Archive for June 7, 2011
Your Questions About Best Deals On Cars
Steven asks…
Where can i find the best car deals?
Where can i find a website to compare the best deals on cars?
Do you know of any good small cars where i can pay say 50-100 pounds a month for the car?
admin answers:
Ruth asks…
Where can I find the best car deals?
I’m looking for a one stop shop that can help me to get the best deal on a car. I have couple of brands and models in mind and I don’t want to spend too much time haggling with different dealerships.
admin answers:
I would look around on ebay. There is usually a lot of good deals on both brand new cars from dealers as well as used or slightly used cars.
Charles asks…
do you really get the best deals on cars around the end of the month?
I know its crunch time for them to meet their quota for the month, but do you think i’d be able to get the same price a few days into the month as i did at the end? any personal experiences? and does anyone own a hyundai accent? will either buy this or the ford focus next time they have 3000 cash back. plus my mom works with ford. thats another 8-900 off.
admin answers:
The best time to get deals on cars is when there is a holiday promotion. The end of the month in the car business is just as important as the middle and the beginning of the month. Look for 0% APR, and rebates as incentives to purchase a new vehicle.
There may be more demand for sales towards the end of the month if the store has not hit its target, however this advantage is to the customer for the dealer will be more willing to sell the vehicle than negotiate price.
Michael asks…
Searching for best car deal. What site always keeps very up-to-date on the best car deals?
I’m trying to find a car but I know that the deals/rebates/sales/etc change week to week. What web site is always up to date on the latest good deals?
admin answers:
Your best option is to get a copy of Autotrader your local paper store. They’re cheap and should be up to date. You can try their website or as well.
James asks…
Im 16 and just got my license i need some answers on whats the best deal of cars out there right now? thanks?
Best cars to buy right now?
admin answers:
What price range?
Susan asks…
where can i find the best deals on used cars under 15 thousand?
where can i find the best deals on used cars under 15 thousand? and is in good condition and low mileage. a good first car for teenagers.
admin answers: A lot of dealerships use this website to sell cars that have been on there lot for an extended period of time (a month or more). The prices they show on this site tend to be lower than if you showed up to the dealership in person without ever viewing it on-line.
Ken asks…
is there websites where u can search for the best deals on cars?
for leasing/financing in my area?
admin answers:
Check out it’s a great site for finding deals and what you should be paying for a car. It also helps you with ideas for financing and I believe lets you search locally.
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Your Questions About History Of Mexico
Nancy asks…
I have to do an essay on something in New Mexico History. Any suggestions?
I have to do an essay on something in New Mexico history that can go all they way back to the time of Onate or Cortez. I need a subject though and its really hard to pick one because New Mexico sucks and nothing interesting ever happened here. Please give me a good, reliable, subject?
admin answers:
Pancho Villa and the raid on Columbus, NM in 1916.
Laura asks…
how did Fransisco Vasquez de Coronado affect the history of New Mexico.?
what is the significance of his expedition . and what was the historical influence this exploreer had on the founding of New Mexico? why is he important to New Mexico history?
admin answers:
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was a Spanish explorer who led an expedition to the American Southwest from 1540 to 1542. He was searching for the legendary “Seven Cities of Cibola”. He believed that these cities were rich in gold and other treasures. With 300 Spanish soldiers and a larger number of Indians he began his journey near what is now Gallup, New Mexico. He sent expeditions out from there to explore to the west and east. Although they never found the “Seven Cities of Cibola” they explored parts of the Southwest, like the Rio Grande Valley in New Mexico, the Grand Canyon in Arizona, and other lands as far away as what is now Kansas. Coronado is important to New Mexico because of his explorations. I hope that this has been a help to you.
Donald asks…
Mexican Football:Who is the best Mexican player in the History of Mexico?
Ok Who is the best player to wear your club Jersey in your opinion?
Who is the best to wear the “tri” Color jersey?
Mexico- Jared Borgetti
(Club)Chivas- Ramon Morales or Salvador Reyes. Sorry i never saw a lot of the Older players play.
admin answers:
Club – either borgetti or pony
mexico – idk thats a hard one
Carol asks…
Can you recommend a well-written history of Mexico?
I am interested in learning something about Mexican history. (I visited there last year and was very taken with the country.) I am thinking of a book that would cover history from the Mayans to the present day, and about 500 pages or less.
admin answers:
I would HIGHLY recommend a book titled:
Fire & Blood: A History of Mexico
by T.R. Fehrenbach
It’s a bit lengthier than what you were asking, but it does cover the information very well. Here’s where you can get it; hope it helps!
P.S. It covers up to 1995 so hopefully an updated edition might be out soon… If you were interested in the political shift as well, you might try this one:
Opening Mexico:
The Making of a Democracy
by Julia Preston and Samuel Dillon
Lizzie asks…
How has the Mexican language influenced the history of Mexico?
Thanks! Just a short paragraph answer is fine, you know how it is lmao
My friend needs to know for information gathering project. I think its a weird question really
admin answers:
If by “the Mexican language” you mean the way Spanish is spoken in Mexico I would say that history has influenced the language rather than the language influencing the history. There are several events in Mexican history that have contributed to phrases that are used and the way people speak.
Sandy asks…
where could i find a decent timeline of the history of mexico?
im doing a research report on the history of mexico and i need to have important things that have happened 1940-2010 if you could please help me out id realy appreciate it a link would be fine thanx
admin answers:
Countries, Facts & Figures.
History of Nations
This site has a history of every nation in the world as well as many non-sovereign territories. Each country is covered by a brief essay, which gives the highlights of each nation’s history.
Robert asks…
20th century History of Mexico, Argentina, Brazil-Which has been the most politically stable and why?
I have no idea please help.
admin answers:
Only one not to succumb to a military dictatorship.
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Your Questions About History Of Easter
Charles asks…
What were the major points of the history in Easter Island?
Like, events in chronological order, or why all the trees were gone in detail and why the people of Easter ISland didnt see the destruction coming?
admin answers:
A baby bunny was born is a stable and grew to become the easter bunny. Then they developed a chocolate manufacturing plant and all the Bunnies on easter island worked in the chocolate factory and give out chocolate eggs at easter.
Maria asks…
What is the history of Easter and how to celebrate it?
I would like to know more details about this festival.Thanks a lot.
admin answers:
Easter is an ancient Christian festival whose origins go back to near the beginning of Christianity – back to the 2nd century at least.
It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ which happened on “the third day” following his death by crucifixion.
According to the Bible, this all happened around the time of the Jewish Passover so this feast was first celebrated either shortly after passover or on the nearest Sunday. It was also generally named the Christian Passover so in Greek is called Pesach, in Italian Pascha, in French Paques. Easter is the name in English from the Anglo-Saxon word for April when it usually occurs.
In the fourth century, the church settled on the Sunday after Passover and also adopted its own method for calculating Easter as the Jews did not have a consistent method of their own.
The celebration of Easter in most churches is part of the “Triduum” 3 days. It starts the Thursday before with a celebration of the Last Supper – Christ’s last meal with his disciples, followed by Good Friday with a commemoration of Christ’s death.
Many churches have a service on the Saturday night – traditionally starting near Midnight – with the greatest service of the year – the Easter Vigil – celebrating the Resurrection. There is also a service early on Easter morning celebrating the resurrection but particularly its discovery and revelation to the apostles.
Folk customs around Easter are many and varied and focus largely on celebratory food stuffs because Christians traditionally would fast during Lent, the 7 weeks leading up to Easter. Decorated eggs (these days chocolate ones) or sweets are given as gifts, special cakes are made and a feast held.
Sharon asks…
What is the history of Easter? What is the Christian perspective of this holiday about?
Why did they choose that time for Passover?
admin answers:
Easter is a pagan festival, which always falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox (21st March). The early Christians absorbed this festival and renamed it when they were founding the religion in Europe (Saint’s Day are the same – religious squatting). In fact, many of the early churches in the UK are built on the site of old stone circles, hence they appear to lie on ‘lay lines’.
Passover is a Jewish festival, that happened to be taking place near to the death of Jesus. The early Church added another rule when deciding the date of Easter – it must not fall on passover. This was because to the early Christians, the Jews murdered their saviour.
Sandra asks…
How does biodiversity relate to the history of easter island?
admin answers:
The history of Easter Island is a negative example of biodiversity:
Once a thriving island, in cause of deforestation continuance of extinction happened. When it was “discovered” by Europeans in 1722, it was a barren landscape with no trees over ten feet in height, no animals besides rats and not more than around 2000 inhabitants.
Read Historical Consequences of Deforestation: Easter Island
Sandy asks…
History of Easter–Why is it in March some years and April others?
It seems like Ash wednesday is usually around the same time of year and I know Lent is the same amount of time, but why is it that Easter is sometimes in March and sometimes in early or even late April? I am trying to remember my Christian upbringings, but can’t seem to come up with an answer. Anyone know?
thanks for your time,
admin answers:
Easter is calculated to follow Passover which is based on the lunar calendar.
In 2008, Easter will be on Sunday, March 23.
Catholics and most Protestants use the new Gregorian calendar decreed by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 to calculate the date of Easter.
For more information, see:
The time of Easter is based on the cycles of the moon, the equinox, and seasons and things in nature.
In simple (?) terms Easter occurs on the first Sunday following the first full moon that occurs on or after the day of the vernal equinox (the first day of spring).
In 2008 the vernal equinox will be on Thursday, March 20. The first full moon after that will be Friday, March 21. Thus, Easter will be on Sunday, March 23.
The earliest Easter can be is March 22 as it was last in 1818 and will be next in 2285.
The latest Easter can be is April 25 as it was last in 1943 and will be next in 2038.
With love in Christ.
Lizzie asks…
What is the history behind celebrating easter with a rabbit?
Hi, yeah I know what easter is really about. The resurrection of Jesus Christ. But how did we get a holiday about a rabbit from that I really don’t get it. Anyone care to explain how and why people celebrate easter by coloring eggs and stuff. (When rabbits don’t lay eggs, another thing which I don’t get) Anyway please tell me. And remember that easter is really about us being saved by Jesus.
admin answers:
Rabbits and eggs are both symbols of the fertility goddess Eostre/Easter/Ishtar/Ostara. Her symbol is also the moon, in which some cultures see a rabbit instead of a face. Eggs also symbolize the moon and are the ultimate symbol of creation and new life. The basket is a symbol of the womb in which this new life is carried.
There is a lovely legend about the moon goddess Eostre, in which she came upon a dying bird. To save its life, she turned it into a rabbit, her strongest symbol. It lived but continued to lay eggs. In gratitude for its life, the rabbit gives her some of the eggs every year.
The feast day is pagan and was widely celebrated way before the time of Jesus. Like pretty much all holidays, it was adopted by Christians to help get more converts. However, since the point is to celebrate new life and the hope of continuance, Christian symbols of a Resurrection day and the old pagan symbols mean the same thing. Just like Christmas, we are all celebrating the same thing, just using different symbols.
Chris asks…
Who can tell me the History of Easter?
Who can tell me the history of Easter?
admin answers:
The story is too long to type into answers but these websites explain it well:
I hope this has helped
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Your Questions About History Colorado Center
Betty asks…
Thinking of starting a webcomic, would like feedback on this plotline…?
So this idea had been bouncing around in my head for the last several years, and I’ve tried to make it work several times since then, but I hated how it turned out, to say the least.
Anyhow, I feel like I can go somewhere with what I have right now, but I’d still like some opinions on what you all think. Here goes…
It is the year 2019, and the state of Colorado has spiraled out of control. From the skyline of Denver and the Rocky Mountains to the small farming communities of the northeast, dozens of street gangs have emerged to sow the seeds of violence aross the land. The wallets of others have tainted what little police remain in the state, and the only hope for law and order is the highest bidder.
Enter the Hydra Syndicate, a collection of bounty hunters, psychopaths, spies, and other dregs of this wretched society. For years, their powerful leaders–a teenage ex-circus star called “Mamba” Max Gareth, and the socialite hacker Zev “Eagle” Ricasso–have had a vision of peace…of a Colorado without crime and corruption. And the two boys intend to fulfill that vision no matter the cost.
But everything is about to change.
On a warm August evening, a meteor strikes near the town of Pierce, Colorado–the heart of Syndicate territory, and a strange-looking young girl is seen wandering through the center of town. The girl has no trace of a past–not a memory to her name–and her only possession is an old and battered flute. The words she speaks are nonsense, like no language ever heard before, and her talents are like nothng the Syndicate has ever seen. But strangest of all is her stunning resemblance to Max’s little sister…who died in his arms more than five years ago…
So begins the plot of “Julie”–the bleak, bloody, and darkly humorous life of two boys with a dream, the sacrifices that made it happen, and one girl’s search for identity that will change the course of history.
So, there you have it. My main concern for this plotline is that I’m not going to be able to take it seriously enough, especially since I’m planning it to involve human/animal hybrids, a mysterious traveling carnival, a three-legged stalker, and Lord knows what else. So if anyone wants to be the critic–go right ahead, I’d love to hear everything you have to say.
admin answers:
That’s a really good head start for a webcomic, I must say, better than most I’ve ever read. It’s well-written and definitely is an exciting introduction to a great story. To answer your question, I think your plotline is off to a good start (iow I don’t have anything real nasty to say if that’s what you’re looking for xD (’cause it’s impossible! :])) i wonder a bit what the cause of Colorado’s collapse was so maybe you could elaborate more on that, but that questions came up after i tried looking hard into it, and no one reading a webcomic would really do that.
But the key thing here is *executing* that plot. What you have is only a very good beginning; what you need to do now is start planning and specifying what Max and Zev are looking for/aiming towards to achieve their goal for peace (is it a journey to overthrow that large bidding corperation or something else? What means would they be forced to take to obtain the power they need to achieve their goal? Be uber specific!), as well as what will happen as they do (the epic conclusion must not be anticlimactic).
Get as solid an idea as possible of the places and actions the characters will take and how it effects the next step/scene (ie. Draw a plot map) and your plotline is golden.
As for incorporating your other more miscellaneous creative ideas, do so only with bearing the plotline in mind. Don’t have your characters make these sacrifices just for the sake of having sacrifices. If you wield your train of thought well, you’ll be fine weaving in any amount of crazy characters
Lastly, a word about webcomics. Commonly known, It’s ideal for the quality of the art to match the quality of the story, but that rarely happens. You could really bring that story into something fantastic, but I imagine if the art isn’t good enough to reiterate what you were trying to express, it’ll only dull its potential. I’d recommend turning this into web novel first (to fictionpress maybe), if you can’t find the right artist just yet.
That’s all I’ve got to say. Thanks for reading (/hasn’t grammar checked >
Daniel asks…
No North Pole by This SUMMER!?
Arctic sea ice could break apart completely at the North Pole this year, allowing ships to sail over the normally frozen top of the world.
The potential landmark thaw – the first time in human history the pole would be ice-free – is a stark sign of global warming, according to an article Friday on the web site of the The Independent, a London newspaper.
“Symbolically it is hugely important,” said Mark Serreze of the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado. “There is supposed to be ice at the North Pole, not open water.”
Last year, the fabled Northwest Passage opened as Arctic ice retreated more than ever before.
There is no land at the North Pole, but as long as anyone has looked, it has remained a giant block of ice year-round. Scientists have been watching Arctic sea ice melt more and more each year. But each summer in recent years, the amount of ice has gotten thinner and thinner. Each winter’s freeze, therefore, results in a thinner pack that, this summer, could melt altogether.
“The issue is that, for the first time that I am aware of, the North Pole is covered with extensive first-year ice,” Serreze is quoted by The Independent. “I’d say it’s even-odds whether the North Pole melts out.”
Russia and other countries, meanwhile, have been arguing over who has rights to the region’s resources, including potential oil reserves.
Several studies in recent years have predicted that the North Pole could be ice-free within a few decades. Alarm has ratcheted up every summer as the ice gets thinner and thinner. In a study released June 10, scientist said the rapid meltoff in the Arctic could threaten permafrost in continental soil elsewhere above the Arctic circle in a warm version of the snowball effect.
Last summer saw a record melt of Arctic sea ice, which shrank to more than 30 percent below its average. Around the peak of the melt, in September, air temperatures over land in the western Arctic from August to October were more than 4 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius) above the 1978-2006 average.
“The rapid loss of sea ice can trigger widespread changes that would be felt across the region,” said Andrew Slater, also of the National Snow and Ice Data Center.
What is your opinion!?!
admin answers:
Seew, your right, how could we have let this happen? The Arctic is one of the worlds known landmarks recolonized for it’s winter wonder land look, not to mention its natural beauty!! I truly hope that this situation changer for the better because they are already talking about the future extinction of the Polar bears!!!! I just cant imagine it!
Carol asks…
Is it true…”You can go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide.”?
That’s a quote from Dr. Reid Bryson. I think it pretty much summarizes his position on the hypothesis of global warming being caused by CO2. Unfortunately he died in 2008 but I did come across an article on him before he died regarding climate change.
Before you read the article, you should have some sort of background on his credentials. Keep these in mind as you read his words.
- was identified by the British Institute of Geographers as the most frequently cited climatologist in the world
- holds the 30th PhD in Meteorology granted in the history of American education
- Emeritus Professor and founding chairman of the University of Wisconsin Department of Meteorology
- in the 1970s he became the first director of what’s now the UW’s Gaylord Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies
- member of the United Nations Global 500 Roll of Honor
- has written more than 200 articles and five books ranging over the fields of geology, limnology, meteorology, climatology, archeology, and geography
- his volcanic eruptions and aerosol optical depth data has been added to the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology in Boulder, Colorado
Not surprisingly, he has been called “the father of the science of modern climatology.” When he first presented a paper before the AAAS that suggested that humans could affect the climate, he was laughed off the platform.
Does anything in that article make you question the certainty of man made climate change keeping in mind the credentials of Dr Reid Bryson?
admin answers:
Dana the great just neutralized half of his allies’ excuses. Nice job Dana!
I remember linking to this article a long time ago. It’s good stuff.
Susan asks…
why americans (USA) killed so many native indians in America? why?
Wars of the West timeline
Great Plains
Comanche Wars (1836–1875) on the southern plains, primarily Texas Republic and the state
Dakota War of 1862 — skirmishes in the southwestern quadrant of Minnesota result in hundreds dead. In the largest mass execution in U.S. history, 38 Dakota were hanged. About 1,600 others were sent to a reservation in present-day South Dakota.
Red Cloud’s War (1866–1868) — Lakota chief Makhpyia Luta (Red Cloud) conducts the most successful attacks against the U.S. Army during the Indian Wars. By the Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868), the U.S. granted a large reservation to the Lakota, without military presence or oversight, no settlements, and no reserved road building rights. The reservation included the entire Black Hills.
Colorado War (1864–1865) — clashes centered on the Colorado Eastern Plains between the U.S. Army and an alliance consisting largely of the Cheyenne and Arapaho.
Sand Creek Massacre (1864) — John Chivington killed more than 450 surrendered Cheyenne and Arapaho.
Comanche Campaign (1867–1875) — Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan, in command of the Department of the Missouri, instituted winter campaigning in 1868–69 as a means of rooting out the elusive Indian tribes scattered throughout the border regions of Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, and Texas.[8]
Fort Wallace, Kansas-June, 26th, 1867-Sgt Frederick Wyllyams of Co G, 7th U.S. Cavalry-killed by Indians
See Fifth Military District {Texas} for reports of US Cavalry vs. Native Americans from August 1867 to September 1869. (US Cavalry units in Texas were the 4th Cavalry Regiment (United States); 6th Cavalry Regiment (United States) and the 9th Cavalry Regiment (United States)).
Battle of Beecher Island (1868) — northern Cheyenne under war leader Roman Nose fought scouts of the U.S. 9th Cavalry Regiment in a nine-day battle.
Buff Creek, Kansas-October, 2, 1868- Walter Johnson of Co E, 7th U.S. Cavalry killed by Indians
Battle of Washita River (1868) — George Armstrong Custer’s 7th U.S. Cavalry attacked Black Kettle’s Cheyenne village on the Washita River (near present day Cheyenne, Oklahoma). 250 men, women and children were killed.
Battle of Summit Springs (1869) Cheyenne Dog Soldiers led by Tall Bull defeated by elements of U.S. Army under command of Colonel Eugene A. Carr. Tall Bull died, reportedly killed by Buffalo Bill Cody.
Battle of Palo Duro Canyon (1874) — Cheyenne, Comanche, and Kiowa warriors engaged elements of the U.S. 4th Cavalry Regiment led by Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie.
Red River War (1874–1875) — between Comanche and U.S. forces under the command of William Sherman and Lt. General Phillip Sheridan.
Black Hills War, or Little Big Horn Campaign (1876–1877) — Lakota under Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse fought the U.S. after repeated violations of the Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868).
Battle of Powder River(1876) — Cheyanne under Little Wolf clash with U.S.Army and Shoshone and Crow Allies
Battle of the Rosebud (1876) — Lakota under Tasunka witko clashed with U.S. Army column moving to reinforce Custer’s 7th Cavalry.
Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876) — Sioux and Cheyenne under the leadership of Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse defeated the 7th Cavalry under George Armstrong Custer.
Cheyenne Campaign or Cheyenne War (1878–1879) — a conflict between the United States’ armed forces and a small group of Cheyenne families.
Pine Ridge Campaign (November 1890 – January 1891) — numerous unresolved grievances led to the last major conflict with the Sioux. A lopsided engagement that involved almost half the infantry and cavalry of the Regular Army caused the surviving warriors to lay down their arms and retreat to their reservations in January 1891.
Wounded Knee Massacre (December 29, 1890) — Sitting Bull’s half-brother, Big Foot, and 152 other Sioux were killed — 25 U.S. cavalrymen also died in the engagement. 7th Cavalry Only fourteen days before, Sitting Bull had been killed with his son Crow Foot at Standing Rock Agency in a gun battle with a group of Indian police that had been sent by the American government to arrest him.
Navajo Wars (1861–1864) — ended with Long Walk of the Navajo — Arizona Territory and New Mexico Territory.
Hualapai or Walapais War (1864–1869) — Arizona Territory
Apache Wars or Apache Campaigns (1864–1886) Careleton put Mescelero on reservation with Navajos at Sumner and continued until 1886, when Geronimo surrendered.
Pacific Northwest-Great Basin
Tonquin incident, Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia
Cayuse War (1848–1855) — Oregon Territory-Washington Territory
Puget Sound War (1855–1856) — Washington Territory
Rogue River Wars (1855–1856) — Oregon Territory
Yakima War (1855–1858) — Washington Territory
The Fraser Canyon War (1858) in the Colony of British Columbia involved American irregular militias; violence along the Okanagan Trail to the Fraser goldfields is associated with
you are right, killers are killers and there is nothing more to say.
admin answers:
Because white people are evil.
Jenny asks…
Who do you think is the most entertaining NBA person of the decade?
Pick from this list:
Mark Cuban: His love and passion for the dallas marvericks franchise …He would create so much controversy during NBA games by running out to the court , arguing with refs , and saying whatever was on his mind…. and he didn’t care if he was fined millions or thousands of dollars …u gotta love a owner that cares about his team with passion…espcailly with those frowns and weird looks when the mavs lost..
Shaq: One of the biggest household names in sports history…….. he’s a movie star , rapper , and dominant NBA center……..besides from that his personality and memorable quotes gives fans entertainment besides from his basketball…….” I DON”T CARE ABOUT THE SACRAMENTO QUEENS”
Charles Barkley: Even though he was on his way to retirement in the 2000s….His nonsense NBA anaylzing makes TNT fun to watch……..Barkley should be the main reason why TNT NBA halftime is getting rating and awards
Ron Artest: The next generation of a Dennis Rodman player …but do you think he’s trying to hard sometimes?………..Even though the Detroit brawl was a unpleasant thing to watch it was still entertaining in a gulity pleasure type of way…….besides from that this guys crazy ….lol
Lebron James: You gotta love a superstar that can make u laugh on SNL and dress up like james brown…… Lebron is a great entertainer on the court and off the court…….. and don’t forget the Lebron and Kobe puppets
Jeff and Stan Van Gundy: I always thought Jeff never had a personality if you ever seen him coach the knicks…..but this guy has a lot of humor and things to say during his commentating… and stan just loves being that aggressive NBA coach I swear they always show him yelling in the locker room during a Orlando magic game…….besides from that one looks like Steve Busemi and the other looks like Ron Jermeny
Steve Nash: Come on I bet everybody was shocked when we saw what this guy can really do during his early years in dallas……..and what he did for the Suns……plus Two M.V.P and a couple of all star trips … he’s fun to watch with his flamboyant plays….. great class in NBA character
Kobe: Shaq and Kobe Era championships started in 2000… the shaq and kobe controversy… kobe false rape case in colorado… kobe don’t get along with shaq , kobe dont get along with phil jackson, kobe finally wins a M.V.P in 2008 , kobe wants to be traded because he hates the lakers, kobe wants jason kidd instead of andrew bynum, kobe scores 81 points , and the list goes on ………..he’s been controversial but that what makes him entertaining off the court and on the court
admin answers:
They all have their own unique personalities which is why the league is so great, unlike the NFL where the commisioner attempts to limit the players personality.
But i gotta say its Shaq, the countless nicknames, the movies, the rapping, the tv shows, the endless funny quotes, the feuds he has created, no doubt bout it.
PS: Have loved Ron-Ron’s personality, he is great with fans on Twitter, I dont think he is trying hard its just thats the way he is, come on look at his post game interviews after the championship, those were true emotions lol, seen him on tv quite a few during summer and he is funny, great he has now been able to change the perception bout him since the brawl.
Helen asks…
Is there really a scientific consensus on AGW, or is “scientific consensus” just an attention-getter?
Maybe the ‘consensus’ is just within the group of scientists who support the idea.
Here’s a link showing many scientists who disagree with the entire notion of agw. Below are a few examples. What do you think of their opinions?
“Warming fears are the worst scientific scandal in history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist
“Anyone who claims that the debate is over and the conclusions are firm has a fundamentally unscientific approach to one of the most momentous issues of our time.” – Solar physicist Dr. Pal Brekke, senior advisor to the Norwegian Space Centre in Oslo. Brekke has published more than 40 peer-reviewed scientific articles on the sun and solar interaction with the Earth.
“Many [scientists] are now searching for a way to back out quietly (from promoting warming fears), without having their professional careers ruined.” — Atmospheric physicist James A. Peden, formerly of the Space Research and Coordination Center in Pittsburgh, Pa.
“Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly. The main basis of the claim that man’s release of greenhouse gases is the cause of the warming is based almost entirely upon climate models. We all know the frailty of models concerning the air-surface system” – Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology, and formerly of NASA, who has authored more than 190 studies and has been called “among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years.”
“Earth has cooled since 1998 in defiance of the predictions by the UN-IPCC….The global temperature for 2007 was the coldest in a decade and the coldest of the millennium…which is why ‘global warming’ is now called ‘climate change.’” – Climatologist Dr. Richard Keen of the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Colorado
Dana, the names on this list are all scientists.
Benjamin, check my link. There are no tv weathermen here.
admin answers:
Consensus depends on who you talk to and what they study. Those who are still pushing AGW are mostly extreme liberals close to full communists in their base philosophy and political view. When you talk to moderate or conservative educators their normal concern currently is rapidly shifting from being concerned over a potential mild warming over the next 200 years to being exceeding concerned about the potential of dropping off into either a minor or worse ice age.
Their biggest concern currently is that we have an exceptionally liberal president that has signed on to the most radical portions of the AGW pogrom. Most of them know that the world has massively cooled in the last 3 years and are shocked at the left wing liberals refusing to acknowledge the climate shift that has already happened in just 3 short years. It is absolutely amazing just how fast the planets lose heat when the sun shuts down completely.
We as a people really need to study and learn what causes the sun to vary its output to the extent we have observed it to do over the last 600 years. Political liberalism is becoming even more of a disaster to the world and nation than I even believed it could ever be.
The real problem is that those who promote the AGW agenda know very little about science and how things really work. The sun is the source of 98% of the energy that warms the earth.
James asks…
Do most employers in NY obey this law when hiring people with criminal convictions?
The majority of states allow employers to refuse to hire anyone with a conviction record – or even an arrest that never led to conviction – because they have absolutely no guidelines or regulations on how an employer must evaluate a criminal history when considering an applicant. Only fourteen states have legal standards governing public employers’ consideration of an applicant’s criminal record that require an individualized assessment of the applicant’s qualifications and ability to do the job. These states are: Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Wisconsin. To see an overview of the laws of all fourteen states, click here. Only five of those states – Hawaii, Kansas, New York, and Wisconsin – regulate private employers. Even when it comes to granting licenses for a wide range of occupations, only 21 states have standards that require a “direct,” “rational,” or “reasonable” relationship between the license sought and the applicant’s criminal history to justify the agency’s denial of license, while the other 29 states do not.
For a complete description of the 50 states’ laws concerning employment of people with criminal records, please see the Legal Action Center’s report After Prison: Roadblocks to Reentry at
New York
The New York State Human Rights Law states that an applicant may not be denied
employment or licensure because of his or her conviction record unless there is a direct
relationship between the offense and the job or license sought, or unless hiring or
licensure would create an unreasonable risk to property or to public or individual safety.21
This law applies to employers with ten or more employees.22 A person with a criminal
record who is denied employment is entitled to a statement of the reasons for such
denial.23 Factors to consider in analyzing whether employment may be denied are found
in N.Y. Corrections Law, Article 23-A.24 In addition, an employer may not inquire about
nor act upon an arrest that was terminated or determined in favor of the individual.25
admin answers:
They do, but with hundreds of applicants per job opening, if not thousands, a simple “we hired someone more qualified” will suffice. There is no need to force your employees to associate with criminals.
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What are the best kind of sports cards – hobby, retail, or both?
As a collector or even if you start collector of sports cards (baseball, football, basketball, etc.), there several options on the purchase and cards to collect. If you are a seasoned collector you hobby retail cards and boxes already know vs.. If you are new to collect cards, you will find soon, there are many differences between the two. Of course, many collectors trying many times, this gem, autograph cards are for, Jersey or limited edition cards. So can examine the various types, and what the benefits and downfalls for both. So take a look and investigate both. Whether you are a seasoned collector or a beginner, you will collect hopefully at the end of this article, some tips, secrets and knowledge of the two types.
First, we will consider what map many collectors at the most popular types of cards; Hobby! Many collectors consider “Hobby” show to be the best. For the beginner, boxes or packs hobby shops are “Hobby” (local card store, online hobby shops, etc.) sold. Several advantages when you buy hobby, as well as some crashes. But gives you a view of the benefits:
Hobby boxes or packs are usually always more sports memorabilia (i.e., merchandise, autographs,) as well as maps such as refractors, small number card or limited edition cards contain limited edition. Many collectors such as hobby cards, because many times, in fact more likely as not, the field or the Pack warranty is like memorabilia Jersey or autograph cards or limited edition cards.
Almost all major manufacturers of cards, have a hobby and retail. However, as already mentioned, are multiple preferred due to the their contain collectible value and guaranteed sports memorabilia hobby, the cards. However, this comes with a price!
The largest decline of the hobby to the single purchase is price. The only one that’s right, for example, it is not unreasonable “Box or Tin” find cards, only a pack of cards for $400.00. has now have 6 cards, Pack 5 of all guarantees have large sports memorabilia, autographs, merchandise, can both, and usually cards limited or serial to very low numbers (in other words produce only a limited number) numbers. In addition to the price is the enormous amount of sports memorabilia produced many times in hobby packs / boxes. We know that in a market that produces more of something, in this case memorabilia (autographs, merchandise, etc.), many times reduce the value of the product.
So in the financial statements of hobby boxes and packs; Yes you can and find important memorabilia, in fact some of the rarest species of and most expensive draws were hobby packs. I remember a Babe Ruth with a piece of Jersey shirt, piece Jersey used a bat and a cut trousers, and play wild autograph and was numbered 1 / 1, which sold for $88,000 a few years ago. But this will come with a price and probably a great one at that.
Now can look at retail. As the name implies, retail versions and packs in the retail (big box retailers) are sold. First of all, the price is much cheaper, you get but not the same guarantees to grant, same memorabilia, autographs, etc.. But this does not mean, you can’t find or not find these items or a special gem show, only serious. So to avoid retail? My answer is no!
Here are some examples of a few points that I have picked up “Retail”. First of all, I found some boxes, which have been sealed and within you get several packs of football cards (retail version) from different manufacturers. But in addition to these packs, you are guaranteed, a map classified BGS (Beckett grading services), are one of the top grader. I bought a few of these boxes for $9.95. now a show at the BGS graded have spend around $30.00 (with trust, shipping, insurance) for a show you! So I thought I would take my chance. 9.0 Mint Ted Ginn Jr. rookie card containing the first field a BGS subjects. Next field rookie BGS had a Joe FLACCO, 9 Mint, and the last field had an Adrian Peterson rookie card BGS 9.5 gem Mint! So I have pretty good for $30.00 in total (what would I be on a map issued…). And BGS were graded, not a fly by night company scale.
Many times, also retail versions contain cards that can be found in hobby, such as a special telescope only available in the retail sector. For example I was on one of the “big box retailers” and they sold sets of the Topps cards (series 1 & 2) in a locked box. The other thing about some of this complete sets were, however, that some of these sets sealed a Mickey Mantle had relic show, contains the a piece a shirt or Jersey. This card is removed directly to the front of the field in a special window. Now, this set only for this particular big box retail store was made. The price was $49.95 and sets with two series (I think 660 cards total), however, in the cards inside the mantle relic card had a book value of $39.00 for only this show. So, I paid actually about $10.00 if you think about it. Of course I have things as, which sealed to get always kept the integrity and value.
The other thing about retail is that as limited edition, Jersey, maps, signs, are harder to find, it can increase this specific card value, since these types of cards are manufactured not mass in hobby.
So in conclusion, whether you are a beginner collectors just start, or a seasoned collector; I think you should mix some of it. Put all your eggs in one basket. You can draw amazing cards of hobby and retail, and sometimes to find the gem show where you least expect it!
Shawn A Wilson is not only an avid collector of sports cards, but offers also sport info, news, designs, business and store a memorabilia at
Related Reading:

Your Questions About History Of The Internet
Donna asks…
How can I prevent users of my computer from deleting the internet browsing history?
I run an internet cafe and so many people are using one computer that its hard to keep track what they are doing when using the computer particularly internet browsing so I want to prevent users from deleting the browsing history (Internet Options) so I can check at the end of the day which websites they visited so I can trace where and when
admin answers:
Implement a proxy server and have all PC’s point the browser to it.
Turn on logging on said proxy server.
Also, use an access list to disable external internet from all client computer IP’s except for the proxy server.
Squid’s a good one but you have to have a bit of technological knowledge.
It should also increase the responsiveness of your internet browsing, since it is also a caching proxy.
Linda asks…
How do I delete my browser’s history? (Internet explorer 7)?
whenever I click the search bar, and type example “q” the previous things i’ve visited shows up in list. I already tried to do the tools> clear browser thing A LOT OF TIMES and it still appear…what should I do?
admin answers:
On my computer(not sure what version of internet explorer) you have to click favourites>click history>right click on the website>delete. Or you can just delete the whole day.
Hope this helps
Mandy asks…
Do the Internet providers keep a track/history of everything that we do online?
You know like an history of websites that we visit and stuff.
admin answers:
In this day everything is tracked.
Lisa asks…
Where can I find REPRESENTATIONS of THE BRAIN in the HISTORY (internet)??
HI again…
To my English class I will use representations of the brain in the history… I will make an exposition about the history of the brain.
Is an exposition about the ideas of the brain… you now… the Aristotle´s ideas, the Galen´s ideas… please if you know about my question please hep me
PD: if do you want, can you correct my English of this mesagge? TY
admin answers:
There have been a lot of influential historical figures that were involved in medicine in one way or another. Hippocrates established a code of ethics and urged physicians to seek causes of disease, rather than blaming gos for disease as was the custom of his day. Aristotle was the first to say that complex structures are built from simpler parts (atoms). Galen, physician to the gladiators, saw science as a method of discovery. He did animal dissections (use of cadavers was banned) and wrote a book that advised his followers to trust their own observations. Avicenna was from the Muslim world. He wrote The Canon of Medicine, a book that was used in medical schools until the 16th century. There are numerous other people involved in different areas and beginnings of medicine. As for where to find the information on each of them, you’re probably going to have to look them up one by one, unfortunately. Here are some others you may want to consider: Vesalius (gross anatomy), Harvey (realized that blood flows into and back out of heart), Leeuwenhoek (invented the microscope to look at fabrics), Hooke (wrote Micrographia), Zeiss (developed and improved the compound microscope), and Schleiden & Schwann (cell theory of 1839). Hope this helps!
Mary asks…
where can I find REPRESENTATIONS of THE BRAIN in the HISTORY (internet)??
HI again…
To my English class I will use representations of the brain in the history… I will make an exposition about the history of the brain.
Is an exposition about the ideas of the brain… you now… the Aristotle´s ideas, the Galen´s ideas… please if you know about my question please hep me
PD: if do you want, can you correct my English of this mesagge? TY
admin answers:
You need to contrast study of physical evolution and environmental evolution to get the brain history….
Ruth asks…
How do I find deleted internet history on my laptop?
I have heard even though you delete your history on the internet off of your computer you can find it some how. I would like to find this information but I am not sure how. Can anyone help me?
admin answers:
I know there are deff. Ways to find the history other then internet. Dont know exactly how. Why not call a computer hotline. Someone will guide you thru it.
Thomas asks…
How to delete internet history files from the hardware?
I have a laptop on loan from the diploma I’m doing and they’re doing a complete hardware check of the internet sites we’ve been on, I’ve deleted the internet history from the browser but how do you get rid of it from the hardware? Or is there a program that will do this for you?
The browser I use is Safari.
Thank you!
admin answers:
Hi my friend.
First go to control panel and select Internet option then you will see a clock and a blank near that.Tick the blank and apply that.
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About History Of Mexico
James asks…
I have to do an essay on something in New Mexico History. Any suggestions?
I have to do an essay on something in New Mexico history that can go all they way back to the time of Onate or Cortez. I need a subject though and its really hard to pick one because New Mexico sucks and nothing interesting ever happened here. Please give me a good, reliable, subject?
admin answers:
Pancho Villa and the raid on Columbus, NM in 1916.
Ken asks…
how did Fransisco Vasquez de Coronado affect the history of New Mexico.?
what is the significance of his expedition . and what was the historical influence this exploreer had on the founding of New Mexico? why is he important to New Mexico history?
admin answers:
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was a Spanish explorer who led an expedition to the American Southwest from 1540 to 1542. He was searching for the legendary “Seven Cities of Cibola”. He believed that these cities were rich in gold and other treasures. With 300 Spanish soldiers and a larger number of Indians he began his journey near what is now Gallup, New Mexico. He sent expeditions out from there to explore to the west and east. Although they never found the “Seven Cities of Cibola” they explored parts of the Southwest, like the Rio Grande Valley in New Mexico, the Grand Canyon in Arizona, and other lands as far away as what is now Kansas. Coronado is important to New Mexico because of his explorations. I hope that this has been a help to you.
Steven asks…
Mexican Football:Who is the best Mexican player in the History of Mexico?
Ok Who is the best player to wear your club Jersey in your opinion?
Who is the best to wear the “tri” Color jersey?
Mexico- Jared Borgetti
(Club)Chivas- Ramon Morales or Salvador Reyes. Sorry i never saw a lot of the Older players play.
admin answers:
Club – either borgetti or pony
mexico – idk thats a hard one
Linda asks…
Can you recommend a well-written history of Mexico?
I am interested in learning something about Mexican history. (I visited there last year and was very taken with the country.) I am thinking of a book that would cover history from the Mayans to the present day, and about 500 pages or less.
admin answers:
I would HIGHLY recommend a book titled:
Fire & Blood: A History of Mexico
by T.R. Fehrenbach
It’s a bit lengthier than what you were asking, but it does cover the information very well. Here’s where you can get it; hope it helps!
P.S. It covers up to 1995 so hopefully an updated edition might be out soon… If you were interested in the political shift as well, you might try this one:
Opening Mexico:
The Making of a Democracy
by Julia Preston and Samuel Dillon
Carol asks…
How has the Mexican language influenced the history of Mexico?
Thanks! Just a short paragraph answer is fine, you know how it is lmao
My friend needs to know for information gathering project. I think its a weird question really
admin answers:
If by “the Mexican language” you mean the way Spanish is spoken in Mexico I would say that history has influenced the language rather than the language influencing the history. There are several events in Mexican history that have contributed to phrases that are used and the way people speak.
George asks…
where could i find a decent timeline of the history of mexico?
im doing a research report on the history of mexico and i need to have important things that have happened 1940-2010 if you could please help me out id realy appreciate it a link would be fine thanx
admin answers:
Countries, Facts & Figures.
History of Nations
This site has a history of every nation in the world as well as many non-sovereign territories. Each country is covered by a brief essay, which gives the highlights of each nation’s history.
Betty asks…
20th century History of Mexico, Argentina, Brazil-Which has been the most politically stable and why?
I have no idea please help.
admin answers:
Only one not to succumb to a military dictatorship.
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Your Questions About History Of Soccer
Carol asks…
Who is the most famous player of Holland in the history soccer world cup?
admin answers:
Well probably Johann Cruyff. Gullit, Van Basten, Koeman and Riijkard are all worth mentioning though
Sharon asks…
What are the top four goalscorers in male FIFA World Cup Soccer history?
What four countries have scored the largest number of goals in male World Cup soccer history? (ie: A total tally of goals over the history of the World Cup)
admin answers:
The top four goals scorers in the history of the FIFA World Cup finals are as follows:
15 – Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima (BRAZIL)
14 – Gerd Muller (WEST GERMANY)
13 – Just Fontaine (FRANCE)
12 – Edison Arantes do Nascimento @ Pele (BRAZIL)
the top four teams which scored the highest number of goals are as follows:
201 – BRAZIL
185 – GERMANY (including WEST GERMANY)
123 – ITALY
Donna asks…
Anyone know a book or website about soccer history/information on International leagues?
Im an extremely casual soccer fan and would like to learn about different leagues/teams/championships/etc. Basically I need an overview of World Soccer.
admin answers:
Have you tried the official Soccer Federation website?
Steven asks…
Who is the owner of the quickest red card in soccer history?
Which soccer player got sent off within a minute since entering the game?
admin answers:
Sheffield untied keeper Kevin Pressman has the record for the fastest red card in english football. He was ent off after only 13 secs against wolves on the opening day of the 2000/01 season
though if you think thats fast goalie joaquin valerio managed to get sent off 40 mins before his teams game with albacate had kicked off. Valerios insulted the referee Fidel Valle Gil in the tunnel and the offical had no hesitation in producing a red card.
Jenny asks…
who is the best player in the history of soccer?
Many say Hugo Sanchez, Pele Maradona, but the truth is that all of them are from a different era, now who really is the all time best player in the history of this beautiful sport of soccer?
admin answers:
In my personal opinion, Hugo Sanchez because he was a phenom at Club Level, which is important to me, I think players should be judged on their whole careers rather than a few World Cup games. Hugo is the 2nd highest goalscorer in the history of La Liga, has 5 Pichichis, 1 European Golden Boot, 2 times best foreigner in La Liga. Best player born in North America of all time, Best Sportist of Mexico of the 20th Century, Best Mexican Footballer of all time (IFFHS and to almost everyone) and holds the single season record of goals along with Telmo Zarra by scoring 38 goals in 1 season. He’s the foreigner highest goalscorer. The best foreigner in the history of La Liga in my opinion. And also, this is a fact, he was named in the all time Best 11 in Real Madrid History along with Alfredo Di Stefano up Forward. To me, that proves a lot about him. That proves a lot more to me than what someone did in 1 or 2 World Cups, because they based it on their whole careers. But that’s just my personal opinion, I think he’s the best player in the world. But the best player of all time, I think would have to be Pele and Alfredo Di Stefano, those 2 were just phenoms anywhere they played. They were both consistent at most of their career, if anything, the only thing Di Stefano was better at than Pele was that Di Stefano would score goals, play as mid and as defense when needed. Di Stefano was the most complete player in history, but it would be a disrespect to not name Pele up there along with Di Stefano. And about Maradona, well to put it in a few words, his drug use during he was playing football lost the trust in his game. Who knew if when he did all those wonderful plays, he didn’t have cocaine in his system? Plus a goal in a World Cup is cheating to me, I don’t find that applaudible, It’s just cheating to me. It’s puts a stain on the true meaning of winning a World Cup. But that’s just my opinion.
This is my list of the Top 5 Players of all time in my personal opinion.
1. Pele and Alfredo Di Stefano
3. Hugo Sanchez
4. Johan Crujiff
5. Franz Beckenbauher
Mark asks…
What’s the farthest goal in football (soccer) history?
The title says it, what’s the farthest goal?
I mean, besides from a goalkeeper from his goal to the other goal and also aside from penalties.And also aside from when the opposing goalkeeper isn’t in his goal.
I want to know what’s the farthest goal not by a keeper or from a penalty and also not from one half to another because the goalkeeper isn’t in his goal to protect it. And the size of the field also counts.
Also, another question.
If you were the coach of a national team of another country, how would you feel like if you had a match against your own country’s team? In a tournament, maybe.
admin answers:
As a professional coach, you would give it only a passing acknowledgment. You are so personally vested and committed to your goal of winning, and your own team, that the challenge is to win and not who you beat.
Helen asks…
Need to write an essay on the history of soccer?
Anyone know some good websites where I can find the history of soccer? Specifically where it started, how it progressed…etc.
Thank you!!!
admin answers:
Here are two site hope they help.
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About History Of Mexico
Linda asks…
I have to do an essay on something in New Mexico History. Any suggestions?
I have to do an essay on something in New Mexico history that can go all they way back to the time of Onate or Cortez. I need a subject though and its really hard to pick one because New Mexico sucks and nothing interesting ever happened here. Please give me a good, reliable, subject?
admin answers:
Pancho Villa and the raid on Columbus, NM in 1916.
Jenny asks…
how did Fransisco Vasquez de Coronado affect the history of New Mexico.?
what is the significance of his expedition . and what was the historical influence this exploreer had on the founding of New Mexico? why is he important to New Mexico history?
admin answers:
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was a Spanish explorer who led an expedition to the American Southwest from 1540 to 1542. He was searching for the legendary “Seven Cities of Cibola”. He believed that these cities were rich in gold and other treasures. With 300 Spanish soldiers and a larger number of Indians he began his journey near what is now Gallup, New Mexico. He sent expeditions out from there to explore to the west and east. Although they never found the “Seven Cities of Cibola” they explored parts of the Southwest, like the Rio Grande Valley in New Mexico, the Grand Canyon in Arizona, and other lands as far away as what is now Kansas. Coronado is important to New Mexico because of his explorations. I hope that this has been a help to you.
Nancy asks…
Mexican Football:Who is the best Mexican player in the History of Mexico?
Ok Who is the best player to wear your club Jersey in your opinion?
Who is the best to wear the “tri” Color jersey?
Mexico- Jared Borgetti
(Club)Chivas- Ramon Morales or Salvador Reyes. Sorry i never saw a lot of the Older players play.
admin answers:
Club – either borgetti or pony
mexico – idk thats a hard one
Mandy asks…
Can you recommend a well-written history of Mexico?
I am interested in learning something about Mexican history. (I visited there last year and was very taken with the country.) I am thinking of a book that would cover history from the Mayans to the present day, and about 500 pages or less.
admin answers:
I would HIGHLY recommend a book titled:
Fire & Blood: A History of Mexico
by T.R. Fehrenbach
It’s a bit lengthier than what you were asking, but it does cover the information very well. Here’s where you can get it; hope it helps!
P.S. It covers up to 1995 so hopefully an updated edition might be out soon… If you were interested in the political shift as well, you might try this one:
Opening Mexico:
The Making of a Democracy
by Julia Preston and Samuel Dillon
Chris asks…
How has the Mexican language influenced the history of Mexico?
Thanks! Just a short paragraph answer is fine, you know how it is lmao
My friend needs to know for information gathering project. I think its a weird question really
admin answers:
If by “the Mexican language” you mean the way Spanish is spoken in Mexico I would say that history has influenced the language rather than the language influencing the history. There are several events in Mexican history that have contributed to phrases that are used and the way people speak.
Lizzie asks…
where could i find a decent timeline of the history of mexico?
im doing a research report on the history of mexico and i need to have important things that have happened 1940-2010 if you could please help me out id realy appreciate it a link would be fine thanx
admin answers:
Countries, Facts & Figures.
History of Nations
This site has a history of every nation in the world as well as many non-sovereign territories. Each country is covered by a brief essay, which gives the highlights of each nation’s history.
James asks…
20th century History of Mexico, Argentina, Brazil-Which has been the most politically stable and why?
I have no idea please help.
admin answers:
Only one not to succumb to a military dictatorship.
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About History Of Easter
Susan asks…
What were the major points of the history in Easter Island?
Like, events in chronological order, or why all the trees were gone in detail and why the people of Easter ISland didnt see the destruction coming?
admin answers:
A baby bunny was born is a stable and grew to become the easter bunny. Then they developed a chocolate manufacturing plant and all the Bunnies on easter island worked in the chocolate factory and give out chocolate eggs at easter.
Maria asks…
What is the history of Easter and how to celebrate it?
I would like to know more details about this festival.Thanks a lot.
admin answers:
Easter is an ancient Christian festival whose origins go back to near the beginning of Christianity – back to the 2nd century at least.
It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ which happened on “the third day” following his death by crucifixion.
According to the Bible, this all happened around the time of the Jewish Passover so this feast was first celebrated either shortly after passover or on the nearest Sunday. It was also generally named the Christian Passover so in Greek is called Pesach, in Italian Pascha, in French Paques. Easter is the name in English from the Anglo-Saxon word for April when it usually occurs.
In the fourth century, the church settled on the Sunday after Passover and also adopted its own method for calculating Easter as the Jews did not have a consistent method of their own.
The celebration of Easter in most churches is part of the “Triduum” 3 days. It starts the Thursday before with a celebration of the Last Supper – Christ’s last meal with his disciples, followed by Good Friday with a commemoration of Christ’s death.
Many churches have a service on the Saturday night – traditionally starting near Midnight – with the greatest service of the year – the Easter Vigil – celebrating the Resurrection. There is also a service early on Easter morning celebrating the resurrection but particularly its discovery and revelation to the apostles.
Folk customs around Easter are many and varied and focus largely on celebratory food stuffs because Christians traditionally would fast during Lent, the 7 weeks leading up to Easter. Decorated eggs (these days chocolate ones) or sweets are given as gifts, special cakes are made and a feast held.
David asks…
What is the history of Easter? What is the Christian perspective of this holiday about?
Why did they choose that time for Passover?
admin answers:
Easter is a pagan festival, which always falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox (21st March). The early Christians absorbed this festival and renamed it when they were founding the religion in Europe (Saint’s Day are the same – religious squatting). In fact, many of the early churches in the UK are built on the site of old stone circles, hence they appear to lie on ‘lay lines’.
Passover is a Jewish festival, that happened to be taking place near to the death of Jesus. The early Church added another rule when deciding the date of Easter – it must not fall on passover. This was because to the early Christians, the Jews murdered their saviour.
Paul asks…
How does biodiversity relate to the history of easter island?
admin answers:
The history of Easter Island is a negative example of biodiversity:
Once a thriving island, in cause of deforestation continuance of extinction happened. When it was “discovered” by Europeans in 1722, it was a barren landscape with no trees over ten feet in height, no animals besides rats and not more than around 2000 inhabitants.
Read Historical Consequences of Deforestation: Easter Island
Sharon asks…
History of Easter–Why is it in March some years and April others?
It seems like Ash wednesday is usually around the same time of year and I know Lent is the same amount of time, but why is it that Easter is sometimes in March and sometimes in early or even late April? I am trying to remember my Christian upbringings, but can’t seem to come up with an answer. Anyone know?
thanks for your time,
admin answers:
Easter is calculated to follow Passover which is based on the lunar calendar.
In 2008, Easter will be on Sunday, March 23.
Catholics and most Protestants use the new Gregorian calendar decreed by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 to calculate the date of Easter.
For more information, see:
The time of Easter is based on the cycles of the moon, the equinox, and seasons and things in nature.
In simple (?) terms Easter occurs on the first Sunday following the first full moon that occurs on or after the day of the vernal equinox (the first day of spring).
In 2008 the vernal equinox will be on Thursday, March 20. The first full moon after that will be Friday, March 21. Thus, Easter will be on Sunday, March 23.
The earliest Easter can be is March 22 as it was last in 1818 and will be next in 2285.
The latest Easter can be is April 25 as it was last in 1943 and will be next in 2038.
With love in Christ.
Lizzie asks…
What is the history behind celebrating easter with a rabbit?
Hi, yeah I know what easter is really about. The resurrection of Jesus Christ. But how did we get a holiday about a rabbit from that I really don’t get it. Anyone care to explain how and why people celebrate easter by coloring eggs and stuff. (When rabbits don’t lay eggs, another thing which I don’t get) Anyway please tell me. And remember that easter is really about us being saved by Jesus.
admin answers:
Rabbits and eggs are both symbols of the fertility goddess Eostre/Easter/Ishtar/Ostara. Her symbol is also the moon, in which some cultures see a rabbit instead of a face. Eggs also symbolize the moon and are the ultimate symbol of creation and new life. The basket is a symbol of the womb in which this new life is carried.
There is a lovely legend about the moon goddess Eostre, in which she came upon a dying bird. To save its life, she turned it into a rabbit, her strongest symbol. It lived but continued to lay eggs. In gratitude for its life, the rabbit gives her some of the eggs every year.
The feast day is pagan and was widely celebrated way before the time of Jesus. Like pretty much all holidays, it was adopted by Christians to help get more converts. However, since the point is to celebrate new life and the hope of continuance, Christian symbols of a Resurrection day and the old pagan symbols mean the same thing. Just like Christmas, we are all celebrating the same thing, just using different symbols.
John asks…
Who can tell me the History of Easter?
Who can tell me the history of Easter?
admin answers:
The story is too long to type into answers but these websites explain it well:
I hope this has helped
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