipboard. You need to paste it into another program like Paint or Word.
Charles asks…
How do you take a screenshot in a computer game?
I play Rome: Total War and I want to take a screenshot of some scenes. Is there any specific button combo to do one?
admin answers:
I don’t know about any buttons, But you should try this program, SnagIt. It is for capturing screenshots from pc, web pages, GAMES, etc. Trust me, try it. It got a free trial.
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Related Reading:

Develop a hobby – your child’s future a creative investment
The concept of maintaining a hobby is quickly disappear now, but its importance grew even more. Born in a child with multiple talents, but he opts for some for the rest of his life together carry. A hobby is of interest to explore a child, he may do within. Of late, scientists have the need hobbies completely overshadowed. This, blocked many options for a child. Let us explore the importance of the hobbies for children:
1. If you cultivate a hobby, you have employed to keep something you, if you have nothing to do. It keeps you from the boredom. A hobby is like your friend. You can them depend.
2. Many children later in life, decide to make a career of their hobby. You see and hear rock bands? You are successful! Children learn with interest in music, vocals, guitar, drums, and later decide, a rock band. You are happy and well deserve! It keeps them happy, because they make her hobby her career. You get never bored. A child with writing, can later a writer like his hobby and earn money and fame.
3. If you have a hobby, you have so many to experiment. You can anything do with it, to your will. There is nothing to stop you, and this is things as you learn differently, which is taught. A child with a hobby in machines, makes, break, rebuild, and trying new things with it. You must not the freedom to do the job, if you have a. A hobby can at your side, you have to be more creative with your interest.
A hobby keeps you never unemployed. A child who has constantly developed a hobby will be never alone; be fit and mentally active. If your child has developed not still a hobby, you promote it development. Give it its fair share of luck! Also never questions a child be hobby in the interest of the other seemingly advantageous hobby to give up. It is like to express his interest and children with their hobby. Comes with a more serious problem of the society, parents have with their child, a great way to be hobby bond. Gift him a model of the type ebener aero remote control if he likes things that fly. Help him near his interest come. Your child will know that you are that interested him. You never know if he decides to be an advertisement or an air force pilot.
What keeps you from the develop a hobby for you or your child?
Ajay Narayan
Head content writer
Content caramel
Related Reading:

Your Questions About Google
Mandy asks…
I know that google changed its logo on .com for american veterens day. Why didn’t they change it for ENGLISH Remembrance Day?
admin answers:
Check the site
but its because its an ENGLISH holiday that’s why well ppl dnt celebrate other ppls holiday otherwise u gonna see a new logo each day
Daniel asks…
I am trying to do a project for school,about giant pandas.I go to google, I click a link, and it takes me someplace to buy a car. It shows me this sliver car. Is this happening to anybody else?
besides wiki, any good websites to research animals that a VERY VERY VERY strict teacher would be ok with?
admin answers:
Here are some Giant Panda sites for you:
That should be enough for any project, all of the sites above have great info. Good luck!
Joseph asks…
k i m in a very complicated situation.
So i type mi yahoo username into google and mi yahoo answers profile pops up….and a couple other accounts i made with other things but i havent used. and the questions that i answered also come up. so im trying to get that stuff outta google but i got no idea how to……ANY HELP?
admin answers:
You can’t do anything about it. You have your stuff in Yahoo. Yahoo (and most other sites) SUBMITS all it’s content on to search engines so people can find it. It’s not googles fault – that’s the business they’re in – putting peoples information into their search engines because it’s been submitted to them for that purpose.
Maybe there’s something in your Yahoo settings you can change so you can stay hidden (from now on)???
ANY site that is primarily for sharing info, connecting people etc. Like yahoo, msn, forums etc will share the info on search engines. If you don’t want to be on there – don’t join these type of places or use a nickname or phony name.
William asks…
how do i post or can i post something on google i want to post a pic
admin answers:
Actually, you have to put it on a website, they have a crawler which goes through all the web pages on google and gets pictures off of them. I’m not for sure about this either, but I think thats how you do it.
George asks…
Is it just me or when you go to, the page is black?
admin answers:
It not just you
read the small print
Maria asks…
When is the google phone coming to Verizon Wireless and did it already come to Verizon Wireless?
Did the google phone come to Verizon Wireless? Is it the HTC DROID ERIS and/or the MOTOROLA DROID? Are there several versions for the google phone? Is the google phone different for each cellphone network? How much is it? I heard that is was coming to Verizon Wireless in the spring but I am not sure. If you know anything, please answer. I really want to know when the google phone is coming to Verizon Wireless and if it came out already.
admin answers:
At this time the HTC Eris and Motorola Droid are the only Android based phones for Verizon and run the latest versions of the Android OS. The original Google phone, the T-Mobile HTC G1, will probably never be released to another carrier because it can only run the first generation Android OS.
Donald asks…
What android phones is google maps with navigation available?
I just got a motorola cliq and have seen articles all over advertising the new update to google maps allowing navigation but when i go to google mobile it says to access the android market through my phone and download the latest google maps but when i do that google maps does not appear in the market. Is this becuase i am not on the Droid or is there some other problem that is not allowing me to find this new update?
admin answers:
The new phone google just released will be great for it
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About Google
James asks…
I know that google changed its logo on .com for american veterens day. Why didn’t they change it for ENGLISH Remembrance Day?
admin answers:
Check the site
but its because its an ENGLISH holiday that’s why well ppl dnt celebrate other ppls holiday otherwise u gonna see a new logo each day
Sandra asks…
I am trying to do a project for school,about giant pandas.I go to google, I click a link, and it takes me someplace to buy a car. It shows me this sliver car. Is this happening to anybody else?
besides wiki, any good websites to research animals that a VERY VERY VERY strict teacher would be ok with?
admin answers:
Here are some Giant Panda sites for you:
That should be enough for any project, all of the sites above have great info. Good luck!
Laura asks…
k i m in a very complicated situation.
So i type mi yahoo username into google and mi yahoo answers profile pops up….and a couple other accounts i made with other things but i havent used. and the questions that i answered also come up. so im trying to get that stuff outta google but i got no idea how to……ANY HELP?
admin answers:
You can’t do anything about it. You have your stuff in Yahoo. Yahoo (and most other sites) SUBMITS all it’s content on to search engines so people can find it. It’s not googles fault – that’s the business they’re in – putting peoples information into their search engines because it’s been submitted to them for that purpose.
Maybe there’s something in your Yahoo settings you can change so you can stay hidden (from now on)???
ANY site that is primarily for sharing info, connecting people etc. Like yahoo, msn, forums etc will share the info on search engines. If you don’t want to be on there – don’t join these type of places or use a nickname or phony name.
Mary asks…
how do i post or can i post something on google i want to post a pic
admin answers:
Actually, you have to put it on a website, they have a crawler which goes through all the web pages on google and gets pictures off of them. I’m not for sure about this either, but I think thats how you do it.
Mark asks…
Is it just me or when you go to, the page is black?
admin answers:
It not just you
read the small print
Robert asks…
When is the google phone coming to Verizon Wireless and did it already come to Verizon Wireless?
Did the google phone come to Verizon Wireless? Is it the HTC DROID ERIS and/or the MOTOROLA DROID? Are there several versions for the google phone? Is the google phone different for each cellphone network? How much is it? I heard that is was coming to Verizon Wireless in the spring but I am not sure. If you know anything, please answer. I really want to know when the google phone is coming to Verizon Wireless and if it came out already.
admin answers:
At this time the HTC Eris and Motorola Droid are the only Android based phones for Verizon and run the latest versions of the Android OS. The original Google phone, the T-Mobile HTC G1, will probably never be released to another carrier because it can only run the first generation Android OS.
Ruth asks…
What android phones is google maps with navigation available?
I just got a motorola cliq and have seen articles all over advertising the new update to google maps allowing navigation but when i go to google mobile it says to access the android market through my phone and download the latest google maps but when i do that google maps does not appear in the market. Is this becuase i am not on the Droid or is there some other problem that is not allowing me to find this new update?
admin answers:
The new phone google just released will be great for it
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Your Questions About Google Books
Sandy asks…
Is there a program for downloading the books from google books?
Is there a program for downloading the books from google books, not only viewing the books on the web site on the web browser.
admin answers:
Google Book Downloader is small utility which allows you to save book as PDF from google to your local filesystem.
This project is purely non-commercial and for educational purpose.
This project does not promote any illegal conduct of any kind.
Charles asks…
How do you print a book from Google Books?
I found a text document on Google Books and I need to print it.
admin answers:
Google Books tells you what library a book is in.
David asks…
How can I find Children’s books in public domain from google book?
When I search books in public domain from google book,
I can only specify the keyword to find what I want to read.
Since they are not categorised it’s really hard to find “some children’s books”
“children’s books” means some kind of easy books to read for low grade Elementary school kids.
Does anybody have an idea the way of finding those kind of books in public domain from google book?
admin answers:
Hmm, I don’t use Google books and don’t know what it is. Try wikipedia to see if you can find the names of some children’s books authors. The Brother’s Grim wrote so-called children’s stories, but you might want to read them to make sure they’re appropriate for your children. Also, look up the author of Alice in Wonderland, which is in the public domain, and that’s by Lewis Carrol (not 100% sure), I think the Carrol title is Through the Looking Glass. Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Cinderella, Hansel and Grettel. Whatever book or story you can remember from childhood might be in the public domain and I know these titles are. Look up some of these titles on Wikipedia and it might lead you to other childrens books and children’s books authors.
Http:// and are two sites where you can read or download for free books that are in the public domain.
James asks…
Does anybody know a search website like Google Books that can search for a range of books and show the pages?
Also, could anybody find the pages of the A-Level Product Design: Student Book (by Will Potts and Brian Evans) that are readable? I’ve looked on Google Books but it only gives you 25 pages and the book has 208 pages. Thanks.
admin answers:
As for your first part ,one or two sites look promising,
AbeBooks: New & Used Books, Textbooks, Rare & Out of Print BooksSearch 13500 booksellers selling 100 million books … Interact with book lovers just like you. AbeBooks Wiki. Find information about books. … – 48k – Cached – Similar pages Search for New & Used Books, Textbooks, Out-of …Search engine that finds the best buys from among 150 million new, used, rare, and out-of-print books for sale. Includes textbooks and international titles. – 32k – Cached – Similar pages
windows live book – Similar pages
Inside Google Book SearchThe official weblog on Google’s Book Search. – 62k – Cached – Similar pages
WELCOME TO THE BOOKSEARCH BIG LINKAffiliated with bookstores in USA, Canada, United Kingdom and Japan. – 2k – Cached – Similar pages
AddALL Used and Out of Print book searchUsed book search and Out of Print book search one stop book search agent which search multiple online used books, out of print books, rare books, … – 13k
AbeBooks: New & Used Books, Textbooks, Rare & Out of Print BooksSearch 13500 booksellers selling 100 million books … Interact with book lovers just like you. AbeBooks Wiki. Find information about books. … – 48k – Cached – Similar pages Search for New & Used Books, Textbooks, Out-of …Search engine that finds the best buys from among 150 million new, used, rare, and out-of-print books for sale. Includes textbooks and international titles. – 32k – Cached – Similar pages
windows live book – Similar pages
Inside Google Book SearchThe official weblog on Google’s Book Search. – 62k – Cached – Similar pages
WELCOME TO THE BOOKSEARCH BIG LINKAffiliated with bookstores in USA, Canada, United Kingdom and Japan. – 2k – Cached – Similar pages
AddALL Used and Out of Print book searchUsed book search and Out of Print book search one stop book search agent which search multiple online used books, out of print books, rare books, … – 13k
Robert asks…
How does google books work? I ‘ve gone to their site and most books have just a snippet review. How do I find ?
I’ve heard that google is scanning thousands of books and they are available on their book site; I find short reviews but that’s all; where are the full digitized books? Can I save them and read them on an e-book reader? TIA
admin answers:
Hope the following web site answers ur question:
Sharon asks…
how can i download pdf books from founded in google books?
i have found my desired book in search reasults of google books, but i want 2 download it free how can i do it?
admin answers:
You cant according to the Google Books terms of use download those books unless they are linked for free download, according to the terms of reference provided by google.
Ken asks…
How do I save pages from Google Books?
I found the book I wanted on Google Books with all the pages.
How can I save the pages to my computer through PDF or something so that I could have access to them without to the Internet first?
admin answers:
Google Book Downloader is small utility which allows you to save book as PDF from google to your local filesystem
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Your Questions About Google Voice
James asks…
google voice???????????????????????
when using google voice if my computer is off if someone calls me will i go directly to voice mail? or will go thru?
admin answers:
It depends on your setting..
If you set up for your Gmail account it will direct them to voice mail else it will ring your mobile..
Donna asks…
Google Voice????????????????????
if i call from google voice number to someone (talk on my cell) do they take my min?
admin answers:
That actually depends. I have T-mobile with the “MyFaves” that allows me unlimited calls to 5 numbers of my choosing. I setup my Google Voice number as one of those 5, so I can initiate an outgoing call from the web interface and it will ring my phone from my Google Voice number, and when I answer it will connect me to the person I was calling.
It’s somewhat of a sneaky bypass, but it works great. I know that Verizon and some other cell carriers have similar “freebie” plans where you can select a few numbers to have unlimited calls with. Look into it and you can definitely use Google Voice without using your minutes.
Thomas asks…
Why does Google Voice sometimes give a busy signal after ringing?
I sometimes use Google Voice to call someone internationally, and sometimes it will ring and then give a busy signal. If I call back right away without Google Voice, it will ring and the person will pick up. Ringing followed by a busy signal seems odd and seems like it might be a Google Voice issue. Has anyone experienced this, and is it a real Google Voice issue?
admin answers:
Google Voice still has some minor issues like that, but those issues should go away over time.
Susan asks…
How does google voice work with my cell phone?
I am wanting to you google voice but I would like to know a little more about it. I want to know if someone calls my google number and I answer it on my cell phone will my cell phone company charge me for the minutes I use?
admin answers:
Yes your regurlar service minutes will kick into effect.
With Google voice however, you can add a home or office phone to be linked to that one number.
So if you answer your cell phone you can actaully seemlessly tranfer the call to the home or office and the caller will never know. That will save your cellular minutes.
Mary asks…
How to uninstall Google Voice and Video on Mac?
It tells me to go to my library then application support, then Google, voice and video uninstall er.
My mac doesn’t have a uninstall er, when I googled this someone else had the same problem and never got a answer. When i video chat with my friends on tiny chat , it doesn’t let me, it “cant ” find my camera.
Please help.
admin answers:
Go to Finder:Library:Application Support: Google: and use the uninstaller for the plug-in you must close all browsers first than go to tiny chat and it should work if you use Google than guess you have to install and uninstall when not in use but I am able to tiny chat now
Michael asks…
Google Voice: How do I take my phone number off my Google Voice account?
How I take my my home phone number off my google voice account? Please help me, it will be greatly appreciated.
admin answers:
What do you mean by that have you add your no on google voice or you not want people to call from google voice to your landline no.
Well you can call your phone company and all calls from unknon no will be rejected by phone carrier.
If you add your no and go to setting and remove the home no.
Ken asks…
How to set up iphone 3G with no sim to use google voice as secondary phone?
I have an iPhone 3G that does not have a sim (upgraded to iPhone 3GS) I would like to turn it into a secondary phone that uses my google voice account. I also have a sipgate account if needed. Im just wanting to use it as a secondary phone to use on my wifi. . How would i set this up or would i need something else to?
admin answers:
It is very easy
just follow the instruction there are two ways you can do it
you also need voip app on your iphone siphone is very nice and free from cdiya
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About Google Voice
Daniel asks…
google voice???????????????????????
when using google voice if my computer is off if someone calls me will i go directly to voice mail? or will go thru?
admin answers:
It depends on your setting..
If you set up for your Gmail account it will direct them to voice mail else it will ring your mobile..
David asks…
Google Voice????????????????????
if i call from google voice number to someone (talk on my cell) do they take my min?
admin answers:
That actually depends. I have T-mobile with the “MyFaves” that allows me unlimited calls to 5 numbers of my choosing. I setup my Google Voice number as one of those 5, so I can initiate an outgoing call from the web interface and it will ring my phone from my Google Voice number, and when I answer it will connect me to the person I was calling.
It’s somewhat of a sneaky bypass, but it works great. I know that Verizon and some other cell carriers have similar “freebie” plans where you can select a few numbers to have unlimited calls with. Look into it and you can definitely use Google Voice without using your minutes.
Ken asks…
Why does Google Voice sometimes give a busy signal after ringing?
I sometimes use Google Voice to call someone internationally, and sometimes it will ring and then give a busy signal. If I call back right away without Google Voice, it will ring and the person will pick up. Ringing followed by a busy signal seems odd and seems like it might be a Google Voice issue. Has anyone experienced this, and is it a real Google Voice issue?
admin answers:
Google Voice still has some minor issues like that, but those issues should go away over time.
Mandy asks…
How does google voice work with my cell phone?
I am wanting to you google voice but I would like to know a little more about it. I want to know if someone calls my google number and I answer it on my cell phone will my cell phone company charge me for the minutes I use?
admin answers:
Yes your regurlar service minutes will kick into effect.
With Google voice however, you can add a home or office phone to be linked to that one number.
So if you answer your cell phone you can actaully seemlessly tranfer the call to the home or office and the caller will never know. That will save your cellular minutes.
Helen asks…
How to uninstall Google Voice and Video on Mac?
It tells me to go to my library then application support, then Google, voice and video uninstall er.
My mac doesn’t have a uninstall er, when I googled this someone else had the same problem and never got a answer. When i video chat with my friends on tiny chat , it doesn’t let me, it “cant ” find my camera.
Please help.
admin answers:
Go to Finder:Library:Application Support: Google: and use the uninstaller for the plug-in you must close all browsers first than go to tiny chat and it should work if you use Google than guess you have to install and uninstall when not in use but I am able to tiny chat now
Chris asks…
Google Voice: How do I take my phone number off my Google Voice account?
How I take my my home phone number off my google voice account? Please help me, it will be greatly appreciated.
admin answers:
What do you mean by that have you add your no on google voice or you not want people to call from google voice to your landline no.
Well you can call your phone company and all calls from unknon no will be rejected by phone carrier.
If you add your no and go to setting and remove the home no.
Joseph asks…
How to set up iphone 3G with no sim to use google voice as secondary phone?
I have an iPhone 3G that does not have a sim (upgraded to iPhone 3GS) I would like to turn it into a secondary phone that uses my google voice account. I also have a sipgate account if needed. Im just wanting to use it as a secondary phone to use on my wifi. . How would i set this up or would i need something else to?
admin answers:
It is very easy
just follow the instruction there are two ways you can do it
you also need voip app on your iphone siphone is very nice and free from cdiya
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Your Questions About Google
Mary asks…
I know that google changed its logo on .com for american veterens day. Why didn’t they change it for ENGLISH Remembrance Day?
admin answers:
Check the site
but its because its an ENGLISH holiday that’s why well ppl dnt celebrate other ppls holiday otherwise u gonna see a new logo each day
Robert asks…
I am trying to do a project for school,about giant pandas.I go to google, I click a link, and it takes me someplace to buy a car. It shows me this sliver car. Is this happening to anybody else?
besides wiki, any good websites to research animals that a VERY VERY VERY strict teacher would be ok with?
admin answers:
Here are some Giant Panda sites for you:
That should be enough for any project, all of the sites above have great info. Good luck!
Sandy asks…
k i m in a very complicated situation.
So i type mi yahoo username into google and mi yahoo answers profile pops up….and a couple other accounts i made with other things but i havent used. and the questions that i answered also come up. so im trying to get that stuff outta google but i got no idea how to……ANY HELP?
admin answers:
You can’t do anything about it. You have your stuff in Yahoo. Yahoo (and most other sites) SUBMITS all it’s content on to search engines so people can find it. It’s not googles fault – that’s the business they’re in – putting peoples information into their search engines because it’s been submitted to them for that purpose.
Maybe there’s something in your Yahoo settings you can change so you can stay hidden (from now on)???
ANY site that is primarily for sharing info, connecting people etc. Like yahoo, msn, forums etc will share the info on search engines. If you don’t want to be on there – don’t join these type of places or use a nickname or phony name.
Lizzie asks…
how do i post or can i post something on google i want to post a pic
admin answers:
Actually, you have to put it on a website, they have a crawler which goes through all the web pages on google and gets pictures off of them. I’m not for sure about this either, but I think thats how you do it.
Ken asks…
Is it just me or when you go to, the page is black?
admin answers:
It not just you
read the small print
Chris asks…
When is the google phone coming to Verizon Wireless and did it already come to Verizon Wireless?
Did the google phone come to Verizon Wireless? Is it the HTC DROID ERIS and/or the MOTOROLA DROID? Are there several versions for the google phone? Is the google phone different for each cellphone network? How much is it? I heard that is was coming to Verizon Wireless in the spring but I am not sure. If you know anything, please answer. I really want to know when the google phone is coming to Verizon Wireless and if it came out already.
admin answers:
At this time the HTC Eris and Motorola Droid are the only Android based phones for Verizon and run the latest versions of the Android OS. The original Google phone, the T-Mobile HTC G1, will probably never be released to another carrier because it can only run the first generation Android OS.
Ruth asks…
What android phones is google maps with navigation available?
I just got a motorola cliq and have seen articles all over advertising the new update to google maps allowing navigation but when i go to google mobile it says to access the android market through my phone and download the latest google maps but when i do that google maps does not appear in the market. Is this becuase i am not on the Droid or is there some other problem that is not allowing me to find this new update?
admin answers:
The new phone google just released will be great for it
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Your Questions About Google Scholar
Helen asks…
Google scholar?
In one of my assignments, we’re required to find 3 articles that provide ideas about Google and its impact using ONLY Google Scholar. Although this sounds remotely easy, i couldnt find anything useful as opposed to using ordinary search. Thing is, we need to provide proof that what we search is actually done so using scholar so i dont have much choice. Help please? Any ideas how should i go about finding it? Or if u happen to come across one, how did u do so? Thanks in advance!
admin answers:
Click on google scholar
type in quotes “ideas google” gives you 14 results
also just type in google in the search
Michael asks…
What should I typed into google scholar to find an article?
So basically my essay is about how creativity levels can benefit things later in life such as business, inventors, etc and even though other countries like china score much higher on standardized test, its only because the kids have no other choices in school but text books.
so basically what should i type in google scholar to find an article about how creativity benefits many things later in life or something else to relate to my essay.
or maybe you have an article in mind already? thank you!
admin answers:
Skills knowledge
thinking learning skills research
difference learning facts thinking implementation knowledge
Mary asks…
Apart from google scholar, are there any good search engine for free professional and good academic resources?
Apart from google scholar, are there any good search engine for free professional and good academic resources like some papers or works?
Iam going to write my paper (12000 words) in this summer but I only know how to use google scholar and sometimes it is not enough.
admin answers:
Many of them depend on the specific field. I could point you to one for astronomy and physics, but that might not be helpful. You could stop by a university library and ask the reference librarian to help you find papers.
Lisa asks…
How do you embed a “Google Scholar” search into a website.?
I need the code to embed a Google Scholar search. I’m guessing it’s similar to the normal Google search code but I can’t find it. Help?
admin answers:
Give your site the power of Google Scholar (from
The full instruction is explained in three simple steps.
Good Luck
Mark asks…
Besides google scholar, what other web sights are good for finding reliable and scholastically sound articals?
I want to know if there are other good search engines on the internet that help find scholastic articles that college professors would accept as reliable sources?
Is it
admin answers:
Mandy asks…
is it possible to print pages of the previews on google scholar search?
I don’t think it’s easy to do since it breaches copyright but I really need to print a few of the pages. Any idea how to do it without doing a screen shot of each page?
admin answers:
If your using firefox there is an addon called PDF download you can get a pdf of it then print it once you open the document.
Jenny asks…
Is there anyway to get google scholar to do a case sensitive search?
I’d like to find all instances of the word “GROW” in all capital letters.
admin answers:
No, all Google searches are case-insensitive.
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