Archive for June 13, 2011
Your Questions About History Of Denver
Mandy asks…
Does anyone know the history of denver really well??
I was wondering if anyone knows the history of denver really well, because I was wondering what kinds of businesses were on the same land or same building that I live in now? The address is 768 Colorado blvd, Denver, co 80206. The building is called “The Oxford Arms Apartments.”
admin answers:
Well in the 1920-30′s it was flat, and nothing much but the early CU medical center for say five streets south and three north farmland and basicall for a few miles from Colo Blvd.
The medical center north of you from Colo Blvd and 8th Ave
all the way to Bellaire was torn down in the 50′s-60′s. That fancy old building just across & north of Bellaire is the only building from the 50′s.
Your corner has had different buildings starting in the 30′s.
Sorry but I need to look at some old photos and will look at Denver University library, my school was well still had livestock
grazing just back to past WWII.
Looked at Yahoo maps, I cannot believe how Denver has grown just since the 1960′s.
I am “safe” in Blende, east of Pueblo.
Lisa asks…
Who is the Best all time players in Denver Broncos history?
I want a breakdown of all positions. IN YOUR OWN OPINION!!!
admin answers:
QB – John Elway (HOF)
RB – Floyd Little (should be HOF)
RB – Terrell Davis (should be in HOF)
FB – Howard Griffith (great blocking FB)
WR – Rod Smith (should make HOF)
WR – Steve Watson (ran precision routes)
WR – Ed Mccaffrey (great hands)
TE – Shannon Sharpe (should make HOF)
G – Dave Widell
G – Doug Widell
T – Garry Zimmerman (HOF)
T – Matt Lepsis
RILB – Randy Gradishar (should be HOF)
LILB – Karl Mecklenburg (should be HOF)
ROLB – Tom Jackson (should be HOF)
RDE – Lyle Alzado (Pure animal. Should be HOF)
LDE – Barny Chavous
CB – Louis Wright (should be HOF)
CB – Champ Bailey (will be HOF)
SS – Dennis Smith
FS – Steve Atwater (should be HOF)
LB – John Mobley
NT – Rubin Carter
KR/PR – Rick Upchurch
K – Jason Elam (will make HOF)
P – Tom Rouen
*** Al Wilson at LB should be in there, also. ***
Charles asks…
Is this winter suppose to be oe of the worst winters in Denver’s history?
admin answers:
Actually, no. Despite the cold and snowy October, there is no relation between say a cold October and the ensuing winter. Actually chances are slightly favorable for a warmer than average winter in that region due to the presence of a weak to moderate El Nino. It could still turn out cold if other factors happen to override the El Nino effects, but that is not favored at this time.
Susan asks…
when will the black hole be showing at the denver museum of natural history?
admin answers:
I hope this isn’t an ethnic joke about women, or another question about Uranus!
Joseph asks…
what is history of home at 3755 Elliot St. Denver, CO 80211?
admin answers:
Being a psychic,I can tell you the news isnt good. First,it used to house incorriagable children,they were forced to sit in total darkness(the room off the bathroom). They were malnourished and ended up killing the caretaker for food. The house went empty 4 decades until it was rented by a man named Elway,and ever since horse teeth screwed the Browns over time and time again,your house will be haunted 4ever
Mark asks…
What is the history of the lyrics of john denver’s “seasons of the heart” song?
Anyone know what event(s), situation, etc., motivated the lyrics?
admin answers:
I think this song was written during and is about his feelings over his and Annie’s break up. (Annie was his first wife of many years, he re-married one time, but that didn’t last as long.) Hope that helps!
Sandy asks…
Should the new name of Chicago Bulls be Chicago Fools?
for all you NBA fans who really know basketball, do you honestly think that Noah is a better buy and player than Melo? my goodness, this is probably one of the dumbest act committed in NBA history. Denver is willing to give up Melo with J.R. to the Bulls in exchange for Noah and a couple of picks and so so …. And the Bulls rejected cause they want to keep NOAH????
what a shame… not a shame a problem
to Kobe – you’re probably watching to much drama series lately…
oh and whoever reports my question as an abuse should be considered as dumb as those who made the bulls decision
admin answers:
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Your Questions About Free Stuff Online
Robert asks…
Where can i go to get totally free stuff online without taking surveys or participating in weird things?
i was wondering if anyone knows of any free online websites where you don’t have to do surveys in order to get free stuff….i found some but you have to do surveys and participate in weird things. if you know of any, please share. thanks!
admin answers:
Try its what I use they’re new but cool and update daily
David asks…
where is the best site to get good free stuff online?
I am trying to raise money for my brother to get a double lung transplant and I am looking for any free stuff online that i can sell via ebay or yard sales to help. My brother is recently a new father and just learned that the lung transplant will cost him welll over 20 thousand dollars. any info will help
admin answers:
Contact your local newspaper and try to put together an event that will help raise money for this. Maybe some local businesses will come onboard and help sponsor.
Ken asks…
Is it really possible to get free stuff, like free xbox, free wii, etc online?
I’m thinking about trying some of these schemes for getting hold of free stuff online. Some of the things I’ve looked at include Xbox 360 games consoles, the Nintendo Wii, iPhones, Apple Macs and even LCD TVs. Do these schemes actually work? Or are they just a scam?
admin answers:
No but you an get free samples.
If you want a free sample site without those stupid offers or surveys I would check out . They feature a new free sample every day without those stupid surveys or “offers” that make the “free sample” not really free. What I also like about them is that they have a mailing list so that you can get the free samples sent to your inbox… Its pretty sweet.
Maria asks…
How Do You Get Real Free online Stuff Without Going Through all th bull crap and without using a credit card?
like getting something for real with out suscribing or spending any money online at all with no ads in your way just pure free stuff
admin answers:
Simple, you don’t. Unless you go through your local newspaper and find a giveaway section, chances are you won’t be able to find something free on the internet. Well, at least not legally.
Thomas asks…
I just got an email saying “Choose a color for your free Macbook air!”Has anyone ever gotten free stuff online?
ok well i just got this email saying i am eligible for a free macbook air, i just have to fill out my name, address and phone #. I always get emails like this but have never pursued them. Has anyone ever gotten anything free like this online from an email after they fill out some stuff? If so i’d love to hear about it! Thanks!
admin answers:
Remember – if it sound to good to be true – then it is. The whole thing is a complete scam. Delete.
Lisa asks…
How to recieve free stuff online no gimics ?
i wanna know where ya can like sign up or provide info to recieve free magizines newsletters, free samples, free books, adds, coupons and more where can i go to online for something like that?
admin answers:
I always thought that free stuff online had to be there and after many years of looking I stumbled across this one:
its one of the easiest ways to get free stuff over amazon!!
Betty asks…
Is it safe to get free stuff online and give out ur phone number and address?
I have these free offer online from this website. and it ask for my name address and phone number. is it safe? to give those stuff out for them to send u it? i mean its free. so can it be bad?
sometime they ask me for my income and what i like to do? are they going to stalk me or something? i mean i want some free stuff because some offer are useful.
i found these deals from
admin answers:
I would never give out anything like that. I don’t think they will stalk you or anything, but you never know. The only time i gave out my address online was for a site that i got an add for in the mail. And it wasn’t free.
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Your Questions About Free Stuff On Your Birthday
Maria asks…
Where can you get free stuff on your birthday at Disneyland or California Adventure?
My daughter’s birthday is tomorrow, and we are going to Disneyland/California Adventure. We are annual passholders, and have heard there are some things that you can get free on your birthday. All I know about is the paper crown on the merry go round in California Adventure. Does anyone else know about any other special treats or treatment she can get on her big day at either park? Thanks!
admin answers:
-At the mission tortilla factory in California Adventure, you get a 10 pack of tortilla’s.
-Get your birthday pin from city hall, and on my birthday they let me listen to a happy birthday call from goofy. The call was in city hall on a really cool phone on the front desk.
-And if you plan to eat at bayou, they give you a free chocolate moose. But the moose is a bit dinky, I know this from working at the park and having to make those little things.
Also, you do not have to register her birthday to get the 69$ gift card, all you have to do is show proof of birthday at the ticket booth. But the registration stuff on does save you a little bit of time because you do not have fill out paper work prior to going into the park. Also you should go in to the french market (or any food place/attraction really, but you could go bother my old co workers at french market) and request them to sing happy birthday to your daughter. How could they say no to a birthday girl?!
Susan asks…
What companies give free stuff on your birthday?
I’m talking restaurants, coffee shops, etc. Does anyone give you free stuff for your birthday?
admin answers:
You get a free meal on your birthday at Country Kitchen.
Linda asks…
What are some websites that give you free stuff on your birthday?
I’m turning 15 and live Southern California, so any restuarants, stores, etc, that give you free stuff on your birthday? I’m already part of Cold Stones Creamery but thats about it. My birthday is in a month so please hurry. List it too, please! At least more than 5 And if you see that someone else answered what you put, don’t bother putting it. Put something different! I want variety 10 points to the one with the most!
admin answers:
I think Sephora does. My sister has an account and also bought some things there, so on her birthday she went since they gave her an email saying she had free samples waiting for her at the store !
Chris asks…
Do you get free stuff on your birthday when you join PINKNATION?
I just joined Pink nation & i heard they send you free stuff on your birthday.Is it true? Do you get it just because you joined or do you have to do some sort of survey or whatevr.
Please answer!
All I did was join!
admin answers:
I think all they do is send you a coupon either by mail or email
Mark asks…
Does anyone know of any free birthday stuff you can get from stores on your birthday in Orange County, CA?
I wanted to see if anyone knows of any businesses that give you ‘anything’ free on your birthday in or near Orange County, CA? I’m not really interested in ‘free food’ but more of other things. I already found a place that gives a free car wash. Thanks for your answers people!
admin answers:
More and more companies are offering something free for birthdays. Here are some non-food birthday deals available in your area if you sign up online:
AMF gives the birthday person a free bowling game with a party of 10 or more;
Sign up for Dave & Busters Reward program and get $10 PowerCardfor signing up and on/or around your birthday get another $10 PowerCard. This does require a PowerCard # though.
Mulligan’s Family Fun Centers offer a free game of miniture golf during your birthday month.
Ruth asks…
what companies give you free stuff on your birthday?
My birthday‘s in July and Sephora sends me stuff so I want to know of other beauty companies and clothing stores that had out free stuff on your birthday. Also any restaurants and etc. Everyone enjoys free stuff on their birthdays! thanks
admin answers:
American eagle gives a small discount- 15% off coupon
but they have better deals normally like recently 20% offs for just being on facebook.
Red robin! Free dessert I think?
Laura asks…
Does anyone know any free stuff on your birthday deals?
My mom’s birthday is this week. We were wondering what free stuff she can get. Southern California.
admin answers:
Free food on your B’day from Daphne’s Greek style food when you sign up for their website
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Your Questions About Free Stuff Online
Carol asks…
Where can i go to get totally free stuff online without taking surveys or participating in weird things?
i was wondering if anyone knows of any free online websites where you don’t have to do surveys in order to get free stuff….i found some but you have to do surveys and participate in weird things. if you know of any, please share. thanks!
admin answers:
Try its what I use they’re new but cool and update daily
Lisa asks…
where is the best site to get good free stuff online?
I am trying to raise money for my brother to get a double lung transplant and I am looking for any free stuff online that i can sell via ebay or yard sales to help. My brother is recently a new father and just learned that the lung transplant will cost him welll over 20 thousand dollars. any info will help
admin answers:
Contact your local newspaper and try to put together an event that will help raise money for this. Maybe some local businesses will come onboard and help sponsor.
Thomas asks…
Is it really possible to get free stuff, like free xbox, free wii, etc online?
I’m thinking about trying some of these schemes for getting hold of free stuff online. Some of the things I’ve looked at include Xbox 360 games consoles, the Nintendo Wii, iPhones, Apple Macs and even LCD TVs. Do these schemes actually work? Or are they just a scam?
admin answers:
No but you an get free samples.
If you want a free sample site without those stupid offers or surveys I would check out . They feature a new free sample every day without those stupid surveys or “offers” that make the “free sample” not really free. What I also like about them is that they have a mailing list so that you can get the free samples sent to your inbox… Its pretty sweet.
William asks…
How Do You Get Real Free online Stuff Without Going Through all th bull crap and without using a credit card?
like getting something for real with out suscribing or spending any money online at all with no ads in your way just pure free stuff
admin answers:
Simple, you don’t. Unless you go through your local newspaper and find a giveaway section, chances are you won’t be able to find something free on the internet. Well, at least not legally.
Charles asks…
I just got an email saying “Choose a color for your free Macbook air!”Has anyone ever gotten free stuff online?
ok well i just got this email saying i am eligible for a free macbook air, i just have to fill out my name, address and phone #. I always get emails like this but have never pursued them. Has anyone ever gotten anything free like this online from an email after they fill out some stuff? If so i’d love to hear about it! Thanks!
admin answers:
Remember – if it sound to good to be true – then it is. The whole thing is a complete scam. Delete.
Sharon asks…
How to recieve free stuff online no gimics ?
i wanna know where ya can like sign up or provide info to recieve free magizines newsletters, free samples, free books, adds, coupons and more where can i go to online for something like that?
admin answers:
I always thought that free stuff online had to be there and after many years of looking I stumbled across this one:
its one of the easiest ways to get free stuff over amazon!!
Chris asks…
Is it safe to get free stuff online and give out ur phone number and address?
I have these free offer online from this website. and it ask for my name address and phone number. is it safe? to give those stuff out for them to send u it? i mean its free. so can it be bad?
sometime they ask me for my income and what i like to do? are they going to stalk me or something? i mean i want some free stuff because some offer are useful.
i found these deals from
admin answers:
I would never give out anything like that. I don’t think they will stalk you or anything, but you never know. The only time i gave out my address online was for a site that i got an add for in the mail. And it wasn’t free.
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Your Questions About Free Stuff Online
Laura asks…
Where can i go to get totally free stuff online without taking surveys or participating in weird things?
i was wondering if anyone knows of any free online websites where you don’t have to do surveys in order to get free stuff….i found some but you have to do surveys and participate in weird things. if you know of any, please share. thanks!
admin answers:
Try its what I use they’re new but cool and update daily
Mary asks…
where is the best site to get good free stuff online?
I am trying to raise money for my brother to get a double lung transplant and I am looking for any free stuff online that i can sell via ebay or yard sales to help. My brother is recently a new father and just learned that the lung transplant will cost him welll over 20 thousand dollars. any info will help
admin answers:
Contact your local newspaper and try to put together an event that will help raise money for this. Maybe some local businesses will come onboard and help sponsor.
Ken asks…
Is it really possible to get free stuff, like free xbox, free wii, etc online?
I’m thinking about trying some of these schemes for getting hold of free stuff online. Some of the things I’ve looked at include Xbox 360 games consoles, the Nintendo Wii, iPhones, Apple Macs and even LCD TVs. Do these schemes actually work? Or are they just a scam?
admin answers:
No but you an get free samples.
If you want a free sample site without those stupid offers or surveys I would check out . They feature a new free sample every day without those stupid surveys or “offers” that make the “free sample” not really free. What I also like about them is that they have a mailing list so that you can get the free samples sent to your inbox… Its pretty sweet.
Carol asks…
How Do You Get Real Free online Stuff Without Going Through all th bull crap and without using a credit card?
like getting something for real with out suscribing or spending any money online at all with no ads in your way just pure free stuff
admin answers:
Simple, you don’t. Unless you go through your local newspaper and find a giveaway section, chances are you won’t be able to find something free on the internet. Well, at least not legally.
Nancy asks…
I just got an email saying “Choose a color for your free Macbook air!”Has anyone ever gotten free stuff online?
ok well i just got this email saying i am eligible for a free macbook air, i just have to fill out my name, address and phone #. I always get emails like this but have never pursued them. Has anyone ever gotten anything free like this online from an email after they fill out some stuff? If so i’d love to hear about it! Thanks!
admin answers:
Remember – if it sound to good to be true – then it is. The whole thing is a complete scam. Delete.
Maria asks…
How to recieve free stuff online no gimics ?
i wanna know where ya can like sign up or provide info to recieve free magizines newsletters, free samples, free books, adds, coupons and more where can i go to online for something like that?
admin answers:
I always thought that free stuff online had to be there and after many years of looking I stumbled across this one:
its one of the easiest ways to get free stuff over amazon!!
Sandra asks…
Is it safe to get free stuff online and give out ur phone number and address?
I have these free offer online from this website. and it ask for my name address and phone number. is it safe? to give those stuff out for them to send u it? i mean its free. so can it be bad?
sometime they ask me for my income and what i like to do? are they going to stalk me or something? i mean i want some free stuff because some offer are useful.
i found these deals from
admin answers:
I would never give out anything like that. I don’t think they will stalk you or anything, but you never know. The only time i gave out my address online was for a site that i got an add for in the mail. And it wasn’t free.
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Your Questions About Free Stuff To Do In Denver
Richard asks…
What are some fun, but cheap or free, activities or things to see in denver or up north on I-25?
We are taking a mini road trip to denver from fort collins (CO) and are looking for fun things to do. We are pretty close to broke, and would love to find some fun stuff that is free, or at least cheap. Any ideas?
admin answers:
You should visit the Swetsville Zoo. Take I-25 to the first Ft. Collins exit (Harmony Rd.) and go right (east) about 1/4 mile. Follow the signs.
The Swetsville Zoo is a bunch of sculptures of animals and all kinds of a cool things…all made from old car parts and scrap metal. Kids love it! I’m pretty sure that it’s free…if not, it’s very cheap.
William asks…
Things To Do In Highlands Ranch/Denver, CO?
Hello. I am going to denver next week for about a week. i was wondering what kind of stuff there is to do. I really like free stuff, ha. so let me know what kind of things there are to do like hiking, parks, movies, bowling, historical stuff, and other interesting stuff. it doesn’t have to be free.
admin answers:
In Parker – not far from Highlands Ranch – you can visit The Wildlife Experience. In Lone Tree (very close) you can go bowling and indoor sky diving just south of Park Meadows Mall.
The Littleton Historical Museum is Free and very neat – has two working farms right in the middle of Littleton – and it is free. You can go to the Denver Zoo, Red Rock, Buffalo Bills’ Grave and Museum, Molly Brown’s House (Titanic survivor), the state capital, see a Colorado Rockies game – if they are at home, Colorado History Museum, and just enjoy being outdoors. (The weather is going to be in the 70′s all week according to forecasts.)
Fun (and unusual) places to eat are: Beau Jo’s Pizza (you buy your pizza by the pound), White Fence Farm (has a nice family atmosphere and petting zoo), Casa Bonita (not the best food – great soppapillas – but the atmosphere makes up for it), Traildust steakhouse and The Buckhorn Exchange. Http://
The city of Golden is fun to go to – and Heritage square as well.
Some people experience a form of alititude sickness coming to CO, so if you are not accustomed to a higher altitude (coming from sea level), drink a lot of water and rest well. (Most people only get it in goig to the mountains – but I had a friend visit from LA once, and she got it here in the city.) Staying hydrated is the best way to keep from getting it – it’s a horrid way to spend a vacation – you feel all headachy and shaky. Probably happened to her in town because she was a lightweight.
Have a great time and you’ve got a great time waiting for you!
Carol asks…
Anybody sold stuff on Craig’s List in Denver/Boulder area?
If so, just curious what your experiences were. Is it free to list things, is it safe, did things sell, what do you accept as pay (cash, check, etc.)???
admin answers:
I haven’t had any problems, met some very nice people both selling and buying stuff. I personally will only take cash or pay pal. Yes it is free to list and it is amazing how fast you can get rid of free things. If all possible when you are doing a transaction to meet in a neutral well populated area just to be safe.
Sandy asks…
So I’m visiting her, going to her city, driving my car. She doesn’t have a car. I have only been to Denver,CO,
So I’m visiting her, going to her city, driving my car. She doesn’t have a car. I have only been to Denver,CO, once, and I don’t know where to go ect. She likes it when I’m in charge, when I take her somewhere and she has a great time, but doesn’t have to figure what we are going to do. So I’ll be in charge of showing her a great time, In a city I don’t know in my car. I like her very much, and thinks she really deserve some stress free time to just relax and enjoy herself. I don’t know where to do or what to do. Anyone have in ideas? I don’t want to go to the movies, boring stuff like that, I want it to be spectacular for her.
admin answers:
Do you know her well, enuf to know what she, would find spectacular?…….Some ppl love the simple things in life, to win and dine down by a river, under a big tree – with little assortment of treats.
Others like music, a nice restuarant – If she loves nature there are many places you can go by pulick transport together too.(art gallery museums, etc fun places)
It does help to know what she likes, for this is how you could spend time with her – relaxing can involve many things.
Maybe you can aks her what are some of her favourite spots where she lives and go there?
Keep smiling and best wishes
Steven asks…
interior decoration help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
we were looking for decoration items for our new home. we went through one of the furniture stores here in Denver which offer free design services if we buy stuff from their store.So we’been talking to this designer guy and hes helping us get stuff for our home. But he wants us buy everything from his store so that he can get commission. We already went over our budget of $2000 and still got more stuff to buy. so we thought about buying some items from other stores like antique shops so we can save money, but will that be alright since he gave us all the ideas and now we buy from outside.Should we worry about his commission or our budget.will he be pissed if we let him know that we are gonna buy from other stores. What you guys would do in this situation???????PLZZZZZ HLP!!!!!
admin answers:
Sweetie, he’s not thinking of YOUR wallet, other than to drain it. Just tell him you feel he’s served his purpose for you for as far as you’d like to go at THIS TIME. Ask him for his card and tell him, once the money is available, you’ll look him up again. Simple. God, you’re so sweet. Sleep well, you’re not jipping any one. Believe me when I tell you, these designers don’t even last at those stores for very long. Till you go back there in a few months, he’ll be gone. Go shop within your means. You won’t enjoy it if you feel you had to sacrifice too much to have it. And you don’t even have to tell him you’re buying anything from other stores. Just say, you’re done shopping for now….period!
Robert asks…
please help i have to have all my stuff done by midnight tonight or else i fail please help!!! history?
Which of the following was an effect of the growth in mining?
A) Decreased crime due to the prevalence of law enforcement officers in the new territories.
B) The rise of boomtowns in areas where gold, silver, copper, and lead were found.
C) Fewer railroad stops in the areas where mines were built.
D) Families living in community homes with multiple families, due to a shortage of lumber supplies.
All of the following occurred because of the growth of mining except:
A) The admission of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana as states
B) Creation of vigilante committees to control crime
C) A number of towns that went bust after mining resources were gone
D) An increase in the price of silver because of its great supply
Which of the following greatly spurred the settlement of Colorado, Arizona, and Montana?
A) The availability of free land
B) The arrival of large numbers of miners
C) The growth of the cattle industry
D) The presence of peaceful, orderly towns
Which city became the second largest in the West due in large part to the mining of gold and silver, which brought railroads to the area?
A) Denver
B) San Francisco
C) Phoenix
D) Leadville
What industry greatly expanded because of mining growth in the West?
A) Textiles
B) Communications
C) Railroad
D) Cotton mills
Which of the following was an effect of the growth of ranching?
A) Cattle from the East adapted to life on the Great Plains.
B) Many people created large private ranches in California on federal land.
C) Increased crime with bandits taking large numbers of cattle from ranchers
D) Several cattle trails were created by Texas ranchers driving herds north for sale.
All of the following resulted from the growth of ranching except:
A) Increased sales of longhorn cattle to businesses in the East
B) Some Texas longhorn cattle went to ranchers in other parts of the West to increase their herds.
C) Boomtowns going bust when people decided to pursue ranching instead of mining
D) An increase in investment in the cattle business from people in the eastern United States and Britain.
What was one undesired effect of the growth of ranching on ranchers?
A) Sheep herders relocated their flocks to the open range for grazing, blocking cattle trails.
B) Railroads began to open more stations and create more routes throughout the West.
C) Most people moved to the Great Plains to become ranchers when mining wasn’t successful for them.
D) Concerns were raised about the environmental impact of the longhorn cattle on open range land.
In which of the following ways did ranching change as it grew?
A) More eastern-bred cattle were brought to the Great Plains.
B) Open range ranching ended and cattle were raised on ranches fenced in by barbed wire.
C) The role of the cowboy expanded as more ranchers established their own ranches.
D) The price of beef continued to rise as more cattle went to market in the 1880s.
One successful approach to farming on the Great Plains was dry farming, in which farmers
A) cooperated to build community irrigation ditches.
B) dug out depressions to create ponds for irrigation.
C) grew crops that could withstand long periods without rain.
D) planted seeds deep in the ground.
In the 1890s, when a glut of wheat on the world market caused prices to drop, some farmers tried to survive by
A) planting corn and other crops.
B) forming cooperatives.
C) mortgaging their land.
D) buying more land on credit.
Which of the following was a hardship faced by settlers on the Great Plains?
A) Prairie fires
B) Flooding
C) Too many trees
D) Loose soil
Which of the following inventions helped farmers on the Great Plains succeed in planting and harvesting their crops?
A) Barbed wire
B) Threshing machines
C) Hydraulic planters
D) Haciendas
What problems did many early settlers in the Great Plains face?
A) Insufficient funds to purchase farming land
B) Railroads owned much of the land, making it hard to find a place to settle.
C) Difficulty accessing water and lack of trees to build homes
D) Unsanitary conditions that spread disease
What contributed to the success of the Great Plains farmers throughout the 1870s?
A) A great surplus of land to farm
B) Supplementing their farm income by selling cattle they kept on their land
C) The extinction of the buffalo that once roamed the plains
D) Above average rainfall in the area
admin answers:
Well then I suppose you shouldn’t have waited till the last minute to get it done. You get the grade you earn.
Maria asks…
Does anyone know a lagit site to enter free writing contests heres my true narrative?
Marine Corp Bound
It was the summer of 2003; I had just graduated high school and was stuck with the decision of going to college or joining the United States Marine Corp. My Father, a former Marine told me to go to college, as he knew from experience how hard the Marines could be. I chose not to listen to him and to follow in his footsteps. I was soon about to experience the toughest challenge of my life.
On October 13th 2003, I said goodbye to my Parents and brother as they sadly hugged me and wished me luck. I boarded a plane from Denver Colorado headed straight to San Diego, where I would spend the next three months on Marine Corp Recruit Depot for boot camp. As I sat there anxiously waiting for the plane to land in San Diego, I was filled with emotions. One part of me was excited to finally get the chance to follow in my father’s footsteps and earn the title of Marine, the other part of me felt scared, not knowing what to expect, except for the horror stories that my father told me from his experience. I began to question whether I was doing the right thing or not. My stomach felt like it was tied in a million knots. What if I failed? What if I couldn’t handle it and was sent home? What would my family think of me then? The pilot told the flight attendants to prepare the cabin for landing, this was it. I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind.
I exited the plane and was escorted by a marine liaison to the airport military lounge which was called a USO. When I entered the USO the marine liaison told me to take a seat and get comfortable, he told me that the marine drill instructors will arrive shortly to pick me up and take me to the depot where I would begin my training. I began to look for an open seat, as most of the seats were already occupied by others who were also going to boot camp. I decided to stand next to a group of guys that just graduated boot camp and earned the title. I started to ask one of the newly appointed marines how boot camp was. He took one looked at me and said, “Good luck, it was the hardest, most physically and mentally challenging experience I have ever faced.” Just then, a loud wind of voices came roaring through the door followed by 10 drill instructors. The drill instructors all started shouting for everyone to get outside. I started running, following the crowd out the front door of the USO. As one of the drill instructors started taking roll call, the others started yelling and screaming in all of our faces, telling us to board the buses and that we are now owned by the United States Marine Corps. At that moment I will never forget how bad my body began to shake with fear.
The first month of boot camp was complete hell, we were constantly getting screamed at. The drill instructors were there to break all of our old habits and break us down to our lowest possible point, and only then start molding us to the Marine Corps standard. Our 18 hour days consisted of doing physical training, drilling with our rifles, and getting punished by the drill instructors when we didn’t do what they wanted exactly how they wanted it. I felt like giving up during this first month, I really began to tell myself that I should have listened to my father and went to college.
During the second month of boot camp, I started learning what a team was all about. For all of us in my platoon it started to become we instead of I, or me. We were learning the routine, and realizing that as long as we worked together and performed to the highest standard, we were treated better. The stuff that I once thought was hard, such as the physical training and drilling all day on the parade deck was becoming easier. We were all becoming much stronger and physically able to endure the hardest challenges. During this second month I started to truly believe that I could do this. At night I would lay in the rack, visioning what graduation would be like, seeing my father amongst the crowds of people cheering, proud of his son for following in his footsteps.
The final month of boot camp we were starting to get treated like marines. I could see graduation just around the corner. Our platoon would spend hours getting ready for graduation and completing the final drill and fitness tests. We would show our drill instructors what we learned by passing all the required tests that were put in front of us.
On January 9th 2004, I held my head high in front of hundreds of proud family members. My senior Drill instructor stepped in front of me and told me to hold out my hand. He placed an eagle globe and anchor in my hand and said congratulations Marine. As a tear slowly crept down my face, it hit me, I did it, I completed the toughest challenge of my life yet, I am a United States Marine.
admin answers:
Yes United World Poets. Their contests are free to enter and you can win money. Http://
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Your Questions About Free Stuff For Teachers
Linda asks…
Where can I find free stuff for teachers. I don’t need lesson plans, but things like used computers and desks?
I am in Fort Worth, TX. I haven’t had success on craigslist. I am looking for basic stuff for classroom.
admin answers:
Look at government resources like Computers for Learning, which works with federal agencies to transfer their excess technology to schools and educational nonprofit organizations. Have your school’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) number or the organization’s 501c Tax ID number handy for registration on their website.
Try registering with a private organization that transfers computers like the Share the Technology nonprofit. Just like Computers for Learning, Share the Technology focuses on reusing equipment rather than recycling it. They also accept donations of old equipment to pass on to needy schools.
Register with iLoveSchools which matches teachers with donors for free equipment. They allow teachers to post a wish list online and prospective donors view the lists. The organization also matches randomly donated things, such as computers, to those teachers who express a desire for donation
Robert asks…
i need to know a free place to get stuff for a teacher classroom?
im trying to pimp out my classroom but money is tight. Does anyone know of a place where I can get free stuff for teachers?
admin answers:
You should check to see if your school district participates in Adopt a Class or Both programs depend on others donations to help a teacher meet the needs of his/her classroom. Adopt a Class, I believe, will give you the money to spend on supplies and project ideas for your class. will buy the items that you requested if your project gets funded.
I have tried both programs and I have had 3 projects funded by I was able to get some great Physical Education equipment, 2 LeapPads, headphones for 5 computers, and 5 stopwatches. I received all these items this past school year and my students really enjoyed using them.
Joseph asks…
what are good sites that offer free books or kid school stuff with no shipping charge i do not want downl?
no i do not want downloadable items i want them mailed to me my mom use to recieve alot of free stuff like for teachers through mail but i dont member the sites
admin answers:
Try its what I use they’re new but cool and update daily
Betty asks…
How I can get free stuff for my school, like books, supplies, chairs, anything?
I am preparing a room with donations of computers, books and other stuff a place where teachers and students can use. I am preparing a Photography Club. If any one know please let me known. Thank you.
admin answers:
Hit up the people you know that you pay money to every year. For instance, your dentist, your doctor, your lawyer or financial advisor. These people like your business and know that you pay them for their services. If you hit them up for donations they’re more likely to accomodate seeing as they’d like to help, it’s a write off and they want to keep your business. Same holds true with banks. If you have an account in good standing at your local bank solicit their marketing department for supplies. Donations of this type will sometimes fall under what’s called the Community Reinvestment Act and is a requirement of banks to participate in. Part of giving back to the communities that they do business within. You’ll need to furnish all these people with copies of your Federal tax ID so they can write off these donations. Good luck!
Ruth asks…
Where can a teacher get free stuff for the classroom?
admin answers:
Try I have also found that if I am looking for something specific I just call up people until someone is willing to donate. (ie- carpet squares from the carpet store)
James asks…
Teachers, I was wondering what companies can I get free products from?
I know I can do the Pizza Hut Book-It program and get free stuff from Colgate, but are there any others? I am trying to get some ideas for the school year. I teach 1st grade. Any suggestions?
admin answers:
There is a web site where you can write a wish list
Good luck!
George asks…
Where can I find free posters for my Health classroom?
I am looking for some websites where they offer free posters to promote health (ie: muscles, nutrition, goal setting). Or any companies that mail free health stuff to teachers. I am at the high school level. Any ideas, please help I would love some free resources.
admin answers:
You might want to try the site below.
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Your Questions About Free Stuff To Do In Denver
Ruth asks…
What are some fun, but cheap or free, activities or things to see in denver or up north on I-25?
We are taking a mini road trip to denver from fort collins (CO) and are looking for fun things to do. We are pretty close to broke, and would love to find some fun stuff that is free, or at least cheap. Any ideas?
admin answers:
You should visit the Swetsville Zoo. Take I-25 to the first Ft. Collins exit (Harmony Rd.) and go right (east) about 1/4 mile. Follow the signs.
The Swetsville Zoo is a bunch of sculptures of animals and all kinds of a cool things…all made from old car parts and scrap metal. Kids love it! I’m pretty sure that it’s free…if not, it’s very cheap.
Helen asks…
Things To Do In Highlands Ranch/Denver, CO?
Hello. I am going to denver next week for about a week. i was wondering what kind of stuff there is to do. I really like free stuff, ha. so let me know what kind of things there are to do like hiking, parks, movies, bowling, historical stuff, and other interesting stuff. it doesn’t have to be free.
admin answers:
In Parker – not far from Highlands Ranch – you can visit The Wildlife Experience. In Lone Tree (very close) you can go bowling and indoor sky diving just south of Park Meadows Mall.
The Littleton Historical Museum is Free and very neat – has two working farms right in the middle of Littleton – and it is free. You can go to the Denver Zoo, Red Rock, Buffalo Bills’ Grave and Museum, Molly Brown’s House (Titanic survivor), the state capital, see a Colorado Rockies game – if they are at home, Colorado History Museum, and just enjoy being outdoors. (The weather is going to be in the 70′s all week according to forecasts.)
Fun (and unusual) places to eat are: Beau Jo’s Pizza (you buy your pizza by the pound), White Fence Farm (has a nice family atmosphere and petting zoo), Casa Bonita (not the best food – great soppapillas – but the atmosphere makes up for it), Traildust steakhouse and The Buckhorn Exchange. Http://
The city of Golden is fun to go to – and Heritage square as well.
Some people experience a form of alititude sickness coming to CO, so if you are not accustomed to a higher altitude (coming from sea level), drink a lot of water and rest well. (Most people only get it in goig to the mountains – but I had a friend visit from LA once, and she got it here in the city.) Staying hydrated is the best way to keep from getting it – it’s a horrid way to spend a vacation – you feel all headachy and shaky. Probably happened to her in town because she was a lightweight.
Have a great time and you’ve got a great time waiting for you!
Thomas asks…
Anybody sold stuff on Craig’s List in Denver/Boulder area?
If so, just curious what your experiences were. Is it free to list things, is it safe, did things sell, what do you accept as pay (cash, check, etc.)???
admin answers:
I haven’t had any problems, met some very nice people both selling and buying stuff. I personally will only take cash or pay pal. Yes it is free to list and it is amazing how fast you can get rid of free things. If all possible when you are doing a transaction to meet in a neutral well populated area just to be safe.
Chris asks…
So I’m visiting her, going to her city, driving my car. She doesn’t have a car. I have only been to Denver,CO,
So I’m visiting her, going to her city, driving my car. She doesn’t have a car. I have only been to Denver,CO, once, and I don’t know where to go ect. She likes it when I’m in charge, when I take her somewhere and she has a great time, but doesn’t have to figure what we are going to do. So I’ll be in charge of showing her a great time, In a city I don’t know in my car. I like her very much, and thinks she really deserve some stress free time to just relax and enjoy herself. I don’t know where to do or what to do. Anyone have in ideas? I don’t want to go to the movies, boring stuff like that, I want it to be spectacular for her.
admin answers:
Do you know her well, enuf to know what she, would find spectacular?…….Some ppl love the simple things in life, to win and dine down by a river, under a big tree – with little assortment of treats.
Others like music, a nice restuarant – If she loves nature there are many places you can go by pulick transport together too.(art gallery museums, etc fun places)
It does help to know what she likes, for this is how you could spend time with her – relaxing can involve many things.
Maybe you can aks her what are some of her favourite spots where she lives and go there?
Keep smiling and best wishes
Sandra asks…
interior decoration help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
we were looking for decoration items for our new home. we went through one of the furniture stores here in Denver which offer free design services if we buy stuff from their store.So we’been talking to this designer guy and hes helping us get stuff for our home. But he wants us buy everything from his store so that he can get commission. We already went over our budget of $2000 and still got more stuff to buy. so we thought about buying some items from other stores like antique shops so we can save money, but will that be alright since he gave us all the ideas and now we buy from outside.Should we worry about his commission or our budget.will he be pissed if we let him know that we are gonna buy from other stores. What you guys would do in this situation???????PLZZZZZ HLP!!!!!
admin answers:
Sweetie, he’s not thinking of YOUR wallet, other than to drain it. Just tell him you feel he’s served his purpose for you for as far as you’d like to go at THIS TIME. Ask him for his card and tell him, once the money is available, you’ll look him up again. Simple. God, you’re so sweet. Sleep well, you’re not jipping any one. Believe me when I tell you, these designers don’t even last at those stores for very long. Till you go back there in a few months, he’ll be gone. Go shop within your means. You won’t enjoy it if you feel you had to sacrifice too much to have it. And you don’t even have to tell him you’re buying anything from other stores. Just say, you’re done shopping for now….period!
Ken asks…
please help i have to have all my stuff done by midnight tonight or else i fail please help!!! history?
Which of the following was an effect of the growth in mining?
A) Decreased crime due to the prevalence of law enforcement officers in the new territories.
B) The rise of boomtowns in areas where gold, silver, copper, and lead were found.
C) Fewer railroad stops in the areas where mines were built.
D) Families living in community homes with multiple families, due to a shortage of lumber supplies.
All of the following occurred because of the growth of mining except:
A) The admission of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana as states
B) Creation of vigilante committees to control crime
C) A number of towns that went bust after mining resources were gone
D) An increase in the price of silver because of its great supply
Which of the following greatly spurred the settlement of Colorado, Arizona, and Montana?
A) The availability of free land
B) The arrival of large numbers of miners
C) The growth of the cattle industry
D) The presence of peaceful, orderly towns
Which city became the second largest in the West due in large part to the mining of gold and silver, which brought railroads to the area?
A) Denver
B) San Francisco
C) Phoenix
D) Leadville
What industry greatly expanded because of mining growth in the West?
A) Textiles
B) Communications
C) Railroad
D) Cotton mills
Which of the following was an effect of the growth of ranching?
A) Cattle from the East adapted to life on the Great Plains.
B) Many people created large private ranches in California on federal land.
C) Increased crime with bandits taking large numbers of cattle from ranchers
D) Several cattle trails were created by Texas ranchers driving herds north for sale.
All of the following resulted from the growth of ranching except:
A) Increased sales of longhorn cattle to businesses in the East
B) Some Texas longhorn cattle went to ranchers in other parts of the West to increase their herds.
C) Boomtowns going bust when people decided to pursue ranching instead of mining
D) An increase in investment in the cattle business from people in the eastern United States and Britain.
What was one undesired effect of the growth of ranching on ranchers?
A) Sheep herders relocated their flocks to the open range for grazing, blocking cattle trails.
B) Railroads began to open more stations and create more routes throughout the West.
C) Most people moved to the Great Plains to become ranchers when mining wasn’t successful for them.
D) Concerns were raised about the environmental impact of the longhorn cattle on open range land.
In which of the following ways did ranching change as it grew?
A) More eastern-bred cattle were brought to the Great Plains.
B) Open range ranching ended and cattle were raised on ranches fenced in by barbed wire.
C) The role of the cowboy expanded as more ranchers established their own ranches.
D) The price of beef continued to rise as more cattle went to market in the 1880s.
One successful approach to farming on the Great Plains was dry farming, in which farmers
A) cooperated to build community irrigation ditches.
B) dug out depressions to create ponds for irrigation.
C) grew crops that could withstand long periods without rain.
D) planted seeds deep in the ground.
In the 1890s, when a glut of wheat on the world market caused prices to drop, some farmers tried to survive by
A) planting corn and other crops.
B) forming cooperatives.
C) mortgaging their land.
D) buying more land on credit.
Which of the following was a hardship faced by settlers on the Great Plains?
A) Prairie fires
B) Flooding
C) Too many trees
D) Loose soil
Which of the following inventions helped farmers on the Great Plains succeed in planting and harvesting their crops?
A) Barbed wire
B) Threshing machines
C) Hydraulic planters
D) Haciendas
What problems did many early settlers in the Great Plains face?
A) Insufficient funds to purchase farming land
B) Railroads owned much of the land, making it hard to find a place to settle.
C) Difficulty accessing water and lack of trees to build homes
D) Unsanitary conditions that spread disease
What contributed to the success of the Great Plains farmers throughout the 1870s?
A) A great surplus of land to farm
B) Supplementing their farm income by selling cattle they kept on their land
C) The extinction of the buffalo that once roamed the plains
D) Above average rainfall in the area
admin answers:
Well then I suppose you shouldn’t have waited till the last minute to get it done. You get the grade you earn.
Richard asks…
Does anyone know a lagit site to enter free writing contests heres my true narrative?
Marine Corp Bound
It was the summer of 2003; I had just graduated high school and was stuck with the decision of going to college or joining the United States Marine Corp. My Father, a former Marine told me to go to college, as he knew from experience how hard the Marines could be. I chose not to listen to him and to follow in his footsteps. I was soon about to experience the toughest challenge of my life.
On October 13th 2003, I said goodbye to my Parents and brother as they sadly hugged me and wished me luck. I boarded a plane from Denver Colorado headed straight to San Diego, where I would spend the next three months on Marine Corp Recruit Depot for boot camp. As I sat there anxiously waiting for the plane to land in San Diego, I was filled with emotions. One part of me was excited to finally get the chance to follow in my father’s footsteps and earn the title of Marine, the other part of me felt scared, not knowing what to expect, except for the horror stories that my father told me from his experience. I began to question whether I was doing the right thing or not. My stomach felt like it was tied in a million knots. What if I failed? What if I couldn’t handle it and was sent home? What would my family think of me then? The pilot told the flight attendants to prepare the cabin for landing, this was it. I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind.
I exited the plane and was escorted by a marine liaison to the airport military lounge which was called a USO. When I entered the USO the marine liaison told me to take a seat and get comfortable, he told me that the marine drill instructors will arrive shortly to pick me up and take me to the depot where I would begin my training. I began to look for an open seat, as most of the seats were already occupied by others who were also going to boot camp. I decided to stand next to a group of guys that just graduated boot camp and earned the title. I started to ask one of the newly appointed marines how boot camp was. He took one looked at me and said, “Good luck, it was the hardest, most physically and mentally challenging experience I have ever faced.” Just then, a loud wind of voices came roaring through the door followed by 10 drill instructors. The drill instructors all started shouting for everyone to get outside. I started running, following the crowd out the front door of the USO. As one of the drill instructors started taking roll call, the others started yelling and screaming in all of our faces, telling us to board the buses and that we are now owned by the United States Marine Corps. At that moment I will never forget how bad my body began to shake with fear.
The first month of boot camp was complete hell, we were constantly getting screamed at. The drill instructors were there to break all of our old habits and break us down to our lowest possible point, and only then start molding us to the Marine Corps standard. Our 18 hour days consisted of doing physical training, drilling with our rifles, and getting punished by the drill instructors when we didn’t do what they wanted exactly how they wanted it. I felt like giving up during this first month, I really began to tell myself that I should have listened to my father and went to college.
During the second month of boot camp, I started learning what a team was all about. For all of us in my platoon it started to become we instead of I, or me. We were learning the routine, and realizing that as long as we worked together and performed to the highest standard, we were treated better. The stuff that I once thought was hard, such as the physical training and drilling all day on the parade deck was becoming easier. We were all becoming much stronger and physically able to endure the hardest challenges. During this second month I started to truly believe that I could do this. At night I would lay in the rack, visioning what graduation would be like, seeing my father amongst the crowds of people cheering, proud of his son for following in his footsteps.
The final month of boot camp we were starting to get treated like marines. I could see graduation just around the corner. Our platoon would spend hours getting ready for graduation and completing the final drill and fitness tests. We would show our drill instructors what we learned by passing all the required tests that were put in front of us.
On January 9th 2004, I held my head high in front of hundreds of proud family members. My senior Drill instructor stepped in front of me and told me to hold out my hand. He placed an eagle globe and anchor in my hand and said congratulations Marine. As a tear slowly crept down my face, it hit me, I did it, I completed the toughest challenge of my life yet, I am a United States Marine.
admin answers:
Yes United World Poets. Their contests are free to enter and you can win money. Http://
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Your Questions About Free Stuff To Do In Denver
Sandy asks…
What are some fun, but cheap or free, activities or things to see in denver or up north on I-25?
We are taking a mini road trip to denver from fort collins (CO) and are looking for fun things to do. We are pretty close to broke, and would love to find some fun stuff that is free, or at least cheap. Any ideas?
admin answers:
You should visit the Swetsville Zoo. Take I-25 to the first Ft. Collins exit (Harmony Rd.) and go right (east) about 1/4 mile. Follow the signs.
The Swetsville Zoo is a bunch of sculptures of animals and all kinds of a cool things…all made from old car parts and scrap metal. Kids love it! I’m pretty sure that it’s free…if not, it’s very cheap.
Nancy asks…
Things To Do In Highlands Ranch/Denver, CO?
Hello. I am going to denver next week for about a week. i was wondering what kind of stuff there is to do. I really like free stuff, ha. so let me know what kind of things there are to do like hiking, parks, movies, bowling, historical stuff, and other interesting stuff. it doesn’t have to be free.
admin answers:
In Parker – not far from Highlands Ranch – you can visit The Wildlife Experience. In Lone Tree (very close) you can go bowling and indoor sky diving just south of Park Meadows Mall.
The Littleton Historical Museum is Free and very neat – has two working farms right in the middle of Littleton – and it is free. You can go to the Denver Zoo, Red Rock, Buffalo Bills’ Grave and Museum, Molly Brown’s House (Titanic survivor), the state capital, see a Colorado Rockies game – if they are at home, Colorado History Museum, and just enjoy being outdoors. (The weather is going to be in the 70′s all week according to forecasts.)
Fun (and unusual) places to eat are: Beau Jo’s Pizza (you buy your pizza by the pound), White Fence Farm (has a nice family atmosphere and petting zoo), Casa Bonita (not the best food – great soppapillas – but the atmosphere makes up for it), Traildust steakhouse and The Buckhorn Exchange. Http://
The city of Golden is fun to go to – and Heritage square as well.
Some people experience a form of alititude sickness coming to CO, so if you are not accustomed to a higher altitude (coming from sea level), drink a lot of water and rest well. (Most people only get it in goig to the mountains – but I had a friend visit from LA once, and she got it here in the city.) Staying hydrated is the best way to keep from getting it – it’s a horrid way to spend a vacation – you feel all headachy and shaky. Probably happened to her in town because she was a lightweight.
Have a great time and you’ve got a great time waiting for you!
Chris asks…
Anybody sold stuff on Craig’s List in Denver/Boulder area?
If so, just curious what your experiences were. Is it free to list things, is it safe, did things sell, what do you accept as pay (cash, check, etc.)???
admin answers:
I haven’t had any problems, met some very nice people both selling and buying stuff. I personally will only take cash or pay pal. Yes it is free to list and it is amazing how fast you can get rid of free things. If all possible when you are doing a transaction to meet in a neutral well populated area just to be safe.
James asks…
So I’m visiting her, going to her city, driving my car. She doesn’t have a car. I have only been to Denver,CO,
So I’m visiting her, going to her city, driving my car. She doesn’t have a car. I have only been to Denver,CO, once, and I don’t know where to go ect. She likes it when I’m in charge, when I take her somewhere and she has a great time, but doesn’t have to figure what we are going to do. So I’ll be in charge of showing her a great time, In a city I don’t know in my car. I like her very much, and thinks she really deserve some stress free time to just relax and enjoy herself. I don’t know where to do or what to do. Anyone have in ideas? I don’t want to go to the movies, boring stuff like that, I want it to be spectacular for her.
admin answers:
Do you know her well, enuf to know what she, would find spectacular?…….Some ppl love the simple things in life, to win and dine down by a river, under a big tree – with little assortment of treats.
Others like music, a nice restuarant – If she loves nature there are many places you can go by pulick transport together too.(art gallery museums, etc fun places)
It does help to know what she likes, for this is how you could spend time with her – relaxing can involve many things.
Maybe you can aks her what are some of her favourite spots where she lives and go there?
Keep smiling and best wishes
Ruth asks…
interior decoration help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
we were looking for decoration items for our new home. we went through one of the furniture stores here in Denver which offer free design services if we buy stuff from their store.So we’been talking to this designer guy and hes helping us get stuff for our home. But he wants us buy everything from his store so that he can get commission. We already went over our budget of $2000 and still got more stuff to buy. so we thought about buying some items from other stores like antique shops so we can save money, but will that be alright since he gave us all the ideas and now we buy from outside.Should we worry about his commission or our budget.will he be pissed if we let him know that we are gonna buy from other stores. What you guys would do in this situation???????PLZZZZZ HLP!!!!!
admin answers:
Sweetie, he’s not thinking of YOUR wallet, other than to drain it. Just tell him you feel he’s served his purpose for you for as far as you’d like to go at THIS TIME. Ask him for his card and tell him, once the money is available, you’ll look him up again. Simple. God, you’re so sweet. Sleep well, you’re not jipping any one. Believe me when I tell you, these designers don’t even last at those stores for very long. Till you go back there in a few months, he’ll be gone. Go shop within your means. You won’t enjoy it if you feel you had to sacrifice too much to have it. And you don’t even have to tell him you’re buying anything from other stores. Just say, you’re done shopping for now….period!
Lisa asks…
please help i have to have all my stuff done by midnight tonight or else i fail please help!!! history?
Which of the following was an effect of the growth in mining?
A) Decreased crime due to the prevalence of law enforcement officers in the new territories.
B) The rise of boomtowns in areas where gold, silver, copper, and lead were found.
C) Fewer railroad stops in the areas where mines were built.
D) Families living in community homes with multiple families, due to a shortage of lumber supplies.
All of the following occurred because of the growth of mining except:
A) The admission of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana as states
B) Creation of vigilante committees to control crime
C) A number of towns that went bust after mining resources were gone
D) An increase in the price of silver because of its great supply
Which of the following greatly spurred the settlement of Colorado, Arizona, and Montana?
A) The availability of free land
B) The arrival of large numbers of miners
C) The growth of the cattle industry
D) The presence of peaceful, orderly towns
Which city became the second largest in the West due in large part to the mining of gold and silver, which brought railroads to the area?
A) Denver
B) San Francisco
C) Phoenix
D) Leadville
What industry greatly expanded because of mining growth in the West?
A) Textiles
B) Communications
C) Railroad
D) Cotton mills
Which of the following was an effect of the growth of ranching?
A) Cattle from the East adapted to life on the Great Plains.
B) Many people created large private ranches in California on federal land.
C) Increased crime with bandits taking large numbers of cattle from ranchers
D) Several cattle trails were created by Texas ranchers driving herds north for sale.
All of the following resulted from the growth of ranching except:
A) Increased sales of longhorn cattle to businesses in the East
B) Some Texas longhorn cattle went to ranchers in other parts of the West to increase their herds.
C) Boomtowns going bust when people decided to pursue ranching instead of mining
D) An increase in investment in the cattle business from people in the eastern United States and Britain.
What was one undesired effect of the growth of ranching on ranchers?
A) Sheep herders relocated their flocks to the open range for grazing, blocking cattle trails.
B) Railroads began to open more stations and create more routes throughout the West.
C) Most people moved to the Great Plains to become ranchers when mining wasn’t successful for them.
D) Concerns were raised about the environmental impact of the longhorn cattle on open range land.
In which of the following ways did ranching change as it grew?
A) More eastern-bred cattle were brought to the Great Plains.
B) Open range ranching ended and cattle were raised on ranches fenced in by barbed wire.
C) The role of the cowboy expanded as more ranchers established their own ranches.
D) The price of beef continued to rise as more cattle went to market in the 1880s.
One successful approach to farming on the Great Plains was dry farming, in which farmers
A) cooperated to build community irrigation ditches.
B) dug out depressions to create ponds for irrigation.
C) grew crops that could withstand long periods without rain.
D) planted seeds deep in the ground.
In the 1890s, when a glut of wheat on the world market caused prices to drop, some farmers tried to survive by
A) planting corn and other crops.
B) forming cooperatives.
C) mortgaging their land.
D) buying more land on credit.
Which of the following was a hardship faced by settlers on the Great Plains?
A) Prairie fires
B) Flooding
C) Too many trees
D) Loose soil
Which of the following inventions helped farmers on the Great Plains succeed in planting and harvesting their crops?
A) Barbed wire
B) Threshing machines
C) Hydraulic planters
D) Haciendas
What problems did many early settlers in the Great Plains face?
A) Insufficient funds to purchase farming land
B) Railroads owned much of the land, making it hard to find a place to settle.
C) Difficulty accessing water and lack of trees to build homes
D) Unsanitary conditions that spread disease
What contributed to the success of the Great Plains farmers throughout the 1870s?
A) A great surplus of land to farm
B) Supplementing their farm income by selling cattle they kept on their land
C) The extinction of the buffalo that once roamed the plains
D) Above average rainfall in the area
admin answers:
Well then I suppose you shouldn’t have waited till the last minute to get it done. You get the grade you earn.
Paul asks…
Does anyone know a lagit site to enter free writing contests heres my true narrative?
Marine Corp Bound
It was the summer of 2003; I had just graduated high school and was stuck with the decision of going to college or joining the United States Marine Corp. My Father, a former Marine told me to go to college, as he knew from experience how hard the Marines could be. I chose not to listen to him and to follow in his footsteps. I was soon about to experience the toughest challenge of my life.
On October 13th 2003, I said goodbye to my Parents and brother as they sadly hugged me and wished me luck. I boarded a plane from Denver Colorado headed straight to San Diego, where I would spend the next three months on Marine Corp Recruit Depot for boot camp. As I sat there anxiously waiting for the plane to land in San Diego, I was filled with emotions. One part of me was excited to finally get the chance to follow in my father’s footsteps and earn the title of Marine, the other part of me felt scared, not knowing what to expect, except for the horror stories that my father told me from his experience. I began to question whether I was doing the right thing or not. My stomach felt like it was tied in a million knots. What if I failed? What if I couldn’t handle it and was sent home? What would my family think of me then? The pilot told the flight attendants to prepare the cabin for landing, this was it. I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind.
I exited the plane and was escorted by a marine liaison to the airport military lounge which was called a USO. When I entered the USO the marine liaison told me to take a seat and get comfortable, he told me that the marine drill instructors will arrive shortly to pick me up and take me to the depot where I would begin my training. I began to look for an open seat, as most of the seats were already occupied by others who were also going to boot camp. I decided to stand next to a group of guys that just graduated boot camp and earned the title. I started to ask one of the newly appointed marines how boot camp was. He took one looked at me and said, “Good luck, it was the hardest, most physically and mentally challenging experience I have ever faced.” Just then, a loud wind of voices came roaring through the door followed by 10 drill instructors. The drill instructors all started shouting for everyone to get outside. I started running, following the crowd out the front door of the USO. As one of the drill instructors started taking roll call, the others started yelling and screaming in all of our faces, telling us to board the buses and that we are now owned by the United States Marine Corps. At that moment I will never forget how bad my body began to shake with fear.
The first month of boot camp was complete hell, we were constantly getting screamed at. The drill instructors were there to break all of our old habits and break us down to our lowest possible point, and only then start molding us to the Marine Corps standard. Our 18 hour days consisted of doing physical training, drilling with our rifles, and getting punished by the drill instructors when we didn’t do what they wanted exactly how they wanted it. I felt like giving up during this first month, I really began to tell myself that I should have listened to my father and went to college.
During the second month of boot camp, I started learning what a team was all about. For all of us in my platoon it started to become we instead of I, or me. We were learning the routine, and realizing that as long as we worked together and performed to the highest standard, we were treated better. The stuff that I once thought was hard, such as the physical training and drilling all day on the parade deck was becoming easier. We were all becoming much stronger and physically able to endure the hardest challenges. During this second month I started to truly believe that I could do this. At night I would lay in the rack, visioning what graduation would be like, seeing my father amongst the crowds of people cheering, proud of his son for following in his footsteps.
The final month of boot camp we were starting to get treated like marines. I could see graduation just around the corner. Our platoon would spend hours getting ready for graduation and completing the final drill and fitness tests. We would show our drill instructors what we learned by passing all the required tests that were put in front of us.
On January 9th 2004, I held my head high in front of hundreds of proud family members. My senior Drill instructor stepped in front of me and told me to hold out my hand. He placed an eagle globe and anchor in my hand and said congratulations Marine. As a tear slowly crept down my face, it hit me, I did it, I completed the toughest challenge of my life yet, I am a United States Marine.
admin answers:
Yes United World Poets. Their contests are free to enter and you can win money. Http://
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