Archive for June 11, 2011
Your Questions About How Does Facebook Make Money
Steven asks…
Does Facebook make money off of every advertisement viewed?
How does Facebook make money? Please, be VERY specific. Don’t just say “advertisements and applications”, because that is very obvious.
For example, does Facebook get 10 cents for every advertisement viewed, or 50 cents for every hundred advertisements viewed? I would say I see about 100 advertisements per day on Facebook, so either way they’re making a lot off of me.
Or, maybe Facebook makes a dollar off of every person that signs up.
Please include your source and a detailed answer.
admin answers:
Mandy asks…
How does Facebook make money for its creator?
A recent story featured Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook and his status as a young billionaire ($9 billion, more or less). How does his 24% share of Facebook generate that income? Does Facebook have advertising?
Please give some detail: what advertising? Are there ads on Facebook?
admin answers:
Stock shares, advertising and apps.
Joseph asks…
How does facebook make money from people sending gifts?
Like people who send photos and gifts like a virtual teddybear? Where is the money coming from?
admin answers:
Facebook users have the option to pay money for ‘credits’. They can then exchange these credits for gifts or photos to their friends via Facebook. Credits can be used and earned on many Facebook applications and games.
Hope this helps
Michael asks…
How does a website like yahoo or facebook make so much money?
I mean how exactly do they make money, i dont think its just the ads on these websites that generate all that cash, plus i have personally never pain a cent for yahoo or facebook, facebook doesnt even have ads, yet the founders of these websites are billionaires, where’s the cash coming from? How does this work?
admin answers:
Just as above. Advertising is the key.
Companies pay the website to display their ads. For each person who views or clicks the add, the website is paid a predetermined amount. It is usually a very small amount. For example, a website I worked with for a while was paid .02 cents (USD) per page-view of their add. Up-front this doesn’t seem like much, but after we’d had over 20,000 people visit the sight in six months.. .02×20,000=400.00 USD. Not bad. Now look at Yahoo or Myspace with SO many more advertisements and SO many more people visiting. They easily get 10k people a DAY never the less page-views.
Not only that but Yahoo has a host of other ways to make money.
Lizzie asks…
How does Facebook make money?
It’s in the news they are donating $100 million to Newark schools. Just wondering how they make that kind of money when it is free to use Facebook.
admin answers:
They have ads all over the website.
Plus all those application companies that pay to have their apps installed on the website.
Just big companies with goodies and add ons they basically pay Facebook to have em on the website.
Linda asks…
How does facebook make money?
How do social networking sites make money and still manage to keep their pages clear of adverts?
admin answers:
Advertising revenues I should think
Chris asks…
How does facebook make money, what will be its revenue streams, if & when it ever goes public?
via an IPO on NASDAQ ,say. Or if & when Mark Zuckenberg ever decided to sell it to another,bigger company.
admin answers:
Ads man facebook is a portal that attracts people from all around the world to one place some application on facebook earn up to 25k per month solely from ads with 64mill users facebook really only has to make about $23 per person per year to put its worth at around $15billion. Yahoo gets more than $27 per registed user
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Your Questions About Google Analytics
George asks…
Google Analytics?
I’m trying to get Google Analytics working with my Bebo page. It tells me to copy a code into my webpage but it doesn’t tell how I’m supposed to do that.
It says:
“Copy and paste the code segment into the bottom of your content, immediately before the tag of each page you are planning to track.”
Were to I go to find this tag?
admin answers:
Look at the source code (html) of your website.
The closing body tag will be right at the bottom of the page.
Sharon asks…
Google analytics………………………?
What is the reason of increasing new visits and decrease in total visits in google analytics?
admin answers:
So you chose to see your stats from the perspective of new vs. Returning visitors—let’s see what we can infer from your situation.
Given that new visitors are up—better attractiveness from search engines, I guess—we can conclude that total visits are down because returning visitors are fewer and fewer, and at a greater pace than your site attracts new ones—hence the net decrease.
How come?
You may have done something on your site that—on one side—gives great results from a SEO standpoint but—on the other side—leads to an even greater erosion of your readership.
Time to review changes that happened maybe a long ago—because there’s a latency for optimization to give the first fruits.
Chris asks…
google analytics?
how do you get the code to enter into your site on google analytics?
Cant find the settings tab on it
admin answers:
After Logging on to the analytics account, go to Analytics settings and click on Add Website Profile.
Here you need to enter your site URL, select the country and time zone and say finish. It automatically disaplays the code and instructions.
Jenny asks…
Google analytics map overlay and targeting specific locations for marketing a service?
I use google analytics. The service I sell online is location specific. I am getting visits clustered around various locations.
Any creative ideas on how to target visitors from specific locations? Does this make any sense?
Something like: If you are from San Diego, click here for a special offer?
Thoughts? Ideas? Experience to share?
admin answers:
I think links, like the example you have given, could create a biasing effect on visitor’s mind. You shoud try something else.
Ken asks…
How can I use Google analytics to find out exactly which webpages link to my site?
Google analytics by default only gives the domain that linked to your site in its referring sites section. I have heard there’s a way to get it to tell you exactly which specific web-pages link to you but I have been unable to activate this functionality. Any ideas…?
admin answers:
You can segment it to Traffic Sources> Referring Sites » Referring Site Detail » You will get the direct link to the referral page. Clicking on that will take you to the specific page.
Also, Using Google Analytics you can find the referring sites only. I.e, You can see the sites only when people clicked the link from their site to reach us.
If you are interested to know all the sites linking to your website you can follow the below options.
1, Sign up for Google Webmaster Tools and there you can find all the sites linking to your domain.
2, use link operator in Google & Yahoo search to find the same.
Hope it will help you.
Sandy asks…
What is the difference between google adsense and google analytics?
Recently i added my blog with google analytics, after that my revenue has reduced drastically very low. I do not know the reason. I would like to the differences between the two.
admin answers:
Its not because of Analytic s, Analytics is just for analyse your visitors. Adsense is an ad serving application run by Google Inc. Website owners can enroll in this program to enable text, image, and more recently, video advertisements on their websites. These advertisements are administered by Google and generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis. Whr Google Analytics (abbreviated GA) is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website
Helen asks…
Does the google analytics code register a visit if I preview my local html file?
If I put the google analytics code in my website, and then continually preview the local html file (which has the google analytics code in it), will that register to google visits each time I preview my site before posting to the web?
Won’t it execute the piece of google code each time I preview my page?
admin answers:
Due to the fact that the code is server side for Google Analytics, yes it will register your local visits. However, you can block your IP from the site stats by following the instructions outlined in this article:
~Ryan M., Server Engineer @
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Your Questions About Videos Games Coming Out In 2011
Donald asks…
when will nascar 2011 the video game come out for wii?
i heard nascar 2011 is going to come out in one of my last questions and i want to know when its going to come out?
admin answers:
March 29, 2011
Lisa asks…
What new video game counsels will come out in 2011?
I have an old PS3. I was thinking about getting a new one, but am not overly impressed with the new PS3 slim. I have also studied the new Xbox Slim and I am not impressed with that either. Will any new versions of these counsels come out in 2011? Or should I buy a new PS3 or Xbox now? Thoughts?
admin answers:
Well for microsoft they may come out with a new console in 2-3 years and sony is working on the ps4 but that wont hit until 2015 at the earliest due to sony still saying that it has a ten year system cycle. So no new systems from microsoft or sony but nintendo may put one out since the wii is now dead thanks to the playstation move. I mean its alot more accurate and its hd even the devs have stop supporting nintendo.
William asks…
is 50 cent coming out with a new video game in 2011?
would eminem and dr dre be in there again would snoop dogg and everybody in g unit like llyod banks tony yayo dj whoo kid mobb deep m.o.p spider loc and more
admin answers:
I know he is working on a new album called Black magic.I heard nothing about a video game.I also can not seem to find anything on it.
Maria asks…
2in1 Question. Is there no Map Pack 4 coming out for CoDWaW and if anyone knows about future COD games tell me?
I’ve been wondering about a new map pack coming out for WaW, and after MP 3 came out there were rumors about a new map in Las Vegas/Area 51. Also, It has been confirmed that a Modern Warfare 3 is in fact coming out, but a video on Youtube by ONN shows pictures of S.S.D.D., so I assumed it was fake. However, I also heard about a confirmed CoD 8 that is supposed to be made by Sledgehammer games coming out in early 2011, but if that was true there would already be trailers and news galore on the internet. Also, if anyone has inside info on CoD: Black Ops please give it to me.
admin answers:
No mp 4 aint comming out yeah i wanted it too also ONN is supposed to be fake [x how the hell are they supposed to confirm cod 8 if 7 didn’t even come out yet?? But im pretty sure they’re putting zombies on black ops i hope and for info either Google it(obviously) or Youtube (mostly bullshit)
Chris asks…
New video game movies in the next 4 years?
I’ve heard there are alot of movies based on video games coming up running to 2011 along with spiderman 4 and two harry potter movies. Can someone tell me all the video game movies coming out(most of them will probably suck) but I know one of them is the Tekken movie.
Prince of Persia
Gears of War
The avengers
Iron man 2
That’s all I know
admin answers:
The new Halo movie is due to come out in a few years. Uwe Boll has been thankfully completely ruled out of directorial roles and the script is near finalised. The Tekken Movie is definite but Spiderman 4 is still only a maybe. I also heard Street Fighter is going to be given a remake, so watch out for that.
Sharon asks…
on WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2011 video game can you go and?
can you like walk up the tunnel that you walk out on and go to the back and fight in the back like you could on the video game Smackdown:Here comes the Pain? Please help if you know and give me your rating of the game 1 being the worst game and 10 being the best ever game.
admin answers:
Yes you can. I give it 8 out of 10.
Lizzie asks…
a video game coming up in ’11 summer about gravity?
I read in Gameinformer there was a game upcoming in 2011 Summer I believe about some game (which I forgot the name of and need your help to know it) that involves gravity. Something about how gravity randomly changes throughout the game and you could be walking on the street and next moment be on the wall of a skyscraper, etc and you basically I guess have to survive. I don’t remember the details exactly but I know there are also other like.. people stranded in this (I suppose you could say apocalypse) and you shoot them. lol.
I believe I saw it in the Dead Space 2 issue of Gameinformer but I don’t remember which it was exactly. Please help! It’s been bugging me like crazy! I think it starts with an I…
and I believe it’s coming out for Xbox 360 and PS3.. I could be wrong though. I know Xbox 360 is on there though.
admin answers:
The game you are looking for is called “Inversion”. Check it out in the link below. It looks pretty interesting, although it actually won’t come out until 2012.
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Your Questions About Videos Games Awesome
Daniel asks…
What are some awesome video games coming out?
What would be some sweet RPG for pc to play and spend time on. Or any sweet games coming out for Ps3 or xbox.
admin answers:
Modern Warfare 2
Left for Dead 2
Batman:Arkham Asylum
Splinter Cell:Conviction
God of War 3
Mass Effect 2
Assassin’s Creed 2
Bioshock 2
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Brutal Legend
Guitar Hero: Van Halen
Operation Flash Point: Dragon Rising 2
Iron Man2
Dark Void
Heavy Rain
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Dead Rising 2
Crackdown 2
and many many more
Lizzie asks…
What are the top creepiest but awesome video games you’ve ever played?
I don’t play alot of shooter games or games like this, but these are the ones I have played and liked.
The ones I can think of are
(Not in any order)
Alone in the Dark
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
Oh, and bioshock!
And fatal frame.
I had forgotten about those.
admin answers:
CONDEMNED 2 BLOODSHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It might seem like a harmless zombie game but when you play it at night (espeacially the doll factory level) you will become afraid of your own shadow…no seriously cause i was.
Sandy asks…
What are awesome video games you recommend me buy for PC?
I like fighting, street racing, action, many kinds of games, the one I play usually are GTA, NFS, Prince of Persia, shooting games, blah
admin answers:
Look up the Total War games, they are fantastic:
Ken asks…
I invented an awesome video game, what’s the process of pitching it to EA Games?
I built a demo, and i have the cash to inveest in developing it further.
how do i pitch it to EA Games?? i want them to publish it
admin answers:
You need to go to eagameswebmaster. I work for them
Susan asks…
How can i be less awesome at video games to make my friends feel less Noobish?
I try, but its just so excruciating watching my friends and family suck so bad at video games!
admin answers:
First you have to L2 play and be awesome and then try to be less awesome to make your friends feel less noobish, rather than sucking at video games and then compensating for it by boasting on yahoo answers about how awesome a player you are.
Jenny asks…
Survey: Go home and play some awesome video games and do laundry OR go to the cannery with mom for charity?
I’m debating on what I should do…..
admin answers:
Well.. The 1st one would be more fun..
But the 2nd one is probably what you SHOULD do
Michael asks…
Any suggestions on awesome video games?
I’m dying for an awesome video game.
admin answers:
Depends on what ur into. Like shooter games Call of Duty 4. Like role playing games Oblivion will keep you busy and its like ….wow. Only problem i have wit the game is not being able to get married or have relationships.
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Your Questions About Videos Games Awesome
Charles asks…
What are some awesome video games coming out?
What would be some sweet RPG for pc to play and spend time on. Or any sweet games coming out for Ps3 or xbox.
admin answers:
Modern Warfare 2
Left for Dead 2
Batman:Arkham Asylum
Splinter Cell:Conviction
God of War 3
Mass Effect 2
Assassin’s Creed 2
Bioshock 2
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Brutal Legend
Guitar Hero: Van Halen
Operation Flash Point: Dragon Rising 2
Iron Man2
Dark Void
Heavy Rain
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Dead Rising 2
Crackdown 2
and many many more
Nancy asks…
What are the top creepiest but awesome video games you’ve ever played?
I don’t play alot of shooter games or games like this, but these are the ones I have played and liked.
The ones I can think of are
(Not in any order)
Alone in the Dark
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
Oh, and bioshock!
And fatal frame.
I had forgotten about those.
admin answers:
CONDEMNED 2 BLOODSHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It might seem like a harmless zombie game but when you play it at night (espeacially the doll factory level) you will become afraid of your own shadow…no seriously cause i was.
Susan asks…
What are awesome video games you recommend me buy for PC?
I like fighting, street racing, action, many kinds of games, the one I play usually are GTA, NFS, Prince of Persia, shooting games, blah
admin answers:
Look up the Total War games, they are fantastic:
Mark asks…
I invented an awesome video game, what’s the process of pitching it to EA Games?
I built a demo, and i have the cash to inveest in developing it further.
how do i pitch it to EA Games?? i want them to publish it
admin answers:
You need to go to eagameswebmaster. I work for them
Robert asks…
How can i be less awesome at video games to make my friends feel less Noobish?
I try, but its just so excruciating watching my friends and family suck so bad at video games!
admin answers:
First you have to L2 play and be awesome and then try to be less awesome to make your friends feel less noobish, rather than sucking at video games and then compensating for it by boasting on yahoo answers about how awesome a player you are.
Lizzie asks…
Survey: Go home and play some awesome video games and do laundry OR go to the cannery with mom for charity?
I’m debating on what I should do…..
admin answers:
Well.. The 1st one would be more fun..
But the 2nd one is probably what you SHOULD do
Sharon asks…
Any suggestions on awesome video games?
I’m dying for an awesome video game.
admin answers:
Depends on what ur into. Like shooter games Call of Duty 4. Like role playing games Oblivion will keep you busy and its like ….wow. Only problem i have wit the game is not being able to get married or have relationships.
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Your Questions About Videos Games Live
Lisa asks…
How do I broadcast live videos of games?
Lately I’ve been on alot and i wanna start broadcasting my own channel of games on my computer of emulators and downloaded games etc. but i dont know what i need to get so any help?
admin answers:
If you want record from a console then you should use a Dazzle or an EasyCap but if you are using a PC then you could use a Hypercam or if u are using an emulator some of those have a record function on them
Carol asks…
where exactly on v cast videos can u find the live world cup games?
where exactly on v cast videos can u find the live world cup games? i know it is supposed to be thru espn & univsion, but it is very hard to browse the application and find where the live games will be. when i search all i find pre-recorded clips. i dont want to wait until 2:30 today when brasil plays to start trying to find it!
admin answers:
Watch Live Ivory Coast vs. Portugal
Betty asks…
is it worth the trip to see video games live?
Was thinking bout planning a road trip with my friends to see the Video games live concert in LA its bout a five hour drive from where I live, think its worth it?
admin answers:
That’s takin it too serious unless your into designing them.
Sandra asks…
the benefits of playing video games live with others?
let’s say that a person is really shy in real life.
so he goes on xbox live or plays online and talks to other people on there.
will talking to other strangers online help this person gain more social skills in real life?
admin answers:
Yes, it should. Some people may be shy because of the way they look or the way they speak but if you’re playing online, you’re a complete stranger to everyone so even if you do make a fool of yourself, it doesn’t matter because they don’t know who you are in real life. If you get use to speaking to people online with the mic then it will boost you self confidence more outside.
Sharon asks…
NBA Video Games: Live Action or Computer Generated?
Which do you think would be better?
A live action NBA video game, using the real players (think mortal kombat or NBA Jam type graphics) or the computer generated graphics used now.
I know players don’t have time to do videos with green/blue screen, but what about using some footage from their games?
Just a thought.
I think NBA games now suck and with the technology of the game systems now they should be much better/realistic.
What do you think should be added to them and what would make them better?
admin answers:
What would make them better is a new gameplay engine since thats were the graphics and everythin are pretty much based on so iwould say a better new gameplay engine
Jenny asks…
In the Myst Medley on the album Video Games Live what are the songs that make up the song? the?
I was listening to it and thought the song was epic. So currently I wanna buy the sound tracks for the game or games that have those songs. I was wondering which they are.
admin answers:
The first one is the Myst Theme. The one at 3:44 (on Youtube) is the ending of Myst III: Exile. The song following that is the main theme of the same game. I am not too sure about the others. Just get the soundtracks for each game in the Myst Series.
David asks…
Website i can use to watch people play video games live?
Are there any popular sites that have people playing video games live and online?
admin answers:
you can watch people play ANY video game live, you can also broadcast your own.
By registering at Xfire FOR FREE!, over here >>>>>>
you can broadcast live videos for FREE! And free pro voice chat.
ADD ME my username is nexuesdeuxe
I can help you with Xfire and any other questions you have about it
add ee
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Your Questions About Videos Games Awesome
Richard asks…
What are some awesome video games coming out?
What would be some sweet RPG for pc to play and spend time on. Or any sweet games coming out for Ps3 or xbox.
admin answers:
Modern Warfare 2
Left for Dead 2
Batman:Arkham Asylum
Splinter Cell:Conviction
God of War 3
Mass Effect 2
Assassin’s Creed 2
Bioshock 2
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Brutal Legend
Guitar Hero: Van Halen
Operation Flash Point: Dragon Rising 2
Iron Man2
Dark Void
Heavy Rain
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Dead Rising 2
Crackdown 2
and many many more
Chris asks…
What are the top creepiest but awesome video games you’ve ever played?
I don’t play alot of shooter games or games like this, but these are the ones I have played and liked.
The ones I can think of are
(Not in any order)
Alone in the Dark
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
Oh, and bioshock!
And fatal frame.
I had forgotten about those.
admin answers:
CONDEMNED 2 BLOODSHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It might seem like a harmless zombie game but when you play it at night (espeacially the doll factory level) you will become afraid of your own shadow…no seriously cause i was.
Mark asks…
What are awesome video games you recommend me buy for PC?
I like fighting, street racing, action, many kinds of games, the one I play usually are GTA, NFS, Prince of Persia, shooting games, blah
admin answers:
Look up the Total War games, they are fantastic:
Nancy asks…
I invented an awesome video game, what’s the process of pitching it to EA Games?
I built a demo, and i have the cash to inveest in developing it further.
how do i pitch it to EA Games?? i want them to publish it
admin answers:
You need to go to eagameswebmaster. I work for them
Donna asks…
How can i be less awesome at video games to make my friends feel less Noobish?
I try, but its just so excruciating watching my friends and family suck so bad at video games!
admin answers:
First you have to L2 play and be awesome and then try to be less awesome to make your friends feel less noobish, rather than sucking at video games and then compensating for it by boasting on yahoo answers about how awesome a player you are.
John asks…
Survey: Go home and play some awesome video games and do laundry OR go to the cannery with mom for charity?
I’m debating on what I should do…..
admin answers:
Well.. The 1st one would be more fun..
But the 2nd one is probably what you SHOULD do
Michael asks…
Any suggestions on awesome video games?
I’m dying for an awesome video game.
admin answers:
Depends on what ur into. Like shooter games Call of Duty 4. Like role playing games Oblivion will keep you busy and its like ….wow. Only problem i have wit the game is not being able to get married or have relationships.
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Your Questions About Videos Games List
Richard asks…
If You Are Working On Microsoft Excel For A List Of Video Games And List 3 Groups, What Would It Be?
For Me, I Can Only Think Of Two Out Of Three…
Video Game List.
Video Game Company List.
But What About You?
admin answers:
Title, publisher, year, console, genre, # of players, etc.
Thomas asks…
Where can I get a list of all video games for all platforms?
I need to create a database of video games for a client. The data can be from a website. I urgently need a list of games for nintendo, sony and microsoft platforms.
Wikipedia would be the ideal solution but this list doesnt seem the most comprehensive!
Using amazon(etc) is not an option as I would I know the games list in the first place!
Please DO NOT quote wikipedia
admin answers:
Carol asks…
list of video games and what generation they are?
anyone know of a site i can go to where it lists video games and cosols and what their generation is?
admin answers:
Donna asks…
What is your top 10 best video games list?
Any genres,any platform, any era
admin answers:
10. Mario Bros 3
9. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (Modded and on Pc)
8. Fable 2
7. Bloody Roar 2
6. Tank Wars: Wii Play
5. Dragon Age: Origins
4. Final Fantasy 7
3. Final Fantasy 8
2. Mass Effect 2
1. Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time
My Bf’s:
10. Diablo
9. Fable 1
8. Bioshock 2
7. GTA:4
6. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (PC)
5. Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
4. Dragon Age: Origins
3. Mass Effect 2
2. Fallout 3
1. Metro 2033
Jenny asks…
where can i find a list of video games that professionals rated 9.5 or higher?
i really like to try out high rated video games what are some that are rated this high…or where can i find a list of them thanks!
admin answers: is probably the best choise OR u can search games on Wikipedia.
Nancy asks…
there are websites like shelfari where you can list books are there any websites you can list video games?
are there any other websites where you can list video games and music cd’s i found a website like that for books if anyone knows if there are any for games and music would be a really big help!
admin answers:
Yeah, theres IGN. IGN is mostly for gaming news, but also has game reviews. Each one of there reviews explains the game like what genre or how good it is in general. They also recommend other games on the side panel, unless they recently updated. Really cool site, there are various others like,, etc
Joseph asks…
A list of video games people need help on?
I can help any one with a list of games under here:
GTA: Vice City, San Andrews, Liberty City Stories
From Russia with Love (James Bond)
James Bond: Everything or Nothing, Agent Under Fire, Nightfire
Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Crash of the Titans
Project: Snowblind
Lego Star Wars the video game
Jak 2
Ratchet and Clank 1 and 3
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
There are more but I can’t think of any at the moment.
admin answers:
First off, this is a question and answer site. Where people ask questions, and you answer them. You don’t say “I can do this and that” and expect people to come to you.
Second if you want to help somebody so bad on those game go to a forum, and look for people asking questions regarding those game. Might I suggest gamefaqs?
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Your Questions About Videos Games List
Daniel asks…
If You Are Working On Microsoft Excel For A List Of Video Games And List 3 Groups, What Would It Be?
For Me, I Can Only Think Of Two Out Of Three…
Video Game List.
Video Game Company List.
But What About You?
admin answers:
Title, publisher, year, console, genre, # of players, etc.
Robert asks…
Where can I get a list of all video games for all platforms?
I need to create a database of video games for a client. The data can be from a website. I urgently need a list of games for nintendo, sony and microsoft platforms.
Wikipedia would be the ideal solution but this list doesnt seem the most comprehensive!
Using amazon(etc) is not an option as I would I know the games list in the first place!
Please DO NOT quote wikipedia
admin answers:
James asks…
list of video games and what generation they are?
anyone know of a site i can go to where it lists video games and cosols and what their generation is?
admin answers:
Mandy asks…
What is your top 10 best video games list?
Any genres,any platform, any era
admin answers:
10. Mario Bros 3
9. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (Modded and on Pc)
8. Fable 2
7. Bloody Roar 2
6. Tank Wars: Wii Play
5. Dragon Age: Origins
4. Final Fantasy 7
3. Final Fantasy 8
2. Mass Effect 2
1. Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time
My Bf’s:
10. Diablo
9. Fable 1
8. Bioshock 2
7. GTA:4
6. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (PC)
5. Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
4. Dragon Age: Origins
3. Mass Effect 2
2. Fallout 3
1. Metro 2033
Lisa asks…
where can i find a list of video games that professionals rated 9.5 or higher?
i really like to try out high rated video games what are some that are rated this high…or where can i find a list of them thanks!
admin answers: is probably the best choise OR u can search games on Wikipedia.
Joseph asks…
there are websites like shelfari where you can list books are there any websites you can list video games?
are there any other websites where you can list video games and music cd’s i found a website like that for books if anyone knows if there are any for games and music would be a really big help!
admin answers:
Yeah, theres IGN. IGN is mostly for gaming news, but also has game reviews. Each one of there reviews explains the game like what genre or how good it is in general. They also recommend other games on the side panel, unless they recently updated. Really cool site, there are various others like,, etc
Linda asks…
A list of video games people need help on?
I can help any one with a list of games under here:
GTA: Vice City, San Andrews, Liberty City Stories
From Russia with Love (James Bond)
James Bond: Everything or Nothing, Agent Under Fire, Nightfire
Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Crash of the Titans
Project: Snowblind
Lego Star Wars the video game
Jak 2
Ratchet and Clank 1 and 3
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
There are more but I can’t think of any at the moment.
admin answers:
First off, this is a question and answer site. Where people ask questions, and you answer them. You don’t say “I can do this and that” and expect people to come to you.
Second if you want to help somebody so bad on those game go to a forum, and look for people asking questions regarding those game. Might I suggest gamefaqs?
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