Archive for June 14, 2011
Your Questions About Videos Games Cheats
Thomas asks…
Are there any cheats for any of the Christian video games?
And wouldn’t that be sort of hypocritical? I mean if you are truly Christian and not lying, stealing and cheating, why would you be looking for cheat codes?
This question occured to me today when seeing all the dozens of questions about video game cheat codes. Please take it in the sense of humor in which it was asked.
“Left Behind” is one that comes to mind.
admin answers:
There is Christian video games? Wow… Learn something new every day.
Anyway, I doubt the games would be manufactured with enough technology, so no cheats would made. However, would hacking count? If so, yes.
Donna asks…
What websites is most recommend for video games cheats?
admin answers: is very useful
Nancy asks…
Why do people want cheats so much in video games? I mean what is the point of playing the game if you’re…
if you’re gonna just cheat to win. The whole game is about trying to win urself. Cheating is not going to get you anyplace good in life. Cause if you cheat on video games then that means you don’t feel like playing the game. Then don’t buy the game. Common sense, people. Well if you learned more about cheating you discover nothing good. And if you win by cheating then you are a sore loser. You don’t cheat in baseball. Why would you cheat in games? Cheating is bad because it is a waste of ur time and sometimes money, you don’t gain experience, and if it is a video game then it is a waste of time and sometimes other things. Cheating is worse than you know it. Anybody agree with me? Anyone? Well I only have 207 letters left to type in my detail box so I gotta stop. Just think about it.
admin answers:
For some people, cheating is the only way they can win. They have no gamming skills, so they revert to cheating. In this instance, you are 100% correct in your argument. They are just wasting time, not gaining the real fun/experience of the game, and are typically just a sore loser.
However, what about those that “cheat” after say… like they have already beaten the game? Does that make them sore losers? I mean they have already won… Typically, (and even I am guilty of this) I will utilize a cheat after successfully beating a game to gain a fresher/different view of the game. After I beat a game, (especially if I have purchased it) there is no more interests in the game – I would usually probably never play it again. However, with the inclusion or new experience of having, unlimited life, or extra money, or access to your full arsenal – wouldn’t that make the game a more fun experience? That would certainly motivate you to play it again as you would be experiencing something new.
Also, it is worth mentioning that although they are called “cheats,” not all codes are the product of some diabolical person hacking the system for personal gain. Some cheats are actually built in by the makers of the game for your fun. Some of them even have a cheat code section, where you enter in a controller combination or an access code to unlock them for game play. So, while I agree with your argument – you must understand that cheating is not like the real world – it is for entertainment only – so because you can cheat there does not always mean you’ll cheat in life. Same as killing in a game does not mean you will kill in real life.
David asks…
Where can you find the best video games cheats in the Internet?
admin answers:
Personally i get mine from they have just about every game on every console and they have forums for the most popular.
Edit- The guy on top of me beat me by 17.5s. Hehe (before edited)
Linda asks…
Are there any cheats for the following video games?
The video games I need cheats for are:
The sims 3 (e for everyone, sadly)
Pokemon platinum
Animal crossing, wild world
New super Mario bros.
Petz hamsterz 2
Nintendogs, chihuahua
Star wars the complete saga
Zoo tycoon 2
All ds games.
admin answers:
Yes there are ar cheats for all of them
Lisa asks…
How do people discover cheats in video games ??
How do people discover cheats in video games ??
admin answers:
Thru the internet )
Susan asks…
Who programmed video game cheats on the game?
You know the cheats you use on video games? Who programmed them? The game developers or is it really a glitch in the game?
admin answers:
The game developers put them in obviously or they wouldn’t work. If it was a glitch in the game you’d need other software to create a command (i.e. Type this in and spawn this or get this).
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Your Questions About Best Deals Online
Donald asks…
What stores have the best online deals for the holidays?
I want to do as much of my Christmas shopping online as possible. What stores have the best online deals and which online stores will you being doing your Christmas shopping from? Or will you stick to doing it the old fashion way and visit the stores?
admin answers:
Buy christmas presents on Black Friday
Walmart-Good presents
Target-Good Clothes
Toys R Us- Kids
Apple Store- Teens
Lizzie asks…
Looking for a good website with the best daily online deals on anything and everything?
I am looking for a site that compiles the best online deals, updated daily, and that does not primarily focus on electronics like so many, but on just about everything sold online at a significant discount. It has to exist, right?
admin answers:
Best site ever. Go to hot topics on the right to see the forum. Front page just has a small segment. It covers everything from electronics to housewares.
Sandy asks…
What is the Best Deals online for Cyber Monday this year ?
What is the Best Deal online for Cyber Monday this year ?
admin answers:
Most stores have not posted their cyber monday sales yet and are still having their thanksgiving weekend sales. This year walmart will be having cyber monday sales all week.
Chris asks…
How do you find the best deals online for Black Friday?
There are so many web sites for these deals its a bit confusing. How do you know witch sites are good and not scam sites? I will be shopping online this year for the first time. Any tips and hints are needed. Thank You In Advance!
I cant seem to find a category for shopping?
Bosty lets just call it rainbow friday! My question was not to offend anybody. I just had a question.
admin answers:
Since you will be shopping online then you do not have any problem. The bigger retailers like walmart, target, best buy will probably have lots of traffic going to their site, and should be able to handle it.
Smaller websites might not.
To avoid scams stick to established brands.
Ken asks…
Where can i find best online deals to fly to Canadian side Niagara fall from NY/NJ?
I’m planning to go to see Canadian side Niagara fall in October wid my husband.But i don’t know how to get best online deals for flight and hotels even I don’t where exactly to go to see Niagara fall.I mean which city of Canada.Is it Toronto?can any body help me booking my tickeks and hotel.How if i go via bus.How long it takes as i live in central NJ.I don’t wanna drive though.Plzz help me i’m not familier with the places.
Thanx in advance
admin answers:
Try,, and there is no airport to fly in in Niagara Falls Canada, an alternative is Hamilton just 1 hour away or Toronto, 2 hours away, there are alot of hotels on Clifton Hill and along way that view of the Falls, and range from budget style chains to high rise luxury at the Casino Niagara.
You best to start looking now annd booking soon, it is a haven in the fall for European visitors and Japanese tourists, I am a former chef and have friend who run hotel kitchens down there and that is the high season, it has good public transit and is very safe so no need to worry, some bargains are found at places not in the downtown area directly
James asks…
Where can I find the best online deals on digital cameras for this post Christmas sale weekend?
Wal-mart? Best-buy? Newegg? TigerDirect? I’m thinking this weekend would be good to buy one online.
admin answers:
Please search on ebay
Michael asks…
where can i find the best deals online ?
where can i find best deals on mobiles clothes watches jewellery bangles etc. i mean the really good ones .
admin answers:
Amazon UK + Ebay UK
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Your Questions About Best Deals Online
Linda asks…
What stores have the best online deals for the holidays?
I want to do as much of my Christmas shopping online as possible. What stores have the best online deals and which online stores will you being doing your Christmas shopping from? Or will you stick to doing it the old fashion way and visit the stores?
admin answers:
Buy christmas presents on Black Friday
Walmart-Good presents
Target-Good Clothes
Toys R Us- Kids
Apple Store- Teens
James asks…
Looking for a good website with the best daily online deals on anything and everything?
I am looking for a site that compiles the best online deals, updated daily, and that does not primarily focus on electronics like so many, but on just about everything sold online at a significant discount. It has to exist, right?
admin answers:
Best site ever. Go to hot topics on the right to see the forum. Front page just has a small segment. It covers everything from electronics to housewares.
Ken asks…
What is the Best Deals online for Cyber Monday this year ?
What is the Best Deal online for Cyber Monday this year ?
admin answers:
Most stores have not posted their cyber monday sales yet and are still having their thanksgiving weekend sales. This year walmart will be having cyber monday sales all week.
Helen asks…
How do you find the best deals online for Black Friday?
There are so many web sites for these deals its a bit confusing. How do you know witch sites are good and not scam sites? I will be shopping online this year for the first time. Any tips and hints are needed. Thank You In Advance!
I cant seem to find a category for shopping?
Bosty lets just call it rainbow friday! My question was not to offend anybody. I just had a question.
admin answers:
Since you will be shopping online then you do not have any problem. The bigger retailers like walmart, target, best buy will probably have lots of traffic going to their site, and should be able to handle it.
Smaller websites might not.
To avoid scams stick to established brands.
Ruth asks…
Where can i find best online deals to fly to Canadian side Niagara fall from NY/NJ?
I’m planning to go to see Canadian side Niagara fall in October wid my husband.But i don’t know how to get best online deals for flight and hotels even I don’t where exactly to go to see Niagara fall.I mean which city of Canada.Is it Toronto?can any body help me booking my tickeks and hotel.How if i go via bus.How long it takes as i live in central NJ.I don’t wanna drive though.Plzz help me i’m not familier with the places.
Thanx in advance
admin answers:
Try,, and there is no airport to fly in in Niagara Falls Canada, an alternative is Hamilton just 1 hour away or Toronto, 2 hours away, there are alot of hotels on Clifton Hill and along way that view of the Falls, and range from budget style chains to high rise luxury at the Casino Niagara.
You best to start looking now annd booking soon, it is a haven in the fall for European visitors and Japanese tourists, I am a former chef and have friend who run hotel kitchens down there and that is the high season, it has good public transit and is very safe so no need to worry, some bargains are found at places not in the downtown area directly
Joseph asks…
Where can I find the best online deals on digital cameras for this post Christmas sale weekend?
Wal-mart? Best-buy? Newegg? TigerDirect? I’m thinking this weekend would be good to buy one online.
admin answers:
Please search on ebay
Mark asks…
where can i find the best deals online ?
where can i find best deals on mobiles clothes watches jewellery bangles etc. i mean the really good ones .
admin answers:
Amazon UK + Ebay UK
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Your Questions About Best Deals Online
Donna asks…
What stores have the best online deals for the holidays?
I want to do as much of my Christmas shopping online as possible. What stores have the best online deals and which online stores will you being doing your Christmas shopping from? Or will you stick to doing it the old fashion way and visit the stores?
admin answers:
Buy christmas presents on Black Friday
Walmart-Good presents
Target-Good Clothes
Toys R Us- Kids
Apple Store- Teens
Mary asks…
Looking for a good website with the best daily online deals on anything and everything?
I am looking for a site that compiles the best online deals, updated daily, and that does not primarily focus on electronics like so many, but on just about everything sold online at a significant discount. It has to exist, right?
admin answers:
Best site ever. Go to hot topics on the right to see the forum. Front page just has a small segment. It covers everything from electronics to housewares.
Steven asks…
What is the Best Deals online for Cyber Monday this year ?
What is the Best Deal online for Cyber Monday this year ?
admin answers:
Most stores have not posted their cyber monday sales yet and are still having their thanksgiving weekend sales. This year walmart will be having cyber monday sales all week.
Lizzie asks…
How do you find the best deals online for Black Friday?
There are so many web sites for these deals its a bit confusing. How do you know witch sites are good and not scam sites? I will be shopping online this year for the first time. Any tips and hints are needed. Thank You In Advance!
I cant seem to find a category for shopping?
Bosty lets just call it rainbow friday! My question was not to offend anybody. I just had a question.
admin answers:
Since you will be shopping online then you do not have any problem. The bigger retailers like walmart, target, best buy will probably have lots of traffic going to their site, and should be able to handle it.
Smaller websites might not.
To avoid scams stick to established brands.
Susan asks…
Where can i find best online deals to fly to Canadian side Niagara fall from NY/NJ?
I’m planning to go to see Canadian side Niagara fall in October wid my husband.But i don’t know how to get best online deals for flight and hotels even I don’t where exactly to go to see Niagara fall.I mean which city of Canada.Is it Toronto?can any body help me booking my tickeks and hotel.How if i go via bus.How long it takes as i live in central NJ.I don’t wanna drive though.Plzz help me i’m not familier with the places.
Thanx in advance
admin answers:
Try,, and there is no airport to fly in in Niagara Falls Canada, an alternative is Hamilton just 1 hour away or Toronto, 2 hours away, there are alot of hotels on Clifton Hill and along way that view of the Falls, and range from budget style chains to high rise luxury at the Casino Niagara.
You best to start looking now annd booking soon, it is a haven in the fall for European visitors and Japanese tourists, I am a former chef and have friend who run hotel kitchens down there and that is the high season, it has good public transit and is very safe so no need to worry, some bargains are found at places not in the downtown area directly
Sharon asks…
Where can I find the best online deals on digital cameras for this post Christmas sale weekend?
Wal-mart? Best-buy? Newegg? TigerDirect? I’m thinking this weekend would be good to buy one online.
admin answers:
Please search on ebay
Mandy asks…
where can i find the best deals online ?
where can i find best deals on mobiles clothes watches jewellery bangles etc. i mean the really good ones .
admin answers:
Amazon UK + Ebay UK
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Your Questions About Best Deals At Costco
Susan asks…
Is costco or walmart cheaper to shop at i want the best deals on groceries?
yes i want to get the best prices and bulk deals i know both walmart and costco are really cheap to shop at but would like to get our opinion on which is better
i am tired of gettin ripped off at stater brothers and albertsons i want to save hundreds upon thousands of dollars
admin answers:
It all depends… Honestly! Between the two of them, SAMS Club is cheaper than COSTCO, but sometimes Wal-Mart can even beat both of them. You HAVE to know your prices.
That’ll be 5-cents, please.
Donna asks…
How much does a pair of prescription sunglasses cost at Costco? Will it be the best deal?
about -7 both eyes
admin answers:
I can’t tell you how much they will cost at Costco because I don’t have a store near me. However, as a girl who has been wearing glasses/prescription sunglasses almost my whole life, I CAN tell you that places like LensCrafters will charge about about $60 for sunglasses frames, and about $170 for the basic plastic lenses. Usually you can find deals and coupons for $80 off each pair of glasses/sunglasses, but it’s still a lot of money.
There’s a place called America’s Best that has discount frames for much less. As far as Costco goes, I would just go and see how much they charge you,and shop around. Sunglasses you should probably go a little cheaper than regular glasses because frame styles change so often.
Hope this helps you!
William asks…
Do They Still Sell Creative Cubes (c and c cage grids) at Costco?
Hi. Im getting 2 guinea pigs soon and was going to build a c and c cage. said the best deal was costco‘s cubes with 30 grids and connectors. I looked online for them but couldn’t find them. I haven’t checked with the store yet but I’ve heard many people say that they could not find them at costco. I was just wondering if they still sell them from there because I think its a really good deal. Thanks!
admin answers:
Different COSTCO’s sell different things, it depends on what their delivery truck brings in, COSTCO is a lot like Sam’s Club whatever the truck brings in is what they will get, different sam’s get different things depending on the location, same applies to COSTCO.
You could try target, i found mine there.
Lizzie asks…
Which of these desktop computers is the best deal from Costco?
ZT Systems Q8300 2.5GHz
19-in1 Digital Card Reader
Lifetime Toll-Free 24/7 Tech Support
Item # 388843
Processor & Memory:
Intel® Core™ 2 Quad Processor Q8300 at (2.5GHz)
* 4MB L2 cache
* 1333MHz Front Side Bus
* 4GB DDR2 SDRAM memory (2 x 2GB, shared)
* 750GB (7,200RPM) SATA Hard Drive
* 20x max DVD±RW Burner Drive
* 19-in-1 digital multimedia card reader
Graphics & Video:
* Integrated NVIDIA® GeForce® 7050 graphics
* 10/100 Ethernet LAN
* VIA VT1708B 8-channel high-definition audio CODEC
* ZT Multimedia Stereo Speakers
Keyboard & Mouse:
* ZT 104-Key Desktop Keyboard
* ZT Optical Mouse
* Two 5.25″ external (1 available)
* Two 3.5″ external (1 available)
Ports and Slots (total):
* 6 x USB 2.0 ports (2 front, 4 rear)
* 2 x PS/2 connectors
* 1 x VGA port
* 1 x LAN (RJ45 port)
* 1 x COM port
* 1 x Parallel port
* 8-Channel Audio I/O ports
* 1 x PCI-e x16 slot
* 1 x PCI-e x1 slot
* 2 x PCI slots
Operating System:
* Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium (64-bit)
Additional Software:
* Symantec Norton Internet Security 2009 (90-day trial)
HP a6667c-b 24″W
E5200 2.5GHz 4GB DDR2 500GB HDD
64-Bit Vista® Home Premium
HP Pocket Media Drive Bay
15-in-1 Memory Card Reader
Item # 341096
Processor & Memory:
* Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core Processor E5200 (2.50GHz)
* 2MB L2 cache
* 800MHz Front Side Bus
* 4GB DDR2 SDRAM memory (4 x 1024MB)
* 500GB (7,200RPM) SATA hard drive
* LightScribe 16x max DVD±RW drive with double layer support
Graphics & Video:
* HP w2408h Vivid Color 24″ diagonal widescreen flat panel monitor with BrightView Technology; integrated speakers and adjustable tilt
* 128MB Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3100
* 10/100/1000 network interface
* 56K modem
* High definition audio, 8-speaker configurable
Keyboard & Mouse:
* HP Multimedia Keyboard
* HP Optical Mouse
Expandability (Total Slots):
* 1 PCIe x16 slot
* 2 PCIe x1 slots
* 1 PCI
* 2 external 5.25″ bays (one available)
* 1 external 3.5″ bay (occupied)
* 2 internal 3.5″ bays (one available)
* HP Pocket Media Drive Bay
* Front panel 15-in-1 memory card reader: supports SmartMedia, xD, MultiMedia Card, Secure Digital (SD), Mini Secure Digital, Compact Flash I, Compact Flash II, IBM Microdrive, Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick Pro Duo, RSMMC, MMC Mobile, MMC+
* Six USB 2.0 ports (2 Front, 4 Back)
* Two IEEE-1394 Firewire ports (1 front, 1 back)
* Headphone, microphone (FRONT)
* Two PS/2; digital audio in/out; LAN; microphone/line-in/line-out; rear speaker out/side speaker out/center (subwoofer) (REAR)
* VGA out
Operating System:
* Microsoft® Windows Vista Home Premium with SP1 (64-bit)
p.s. I may have to get a separate monitor if I get the first one at a better price
admin answers:
The first one is better; CPU- Core 2 Quad processor, Hard drives is 750 GB ….
If the price is almost the same get the first one !
Nancy asks…
How much are I touches at costco? Also how much are 8gb nanos at costco?
3rd generation itouches 8gb or 32gb and 5th generation 8gb nanos. Also were can I find the best deals on them?
admin answers:
Look on ebay there was a 32GB ipod touch for $40 free shipping!
Donald asks…
Best deals you’ve gotten on wedding stuff?
Who else is using Sam’s, Costco, BJ’s Warehouse, or any other warehouse store or wholesale shop for wedding stuff? What is the best deal you’ve found at those places?
If you aren’t shopping there, please share your awesome deals with us.
Our best deal:
We’re getting our tablecloths, napkins, plates (basic restaurant plates), and silverware at Sam’s Club. It’s $350-ish for 140 people!!! That’s the best deal I’ve ever seen. We’re gonna donate all the stuff to the church where we’re having the reception after we’re done because who really needs 140 plates, forks, and napkins? And who needs 18 tablecloths?
torit: I would have never thought of telling them before the wedding. We were just going to surprise them afterwards with the gift.
Ang*BTB: I can’t find anywhere in our area that will rent linens unless you’re using their facilities. I figured $2-3 per person is pretty inexpensive.
admin answers:
Overall we have been saving a lot of money on everything. I bought the tuxedo’s for my 7 year old and 2 year old sons for $25 a piece on ebay… The flower girl dress I got for $13 on ebay… My dress!!! It was an $1100 dress that I got for $160 (that included the veil and crinoline slip) custom made off ebay… The bridesmaids are buying their dresses online for $70.
My father is growing all the flowers (tulips and lilies) in his garden…but as a backup if needed, we will get our flowers from Sams… Got our tablecloths at Sams too, what a deal huh. At the dollar tree last night I just bought the napkins… They are soft dinner napkins 40 count for $1. I bought the invitations (diy) on clearance, 50 invitations with envelopes, response cards and envelopes for $5!!
We are doing the candy buffet because no one in our family or friends network has ever done it so it’s new to us… I got 100 Chinese take out boxes for $15… And the glass containers are gorgeous and I got them at Big Lots for $5, $10 and $15. We are going to resell as much as we can after the wedding to see how much we can make back.
There is much more but that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.
Oh and the ceremony location… We were going to get married in a church that was going to charge us $350… That was for the minister, rental, organist, clean up… I am a huge lover of light houses, my fiance rented us a lighthouse (well the property outside it) and we are going to get married by the lighthouse overlooking the ocean and it’s only costing $150! Adding the chairs we need to it it still comes to $100 cheaper than the church.
Lisa asks…
Best Television – what should I buy?
Finally going to jump in and buy a large screen TV. Would like to spend between less than a grand – and need to get a DVD player as well. (do some televisions come with them built in?) Would love to see where you read reviews and did research in order to buy the best television and get the best deal. Looked at Costco – but I’m really lost. Thanks!
admin answers:
Don’t buy the built in DVD player TVs (yes some TVs do come with them built in). They are less reliable, and if they break, you have to send the whole TV in for repairs. I would definitely advise against going that route. And the more reputation brands and choices do not even offer that, its usually the lower quality brands that do.
You should check out here, They don’t cover every TV out there, but have a solid list. Also, check out Amazon and Best Buy for customer reviews. Take them with a grain of salt, but if you see a model constantly flagged for the exact same thing, it can be a red flag to stay away. In general the big boys in TV are Panasonic, Sony, Sharp, Samsung, and LG. Those should be the primary brands to look towards. Toshiba and Vizio also kind of flirt in around the top as well, but I think the other guys, on the whole, tend to outperform (but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some good models in the mix from Toshiba and Vizio).
For your price range I think you would be best served with around a 42″ Plasma. I think you can get maximize size for the price if you go that route. And I would recommend going with a Panasonic Plasma as they are a step above the rest.
Costco has limited stock, I would look at Amazon first and foremost (if you’re okay buying that way). Otherwise maybe go to ABC Warehouse or Best Buy or other similar stores. Many of them will match competitors’ prices now, so you can pit them against each other and then buy from the store closest to your home.
DVD players are dirt cheap, you can pick up one of those fairly cheap. I would consider getting one with an HDMI port (so its an upscaling DVD player). It will help make DVDs look better on your new HDTV. Or consider buying a BluRay player (which also acts as an Upscaling DVD player).
Here are some sets I would recommend,
PANASONIC TCP42S2 1080p 42″ $759 ABC Warehouse
- second best series/line from Panasonic, a really solid TV
PANASONIC TCP50U2 1080p 50″ $844 ABC Warehouse
- one step down from the S series, but you get a 50″ set here, and its still a very good TV
SONY KDL40EX500 1080p 40″ 120Hz LCD – $809 ABC Warehouse
- a bit smaller, but the EX500 is a solid line from Sony
SAMSUNG LN40C650 1080p 40″ 120Hz LCD – $899 ABC Warehouse
- a solid option from Samsung, but considering the price difference I’d likely go for the Sony between these two 40″ choices
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Your Questions About Best Deals On Appliances
Robert asks…
What stores have the best deals on appliances (refrigerators & washer & dryers) on black Friday in november?
what store usually has more deals on black friday between: home depot, best buy; lowes, etc… are there any other stores that you would recomend for cheap appliances?
admin answers:
I suggest keeping your eyes open for ads in your local newspaper. That’s where you can find the best deals and sometimes coupons.
Susan asks…
Best deals for Household electrical appliances?
20th Aug 2009-Where can I get the best deal for household appliances on a 0% credit card installment scheme? I need to buy the following: 350+ L fridge, washing machine with dryer/or dryer separate, microwave, rice cooker?New in singapore and no clue where to shop.Please help!please let me know all the places ..warehouses/shops/stores etc so tht i can search and decide.Thanks
admin answers:
Hi I know a Shop By the name of Euromark located at Toa Payoh you can tried calling 62554688 to look for David,He’s a rather nice man.
Sandy asks…
where can you find the best deals on appliances (metro detroit area)????
admin answers:
The best deals on new appliances are usually from the national chains like Sears. I would reccomend a place that sells refurbished appliances for a fraction of the price.
Global Appliance
13007 E 8 Mile Rd
Warren, MI 48089
Phone: (586) 775-1110
call for hours
Mark asks…
How can you find the best deal for the best appliances?
I am going to be closing on my first home on friday so I will be shopping for new appliances in about a week and a half. I will be buying an electric stove, a refrigerator, a dishwasher, and a built in microwave. I would like to invest in appliances with features I want so the bundle packages won’t work, however I do want to get the best deal. Where is the best place to shop? How do you look for discounts, and do you have any suggestions on reliable brands or appliances you have used and liked? This is obviously a huge purchase so any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
admin answers:
Start at a store of your choice..tell them you are shopping for prices to compare and would like the best price they can give you on the appliances you choose. Usually the more you buy, the better the discount…have them write down their best price and have them give you a day to shop around (write it on the paper). Go to the next store that has the same appliances (this is the trick). Ask the next store for their best price. When you get it, tell them you are comparison shopping and if their price is higher than the first store, then show them the quote and ask if they can beat it…continue on in this manner with three or for stores locally. If you prefer a certain store over the others, then be sure to return to all the stores asking them to at least match the lowest price because you would rather deal with them. In my area, you can do this with The Brick, Leons, Sears, and a local shop. You can get great deals like this. I did this when purchasing all new appliances and got a great deal on the prices. As for brands…depends on the features you like. I like Maytag/Whirlpool/KitchenAid and the higher end products of these makes…especially the get what you pay for, so spend money on a good one and clean it properly so it lasts a long time. Be sure to ask if there are repairmen in the area for the brands you choose….that will influence your decision. Do not get sucked into paying for features you do not need, want or will use. Get extended warranties..if they won’t budge on prices, see if they will toss in an extended warranty for free. You do not know till you ask. I got mine free. Know what you want before going in for final pricing..this may mean you shop around a bit beforehand to know who carries your desired appliance. It is good you are seen a couple of times in the store before you decide anyway. Have fun!! Is worth the extra legwork for the discount you can get.
Lizzie asks…
Best deal on high end kitchen appliances?
I am looking to purchase Slide in or free standing duel fuel range 36″ and vent hood. 36″ built in counter depth frig and DW in stainless.Any suggestions to get a best deal? frig and DW are side by side so may need to be same brand ,but range is acros the room.
admin answers:
I have found that when you buy high end are paying for a name,and not performance.but if thats what you are wanting check site below.
Charles asks…
where can i get the best deal on stainless steel appliances in the GTA?
i’m looking for stainless steel – fridge, over the range microwave, diswasher and stove on a tight budget….
admin answers:
Some good deals here:
William asks…
How to get the best deals on refrigerators?
I am buying a new house and it does not have a refrigerator in it. This is my first house and I have never purchased any appliances before. So are there any tricks/websites/stores that would offer better rates? What else should I be concerned about while making a deal on the refrigerator?
admin answers:
You need to read Chapters 2 and 3 of Herb Cohen’s book, “You Can Negotiate Anything”. You can read them for free as an excerpt on Google books. He uses purchasing a refrigerator as an example but the same techniques work with other appliances where a salesman is involved.
You can often get used appliances for free if you are able to pick them up. Use the second link below to locate one or more Freecycle™ groups that are active in your area out of the nearly 5000 groups worldwide. It costs absolutely nothing to join and participate. Refrigerators, washers, dryers, stoves, air conditioners and furniture show up pretty regularly in the group I belong to. Most anything else you can think of is likely to be offered too.
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About Best Deals On Cruises
Betty asks…
How do I find the best deal on cruises and airfare?
My girlfriend and I would like to take a cruise in August while sticking to a budget.
admin answers:
Best place to visit in August is Alaska for mind blowing experiences.
Richard asks…
Where can you find the best deals on cruises?
I was thinking about going on a cruise but I dont know where to look, or where would be the best place to go. I dont want a very expensive cruise. So where can I find good deals?
admin answers:
Check the sites thoroughly. It’s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look.
Joseph asks…
what is the best place on the internet to find the best deals for cruises?
what is the best site that is targeted specifically for cruises? What about the best site for just traveling in general?
admin answers:
There is no real place to get “good cruise deals”. I work in a sales department of a cruise line. If you go direct you get the regular fare. Travel agents get group fares for holding rooms in advance sometimes and they may cut their commission a little to get you to book with them. All in all there is no realy big difference unless you get a group of 5 cabins or more to get a group special directly with the cruise line.
Michael asks…
Where could I go to get the best deals on cruises?
I am wanting to go on a cruise with my boyfriend on the weekend of June 12th, and I was wanting to know what kind of deals I could get, and where I could find them.
admin answers:
You didn’t say if you just want a few days or a whole week. Also, you know you’ll have to have a passport (not just birth cert) right?
If you’ve never cruised, I’d suggest starting in the Caribbean. It’s fabulous for having lots to do and GORGEOUS WATERS to do it in. Here’s a sample for June for just the Caribbean…
There are MANY leaving June 12th with great prices. If you can cruise in June, IMHO Royal Caribbean is having the best deals right now.
Just go to Expedia, Travelocity or Orbitz and click on cruises. You can put in only the month you want to cruise and see what’s available. Then go to that cruiseline’s website and book thru them. You’ll get a better price usually and often onboard credit. You have to pay in full 90 days in advance for cruising, so you’ll have to put it on a credit card since you’re inside that window.
And if you have to fly, there’s a whole bunch of deals on airfare going on right now. Just click on airfare on those same site above then go to the airlines’ site…again best deals. But few have fares for Airtran or Southwest. Just add www and .com to those and get their sites.
Also, if this is your first cruise, I’d suggest going thru a travel agent. They can make sure you have everything you need. I’ve left the website of the one I use in the source box. They have an office here, but they work with peeps all over the US. They specialize in cruises. I use Claire.
Also, don’t skimp and buy travel insurance. It only cost about $100 for every $2500 of trip (include costs of cruise, air, hotel, excursions) and it will provide you with $$ if you lose luggage, miss the ship, flight gets cancelled AND medical insurance if you get sick onboard or in forgeign country. The ship and most other places won’t bill you, they want $ up front to treat you. The insurance assures you will get all that back and gives you a number to call for help.
Have fun!! You’ll love to cruise!
Jenny asks…
where do i find the best deals on cruises?
ive never been on a cruise. however i want to find the best deals (most likely to the Bahamas). any advice? thanks!
admin answers:
Whenever looking for travel I try the non denominational websites, such as Expedia or Travelosity. Then, when I see something I like I go straight to the source. For cruises if you’re not set on a certain ship or cruise line, try to find basic sailing dates and itineraries (ports of call and shore excursions). You can then double check the price found there against the cruise line’s website.
If you have access to a travel agent they should be able to help you too.
Sandra asks…
where can I find the best deals on cruises plus airfair to the eastern carribean?
I want to take my wife on a cruise for our 25th wedding anniversary. Thanks!
admin answers:
This Looks Cool Have Fun!
Donald asks…
Looking for the BEST deals on cruises, where to look?
Ideally, I’d like to find a site that pulls in information from the top travel sites/best deals sites and also shows me historically what the best price is.
For example, it’s one thing to see that the best price this week for a cruise is $1000, it’s another to know that the best price I *could* get on that cruise has historically been $575 (in which case I would continue to wait until it was closer to that historical best price).
Any help is immensely appreciated.
admin answers:
Seems like is one of those sites where travel agents from all over compete to get you the best price on the sailing you want. has great info on cruising also
i would look at some of the biggest cruise websites for good prices.
those are a few.
Good luck
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About Best Deals On Cruises
Thomas asks…
How do I find the best deal on cruises and airfare?
My girlfriend and I would like to take a cruise in August while sticking to a budget.
admin answers:
Best place to visit in August is Alaska for mind blowing experiences.
Sandy asks…
Where can you find the best deals on cruises?
I was thinking about going on a cruise but I dont know where to look, or where would be the best place to go. I dont want a very expensive cruise. So where can I find good deals?
admin answers:
Check the sites thoroughly. It’s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look.
Sharon asks…
what is the best place on the internet to find the best deals for cruises?
what is the best site that is targeted specifically for cruises? What about the best site for just traveling in general?
admin answers:
There is no real place to get “good cruise deals”. I work in a sales department of a cruise line. If you go direct you get the regular fare. Travel agents get group fares for holding rooms in advance sometimes and they may cut their commission a little to get you to book with them. All in all there is no realy big difference unless you get a group of 5 cabins or more to get a group special directly with the cruise line.
Lisa asks…
Where could I go to get the best deals on cruises?
I am wanting to go on a cruise with my boyfriend on the weekend of June 12th, and I was wanting to know what kind of deals I could get, and where I could find them.
admin answers:
You didn’t say if you just want a few days or a whole week. Also, you know you’ll have to have a passport (not just birth cert) right?
If you’ve never cruised, I’d suggest starting in the Caribbean. It’s fabulous for having lots to do and GORGEOUS WATERS to do it in. Here’s a sample for June for just the Caribbean…
There are MANY leaving June 12th with great prices. If you can cruise in June, IMHO Royal Caribbean is having the best deals right now.
Just go to Expedia, Travelocity or Orbitz and click on cruises. You can put in only the month you want to cruise and see what’s available. Then go to that cruiseline’s website and book thru them. You’ll get a better price usually and often onboard credit. You have to pay in full 90 days in advance for cruising, so you’ll have to put it on a credit card since you’re inside that window.
And if you have to fly, there’s a whole bunch of deals on airfare going on right now. Just click on airfare on those same site above then go to the airlines’ site…again best deals. But few have fares for Airtran or Southwest. Just add www and .com to those and get their sites.
Also, if this is your first cruise, I’d suggest going thru a travel agent. They can make sure you have everything you need. I’ve left the website of the one I use in the source box. They have an office here, but they work with peeps all over the US. They specialize in cruises. I use Claire.
Also, don’t skimp and buy travel insurance. It only cost about $100 for every $2500 of trip (include costs of cruise, air, hotel, excursions) and it will provide you with $$ if you lose luggage, miss the ship, flight gets cancelled AND medical insurance if you get sick onboard or in forgeign country. The ship and most other places won’t bill you, they want $ up front to treat you. The insurance assures you will get all that back and gives you a number to call for help.
Have fun!! You’ll love to cruise!
Mark asks…
where do i find the best deals on cruises?
ive never been on a cruise. however i want to find the best deals (most likely to the Bahamas). any advice? thanks!
admin answers:
Whenever looking for travel I try the non denominational websites, such as Expedia or Travelosity. Then, when I see something I like I go straight to the source. For cruises if you’re not set on a certain ship or cruise line, try to find basic sailing dates and itineraries (ports of call and shore excursions). You can then double check the price found there against the cruise line’s website.
If you have access to a travel agent they should be able to help you too.
Jenny asks…
where can I find the best deals on cruises plus airfair to the eastern carribean?
I want to take my wife on a cruise for our 25th wedding anniversary. Thanks!
admin answers:
This Looks Cool Have Fun!
Lizzie asks…
Looking for the BEST deals on cruises, where to look?
Ideally, I’d like to find a site that pulls in information from the top travel sites/best deals sites and also shows me historically what the best price is.
For example, it’s one thing to see that the best price this week for a cruise is $1000, it’s another to know that the best price I *could* get on that cruise has historically been $575 (in which case I would continue to wait until it was closer to that historical best price).
Any help is immensely appreciated.
admin answers:
Seems like is one of those sites where travel agents from all over compete to get you the best price on the sailing you want. has great info on cruising also
i would look at some of the biggest cruise websites for good prices.
those are a few.
Good luck
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About Best Deals On Appliances
Joseph asks…
What stores have the best deals on appliances (refrigerators & washer & dryers) on black Friday in november?
what store usually has more deals on black friday between: home depot, best buy; lowes, etc… are there any other stores that you would recomend for cheap appliances?
admin answers:
I suggest keeping your eyes open for ads in your local newspaper. That’s where you can find the best deals and sometimes coupons.
Nancy asks…
Best deals for Household electrical appliances?
20th Aug 2009-Where can I get the best deal for household appliances on a 0% credit card installment scheme? I need to buy the following: 350+ L fridge, washing machine with dryer/or dryer separate, microwave, rice cooker?New in singapore and no clue where to shop.Please help!please let me know all the places ..warehouses/shops/stores etc so tht i can search and decide.Thanks
admin answers:
Hi I know a Shop By the name of Euromark located at Toa Payoh you can tried calling 62554688 to look for David,He’s a rather nice man.
Mark asks…
where can you find the best deals on appliances (metro detroit area)????
admin answers:
The best deals on new appliances are usually from the national chains like Sears. I would reccomend a place that sells refurbished appliances for a fraction of the price.
Global Appliance
13007 E 8 Mile Rd
Warren, MI 48089
Phone: (586) 775-1110
call for hours
Donald asks…
How can you find the best deal for the best appliances?
I am going to be closing on my first home on friday so I will be shopping for new appliances in about a week and a half. I will be buying an electric stove, a refrigerator, a dishwasher, and a built in microwave. I would like to invest in appliances with features I want so the bundle packages won’t work, however I do want to get the best deal. Where is the best place to shop? How do you look for discounts, and do you have any suggestions on reliable brands or appliances you have used and liked? This is obviously a huge purchase so any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
admin answers:
Start at a store of your choice..tell them you are shopping for prices to compare and would like the best price they can give you on the appliances you choose. Usually the more you buy, the better the discount…have them write down their best price and have them give you a day to shop around (write it on the paper). Go to the next store that has the same appliances (this is the trick). Ask the next store for their best price. When you get it, tell them you are comparison shopping and if their price is higher than the first store, then show them the quote and ask if they can beat it…continue on in this manner with three or for stores locally. If you prefer a certain store over the others, then be sure to return to all the stores asking them to at least match the lowest price because you would rather deal with them. In my area, you can do this with The Brick, Leons, Sears, and a local shop. You can get great deals like this. I did this when purchasing all new appliances and got a great deal on the prices. As for brands…depends on the features you like. I like Maytag/Whirlpool/KitchenAid and the higher end products of these makes…especially the get what you pay for, so spend money on a good one and clean it properly so it lasts a long time. Be sure to ask if there are repairmen in the area for the brands you choose….that will influence your decision. Do not get sucked into paying for features you do not need, want or will use. Get extended warranties..if they won’t budge on prices, see if they will toss in an extended warranty for free. You do not know till you ask. I got mine free. Know what you want before going in for final pricing..this may mean you shop around a bit beforehand to know who carries your desired appliance. It is good you are seen a couple of times in the store before you decide anyway. Have fun!! Is worth the extra legwork for the discount you can get.
Chris asks…
Best deal on high end kitchen appliances?
I am looking to purchase Slide in or free standing duel fuel range 36″ and vent hood. 36″ built in counter depth frig and DW in stainless.Any suggestions to get a best deal? frig and DW are side by side so may need to be same brand ,but range is acros the room.
admin answers:
I have found that when you buy high end are paying for a name,and not performance.but if thats what you are wanting check site below.
Betty asks…
where can i get the best deal on stainless steel appliances in the GTA?
i’m looking for stainless steel – fridge, over the range microwave, diswasher and stove on a tight budget….
admin answers:
Some good deals here:
Linda asks…
How to get the best deals on refrigerators?
I am buying a new house and it does not have a refrigerator in it. This is my first house and I have never purchased any appliances before. So are there any tricks/websites/stores that would offer better rates? What else should I be concerned about while making a deal on the refrigerator?
admin answers:
You need to read Chapters 2 and 3 of Herb Cohen’s book, “You Can Negotiate Anything”. You can read them for free as an excerpt on Google books. He uses purchasing a refrigerator as an example but the same techniques work with other appliances where a salesman is involved.
You can often get used appliances for free if you are able to pick them up. Use the second link below to locate one or more Freecycle™ groups that are active in your area out of the nearly 5000 groups worldwide. It costs absolutely nothing to join and participate. Refrigerators, washers, dryers, stoves, air conditioners and furniture show up pretty regularly in the group I belong to. Most anything else you can think of is likely to be offered too.
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