Archive for June 10, 2011
Your Questions About Best Deals On Hotels
Donald asks…
Which travel site has the best deals on hotels?
i want to go to Oceanside CA. this summer and i dont know which site has the best hotel deals???!?!?!!? please help!!!
admin answers:
Lizzie asks…
Where to get best deals for Hotels and Activities in Costa Rica?
1. Should I book in advance or just get there and find the cheapest deal.
2. Can you negotiate the cost (Hotel/Day Tours) there or use student discount ?
3. Any website to get deals on tours / hotels for students ?
Thanks !
admin answers:
Hiya, Harsh,
In what season will you be vising Costa Rica? From my experience, the majority of mainstream hotels do not offer student pricing, but they do offer ´green season´ prices which are lower due to possibilities of inclement weather and tourism drop-off. In this particular travel climate, many hotels are willing to negotiate something lower than their usual prices to draw business in off season–I have not found that to be the case in high season.
Definitely do bring your student ID as many of the Tour operators offer student pricing and discounts for excusrions, whcih could save you a significant amount. All of the national parks have student entrance pricing as well–the main draw here in CR, since most of us come here to see the wildlife…
You can look under the terms backpackers, mochilleros, hostels etc. To try and find low cost housing, but you´ll also find the majority of cabinas in Costa Rica are simple, clean and reasonably inexpensive.
What type of budget are you travelling on? While I personally own and manage a luxury boutique hotel in Monteverde, I spent my first year backpacking throughout the country. Perhaps I could make some specific suggestions if you give me an idea of season, budget and destinations–or would you like suggestions?
Helen asks…
I am traveling to Washington and wanted to know the cheapest/best deals for Hotels?
I wanted to know what the best deals are. I searched on a travel site and got a hotel that was cheap but 12 miles away in Maryland. The hotel has a shuttle to a nearby metro station, but how far is 12 miles and is it easy to get to Washington, DC from the Metro Station to see the White House and Lincoln Memorial and all the sites. Any tips or advice appreciated.
admin answers:
I just got back from DC yesterday. We bought hotel tickets through Stayed at a four-star hotel for $88. It was approximately 15 minutes away.
As far as sightseeing, most of your monuments are within walking distance to the White House. Don’t forget to check out the Vietnam Memorial between the Lincoln Memorial and the White House. Very sobering!
Have a blessed trip!
William asks…
where can i find sites that really do have the best deals on hotels?
I don’t mean priceline, expedia, etc – the real secrets to finding the best deal – i am going to salzburg, at
admin answers:
Good thing that you are not meaning expedia or so forth. All of those sites are going to hate me, however they don’t know who I am so oh well. They are rip offs! I work at a hotel and can tell you that I know they charged one woman $20 more than we got from them. Call the hotel directly or at least their 800#. I am not saying not to use these sites to find what you are looking for, but don’t book with them. If you choose to call the 800 #, I also advise still calling the hotel directly if you want a specific room. All they can do is request, only the hotel can guarantee it or let you know that they can not accommodate you. This way you are able to cancel, and look again… Or ask them if they would know who might be able to help in the area. I have done this for many people and gladly willing to help them, if for no other reason than when I can accommodate them, they will stay with us.
Linda asks…
what should i do in vegas and how can i find the best deals for flights, hotels, etc?
have never been anywhere of any consequence so i wanna do it up right, cause ill probably never get the chance to go again. Any suggestions on things to do/see and also how to get the best deals? Any input would be sooooo helpful!
admin answers:
Your best deal is going to be to shop the big places like
etc. Those are “consolidators” … They buy up excess rooms then sell them.
Next you want to go to the website of the Hotels you are interested in and get their price.
Now you want to call a travel agent and don’t tell them what you know and see what they can do for you.
I’d book Southwest or Jetblue… Cheap.
Plan on staying in the middle of the strip… NY NY, MGM, Luxor, Some place like that.
Go to Google Earth or Google Maps so you can get a birdseye view of where they are located.
As far as what to see I’ll let someone else cover that… Lots of stuff.
Carol asks…
What website are recommended to get the best deals on hotels in Amsterdam, Paris and Venice?
admin answers:
Hello, you can visit for a list of hotels at the cities you’re interested.
Give attention on guests reviews and comments. Many times the prices are really a bargain (pending also on the period you want to stay). I’ve used the last three years and I’m completely satisfied. Friendly to browse, easy and secure to book on-line. Have a great time wherever you decide to travel. All the cities you’ve mentioned are so beautiful (but Venice is so romantic…)
Maria asks…
What are the best hotels on the vegas strip for partying if you are in your mid 20s?
I am taking my boyfriend to Vegas and want to show him a good time. We both LOVE to party and are wondering which hotel would give us the best deal as far as party, VIP, gambling, open bar etc.
admin answers:
Hard Rock
Planet Hollywood
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Your Questions About History Colorado Center
Jenny asks…
Thinking of starting a webcomic, would like feedback on this plotline…?
So this idea had been bouncing around in my head for the last several years, and I’ve tried to make it work several times since then, but I hated how it turned out, to say the least.
Anyhow, I feel like I can go somewhere with what I have right now, but I’d still like some opinions on what you all think. Here goes…
It is the year 2019, and the state of Colorado has spiraled out of control. From the skyline of Denver and the Rocky Mountains to the small farming communities of the northeast, dozens of street gangs have emerged to sow the seeds of violence aross the land. The wallets of others have tainted what little police remain in the state, and the only hope for law and order is the highest bidder.
Enter the Hydra Syndicate, a collection of bounty hunters, psychopaths, spies, and other dregs of this wretched society. For years, their powerful leaders–a teenage ex-circus star called “Mamba” Max Gareth, and the socialite hacker Zev “Eagle” Ricasso–have had a vision of peace…of a Colorado without crime and corruption. And the two boys intend to fulfill that vision no matter the cost.
But everything is about to change.
On a warm August evening, a meteor strikes near the town of Pierce, Colorado–the heart of Syndicate territory, and a strange-looking young girl is seen wandering through the center of town. The girl has no trace of a past–not a memory to her name–and her only possession is an old and battered flute. The words she speaks are nonsense, like no language ever heard before, and her talents are like nothng the Syndicate has ever seen. But strangest of all is her stunning resemblance to Max’s little sister…who died in his arms more than five years ago…
So begins the plot of “Julie”–the bleak, bloody, and darkly humorous life of two boys with a dream, the sacrifices that made it happen, and one girl’s search for identity that will change the course of history.
So, there you have it. My main concern for this plotline is that I’m not going to be able to take it seriously enough, especially since I’m planning it to involve human/animal hybrids, a mysterious traveling carnival, a three-legged stalker, and Lord knows what else. So if anyone wants to be the critic–go right ahead, I’d love to hear everything you have to say.
admin answers:
That’s a really good head start for a webcomic, I must say, better than most I’ve ever read. It’s well-written and definitely is an exciting introduction to a great story. To answer your question, I think your plotline is off to a good start (iow I don’t have anything real nasty to say if that’s what you’re looking for xD (’cause it’s impossible! :])) i wonder a bit what the cause of Colorado’s collapse was so maybe you could elaborate more on that, but that questions came up after i tried looking hard into it, and no one reading a webcomic would really do that.
But the key thing here is *executing* that plot. What you have is only a very good beginning; what you need to do now is start planning and specifying what Max and Zev are looking for/aiming towards to achieve their goal for peace (is it a journey to overthrow that large bidding corperation or something else? What means would they be forced to take to obtain the power they need to achieve their goal? Be uber specific!), as well as what will happen as they do (the epic conclusion must not be anticlimactic).
Get as solid an idea as possible of the places and actions the characters will take and how it effects the next step/scene (ie. Draw a plot map) and your plotline is golden.
As for incorporating your other more miscellaneous creative ideas, do so only with bearing the plotline in mind. Don’t have your characters make these sacrifices just for the sake of having sacrifices. If you wield your train of thought well, you’ll be fine weaving in any amount of crazy characters
Lastly, a word about webcomics. Commonly known, It’s ideal for the quality of the art to match the quality of the story, but that rarely happens. You could really bring that story into something fantastic, but I imagine if the art isn’t good enough to reiterate what you were trying to express, it’ll only dull its potential. I’d recommend turning this into web novel first (to fictionpress maybe), if you can’t find the right artist just yet.
That’s all I’ve got to say. Thanks for reading (/hasn’t grammar checked >
James asks…
No North Pole by This SUMMER!?
Arctic sea ice could break apart completely at the North Pole this year, allowing ships to sail over the normally frozen top of the world.
The potential landmark thaw – the first time in human history the pole would be ice-free – is a stark sign of global warming, according to an article Friday on the web site of the The Independent, a London newspaper.
“Symbolically it is hugely important,” said Mark Serreze of the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado. “There is supposed to be ice at the North Pole, not open water.”
Last year, the fabled Northwest Passage opened as Arctic ice retreated more than ever before.
There is no land at the North Pole, but as long as anyone has looked, it has remained a giant block of ice year-round. Scientists have been watching Arctic sea ice melt more and more each year. But each summer in recent years, the amount of ice has gotten thinner and thinner. Each winter’s freeze, therefore, results in a thinner pack that, this summer, could melt altogether.
“The issue is that, for the first time that I am aware of, the North Pole is covered with extensive first-year ice,” Serreze is quoted by The Independent. “I’d say it’s even-odds whether the North Pole melts out.”
Russia and other countries, meanwhile, have been arguing over who has rights to the region’s resources, including potential oil reserves.
Several studies in recent years have predicted that the North Pole could be ice-free within a few decades. Alarm has ratcheted up every summer as the ice gets thinner and thinner. In a study released June 10, scientist said the rapid meltoff in the Arctic could threaten permafrost in continental soil elsewhere above the Arctic circle in a warm version of the snowball effect.
Last summer saw a record melt of Arctic sea ice, which shrank to more than 30 percent below its average. Around the peak of the melt, in September, air temperatures over land in the western Arctic from August to October were more than 4 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius) above the 1978-2006 average.
“The rapid loss of sea ice can trigger widespread changes that would be felt across the region,” said Andrew Slater, also of the National Snow and Ice Data Center.
What is your opinion!?!
admin answers:
Seew, your right, how could we have let this happen? The Arctic is one of the worlds known landmarks recolonized for it’s winter wonder land look, not to mention its natural beauty!! I truly hope that this situation changer for the better because they are already talking about the future extinction of the Polar bears!!!! I just cant imagine it!
Linda asks…
Is it true…”You can go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide.”?
That’s a quote from Dr. Reid Bryson. I think it pretty much summarizes his position on the hypothesis of global warming being caused by CO2. Unfortunately he died in 2008 but I did come across an article on him before he died regarding climate change.
Before you read the article, you should have some sort of background on his credentials. Keep these in mind as you read his words.
- was identified by the British Institute of Geographers as the most frequently cited climatologist in the world
- holds the 30th PhD in Meteorology granted in the history of American education
- Emeritus Professor and founding chairman of the University of Wisconsin Department of Meteorology
- in the 1970s he became the first director of what’s now the UW’s Gaylord Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies
- member of the United Nations Global 500 Roll of Honor
- has written more than 200 articles and five books ranging over the fields of geology, limnology, meteorology, climatology, archeology, and geography
- his volcanic eruptions and aerosol optical depth data has been added to the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology in Boulder, Colorado
Not surprisingly, he has been called “the father of the science of modern climatology.” When he first presented a paper before the AAAS that suggested that humans could affect the climate, he was laughed off the platform.
Does anything in that article make you question the certainty of man made climate change keeping in mind the credentials of Dr Reid Bryson?
admin answers:
Dana the great just neutralized half of his allies’ excuses. Nice job Dana!
I remember linking to this article a long time ago. It’s good stuff.
Donald asks…
why americans (USA) killed so many native indians in America? why?
Wars of the West timeline
Great Plains
Comanche Wars (1836–1875) on the southern plains, primarily Texas Republic and the state
Dakota War of 1862 — skirmishes in the southwestern quadrant of Minnesota result in hundreds dead. In the largest mass execution in U.S. history, 38 Dakota were hanged. About 1,600 others were sent to a reservation in present-day South Dakota.
Red Cloud’s War (1866–1868) — Lakota chief Makhpyia Luta (Red Cloud) conducts the most successful attacks against the U.S. Army during the Indian Wars. By the Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868), the U.S. granted a large reservation to the Lakota, without military presence or oversight, no settlements, and no reserved road building rights. The reservation included the entire Black Hills.
Colorado War (1864–1865) — clashes centered on the Colorado Eastern Plains between the U.S. Army and an alliance consisting largely of the Cheyenne and Arapaho.
Sand Creek Massacre (1864) — John Chivington killed more than 450 surrendered Cheyenne and Arapaho.
Comanche Campaign (1867–1875) — Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan, in command of the Department of the Missouri, instituted winter campaigning in 1868–69 as a means of rooting out the elusive Indian tribes scattered throughout the border regions of Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, and Texas.[8]
Fort Wallace, Kansas-June, 26th, 1867-Sgt Frederick Wyllyams of Co G, 7th U.S. Cavalry-killed by Indians
See Fifth Military District {Texas} for reports of US Cavalry vs. Native Americans from August 1867 to September 1869. (US Cavalry units in Texas were the 4th Cavalry Regiment (United States); 6th Cavalry Regiment (United States) and the 9th Cavalry Regiment (United States)).
Battle of Beecher Island (1868) — northern Cheyenne under war leader Roman Nose fought scouts of the U.S. 9th Cavalry Regiment in a nine-day battle.
Buff Creek, Kansas-October, 2, 1868- Walter Johnson of Co E, 7th U.S. Cavalry killed by Indians
Battle of Washita River (1868) — George Armstrong Custer’s 7th U.S. Cavalry attacked Black Kettle’s Cheyenne village on the Washita River (near present day Cheyenne, Oklahoma). 250 men, women and children were killed.
Battle of Summit Springs (1869) Cheyenne Dog Soldiers led by Tall Bull defeated by elements of U.S. Army under command of Colonel Eugene A. Carr. Tall Bull died, reportedly killed by Buffalo Bill Cody.
Battle of Palo Duro Canyon (1874) — Cheyenne, Comanche, and Kiowa warriors engaged elements of the U.S. 4th Cavalry Regiment led by Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie.
Red River War (1874–1875) — between Comanche and U.S. forces under the command of William Sherman and Lt. General Phillip Sheridan.
Black Hills War, or Little Big Horn Campaign (1876–1877) — Lakota under Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse fought the U.S. after repeated violations of the Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868).
Battle of Powder River(1876) — Cheyanne under Little Wolf clash with U.S.Army and Shoshone and Crow Allies
Battle of the Rosebud (1876) — Lakota under Tasunka witko clashed with U.S. Army column moving to reinforce Custer’s 7th Cavalry.
Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876) — Sioux and Cheyenne under the leadership of Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse defeated the 7th Cavalry under George Armstrong Custer.
Cheyenne Campaign or Cheyenne War (1878–1879) — a conflict between the United States’ armed forces and a small group of Cheyenne families.
Pine Ridge Campaign (November 1890 – January 1891) — numerous unresolved grievances led to the last major conflict with the Sioux. A lopsided engagement that involved almost half the infantry and cavalry of the Regular Army caused the surviving warriors to lay down their arms and retreat to their reservations in January 1891.
Wounded Knee Massacre (December 29, 1890) — Sitting Bull’s half-brother, Big Foot, and 152 other Sioux were killed — 25 U.S. cavalrymen also died in the engagement. 7th Cavalry Only fourteen days before, Sitting Bull had been killed with his son Crow Foot at Standing Rock Agency in a gun battle with a group of Indian police that had been sent by the American government to arrest him.
Navajo Wars (1861–1864) — ended with Long Walk of the Navajo — Arizona Territory and New Mexico Territory.
Hualapai or Walapais War (1864–1869) — Arizona Territory
Apache Wars or Apache Campaigns (1864–1886) Careleton put Mescelero on reservation with Navajos at Sumner and continued until 1886, when Geronimo surrendered.
Pacific Northwest-Great Basin
Tonquin incident, Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia
Cayuse War (1848–1855) — Oregon Territory-Washington Territory
Puget Sound War (1855–1856) — Washington Territory
Rogue River Wars (1855–1856) — Oregon Territory
Yakima War (1855–1858) — Washington Territory
The Fraser Canyon War (1858) in the Colony of British Columbia involved American irregular militias; violence along the Okanagan Trail to the Fraser goldfields is associated with
you are right, killers are killers and there is nothing more to say.
admin answers:
Because white people are evil.
Betty asks…
Who do you think is the most entertaining NBA person of the decade?
Pick from this list:
Mark Cuban: His love and passion for the dallas marvericks franchise …He would create so much controversy during NBA games by running out to the court , arguing with refs , and saying whatever was on his mind…. and he didn’t care if he was fined millions or thousands of dollars …u gotta love a owner that cares about his team with passion…espcailly with those frowns and weird looks when the mavs lost..
Shaq: One of the biggest household names in sports history…….. he’s a movie star , rapper , and dominant NBA center……..besides from that his personality and memorable quotes gives fans entertainment besides from his basketball…….” I DON”T CARE ABOUT THE SACRAMENTO QUEENS”
Charles Barkley: Even though he was on his way to retirement in the 2000s….His nonsense NBA anaylzing makes TNT fun to watch……..Barkley should be the main reason why TNT NBA halftime is getting rating and awards
Ron Artest: The next generation of a Dennis Rodman player …but do you think he’s trying to hard sometimes?………..Even though the Detroit brawl was a unpleasant thing to watch it was still entertaining in a gulity pleasure type of way…….besides from that this guys crazy ….lol
Lebron James: You gotta love a superstar that can make u laugh on SNL and dress up like james brown…… Lebron is a great entertainer on the court and off the court…….. and don’t forget the Lebron and Kobe puppets
Jeff and Stan Van Gundy: I always thought Jeff never had a personality if you ever seen him coach the knicks…..but this guy has a lot of humor and things to say during his commentating… and stan just loves being that aggressive NBA coach I swear they always show him yelling in the locker room during a Orlando magic game…….besides from that one looks like Steve Busemi and the other looks like Ron Jermeny
Steve Nash: Come on I bet everybody was shocked when we saw what this guy can really do during his early years in dallas……..and what he did for the Suns……plus Two M.V.P and a couple of all star trips … he’s fun to watch with his flamboyant plays….. great class in NBA character
Kobe: Shaq and Kobe Era championships started in 2000… the shaq and kobe controversy… kobe false rape case in colorado… kobe don’t get along with shaq , kobe dont get along with phil jackson, kobe finally wins a M.V.P in 2008 , kobe wants to be traded because he hates the lakers, kobe wants jason kidd instead of andrew bynum, kobe scores 81 points , and the list goes on ………..he’s been controversial but that what makes him entertaining off the court and on the court
admin answers:
They all have their own unique personalities which is why the league is so great, unlike the NFL where the commisioner attempts to limit the players personality.
But i gotta say its Shaq, the countless nicknames, the movies, the rapping, the tv shows, the endless funny quotes, the feuds he has created, no doubt bout it.
PS: Have loved Ron-Ron’s personality, he is great with fans on Twitter, I dont think he is trying hard its just thats the way he is, come on look at his post game interviews after the championship, those were true emotions lol, seen him on tv quite a few during summer and he is funny, great he has now been able to change the perception bout him since the brawl.
Helen asks…
Is there really a scientific consensus on AGW, or is “scientific consensus” just an attention-getter?
Maybe the ‘consensus’ is just within the group of scientists who support the idea.
Here’s a link showing many scientists who disagree with the entire notion of agw. Below are a few examples. What do you think of their opinions?
“Warming fears are the worst scientific scandal in history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist
“Anyone who claims that the debate is over and the conclusions are firm has a fundamentally unscientific approach to one of the most momentous issues of our time.” – Solar physicist Dr. Pal Brekke, senior advisor to the Norwegian Space Centre in Oslo. Brekke has published more than 40 peer-reviewed scientific articles on the sun and solar interaction with the Earth.
“Many [scientists] are now searching for a way to back out quietly (from promoting warming fears), without having their professional careers ruined.” — Atmospheric physicist James A. Peden, formerly of the Space Research and Coordination Center in Pittsburgh, Pa.
“Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly. The main basis of the claim that man’s release of greenhouse gases is the cause of the warming is based almost entirely upon climate models. We all know the frailty of models concerning the air-surface system” – Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology, and formerly of NASA, who has authored more than 190 studies and has been called “among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years.”
“Earth has cooled since 1998 in defiance of the predictions by the UN-IPCC….The global temperature for 2007 was the coldest in a decade and the coldest of the millennium…which is why ‘global warming’ is now called ‘climate change.’” – Climatologist Dr. Richard Keen of the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Colorado
Dana, the names on this list are all scientists.
Benjamin, check my link. There are no tv weathermen here.
admin answers:
Consensus depends on who you talk to and what they study. Those who are still pushing AGW are mostly extreme liberals close to full communists in their base philosophy and political view. When you talk to moderate or conservative educators their normal concern currently is rapidly shifting from being concerned over a potential mild warming over the next 200 years to being exceeding concerned about the potential of dropping off into either a minor or worse ice age.
Their biggest concern currently is that we have an exceptionally liberal president that has signed on to the most radical portions of the AGW pogrom. Most of them know that the world has massively cooled in the last 3 years and are shocked at the left wing liberals refusing to acknowledge the climate shift that has already happened in just 3 short years. It is absolutely amazing just how fast the planets lose heat when the sun shuts down completely.
We as a people really need to study and learn what causes the sun to vary its output to the extent we have observed it to do over the last 600 years. Political liberalism is becoming even more of a disaster to the world and nation than I even believed it could ever be.
The real problem is that those who promote the AGW agenda know very little about science and how things really work. The sun is the source of 98% of the energy that warms the earth.
Sandra asks…
Do most employers in NY obey this law when hiring people with criminal convictions?
The majority of states allow employers to refuse to hire anyone with a conviction record – or even an arrest that never led to conviction – because they have absolutely no guidelines or regulations on how an employer must evaluate a criminal history when considering an applicant. Only fourteen states have legal standards governing public employers’ consideration of an applicant’s criminal record that require an individualized assessment of the applicant’s qualifications and ability to do the job. These states are: Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Wisconsin. To see an overview of the laws of all fourteen states, click here. Only five of those states – Hawaii, Kansas, New York, and Wisconsin – regulate private employers. Even when it comes to granting licenses for a wide range of occupations, only 21 states have standards that require a “direct,” “rational,” or “reasonable” relationship between the license sought and the applicant’s criminal history to justify the agency’s denial of license, while the other 29 states do not.
For a complete description of the 50 states’ laws concerning employment of people with criminal records, please see the Legal Action Center’s report After Prison: Roadblocks to Reentry at
New York
The New York State Human Rights Law states that an applicant may not be denied
employment or licensure because of his or her conviction record unless there is a direct
relationship between the offense and the job or license sought, or unless hiring or
licensure would create an unreasonable risk to property or to public or individual safety.21
This law applies to employers with ten or more employees.22 A person with a criminal
record who is denied employment is entitled to a statement of the reasons for such
denial.23 Factors to consider in analyzing whether employment may be denied are found
in N.Y. Corrections Law, Article 23-A.24 In addition, an employer may not inquire about
nor act upon an arrest that was terminated or determined in favor of the individual.25
admin answers:
They do, but with hundreds of applicants per job opening, if not thousands, a simple “we hired someone more qualified” will suffice. There is no need to force your employees to associate with criminals.
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Your Questions About History Colorado
Ruth asks…
Two Essay Test Questions on Colorado History: Mesa Verde Inhabitants and Bent’s Fort?
First Question: In great detail describe the inhabitants of Mesa Verde in the year 1-1300, include who they were, where they live, characteristics, culture, and what became of them.
Second question: In great detail describe the history of Bent’s fort. Include info on owners, customers, rivals, employees, construction, tr4ade items, and what became of the fort.
admin answers:
Not that much is actually known about the ancesteral Pueblo and what is known is sometimes based around educated guesswork.
What we do know is, the ancesteral Pueblo civilisation was one of four peoples who occupied the American Southwest from the prehistoric period onwards. The name recently given to these people is ‘Anasazi’ which is actually a Navajo name.
Mesa Verde, Spanish for ‘Green Table’, was occupied from the early years after Christ to around the thirteenth Century. The reasoning behind the abandonment of the site is highly contested, with experts from different quarters arguing over the facts.
Many believe that the migration of more volatile and aggressive civilisations into the region, forced the ancesteral Pueblos to migrate further south, while others believe that climate change in the the Americas, which happened around 1150AD (the same climate shift which helped to bring down the Lake Titicaca civilisation of the Tiwanaku), affected the rainfall and led to the abandonment of the site for a more agreeable environment.
The cultural high of the City was in the period between 900 and 1140AD, when bigger settlements were built, long trade networks were established and domesticated animals were kept. Previous to this new period, settlements were smaller and generally were only inhabited for around thirty years. This new epoch brought about a new architectural style which we are left with today.
The most recognised of all the cliff dwellings of the Pueblos is the ‘Cliff Palace’, which was carved 89 feet deep and 59 feet high into the rock. The use for many of the rooms in the Palace are still a mystery to us, though they are large open spaces which could have been important for religious reasons.
Out of the 150 rooms in the complex, there are many storage rooms which were designed to keep away moisture and pests from the newly gathered harvests.
The growth of Mesa Verde, was probably helped along by the movement of Pueblo peoples who moved to the Mesa Tops in the 1200s. It is thought that this could be due to the arrival of Shoshone and Ute Amerindians who moved into the area, causing the settled Pueblo to flee to the less arable lands around Mesa Verde.
William and Charles Bent, along with Ceran St. Interior view of Bent’s FortVrain, built the original fort on this site in 1833 to trade with trappers and Native Americans, primarily the Southern Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, for buffalo robes. The adobe fort quickly became the center of the Bent, St.Vrain Company’s expanding trade empire that included Fort St.Vrain to the north and Fort Adobe to the south, along with company stores in Mexico at Taos and Santa Fe.
For much of its 16-year history, the adobe fort was the only major permanent white settlement on the Santa Fe Trail between Missouri and the Mexican settlements around Santa Fe. The fort provided explorers, adventurers, and the U.S. Army a place to get needed supplies, wagon repairs, livestock, good food, water, camaraderie, rest and protection in the vast “Great American Desert”. The famous Western scout Kit Carson was a hunter for the fort from 1831 to 1842. During the war with Mexico in 1846, the fort became a staging area for Colonel Stephen Watts Kearny’s “Army of the West”. Disasters and disease caused the fort’s abandonment in 1849. Archeological excavations and original sketches, paintings and diaries were used in the fort’s reconstruction in 1976.
Mark asks…
What’s a good credit union in Colorado for people who have no credit history?
I’m looking to build my credit history from scratch. I’m not limiting my options to just credit cards but it seems I have a better chance with a secured credit card than a personal loan. Anyone have suggestions for a credit union in Colorado (preferably in the Boulder or Denver county area)?
admin answers:
If you don’t have one associated with your job, I’d recommend Bellco. They’ve been around a long time and have all services. Many locations. Go to their web site for more info:
Paul asks…
Why is women’s rights important in Colorado History?
Please help me to answer this question with three reasons.
Than You!
admin answers:
It’s important in colorado because this is where it all started.
Women immigration mainly effected the economy here.
The first mayor in Colorado was a women.
But you should google that question.
Susan asks…
What is the history or story behind Stem Beach Colorado?
Stem Beach use to have a motel, and currently has an antique store. It also has a large body of water, that does not appear to be in use. It seems like a great place for summer recreation and I am curious about the history and if it will ever be a place to swim and boat.
admin answers:
Not much info, but here’s a couple of links:
Sure would be interesting to know the story behind this place!
Best of luck to you!
Carol asks…
In your opinion, is Aaron Cook the best starting pitcher in the history of the Colorado Rockies?
If not then who?
admin answers:
Bill Swift had some good years and a career 3.95 era and had a 21 win season (whereas cook is somewhere around 4.40) but he only played for the Rox for 2 years and was pretty bad those two years other than swift id probably agree with you that it is Cook
For the people saying Jeff Francis that is ridiculous his career ERA is 4.81 and this is only his 5th year in the league how could he be the rockies best pitcher of alltime
Jenny asks…
What is the history of the Colorado River?
Just like one paragraph
admin answers:
The existence of the Colorado River was first noted in the records of written history in September, 1539, when Francisco de Ulloa sailed to the head of the Gulf of California and rowed a short distance upstream. It was next seen by Hernando de Alarcon who in 1540 led the maritime contingent of Coronado’s expedition. The plan was to meet the land based force and resupply them. Alarcon ascended the river about 85 miles to the limit of navigation near present-day Yuma, Arizona. He waited for Coronado, but eventually despaired, cached some supplies and correspondence, left a note on a tree, and departed. Coronado’s land forces never reached that location, but Melchior Diaz, on his third expedition, went to see if he could establish contact with Alarcon. By the time he reached the Colorado, however, Alarcon had already left. The Native Americans told him what they knew of Alarcon’s presence and that he had left a cache of supplies. Diaz found the note and the supplies. Diaz named the river Rio del Tizon (“River of Embers” or “Firebrand River”) based on a practice used by the natives for warming themselves.[5] Meanwhile, Coronado (who at the time was near Zuni, New Mexico) had learned from one of his scouting parties that the natives spoke of a large river to the west. He sent Garcia Lopez de Cardenas to lead a contingent of men to find this river. They did find it at what is now known as the Grand Canyon, becoming the first people of European background to see it. Their failed attempts at reaching the river led them to conclude that it would not be possible to be supplied via the Gulf of California and the river.
Mandy asks…
Are the Colorado Rockies the first team in MLB history to sweep both the NLDS/ALDS and NLCS/ALCS?
I think the White Sox and Yankees are the only teams to win the World Series with an 11-1 record in the playoffs. But has anybody ever gotten to the World Series by winning 7 straight games? I know the Sox lost their only game in the ALCS, not sure about the Yanks though.
admin answers:
I am pretty sure they are – I cant find a record of anyone else sweeping both the ALDS and the ALCS
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Your Questions About History Colorado
Laura asks…
Two Essay Test Questions on Colorado History: Mesa Verde Inhabitants and Bent’s Fort?
First Question: In great detail describe the inhabitants of Mesa Verde in the year 1-1300, include who they were, where they live, characteristics, culture, and what became of them.
Second question: In great detail describe the history of Bent’s fort. Include info on owners, customers, rivals, employees, construction, tr4ade items, and what became of the fort.
admin answers:
Not that much is actually known about the ancesteral Pueblo and what is known is sometimes based around educated guesswork.
What we do know is, the ancesteral Pueblo civilisation was one of four peoples who occupied the American Southwest from the prehistoric period onwards. The name recently given to these people is ‘Anasazi’ which is actually a Navajo name.
Mesa Verde, Spanish for ‘Green Table’, was occupied from the early years after Christ to around the thirteenth Century. The reasoning behind the abandonment of the site is highly contested, with experts from different quarters arguing over the facts.
Many believe that the migration of more volatile and aggressive civilisations into the region, forced the ancesteral Pueblos to migrate further south, while others believe that climate change in the the Americas, which happened around 1150AD (the same climate shift which helped to bring down the Lake Titicaca civilisation of the Tiwanaku), affected the rainfall and led to the abandonment of the site for a more agreeable environment.
The cultural high of the City was in the period between 900 and 1140AD, when bigger settlements were built, long trade networks were established and domesticated animals were kept. Previous to this new period, settlements were smaller and generally were only inhabited for around thirty years. This new epoch brought about a new architectural style which we are left with today.
The most recognised of all the cliff dwellings of the Pueblos is the ‘Cliff Palace’, which was carved 89 feet deep and 59 feet high into the rock. The use for many of the rooms in the Palace are still a mystery to us, though they are large open spaces which could have been important for religious reasons.
Out of the 150 rooms in the complex, there are many storage rooms which were designed to keep away moisture and pests from the newly gathered harvests.
The growth of Mesa Verde, was probably helped along by the movement of Pueblo peoples who moved to the Mesa Tops in the 1200s. It is thought that this could be due to the arrival of Shoshone and Ute Amerindians who moved into the area, causing the settled Pueblo to flee to the less arable lands around Mesa Verde.
William and Charles Bent, along with Ceran St. Interior view of Bent’s FortVrain, built the original fort on this site in 1833 to trade with trappers and Native Americans, primarily the Southern Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, for buffalo robes. The adobe fort quickly became the center of the Bent, St.Vrain Company’s expanding trade empire that included Fort St.Vrain to the north and Fort Adobe to the south, along with company stores in Mexico at Taos and Santa Fe.
For much of its 16-year history, the adobe fort was the only major permanent white settlement on the Santa Fe Trail between Missouri and the Mexican settlements around Santa Fe. The fort provided explorers, adventurers, and the U.S. Army a place to get needed supplies, wagon repairs, livestock, good food, water, camaraderie, rest and protection in the vast “Great American Desert”. The famous Western scout Kit Carson was a hunter for the fort from 1831 to 1842. During the war with Mexico in 1846, the fort became a staging area for Colonel Stephen Watts Kearny’s “Army of the West”. Disasters and disease caused the fort’s abandonment in 1849. Archeological excavations and original sketches, paintings and diaries were used in the fort’s reconstruction in 1976.
Joseph asks…
What’s a good credit union in Colorado for people who have no credit history?
I’m looking to build my credit history from scratch. I’m not limiting my options to just credit cards but it seems I have a better chance with a secured credit card than a personal loan. Anyone have suggestions for a credit union in Colorado (preferably in the Boulder or Denver county area)?
admin answers:
If you don’t have one associated with your job, I’d recommend Bellco. They’ve been around a long time and have all services. Many locations. Go to their web site for more info:
Linda asks…
Why is women’s rights important in Colorado History?
Please help me to answer this question with three reasons.
Than You!
admin answers:
It’s important in colorado because this is where it all started.
Women immigration mainly effected the economy here.
The first mayor in Colorado was a women.
But you should google that question.
David asks…
What is the history or story behind Stem Beach Colorado?
Stem Beach use to have a motel, and currently has an antique store. It also has a large body of water, that does not appear to be in use. It seems like a great place for summer recreation and I am curious about the history and if it will ever be a place to swim and boat.
admin answers:
Not much info, but here’s a couple of links:
Sure would be interesting to know the story behind this place!
Best of luck to you!
Paul asks…
In your opinion, is Aaron Cook the best starting pitcher in the history of the Colorado Rockies?
If not then who?
admin answers:
Bill Swift had some good years and a career 3.95 era and had a 21 win season (whereas cook is somewhere around 4.40) but he only played for the Rox for 2 years and was pretty bad those two years other than swift id probably agree with you that it is Cook
For the people saying Jeff Francis that is ridiculous his career ERA is 4.81 and this is only his 5th year in the league how could he be the rockies best pitcher of alltime
Sharon asks…
What is the history of the Colorado River?
Just like one paragraph
admin answers:
The existence of the Colorado River was first noted in the records of written history in September, 1539, when Francisco de Ulloa sailed to the head of the Gulf of California and rowed a short distance upstream. It was next seen by Hernando de Alarcon who in 1540 led the maritime contingent of Coronado’s expedition. The plan was to meet the land based force and resupply them. Alarcon ascended the river about 85 miles to the limit of navigation near present-day Yuma, Arizona. He waited for Coronado, but eventually despaired, cached some supplies and correspondence, left a note on a tree, and departed. Coronado’s land forces never reached that location, but Melchior Diaz, on his third expedition, went to see if he could establish contact with Alarcon. By the time he reached the Colorado, however, Alarcon had already left. The Native Americans told him what they knew of Alarcon’s presence and that he had left a cache of supplies. Diaz found the note and the supplies. Diaz named the river Rio del Tizon (“River of Embers” or “Firebrand River”) based on a practice used by the natives for warming themselves.[5] Meanwhile, Coronado (who at the time was near Zuni, New Mexico) had learned from one of his scouting parties that the natives spoke of a large river to the west. He sent Garcia Lopez de Cardenas to lead a contingent of men to find this river. They did find it at what is now known as the Grand Canyon, becoming the first people of European background to see it. Their failed attempts at reaching the river led them to conclude that it would not be possible to be supplied via the Gulf of California and the river.
Mark asks…
Are the Colorado Rockies the first team in MLB history to sweep both the NLDS/ALDS and NLCS/ALCS?
I think the White Sox and Yankees are the only teams to win the World Series with an 11-1 record in the playoffs. But has anybody ever gotten to the World Series by winning 7 straight games? I know the Sox lost their only game in the ALCS, not sure about the Yanks though.
admin answers:
I am pretty sure they are – I cant find a record of anyone else sweeping both the ALDS and the ALCS
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Your Questions About History Colorado
Thomas asks…
Two Essay Test Questions on Colorado History: Mesa Verde Inhabitants and Bent’s Fort?
First Question: In great detail describe the inhabitants of Mesa Verde in the year 1-1300, include who they were, where they live, characteristics, culture, and what became of them.
Second question: In great detail describe the history of Bent’s fort. Include info on owners, customers, rivals, employees, construction, tr4ade items, and what became of the fort.
admin answers:
Not that much is actually known about the ancesteral Pueblo and what is known is sometimes based around educated guesswork.
What we do know is, the ancesteral Pueblo civilisation was one of four peoples who occupied the American Southwest from the prehistoric period onwards. The name recently given to these people is ‘Anasazi’ which is actually a Navajo name.
Mesa Verde, Spanish for ‘Green Table’, was occupied from the early years after Christ to around the thirteenth Century. The reasoning behind the abandonment of the site is highly contested, with experts from different quarters arguing over the facts.
Many believe that the migration of more volatile and aggressive civilisations into the region, forced the ancesteral Pueblos to migrate further south, while others believe that climate change in the the Americas, which happened around 1150AD (the same climate shift which helped to bring down the Lake Titicaca civilisation of the Tiwanaku), affected the rainfall and led to the abandonment of the site for a more agreeable environment.
The cultural high of the City was in the period between 900 and 1140AD, when bigger settlements were built, long trade networks were established and domesticated animals were kept. Previous to this new period, settlements were smaller and generally were only inhabited for around thirty years. This new epoch brought about a new architectural style which we are left with today.
The most recognised of all the cliff dwellings of the Pueblos is the ‘Cliff Palace’, which was carved 89 feet deep and 59 feet high into the rock. The use for many of the rooms in the Palace are still a mystery to us, though they are large open spaces which could have been important for religious reasons.
Out of the 150 rooms in the complex, there are many storage rooms which were designed to keep away moisture and pests from the newly gathered harvests.
The growth of Mesa Verde, was probably helped along by the movement of Pueblo peoples who moved to the Mesa Tops in the 1200s. It is thought that this could be due to the arrival of Shoshone and Ute Amerindians who moved into the area, causing the settled Pueblo to flee to the less arable lands around Mesa Verde.
William and Charles Bent, along with Ceran St. Interior view of Bent’s FortVrain, built the original fort on this site in 1833 to trade with trappers and Native Americans, primarily the Southern Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, for buffalo robes. The adobe fort quickly became the center of the Bent, St.Vrain Company’s expanding trade empire that included Fort St.Vrain to the north and Fort Adobe to the south, along with company stores in Mexico at Taos and Santa Fe.
For much of its 16-year history, the adobe fort was the only major permanent white settlement on the Santa Fe Trail between Missouri and the Mexican settlements around Santa Fe. The fort provided explorers, adventurers, and the U.S. Army a place to get needed supplies, wagon repairs, livestock, good food, water, camaraderie, rest and protection in the vast “Great American Desert”. The famous Western scout Kit Carson was a hunter for the fort from 1831 to 1842. During the war with Mexico in 1846, the fort became a staging area for Colonel Stephen Watts Kearny’s “Army of the West”. Disasters and disease caused the fort’s abandonment in 1849. Archeological excavations and original sketches, paintings and diaries were used in the fort’s reconstruction in 1976.
Mary asks…
What’s a good credit union in Colorado for people who have no credit history?
I’m looking to build my credit history from scratch. I’m not limiting my options to just credit cards but it seems I have a better chance with a secured credit card than a personal loan. Anyone have suggestions for a credit union in Colorado (preferably in the Boulder or Denver county area)?
admin answers:
If you don’t have one associated with your job, I’d recommend Bellco. They’ve been around a long time and have all services. Many locations. Go to their web site for more info:
David asks…
Why is women’s rights important in Colorado History?
Please help me to answer this question with three reasons.
Than You!
admin answers:
It’s important in colorado because this is where it all started.
Women immigration mainly effected the economy here.
The first mayor in Colorado was a women.
But you should google that question.
Carol asks…
What is the history or story behind Stem Beach Colorado?
Stem Beach use to have a motel, and currently has an antique store. It also has a large body of water, that does not appear to be in use. It seems like a great place for summer recreation and I am curious about the history and if it will ever be a place to swim and boat.
admin answers:
Not much info, but here’s a couple of links:
Sure would be interesting to know the story behind this place!
Best of luck to you!
John asks…
In your opinion, is Aaron Cook the best starting pitcher in the history of the Colorado Rockies?
If not then who?
admin answers:
Bill Swift had some good years and a career 3.95 era and had a 21 win season (whereas cook is somewhere around 4.40) but he only played for the Rox for 2 years and was pretty bad those two years other than swift id probably agree with you that it is Cook
For the people saying Jeff Francis that is ridiculous his career ERA is 4.81 and this is only his 5th year in the league how could he be the rockies best pitcher of alltime
Laura asks…
What is the history of the Colorado River?
Just like one paragraph
admin answers:
The existence of the Colorado River was first noted in the records of written history in September, 1539, when Francisco de Ulloa sailed to the head of the Gulf of California and rowed a short distance upstream. It was next seen by Hernando de Alarcon who in 1540 led the maritime contingent of Coronado’s expedition. The plan was to meet the land based force and resupply them. Alarcon ascended the river about 85 miles to the limit of navigation near present-day Yuma, Arizona. He waited for Coronado, but eventually despaired, cached some supplies and correspondence, left a note on a tree, and departed. Coronado’s land forces never reached that location, but Melchior Diaz, on his third expedition, went to see if he could establish contact with Alarcon. By the time he reached the Colorado, however, Alarcon had already left. The Native Americans told him what they knew of Alarcon’s presence and that he had left a cache of supplies. Diaz found the note and the supplies. Diaz named the river Rio del Tizon (“River of Embers” or “Firebrand River”) based on a practice used by the natives for warming themselves.[5] Meanwhile, Coronado (who at the time was near Zuni, New Mexico) had learned from one of his scouting parties that the natives spoke of a large river to the west. He sent Garcia Lopez de Cardenas to lead a contingent of men to find this river. They did find it at what is now known as the Grand Canyon, becoming the first people of European background to see it. Their failed attempts at reaching the river led them to conclude that it would not be possible to be supplied via the Gulf of California and the river.
Charles asks…
Are the Colorado Rockies the first team in MLB history to sweep both the NLDS/ALDS and NLCS/ALCS?
I think the White Sox and Yankees are the only teams to win the World Series with an 11-1 record in the playoffs. But has anybody ever gotten to the World Series by winning 7 straight games? I know the Sox lost their only game in the ALCS, not sure about the Yanks though.
admin answers:
I am pretty sure they are – I cant find a record of anyone else sweeping both the ALDS and the ALCS
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Your Questions About History Colorado Center
Jenny asks…
Thinking of starting a webcomic, would like feedback on this plotline…?
So this idea had been bouncing around in my head for the last several years, and I’ve tried to make it work several times since then, but I hated how it turned out, to say the least.
Anyhow, I feel like I can go somewhere with what I have right now, but I’d still like some opinions on what you all think. Here goes…
It is the year 2019, and the state of Colorado has spiraled out of control. From the skyline of Denver and the Rocky Mountains to the small farming communities of the northeast, dozens of street gangs have emerged to sow the seeds of violence aross the land. The wallets of others have tainted what little police remain in the state, and the only hope for law and order is the highest bidder.
Enter the Hydra Syndicate, a collection of bounty hunters, psychopaths, spies, and other dregs of this wretched society. For years, their powerful leaders–a teenage ex-circus star called “Mamba” Max Gareth, and the socialite hacker Zev “Eagle” Ricasso–have had a vision of peace…of a Colorado without crime and corruption. And the two boys intend to fulfill that vision no matter the cost.
But everything is about to change.
On a warm August evening, a meteor strikes near the town of Pierce, Colorado–the heart of Syndicate territory, and a strange-looking young girl is seen wandering through the center of town. The girl has no trace of a past–not a memory to her name–and her only possession is an old and battered flute. The words she speaks are nonsense, like no language ever heard before, and her talents are like nothng the Syndicate has ever seen. But strangest of all is her stunning resemblance to Max’s little sister…who died in his arms more than five years ago…
So begins the plot of “Julie”–the bleak, bloody, and darkly humorous life of two boys with a dream, the sacrifices that made it happen, and one girl’s search for identity that will change the course of history.
So, there you have it. My main concern for this plotline is that I’m not going to be able to take it seriously enough, especially since I’m planning it to involve human/animal hybrids, a mysterious traveling carnival, a three-legged stalker, and Lord knows what else. So if anyone wants to be the critic–go right ahead, I’d love to hear everything you have to say.
admin answers:
That’s a really good head start for a webcomic, I must say, better than most I’ve ever read. It’s well-written and definitely is an exciting introduction to a great story. To answer your question, I think your plotline is off to a good start (iow I don’t have anything real nasty to say if that’s what you’re looking for xD (’cause it’s impossible! :])) i wonder a bit what the cause of Colorado’s collapse was so maybe you could elaborate more on that, but that questions came up after i tried looking hard into it, and no one reading a webcomic would really do that.
But the key thing here is *executing* that plot. What you have is only a very good beginning; what you need to do now is start planning and specifying what Max and Zev are looking for/aiming towards to achieve their goal for peace (is it a journey to overthrow that large bidding corperation or something else? What means would they be forced to take to obtain the power they need to achieve their goal? Be uber specific!), as well as what will happen as they do (the epic conclusion must not be anticlimactic).
Get as solid an idea as possible of the places and actions the characters will take and how it effects the next step/scene (ie. Draw a plot map) and your plotline is golden.
As for incorporating your other more miscellaneous creative ideas, do so only with bearing the plotline in mind. Don’t have your characters make these sacrifices just for the sake of having sacrifices. If you wield your train of thought well, you’ll be fine weaving in any amount of crazy characters
Lastly, a word about webcomics. Commonly known, It’s ideal for the quality of the art to match the quality of the story, but that rarely happens. You could really bring that story into something fantastic, but I imagine if the art isn’t good enough to reiterate what you were trying to express, it’ll only dull its potential. I’d recommend turning this into web novel first (to fictionpress maybe), if you can’t find the right artist just yet.
That’s all I’ve got to say. Thanks for reading (/hasn’t grammar checked >
Mark asks…
No North Pole by This SUMMER!?
Arctic sea ice could break apart completely at the North Pole this year, allowing ships to sail over the normally frozen top of the world.
The potential landmark thaw – the first time in human history the pole would be ice-free – is a stark sign of global warming, according to an article Friday on the web site of the The Independent, a London newspaper.
“Symbolically it is hugely important,” said Mark Serreze of the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado. “There is supposed to be ice at the North Pole, not open water.”
Last year, the fabled Northwest Passage opened as Arctic ice retreated more than ever before.
There is no land at the North Pole, but as long as anyone has looked, it has remained a giant block of ice year-round. Scientists have been watching Arctic sea ice melt more and more each year. But each summer in recent years, the amount of ice has gotten thinner and thinner. Each winter’s freeze, therefore, results in a thinner pack that, this summer, could melt altogether.
“The issue is that, for the first time that I am aware of, the North Pole is covered with extensive first-year ice,” Serreze is quoted by The Independent. “I’d say it’s even-odds whether the North Pole melts out.”
Russia and other countries, meanwhile, have been arguing over who has rights to the region’s resources, including potential oil reserves.
Several studies in recent years have predicted that the North Pole could be ice-free within a few decades. Alarm has ratcheted up every summer as the ice gets thinner and thinner. In a study released June 10, scientist said the rapid meltoff in the Arctic could threaten permafrost in continental soil elsewhere above the Arctic circle in a warm version of the snowball effect.
Last summer saw a record melt of Arctic sea ice, which shrank to more than 30 percent below its average. Around the peak of the melt, in September, air temperatures over land in the western Arctic from August to October were more than 4 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius) above the 1978-2006 average.
“The rapid loss of sea ice can trigger widespread changes that would be felt across the region,” said Andrew Slater, also of the National Snow and Ice Data Center.
What is your opinion!?!
admin answers:
Seew, your right, how could we have let this happen? The Arctic is one of the worlds known landmarks recolonized for it’s winter wonder land look, not to mention its natural beauty!! I truly hope that this situation changer for the better because they are already talking about the future extinction of the Polar bears!!!! I just cant imagine it!
Helen asks…
Is it true…”You can go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide.”?
That’s a quote from Dr. Reid Bryson. I think it pretty much summarizes his position on the hypothesis of global warming being caused by CO2. Unfortunately he died in 2008 but I did come across an article on him before he died regarding climate change.
Before you read the article, you should have some sort of background on his credentials. Keep these in mind as you read his words.
- was identified by the British Institute of Geographers as the most frequently cited climatologist in the world
- holds the 30th PhD in Meteorology granted in the history of American education
- Emeritus Professor and founding chairman of the University of Wisconsin Department of Meteorology
- in the 1970s he became the first director of what’s now the UW’s Gaylord Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies
- member of the United Nations Global 500 Roll of Honor
- has written more than 200 articles and five books ranging over the fields of geology, limnology, meteorology, climatology, archeology, and geography
- his volcanic eruptions and aerosol optical depth data has been added to the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology in Boulder, Colorado
Not surprisingly, he has been called “the father of the science of modern climatology.” When he first presented a paper before the AAAS that suggested that humans could affect the climate, he was laughed off the platform.
Does anything in that article make you question the certainty of man made climate change keeping in mind the credentials of Dr Reid Bryson?
admin answers:
Dana the great just neutralized half of his allies’ excuses. Nice job Dana!
I remember linking to this article a long time ago. It’s good stuff.
William asks…
why americans (USA) killed so many native indians in America? why?
Wars of the West timeline
Great Plains
Comanche Wars (1836–1875) on the southern plains, primarily Texas Republic and the state
Dakota War of 1862 — skirmishes in the southwestern quadrant of Minnesota result in hundreds dead. In the largest mass execution in U.S. history, 38 Dakota were hanged. About 1,600 others were sent to a reservation in present-day South Dakota.
Red Cloud’s War (1866–1868) — Lakota chief Makhpyia Luta (Red Cloud) conducts the most successful attacks against the U.S. Army during the Indian Wars. By the Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868), the U.S. granted a large reservation to the Lakota, without military presence or oversight, no settlements, and no reserved road building rights. The reservation included the entire Black Hills.
Colorado War (1864–1865) — clashes centered on the Colorado Eastern Plains between the U.S. Army and an alliance consisting largely of the Cheyenne and Arapaho.
Sand Creek Massacre (1864) — John Chivington killed more than 450 surrendered Cheyenne and Arapaho.
Comanche Campaign (1867–1875) — Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan, in command of the Department of the Missouri, instituted winter campaigning in 1868–69 as a means of rooting out the elusive Indian tribes scattered throughout the border regions of Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, and Texas.[8]
Fort Wallace, Kansas-June, 26th, 1867-Sgt Frederick Wyllyams of Co G, 7th U.S. Cavalry-killed by Indians
See Fifth Military District {Texas} for reports of US Cavalry vs. Native Americans from August 1867 to September 1869. (US Cavalry units in Texas were the 4th Cavalry Regiment (United States); 6th Cavalry Regiment (United States) and the 9th Cavalry Regiment (United States)).
Battle of Beecher Island (1868) — northern Cheyenne under war leader Roman Nose fought scouts of the U.S. 9th Cavalry Regiment in a nine-day battle.
Buff Creek, Kansas-October, 2, 1868- Walter Johnson of Co E, 7th U.S. Cavalry killed by Indians
Battle of Washita River (1868) — George Armstrong Custer’s 7th U.S. Cavalry attacked Black Kettle’s Cheyenne village on the Washita River (near present day Cheyenne, Oklahoma). 250 men, women and children were killed.
Battle of Summit Springs (1869) Cheyenne Dog Soldiers led by Tall Bull defeated by elements of U.S. Army under command of Colonel Eugene A. Carr. Tall Bull died, reportedly killed by Buffalo Bill Cody.
Battle of Palo Duro Canyon (1874) — Cheyenne, Comanche, and Kiowa warriors engaged elements of the U.S. 4th Cavalry Regiment led by Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie.
Red River War (1874–1875) — between Comanche and U.S. forces under the command of William Sherman and Lt. General Phillip Sheridan.
Black Hills War, or Little Big Horn Campaign (1876–1877) — Lakota under Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse fought the U.S. after repeated violations of the Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868).
Battle of Powder River(1876) — Cheyanne under Little Wolf clash with U.S.Army and Shoshone and Crow Allies
Battle of the Rosebud (1876) — Lakota under Tasunka witko clashed with U.S. Army column moving to reinforce Custer’s 7th Cavalry.
Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876) — Sioux and Cheyenne under the leadership of Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse defeated the 7th Cavalry under George Armstrong Custer.
Cheyenne Campaign or Cheyenne War (1878–1879) — a conflict between the United States’ armed forces and a small group of Cheyenne families.
Pine Ridge Campaign (November 1890 – January 1891) — numerous unresolved grievances led to the last major conflict with the Sioux. A lopsided engagement that involved almost half the infantry and cavalry of the Regular Army caused the surviving warriors to lay down their arms and retreat to their reservations in January 1891.
Wounded Knee Massacre (December 29, 1890) — Sitting Bull’s half-brother, Big Foot, and 152 other Sioux were killed — 25 U.S. cavalrymen also died in the engagement. 7th Cavalry Only fourteen days before, Sitting Bull had been killed with his son Crow Foot at Standing Rock Agency in a gun battle with a group of Indian police that had been sent by the American government to arrest him.
Navajo Wars (1861–1864) — ended with Long Walk of the Navajo — Arizona Territory and New Mexico Territory.
Hualapai or Walapais War (1864–1869) — Arizona Territory
Apache Wars or Apache Campaigns (1864–1886) Careleton put Mescelero on reservation with Navajos at Sumner and continued until 1886, when Geronimo surrendered.
Pacific Northwest-Great Basin
Tonquin incident, Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia
Cayuse War (1848–1855) — Oregon Territory-Washington Territory
Puget Sound War (1855–1856) — Washington Territory
Rogue River Wars (1855–1856) — Oregon Territory
Yakima War (1855–1858) — Washington Territory
The Fraser Canyon War (1858) in the Colony of British Columbia involved American irregular militias; violence along the Okanagan Trail to the Fraser goldfields is associated with
you are right, killers are killers and there is nothing more to say.
admin answers:
Because white people are evil.
Chris asks…
Who do you think is the most entertaining NBA person of the decade?
Pick from this list:
Mark Cuban: His love and passion for the dallas marvericks franchise …He would create so much controversy during NBA games by running out to the court , arguing with refs , and saying whatever was on his mind…. and he didn’t care if he was fined millions or thousands of dollars …u gotta love a owner that cares about his team with passion…espcailly with those frowns and weird looks when the mavs lost..
Shaq: One of the biggest household names in sports history…….. he’s a movie star , rapper , and dominant NBA center……..besides from that his personality and memorable quotes gives fans entertainment besides from his basketball…….” I DON”T CARE ABOUT THE SACRAMENTO QUEENS”
Charles Barkley: Even though he was on his way to retirement in the 2000s….His nonsense NBA anaylzing makes TNT fun to watch……..Barkley should be the main reason why TNT NBA halftime is getting rating and awards
Ron Artest: The next generation of a Dennis Rodman player …but do you think he’s trying to hard sometimes?………..Even though the Detroit brawl was a unpleasant thing to watch it was still entertaining in a gulity pleasure type of way…….besides from that this guys crazy ….lol
Lebron James: You gotta love a superstar that can make u laugh on SNL and dress up like james brown…… Lebron is a great entertainer on the court and off the court…….. and don’t forget the Lebron and Kobe puppets
Jeff and Stan Van Gundy: I always thought Jeff never had a personality if you ever seen him coach the knicks…..but this guy has a lot of humor and things to say during his commentating… and stan just loves being that aggressive NBA coach I swear they always show him yelling in the locker room during a Orlando magic game…….besides from that one looks like Steve Busemi and the other looks like Ron Jermeny
Steve Nash: Come on I bet everybody was shocked when we saw what this guy can really do during his early years in dallas……..and what he did for the Suns……plus Two M.V.P and a couple of all star trips … he’s fun to watch with his flamboyant plays….. great class in NBA character
Kobe: Shaq and Kobe Era championships started in 2000… the shaq and kobe controversy… kobe false rape case in colorado… kobe don’t get along with shaq , kobe dont get along with phil jackson, kobe finally wins a M.V.P in 2008 , kobe wants to be traded because he hates the lakers, kobe wants jason kidd instead of andrew bynum, kobe scores 81 points , and the list goes on ………..he’s been controversial but that what makes him entertaining off the court and on the court
admin answers:
They all have their own unique personalities which is why the league is so great, unlike the NFL where the commisioner attempts to limit the players personality.
But i gotta say its Shaq, the countless nicknames, the movies, the rapping, the tv shows, the endless funny quotes, the feuds he has created, no doubt bout it.
PS: Have loved Ron-Ron’s personality, he is great with fans on Twitter, I dont think he is trying hard its just thats the way he is, come on look at his post game interviews after the championship, those were true emotions lol, seen him on tv quite a few during summer and he is funny, great he has now been able to change the perception bout him since the brawl.
Laura asks…
Is there really a scientific consensus on AGW, or is “scientific consensus” just an attention-getter?
Maybe the ‘consensus’ is just within the group of scientists who support the idea.
Here’s a link showing many scientists who disagree with the entire notion of agw. Below are a few examples. What do you think of their opinions?
“Warming fears are the worst scientific scandal in history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist
“Anyone who claims that the debate is over and the conclusions are firm has a fundamentally unscientific approach to one of the most momentous issues of our time.” – Solar physicist Dr. Pal Brekke, senior advisor to the Norwegian Space Centre in Oslo. Brekke has published more than 40 peer-reviewed scientific articles on the sun and solar interaction with the Earth.
“Many [scientists] are now searching for a way to back out quietly (from promoting warming fears), without having their professional careers ruined.” — Atmospheric physicist James A. Peden, formerly of the Space Research and Coordination Center in Pittsburgh, Pa.
“Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly. The main basis of the claim that man’s release of greenhouse gases is the cause of the warming is based almost entirely upon climate models. We all know the frailty of models concerning the air-surface system” – Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology, and formerly of NASA, who has authored more than 190 studies and has been called “among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years.”
“Earth has cooled since 1998 in defiance of the predictions by the UN-IPCC….The global temperature for 2007 was the coldest in a decade and the coldest of the millennium…which is why ‘global warming’ is now called ‘climate change.’” – Climatologist Dr. Richard Keen of the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Colorado
Dana, the names on this list are all scientists.
Benjamin, check my link. There are no tv weathermen here.
admin answers:
Consensus depends on who you talk to and what they study. Those who are still pushing AGW are mostly extreme liberals close to full communists in their base philosophy and political view. When you talk to moderate or conservative educators their normal concern currently is rapidly shifting from being concerned over a potential mild warming over the next 200 years to being exceeding concerned about the potential of dropping off into either a minor or worse ice age.
Their biggest concern currently is that we have an exceptionally liberal president that has signed on to the most radical portions of the AGW pogrom. Most of them know that the world has massively cooled in the last 3 years and are shocked at the left wing liberals refusing to acknowledge the climate shift that has already happened in just 3 short years. It is absolutely amazing just how fast the planets lose heat when the sun shuts down completely.
We as a people really need to study and learn what causes the sun to vary its output to the extent we have observed it to do over the last 600 years. Political liberalism is becoming even more of a disaster to the world and nation than I even believed it could ever be.
The real problem is that those who promote the AGW agenda know very little about science and how things really work. The sun is the source of 98% of the energy that warms the earth.
Donald asks…
Do most employers in NY obey this law when hiring people with criminal convictions?
The majority of states allow employers to refuse to hire anyone with a conviction record – or even an arrest that never led to conviction – because they have absolutely no guidelines or regulations on how an employer must evaluate a criminal history when considering an applicant. Only fourteen states have legal standards governing public employers’ consideration of an applicant’s criminal record that require an individualized assessment of the applicant’s qualifications and ability to do the job. These states are: Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Wisconsin. To see an overview of the laws of all fourteen states, click here. Only five of those states – Hawaii, Kansas, New York, and Wisconsin – regulate private employers. Even when it comes to granting licenses for a wide range of occupations, only 21 states have standards that require a “direct,” “rational,” or “reasonable” relationship between the license sought and the applicant’s criminal history to justify the agency’s denial of license, while the other 29 states do not.
For a complete description of the 50 states’ laws concerning employment of people with criminal records, please see the Legal Action Center’s report After Prison: Roadblocks to Reentry at
New York
The New York State Human Rights Law states that an applicant may not be denied
employment or licensure because of his or her conviction record unless there is a direct
relationship between the offense and the job or license sought, or unless hiring or
licensure would create an unreasonable risk to property or to public or individual safety.21
This law applies to employers with ten or more employees.22 A person with a criminal
record who is denied employment is entitled to a statement of the reasons for such
denial.23 Factors to consider in analyzing whether employment may be denied are found
in N.Y. Corrections Law, Article 23-A.24 In addition, an employer may not inquire about
nor act upon an arrest that was terminated or determined in favor of the individual.25
admin answers:
They do, but with hundreds of applicants per job opening, if not thousands, a simple “we hired someone more qualified” will suffice. There is no need to force your employees to associate with criminals.
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Your Questions About History International
Sandy asks…
Why is History International obsessed with Hitler?
Everytime i flip thru the channels I see Histi playing SOMETHING about hitler, I mean its NON-STOP.
I asked around and people said that its being run by Jews who wont let go of the past!
What are your opinions?
Keep in mind that i am talking about History International NOT History Channel.
admin answers:
I watch History channel and History International but if your talking about watching Hitler all of the time your more likely talking about the Military Channel. They show Hitler all of the time. I guess the reason why Hitler is talked about so much is best he is one of the most infamous leaders in world history. And the fact that there was cameras during his regime.
William asks…
what are the chances of me getting into LSE to study international relations and history?
It require an ABB, im predicted an ABB. I’m in year 13, its also my first choice. I wrote in my personal statment about all sort of international history- not just british etc. Ive also done extra ciriculum things such as Mandarin and a 2 week language course in france in galleries lafayette etc etc. Ive heard its pretty competitive….im really worried!
admin answers:
I would try and beat those grades LSE is one of the top Unis in the world !
Charles asks…
what is better to study, international business or history for international relations ,politics?
Gotta make a decision. Shall I study International business or history?
admin answers:
That would depend on what you are more interested in. I would go with business if you plan on finding a job more easily. The history would be useful for understanding the world and why it has problems today.
Michael asks…
How hard is studying history, international studies, and philosophy in graduate school?
And what are some schools to consider for history? My adviser strongly recommends his alma mater berkeley…but I was leaning more towards columbia or coming back to my state and attending NC State Uni.
admin answers:
It all depends on what kind of history you want to study – american history? Better go in america. Egyptian history – might consider egypt .
Its not hard if you love it. If you love it – all the work will be fun to you and you’ll enjoy it. We all have to learn how to work at some point – but – we make it work because we love what we do!
Good schools? That’s alllll a matter of opinion!
Laura asks…
Are there any types of jobs involving history/international business?
I’m currently a high school student and I honestly have no idea what I want to do when I grow up. What I do know is that I want to do something were I can go to a different country, learn history, experience new cultures or something where I can help people. I thought about anthropology but are there any other jobs? I do plan on going to college. Maybe knowing what kind of profession I’m aiming for will help me chose what to study. Can you help me?
admin answers:
Thats right
Joseph asks…
Can you become a Doctor with a undergrad degree in International History?
Posted early about becoming a Corporate Lawyer but my sister suggested that I should become a doctor, but i’m almost dome my undergrad degree in International History. so my question it can I get into med school with a History degree? thanks for every ones help
admin answers:
Minimum undergrad course requirements for medical school is:
1 year biology with lab
2 years chemistry (general chem & organic chem) with labs
1 year physics with lab
1 year English
1 year calculus, statistics, or other higher level math
As long as you’ve taken those classes you can have your bachelor’s degree in any subject.
Doing well in your science classes and on the MCAT exam will get you through the minimum qualifications, but you will still have to compete against the thousands of other applicants who have been preparing for medical school for a long time and vying for a one of very select slots in medical school.
Chris asks…
how long does international business go back in history?
i cant seem to find where in history did international business start.can someone help me please?
admin answers:
It goes as far back as written history. To the silk and spice trades. Egypt traded with other countries and it was going on before that.
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About History Colorado Center
Nancy asks…
Thinking of starting a webcomic, would like feedback on this plotline…?
So this idea had been bouncing around in my head for the last several years, and I’ve tried to make it work several times since then, but I hated how it turned out, to say the least.
Anyhow, I feel like I can go somewhere with what I have right now, but I’d still like some opinions on what you all think. Here goes…
It is the year 2019, and the state of Colorado has spiraled out of control. From the skyline of Denver and the Rocky Mountains to the small farming communities of the northeast, dozens of street gangs have emerged to sow the seeds of violence aross the land. The wallets of others have tainted what little police remain in the state, and the only hope for law and order is the highest bidder.
Enter the Hydra Syndicate, a collection of bounty hunters, psychopaths, spies, and other dregs of this wretched society. For years, their powerful leaders–a teenage ex-circus star called “Mamba” Max Gareth, and the socialite hacker Zev “Eagle” Ricasso–have had a vision of peace…of a Colorado without crime and corruption. And the two boys intend to fulfill that vision no matter the cost.
But everything is about to change.
On a warm August evening, a meteor strikes near the town of Pierce, Colorado–the heart of Syndicate territory, and a strange-looking young girl is seen wandering through the center of town. The girl has no trace of a past–not a memory to her name–and her only possession is an old and battered flute. The words she speaks are nonsense, like no language ever heard before, and her talents are like nothng the Syndicate has ever seen. But strangest of all is her stunning resemblance to Max’s little sister…who died in his arms more than five years ago…
So begins the plot of “Julie”–the bleak, bloody, and darkly humorous life of two boys with a dream, the sacrifices that made it happen, and one girl’s search for identity that will change the course of history.
So, there you have it. My main concern for this plotline is that I’m not going to be able to take it seriously enough, especially since I’m planning it to involve human/animal hybrids, a mysterious traveling carnival, a three-legged stalker, and Lord knows what else. So if anyone wants to be the critic–go right ahead, I’d love to hear everything you have to say.
admin answers:
That’s a really good head start for a webcomic, I must say, better than most I’ve ever read. It’s well-written and definitely is an exciting introduction to a great story. To answer your question, I think your plotline is off to a good start (iow I don’t have anything real nasty to say if that’s what you’re looking for xD (’cause it’s impossible! :])) i wonder a bit what the cause of Colorado’s collapse was so maybe you could elaborate more on that, but that questions came up after i tried looking hard into it, and no one reading a webcomic would really do that.
But the key thing here is *executing* that plot. What you have is only a very good beginning; what you need to do now is start planning and specifying what Max and Zev are looking for/aiming towards to achieve their goal for peace (is it a journey to overthrow that large bidding corperation or something else? What means would they be forced to take to obtain the power they need to achieve their goal? Be uber specific!), as well as what will happen as they do (the epic conclusion must not be anticlimactic).
Get as solid an idea as possible of the places and actions the characters will take and how it effects the next step/scene (ie. Draw a plot map) and your plotline is golden.
As for incorporating your other more miscellaneous creative ideas, do so only with bearing the plotline in mind. Don’t have your characters make these sacrifices just for the sake of having sacrifices. If you wield your train of thought well, you’ll be fine weaving in any amount of crazy characters
Lastly, a word about webcomics. Commonly known, It’s ideal for the quality of the art to match the quality of the story, but that rarely happens. You could really bring that story into something fantastic, but I imagine if the art isn’t good enough to reiterate what you were trying to express, it’ll only dull its potential. I’d recommend turning this into web novel first (to fictionpress maybe), if you can’t find the right artist just yet.
That’s all I’ve got to say. Thanks for reading (/hasn’t grammar checked >
Lizzie asks…
No North Pole by This SUMMER!?
Arctic sea ice could break apart completely at the North Pole this year, allowing ships to sail over the normally frozen top of the world.
The potential landmark thaw – the first time in human history the pole would be ice-free – is a stark sign of global warming, according to an article Friday on the web site of the The Independent, a London newspaper.
“Symbolically it is hugely important,” said Mark Serreze of the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado. “There is supposed to be ice at the North Pole, not open water.”
Last year, the fabled Northwest Passage opened as Arctic ice retreated more than ever before.
There is no land at the North Pole, but as long as anyone has looked, it has remained a giant block of ice year-round. Scientists have been watching Arctic sea ice melt more and more each year. But each summer in recent years, the amount of ice has gotten thinner and thinner. Each winter’s freeze, therefore, results in a thinner pack that, this summer, could melt altogether.
“The issue is that, for the first time that I am aware of, the North Pole is covered with extensive first-year ice,” Serreze is quoted by The Independent. “I’d say it’s even-odds whether the North Pole melts out.”
Russia and other countries, meanwhile, have been arguing over who has rights to the region’s resources, including potential oil reserves.
Several studies in recent years have predicted that the North Pole could be ice-free within a few decades. Alarm has ratcheted up every summer as the ice gets thinner and thinner. In a study released June 10, scientist said the rapid meltoff in the Arctic could threaten permafrost in continental soil elsewhere above the Arctic circle in a warm version of the snowball effect.
Last summer saw a record melt of Arctic sea ice, which shrank to more than 30 percent below its average. Around the peak of the melt, in September, air temperatures over land in the western Arctic from August to October were more than 4 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius) above the 1978-2006 average.
“The rapid loss of sea ice can trigger widespread changes that would be felt across the region,” said Andrew Slater, also of the National Snow and Ice Data Center.
What is your opinion!?!
admin answers:
Seew, your right, how could we have let this happen? The Arctic is one of the worlds known landmarks recolonized for it’s winter wonder land look, not to mention its natural beauty!! I truly hope that this situation changer for the better because they are already talking about the future extinction of the Polar bears!!!! I just cant imagine it!
Sandy asks…
Is it true…”You can go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide.”?
That’s a quote from Dr. Reid Bryson. I think it pretty much summarizes his position on the hypothesis of global warming being caused by CO2. Unfortunately he died in 2008 but I did come across an article on him before he died regarding climate change.
Before you read the article, you should have some sort of background on his credentials. Keep these in mind as you read his words.
- was identified by the British Institute of Geographers as the most frequently cited climatologist in the world
- holds the 30th PhD in Meteorology granted in the history of American education
- Emeritus Professor and founding chairman of the University of Wisconsin Department of Meteorology
- in the 1970s he became the first director of what’s now the UW’s Gaylord Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies
- member of the United Nations Global 500 Roll of Honor
- has written more than 200 articles and five books ranging over the fields of geology, limnology, meteorology, climatology, archeology, and geography
- his volcanic eruptions and aerosol optical depth data has been added to the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology in Boulder, Colorado
Not surprisingly, he has been called “the father of the science of modern climatology.” When he first presented a paper before the AAAS that suggested that humans could affect the climate, he was laughed off the platform.
Does anything in that article make you question the certainty of man made climate change keeping in mind the credentials of Dr Reid Bryson?
admin answers:
Dana the great just neutralized half of his allies’ excuses. Nice job Dana!
I remember linking to this article a long time ago. It’s good stuff.
Chris asks…
why americans (USA) killed so many native indians in America? why?
Wars of the West timeline
Great Plains
Comanche Wars (1836–1875) on the southern plains, primarily Texas Republic and the state
Dakota War of 1862 — skirmishes in the southwestern quadrant of Minnesota result in hundreds dead. In the largest mass execution in U.S. history, 38 Dakota were hanged. About 1,600 others were sent to a reservation in present-day South Dakota.
Red Cloud’s War (1866–1868) — Lakota chief Makhpyia Luta (Red Cloud) conducts the most successful attacks against the U.S. Army during the Indian Wars. By the Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868), the U.S. granted a large reservation to the Lakota, without military presence or oversight, no settlements, and no reserved road building rights. The reservation included the entire Black Hills.
Colorado War (1864–1865) — clashes centered on the Colorado Eastern Plains between the U.S. Army and an alliance consisting largely of the Cheyenne and Arapaho.
Sand Creek Massacre (1864) — John Chivington killed more than 450 surrendered Cheyenne and Arapaho.
Comanche Campaign (1867–1875) — Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan, in command of the Department of the Missouri, instituted winter campaigning in 1868–69 as a means of rooting out the elusive Indian tribes scattered throughout the border regions of Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, and Texas.[8]
Fort Wallace, Kansas-June, 26th, 1867-Sgt Frederick Wyllyams of Co G, 7th U.S. Cavalry-killed by Indians
See Fifth Military District {Texas} for reports of US Cavalry vs. Native Americans from August 1867 to September 1869. (US Cavalry units in Texas were the 4th Cavalry Regiment (United States); 6th Cavalry Regiment (United States) and the 9th Cavalry Regiment (United States)).
Battle of Beecher Island (1868) — northern Cheyenne under war leader Roman Nose fought scouts of the U.S. 9th Cavalry Regiment in a nine-day battle.
Buff Creek, Kansas-October, 2, 1868- Walter Johnson of Co E, 7th U.S. Cavalry killed by Indians
Battle of Washita River (1868) — George Armstrong Custer’s 7th U.S. Cavalry attacked Black Kettle’s Cheyenne village on the Washita River (near present day Cheyenne, Oklahoma). 250 men, women and children were killed.
Battle of Summit Springs (1869) Cheyenne Dog Soldiers led by Tall Bull defeated by elements of U.S. Army under command of Colonel Eugene A. Carr. Tall Bull died, reportedly killed by Buffalo Bill Cody.
Battle of Palo Duro Canyon (1874) — Cheyenne, Comanche, and Kiowa warriors engaged elements of the U.S. 4th Cavalry Regiment led by Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie.
Red River War (1874–1875) — between Comanche and U.S. forces under the command of William Sherman and Lt. General Phillip Sheridan.
Black Hills War, or Little Big Horn Campaign (1876–1877) — Lakota under Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse fought the U.S. after repeated violations of the Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868).
Battle of Powder River(1876) — Cheyanne under Little Wolf clash with U.S.Army and Shoshone and Crow Allies
Battle of the Rosebud (1876) — Lakota under Tasunka witko clashed with U.S. Army column moving to reinforce Custer’s 7th Cavalry.
Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876) — Sioux and Cheyenne under the leadership of Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse defeated the 7th Cavalry under George Armstrong Custer.
Cheyenne Campaign or Cheyenne War (1878–1879) — a conflict between the United States’ armed forces and a small group of Cheyenne families.
Pine Ridge Campaign (November 1890 – January 1891) — numerous unresolved grievances led to the last major conflict with the Sioux. A lopsided engagement that involved almost half the infantry and cavalry of the Regular Army caused the surviving warriors to lay down their arms and retreat to their reservations in January 1891.
Wounded Knee Massacre (December 29, 1890) — Sitting Bull’s half-brother, Big Foot, and 152 other Sioux were killed — 25 U.S. cavalrymen also died in the engagement. 7th Cavalry Only fourteen days before, Sitting Bull had been killed with his son Crow Foot at Standing Rock Agency in a gun battle with a group of Indian police that had been sent by the American government to arrest him.
Navajo Wars (1861–1864) — ended with Long Walk of the Navajo — Arizona Territory and New Mexico Territory.
Hualapai or Walapais War (1864–1869) — Arizona Territory
Apache Wars or Apache Campaigns (1864–1886) Careleton put Mescelero on reservation with Navajos at Sumner and continued until 1886, when Geronimo surrendered.
Pacific Northwest-Great Basin
Tonquin incident, Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia
Cayuse War (1848–1855) — Oregon Territory-Washington Territory
Puget Sound War (1855–1856) — Washington Territory
Rogue River Wars (1855–1856) — Oregon Territory
Yakima War (1855–1858) — Washington Territory
The Fraser Canyon War (1858) in the Colony of British Columbia involved American irregular militias; violence along the Okanagan Trail to the Fraser goldfields is associated with
you are right, killers are killers and there is nothing more to say.
admin answers:
Because white people are evil.
John asks…
Who do you think is the most entertaining NBA person of the decade?
Pick from this list:
Mark Cuban: His love and passion for the dallas marvericks franchise …He would create so much controversy during NBA games by running out to the court , arguing with refs , and saying whatever was on his mind…. and he didn’t care if he was fined millions or thousands of dollars …u gotta love a owner that cares about his team with passion…espcailly with those frowns and weird looks when the mavs lost..
Shaq: One of the biggest household names in sports history…….. he’s a movie star , rapper , and dominant NBA center……..besides from that his personality and memorable quotes gives fans entertainment besides from his basketball…….” I DON”T CARE ABOUT THE SACRAMENTO QUEENS”
Charles Barkley: Even though he was on his way to retirement in the 2000s….His nonsense NBA anaylzing makes TNT fun to watch……..Barkley should be the main reason why TNT NBA halftime is getting rating and awards
Ron Artest: The next generation of a Dennis Rodman player …but do you think he’s trying to hard sometimes?………..Even though the Detroit brawl was a unpleasant thing to watch it was still entertaining in a gulity pleasure type of way…….besides from that this guys crazy ….lol
Lebron James: You gotta love a superstar that can make u laugh on SNL and dress up like james brown…… Lebron is a great entertainer on the court and off the court…….. and don’t forget the Lebron and Kobe puppets
Jeff and Stan Van Gundy: I always thought Jeff never had a personality if you ever seen him coach the knicks…..but this guy has a lot of humor and things to say during his commentating… and stan just loves being that aggressive NBA coach I swear they always show him yelling in the locker room during a Orlando magic game…….besides from that one looks like Steve Busemi and the other looks like Ron Jermeny
Steve Nash: Come on I bet everybody was shocked when we saw what this guy can really do during his early years in dallas……..and what he did for the Suns……plus Two M.V.P and a couple of all star trips … he’s fun to watch with his flamboyant plays….. great class in NBA character
Kobe: Shaq and Kobe Era championships started in 2000… the shaq and kobe controversy… kobe false rape case in colorado… kobe don’t get along with shaq , kobe dont get along with phil jackson, kobe finally wins a M.V.P in 2008 , kobe wants to be traded because he hates the lakers, kobe wants jason kidd instead of andrew bynum, kobe scores 81 points , and the list goes on ………..he’s been controversial but that what makes him entertaining off the court and on the court
admin answers:
They all have their own unique personalities which is why the league is so great, unlike the NFL where the commisioner attempts to limit the players personality.
But i gotta say its Shaq, the countless nicknames, the movies, the rapping, the tv shows, the endless funny quotes, the feuds he has created, no doubt bout it.
PS: Have loved Ron-Ron’s personality, he is great with fans on Twitter, I dont think he is trying hard its just thats the way he is, come on look at his post game interviews after the championship, those were true emotions lol, seen him on tv quite a few during summer and he is funny, great he has now been able to change the perception bout him since the brawl.
David asks…
Is there really a scientific consensus on AGW, or is “scientific consensus” just an attention-getter?
Maybe the ‘consensus’ is just within the group of scientists who support the idea.
Here’s a link showing many scientists who disagree with the entire notion of agw. Below are a few examples. What do you think of their opinions?
“Warming fears are the worst scientific scandal in history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist
“Anyone who claims that the debate is over and the conclusions are firm has a fundamentally unscientific approach to one of the most momentous issues of our time.” – Solar physicist Dr. Pal Brekke, senior advisor to the Norwegian Space Centre in Oslo. Brekke has published more than 40 peer-reviewed scientific articles on the sun and solar interaction with the Earth.
“Many [scientists] are now searching for a way to back out quietly (from promoting warming fears), without having their professional careers ruined.” — Atmospheric physicist James A. Peden, formerly of the Space Research and Coordination Center in Pittsburgh, Pa.
“Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly. The main basis of the claim that man’s release of greenhouse gases is the cause of the warming is based almost entirely upon climate models. We all know the frailty of models concerning the air-surface system” – Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology, and formerly of NASA, who has authored more than 190 studies and has been called “among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years.”
“Earth has cooled since 1998 in defiance of the predictions by the UN-IPCC….The global temperature for 2007 was the coldest in a decade and the coldest of the millennium…which is why ‘global warming’ is now called ‘climate change.’” – Climatologist Dr. Richard Keen of the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Colorado
Dana, the names on this list are all scientists.
Benjamin, check my link. There are no tv weathermen here.
admin answers:
Consensus depends on who you talk to and what they study. Those who are still pushing AGW are mostly extreme liberals close to full communists in their base philosophy and political view. When you talk to moderate or conservative educators their normal concern currently is rapidly shifting from being concerned over a potential mild warming over the next 200 years to being exceeding concerned about the potential of dropping off into either a minor or worse ice age.
Their biggest concern currently is that we have an exceptionally liberal president that has signed on to the most radical portions of the AGW pogrom. Most of them know that the world has massively cooled in the last 3 years and are shocked at the left wing liberals refusing to acknowledge the climate shift that has already happened in just 3 short years. It is absolutely amazing just how fast the planets lose heat when the sun shuts down completely.
We as a people really need to study and learn what causes the sun to vary its output to the extent we have observed it to do over the last 600 years. Political liberalism is becoming even more of a disaster to the world and nation than I even believed it could ever be.
The real problem is that those who promote the AGW agenda know very little about science and how things really work. The sun is the source of 98% of the energy that warms the earth.
Steven asks…
Do most employers in NY obey this law when hiring people with criminal convictions?
The majority of states allow employers to refuse to hire anyone with a conviction record – or even an arrest that never led to conviction – because they have absolutely no guidelines or regulations on how an employer must evaluate a criminal history when considering an applicant. Only fourteen states have legal standards governing public employers’ consideration of an applicant’s criminal record that require an individualized assessment of the applicant’s qualifications and ability to do the job. These states are: Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Wisconsin. To see an overview of the laws of all fourteen states, click here. Only five of those states – Hawaii, Kansas, New York, and Wisconsin – regulate private employers. Even when it comes to granting licenses for a wide range of occupations, only 21 states have standards that require a “direct,” “rational,” or “reasonable” relationship between the license sought and the applicant’s criminal history to justify the agency’s denial of license, while the other 29 states do not.
For a complete description of the 50 states’ laws concerning employment of people with criminal records, please see the Legal Action Center’s report After Prison: Roadblocks to Reentry at
New York
The New York State Human Rights Law states that an applicant may not be denied
employment or licensure because of his or her conviction record unless there is a direct
relationship between the offense and the job or license sought, or unless hiring or
licensure would create an unreasonable risk to property or to public or individual safety.21
This law applies to employers with ten or more employees.22 A person with a criminal
record who is denied employment is entitled to a statement of the reasons for such
denial.23 Factors to consider in analyzing whether employment may be denied are found
in N.Y. Corrections Law, Article 23-A.24 In addition, an employer may not inquire about
nor act upon an arrest that was terminated or determined in favor of the individual.25
admin answers:
They do, but with hundreds of applicants per job opening, if not thousands, a simple “we hired someone more qualified” will suffice. There is no need to force your employees to associate with criminals.
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Your Questions About History International
Thomas asks…
Why is History International obsessed with Hitler?
Everytime i flip thru the channels I see Histi playing SOMETHING about hitler, I mean its NON-STOP.
I asked around and people said that its being run by Jews who wont let go of the past!
What are your opinions?
Keep in mind that i am talking about History International NOT History Channel.
admin answers:
I watch History channel and History International but if your talking about watching Hitler all of the time your more likely talking about the Military Channel. They show Hitler all of the time. I guess the reason why Hitler is talked about so much is best he is one of the most infamous leaders in world history. And the fact that there was cameras during his regime.
Lisa asks…
what are the chances of me getting into LSE to study international relations and history?
It require an ABB, im predicted an ABB. I’m in year 13, its also my first choice. I wrote in my personal statment about all sort of international history- not just british etc. Ive also done extra ciriculum things such as Mandarin and a 2 week language course in france in galleries lafayette etc etc. Ive heard its pretty competitive….im really worried!
admin answers:
I would try and beat those grades LSE is one of the top Unis in the world !
Maria asks…
what is better to study, international business or history for international relations ,politics?
Gotta make a decision. Shall I study International business or history?
admin answers:
That would depend on what you are more interested in. I would go with business if you plan on finding a job more easily. The history would be useful for understanding the world and why it has problems today.
Donna asks…
How hard is studying history, international studies, and philosophy in graduate school?
And what are some schools to consider for history? My adviser strongly recommends his alma mater berkeley…but I was leaning more towards columbia or coming back to my state and attending NC State Uni.
admin answers:
It all depends on what kind of history you want to study – american history? Better go in america. Egyptian history – might consider egypt .
Its not hard if you love it. If you love it – all the work will be fun to you and you’ll enjoy it. We all have to learn how to work at some point – but – we make it work because we love what we do!
Good schools? That’s alllll a matter of opinion!
Jenny asks…
Are there any types of jobs involving history/international business?
I’m currently a high school student and I honestly have no idea what I want to do when I grow up. What I do know is that I want to do something were I can go to a different country, learn history, experience new cultures or something where I can help people. I thought about anthropology but are there any other jobs? I do plan on going to college. Maybe knowing what kind of profession I’m aiming for will help me chose what to study. Can you help me?
admin answers:
Thats right
Mark asks…
Can you become a Doctor with a undergrad degree in International History?
Posted early about becoming a Corporate Lawyer but my sister suggested that I should become a doctor, but i’m almost dome my undergrad degree in International History. so my question it can I get into med school with a History degree? thanks for every ones help
admin answers:
Minimum undergrad course requirements for medical school is:
1 year biology with lab
2 years chemistry (general chem & organic chem) with labs
1 year physics with lab
1 year English
1 year calculus, statistics, or other higher level math
As long as you’ve taken those classes you can have your bachelor’s degree in any subject.
Doing well in your science classes and on the MCAT exam will get you through the minimum qualifications, but you will still have to compete against the thousands of other applicants who have been preparing for medical school for a long time and vying for a one of very select slots in medical school.
George asks…
how long does international business go back in history?
i cant seem to find where in history did international business start.can someone help me please?
admin answers:
It goes as far back as written history. To the silk and spice trades. Egypt traded with other countries and it was going on before that.
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