Archive for June 5, 2011
Your Questions About How Do I Look
Lisa asks…
How do I look…?? (Pics Included)?
How do i look??
Am i cute, cool, hot, sexy or sweet or beautiful??
also rate me…& advises to improve my look are welcome..
Here r the links
thanks JAMIE & HOLLY..
Sarah Carobbo: How can u say i am wierd but cute & then rate me 8.5??Anywyas thanks..
Boss Sally: Thanks.>!
Jesus: Thanks for the compliment…& cant give u my number..
Sisi: Thanks for the advise..!!!!
Chubby: Thank u for the compliment..I ‘ll consider ur advise
Nancy Smith: Thank you..!!!!!!
Anyways thanks…
admin answers:
Well the Id suits U ; U look like an innocent angel. Cute & happ’n.
Pls. Dnt ask to rate ur beauty cuz it wud be an insult to God’s loveliest creature.
Nancy asks…
how do you look up porn without having to pay or sign up for an account?
i want to look up some porn online but i don’t want to have to create an account and i dont want to have to pay for it either anyone know some great sites?
admin answers: weeehhhhh
Ken asks…
how old do i look and where do i look like im from?
the closet to the answer gets best answer
say a place not just a number
admin answers:
You look about 20 and is turkish but lives in america?
Jenny asks…
How do I change my Tumblr background to a photo?
How do I change my Tumblr background to a photo? I looked up this question on the net, and everybody said to go to some code named “body {” but there are millions and I can’t find the right one… By the way, I have the Sleepover background (the light blue one). Is there a simpler way to do this without the code stuff?
admin answers:
Go to your page>customize>appearance and
if your theme allows you to upload a
background image, then choose a file from
your computer. If your theme does not allow this then go to customize>advanced>add
custom css and copy and paste the following
body { background-image: url(IMAGE URL HERE);
background-repeat: repeat;
George asks…
how do you look in both perspectives of an argument without being biased.?
Ok, just trying to figure out how to look at the other side of another conversation with the opposite sex without letting my own feelings getting me hyped up and heated. I would like to actually get somewhere and get my point across in a respectful manner without offending and being able to understand what the other person is saying without getting my feelings hurt each time.
admin answers:
It’s hard to really say when I don’t know what topic you are dealing with, but I would suggest you write it out. Why you think they have their opinions, and why you have yours. Maybe include past experiences, current feelings, and why their opinion on something makes you heated. Taking the time to write something out makes you sit down and think about what you are putting. When you are arguing with somebody, whatever comes out of your mouth you have to deal with. At least you can erase what you write.
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Your Questions About How Do You Take A Screenshot
Mary asks…
How Do you take a screenshot of the computer on an HP ?
i got an HP for christmas and im trying to figure out how to take screenshot‘s of the computer screen.
i have an HP. so how do i do it? i tryed ctrl alt & prt screen.. then trying to paste it on paint. but it didnt work…. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!
do i press all of those buttons or is it like all one button?
admin answers:
You can take a screenshot by pressing the “prt sc” button on your computers keyboard. If you have a laptop, it might be squished into a double function key where the letters appear under another key. If this is the case, you’ll have to press Fn and prt sc at the same time. This puts the picture in your clipboard so you can go to Paint and press crt+v. You can also download screen capture programs that offer a lot more features like only taking a picture of a certain window and stuff, just google screen capture software.
Susan asks…
how do you take screenshot photos in halo 3?
when you go in the theater and play a video it has a picture of a camera
admin answers:
I guess you answered your own question then…
Lisa asks…
How do you take a screenshot on a MacBook in a Windows Partition?
I used Boot Camp to partition my MacBook and when I am in my Windows partition I don’t know how to take a screenshot. I know in OSX the screenshot command is Apple+Control+Shift+3, but what is it in my Windows XP Pro partition?
admin answers:
My brain + your question + Google = = screenshots of Windows in Bootcamp
Donald asks…
How do you take a screenshot and how do you take a video using your computer?
How to take a screenshot and a video using your computer?
admin answers:
To take a screenshot, press the “print screen” key on your keyboard. THen go into paint and click paste
To record a video, use CamStudio:
Sandra asks…
How do you take a screenshot on an HP laptop?
I want to know how to take a screenshot/snapshot on an HP G60 laptop.
Points to best answer.
Where/what is the Print screen button?
admin answers:
Shold the button shift and printscrn
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Your Questions About How Does Facebook Make Money
David asks…
Does Facebook make money off of every advertisement viewed?
How does Facebook make money? Please, be VERY specific. Don’t just say “advertisements and applications”, because that is very obvious.
For example, does Facebook get 10 cents for every advertisement viewed, or 50 cents for every hundred advertisements viewed? I would say I see about 100 advertisements per day on Facebook, so either way they’re making a lot off of me.
Or, maybe Facebook makes a dollar off of every person that signs up.
Please include your source and a detailed answer.
admin answers:
Lizzie asks…
How does Facebook make money for its creator?
A recent story featured Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook and his status as a young billionaire ($9 billion, more or less). How does his 24% share of Facebook generate that income? Does Facebook have advertising?
Please give some detail: what advertising? Are there ads on Facebook?
admin answers:
Stock shares, advertising and apps.
Maria asks…
How does facebook make money from people sending gifts?
Like people who send photos and gifts like a virtual teddybear? Where is the money coming from?
admin answers:
Facebook users have the option to pay money for ‘credits’. They can then exchange these credits for gifts or photos to their friends via Facebook. Credits can be used and earned on many Facebook applications and games.
Hope this helps
Susan asks…
How does a website like yahoo or facebook make so much money?
I mean how exactly do they make money, i dont think its just the ads on these websites that generate all that cash, plus i have personally never pain a cent for yahoo or facebook, facebook doesnt even have ads, yet the founders of these websites are billionaires, where’s the cash coming from? How does this work?
admin answers:
Just as above. Advertising is the key.
Companies pay the website to display their ads. For each person who views or clicks the add, the website is paid a predetermined amount. It is usually a very small amount. For example, a website I worked with for a while was paid .02 cents (USD) per page-view of their add. Up-front this doesn’t seem like much, but after we’d had over 20,000 people visit the sight in six months.. .02×20,000=400.00 USD. Not bad. Now look at Yahoo or Myspace with SO many more advertisements and SO many more people visiting. They easily get 10k people a DAY never the less page-views.
Not only that but Yahoo has a host of other ways to make money.
Sandra asks…
How does Facebook make money?
It’s in the news they are donating $100 million to Newark schools. Just wondering how they make that kind of money when it is free to use Facebook.
admin answers:
They have ads all over the website.
Plus all those application companies that pay to have their apps installed on the website.
Just big companies with goodies and add ons they basically pay Facebook to have em on the website.
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Your Questions About How Do Magnets Work
Maria asks…
How do magnets work, and what are their uses?
For school I need to write a paper about magnets, their uses and how they are made.
How are magnets made, why do they work and what are the most important uses of magnets?
admin answers:
Try They know a lot about magnets.
Nancy asks…
How do magnets work at the atomic level?
I know the basics about how magnets work and interact. But at the atomic level, what causes a metal to be magnetic. Also, when two magnetic substances interact, its there and electron flow of some sort? or at least electron transfer? I am really curious as to what happens at that level.
admin answers:
Hi there
Questions that often come up are, “How do magnets work?”, or, “Why is iron magnetic?”, or, “What makes a magnet?”, or, “What is the magnetic field made of?”.
Those are good questions, and deserve a good answer. However, did you know that there is a lot about magnets at the atomic level that isn’t known yet? Just like with most of the other basic forces we are familiar with, such as gravity, electricity, mechanics and heat, scientists start by trying to understand how they work, what they do, are there any formulas that can be made to describe (and thus predict) their behavior so we can begin to control them, and so on.
Atomic Magnetism
There are only a few elements in the periodic table that are attracted to magnets. None of the elements, by themselves, make good permanent magnets, but can become temporary magnets (when close to another magnet). When alloys of various metals are made, some of these alloys make very good magnets. Why? We don’t really know, but we can observe some consistent rules.
As you know, we have seen that when current flows in a wire, a magnetic field is created around the wire. Current is simply a bunch of moving electrons, and moving electrons make a magnetic field. This is how electromagnets are made to work. This will be important to keep in mind as we zoom into the structure of atoms.
Around the nucleus of the atom, where the protons and neutrons live, there are electrons whizzing around. We used to think that they had certain circular orbits like the planets have around the sun, but have discovered that it is much more complicated, and much more exciting! Instead, the patterns of where we would likely find the electron within one of these orbitals takes into account Schroedinger’s wave equations. Pictures of each of these orbitals can be found at (These also take into account Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and probability theory.)
First, electrons can be thought of as occupying certain shells that surround the nucleus of the atom. These shells have been given letter names like K,L,M,N,O,P,Q. They have also been given number names, such as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. (This is what quantum mechanics is all about).
Within the shell, there may exist subshells or orbitals, with letter names such as s,p,d,f. Some of these orbitals look like spheres, some look like an hourglass, others look like beads on a bracelet.
The f orbital can contain 14 electrons, 2 in each of its 7 sub-orbitals.
(And there is a g orbital that can contain 18 electrons, 2 in each of its 9 sub-orbitals, for highly excited electrons.)
A maximum of 2 electrons can occupy a sub-orbital where one has a spin of UP, the other has a spin of DOWN. There can not be two electrons with spin UP in the same sub-orbital. (Pauli exclusion principal.) Also, when you have a pair of electrons in a sub-orbital, their combined magnetic fields will cancel each other out.
In order to show how many electrons are in each orbital, the following convention is sometimes used:
Chlorine has 1s22s22p63s23p5 for a total of 17 electrons. This tells us that there are 2 in 1s, 2 in 2s, 6 in 2p, 2 in 3s, and 5 in 3p.
After each orbital is full, it starts to fill the next one in this sequence. There are a few odd jumps in the sequence when you get to filling the 4f, 5d and 6p orbitals, but that’s how it goes.
If we were to examine Iron (atomic number 26), Cobalt (27), Nickel (28) and Gadolinium (64), all of which are considered ferromagnetic since they are strongly attracted to a magnet, it is difficult to see what makes them so different from the other elements next to them or below them in the periodic table. In other words, if Iron is so strongly magnetic, why isn’t Manganese? Perhaps there are other factors we need to take into account such as the crystalline structure. But it is generally accepted that these ferromagnetic elements have large magnetic moments due to un-paired electrons in their outer orbitals. This is like having current flowing in a coil of wire, creating a magnetic field. Even the spin of the electron is thought to create a minute magnetic field. When you get a bunch of these fields together, they add up to bigger fields.
Hope it helps!
George asks…
How do magnets work when I ride my horse?
I tried to ride a horse but it wouldn’t listen. Someone told me to use magnets but I don’t know how they work!
admin answers:
A magnet is any object that has a magnetic field. It attracts ferrous objects like pieces of iron, steel, nickel and cobalt. In the early days, the Greeks observed that the naturally occurring ‘lodestone’ attracted iron pieces. From that day onwards began the journey into the discovery of magnets.
What is a magnetic field? The space surrounding a magnet, in which magnetic force is exerted, is called a magnetic field. If a bar magnet is placed in such a field, it will experience magnetic forces. However, the field will continue to exist even if the magnet is removed. The direction of magnetic field at a point is the directiopenisn of the resultant force acting on a hypothetical North Pole placed at that point.
When current flows in a wire, a magnetic field is created around the wire. From this it has been inferred that magnetic fields are produced by the motion of electrical charges. A magnetic field of a bar magnet thus results fromvagina the motion of negatively charged electrons in the magnet.
Just as an electric field is described by drawing the electric lines of force, in the same way, a magnetic field is described by drawing the magnetic lines of force. When a small north magnetic pole is placed in the magnetic field created by a magnet, it will experience a force. And if the North Pole is free, it will move under the influenassholece of magnetic fielfucking trolledd. The path traced by a North magnetic pole free to movepenised under ttrololololhe influence of a magnetic field is called a magnetic line of force. In other words, the magnetic lines of force are the lines drawn in a magnetic field along which a north magnetic pole would move.
The direction of a magnetic line of force at any point gives the direction of the magnetic force on a north pole placed at that point. Since the direction of magnetic line of force is the direction of force on a North Pole, so the magnetic lines of force always begin on the N-pole of a magnet and end on the S-pole of thelolz magnet. A small magneticyou’ll never get this compass when moved along a line of force always sets itself along the line tangential to it. So, a line drawn from the South Pole of the compass to its North Pole indicates the direction of the magnetic field.
Long story short, you have to get the magnet as far into your horses arse as possible before you start seeing any results. Even then i’d put another one just to make sure you dont get jew’d out of a good ride. If he starts kicking back just tie down his legs, don’t worry it might not hurt the horse, I’m pretty sure.
Lizzie asks…
How the hell do magnets work?
I don’t want an elementary school explanation. How does a north pole attract a south pole?
Would magnets work on other planets?
admin answers:
I’m not quite sure, seeing as I’m Christian, but you may want to seek the help of a local mormon. They’ll usually pop by your home at around 7:30 on saturday morning.
Hope I helped
Susan asks…
Why do people think how magnets work proves God exists?
I am NOT kidding or complaining. I have noticed that people sometimes challenge their opponant “if there’s no God, then explain how magnets work.”
I don’t get the connection. Why would the existence of magnets prove God?
admin answers:
“F***ing Magnets, How Do They Work? Is a lyrical reference to the 2009 single Miracles by the Insane Clown Posse, an American hip hop duo from Detroit, Michigan. The song describes the wonders of the universe and an appreciation for nature’s beauty, while angrily eschewing science. Among the most quotable lines can be heard at 1:52, “f***ing magnets, how do they work,” which instantly became a popular catchphrase on the web.
Combine that with the argument from ignorance logical fallacy.
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Your Questions About How Do You Find The Circumference Of A Circle
Lisa asks…
find the circumference of a circle by inscribed shapes?
1. There is a circle with a square inscribed. Each side is 6 cm. How do you find circumference?
2. There is a circle with a triangle inscribed. Each side is 6 cm. How do you find the circumference?
3. There is a circle with a regular hexagon inscribed. Each side is 6 cm. How do you find the circumference?
Honestly I don’t usually ask for help on homework online I just cannot figure these out!
admin answers:
You do each of these by finding the radius or diameter of the circle first. Then use the equation:
Circumference = pi * diameter. The radius goes from the center of the circle to one of the points of the other shapes where it touches the circle.
In the case of the square, we can go directly to the diameter. The diameter is the same as the diagonal of the square, which is 6 * sqrt(2) (you can derive this from the pythagorean theorem if you want) . For your first problem, the answer is
Circumference = pi * 6 * sqrt(2).
For the equilateral triangle, the circle described is called the circumcircle, and the formula for the radius of the circumcircle is s/(sqrt(3)). Since our formula uses the diameter, we need to double this
Circumference = pi * 2 * 6/sqrt(3)
For the hexagon, the circle is again called the circumcircle. If you search for circumcircle circumference hexagon, I’m sure you’ll find what you need.
Sharon asks…
How do you find the circumference of a circle given only the radius?
Lets say you have a radius of 4, how do you find circumference?
admin answers:
The number π is defined the be the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
The radius is half the diameter.
If we call the circumference C, the diameter d, and the radius r, we can write these as two formulas:
π = C/d
r = d/2.
OK, so we are only told what r is, and we need to know what C is.
Since r = d/2,
2r = 2(d/2) = d.
This means π = C/2r, so
2r(π) = 2r(C/2r) = C*(2r/2r) = C*1 = C.
The approximation π ~ 3.1416 is usually close enough for most practical purposes.
Chris asks…
How do you find the circumference of a circle if you know a certain length?
If you know that 4.5 centimeters is 38.16 degrees of the circle, how do you find the circumference and radius of that circle?
and no, this is not my first day of school, i’ve actually been in school for three weeks already…
admin answers:
Cross multiply and divide
4.5 X 360 = 1620
1620/38.16 = 42.45283 cm = circumference.
Radius = 1/2 circumference / PI
Mark asks…
How do find the circumference of a circle?
Here is my problem>>>Find the area of a circle whose circumference is 31.4 centimeters.
To find the area of a circle you multiply the diameter by pie. (3.14)
How do find the circumference?
I am not master at math so please break it down in steps…
admin answers:
Circumference = 2*pi*radius
Area= pi*radius^2
Your area formula is wrong
Lizzie asks…
How do you find the circumference of a circle when you know the area?
So if i have a circle with an area of 100 meters squared how do you find the circumference?
admin answers:
You need to work backwards.
You know that the area of a circle is found using the formula A = pi (3.14) x radius x radius. So, if you divide the known area (100 meters) by pi (3.14), you will get the radius squared.
Then you need to find the square root of that to have the actual length of the radius which you know is half of your diameter.
Finally, just use the diameter to determine the circumference of the circle. The formula for that is C = pi x diameter.
Now that you know how to do it, you can find the answers for yourself.
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Your Questions About How Do Magnets Work
Linda asks…
How do magnets work, and what are their uses?
For school I need to write a paper about magnets, their uses and how they are made.
How are magnets made, why do they work and what are the most important uses of magnets?
admin answers:
Try They know a lot about magnets.
John asks…
How do magnets work at the atomic level?
I know the basics about how magnets work and interact. But at the atomic level, what causes a metal to be magnetic. Also, when two magnetic substances interact, its there and electron flow of some sort? or at least electron transfer? I am really curious as to what happens at that level.
admin answers:
Hi there
Questions that often come up are, “How do magnets work?”, or, “Why is iron magnetic?”, or, “What makes a magnet?”, or, “What is the magnetic field made of?”.
Those are good questions, and deserve a good answer. However, did you know that there is a lot about magnets at the atomic level that isn’t known yet? Just like with most of the other basic forces we are familiar with, such as gravity, electricity, mechanics and heat, scientists start by trying to understand how they work, what they do, are there any formulas that can be made to describe (and thus predict) their behavior so we can begin to control them, and so on.
Atomic Magnetism
There are only a few elements in the periodic table that are attracted to magnets. None of the elements, by themselves, make good permanent magnets, but can become temporary magnets (when close to another magnet). When alloys of various metals are made, some of these alloys make very good magnets. Why? We don’t really know, but we can observe some consistent rules.
As you know, we have seen that when current flows in a wire, a magnetic field is created around the wire. Current is simply a bunch of moving electrons, and moving electrons make a magnetic field. This is how electromagnets are made to work. This will be important to keep in mind as we zoom into the structure of atoms.
Around the nucleus of the atom, where the protons and neutrons live, there are electrons whizzing around. We used to think that they had certain circular orbits like the planets have around the sun, but have discovered that it is much more complicated, and much more exciting! Instead, the patterns of where we would likely find the electron within one of these orbitals takes into account Schroedinger’s wave equations. Pictures of each of these orbitals can be found at (These also take into account Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and probability theory.)
First, electrons can be thought of as occupying certain shells that surround the nucleus of the atom. These shells have been given letter names like K,L,M,N,O,P,Q. They have also been given number names, such as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. (This is what quantum mechanics is all about).
Within the shell, there may exist subshells or orbitals, with letter names such as s,p,d,f. Some of these orbitals look like spheres, some look like an hourglass, others look like beads on a bracelet.
The f orbital can contain 14 electrons, 2 in each of its 7 sub-orbitals.
(And there is a g orbital that can contain 18 electrons, 2 in each of its 9 sub-orbitals, for highly excited electrons.)
A maximum of 2 electrons can occupy a sub-orbital where one has a spin of UP, the other has a spin of DOWN. There can not be two electrons with spin UP in the same sub-orbital. (Pauli exclusion principal.) Also, when you have a pair of electrons in a sub-orbital, their combined magnetic fields will cancel each other out.
In order to show how many electrons are in each orbital, the following convention is sometimes used:
Chlorine has 1s22s22p63s23p5 for a total of 17 electrons. This tells us that there are 2 in 1s, 2 in 2s, 6 in 2p, 2 in 3s, and 5 in 3p.
After each orbital is full, it starts to fill the next one in this sequence. There are a few odd jumps in the sequence when you get to filling the 4f, 5d and 6p orbitals, but that’s how it goes.
If we were to examine Iron (atomic number 26), Cobalt (27), Nickel (28) and Gadolinium (64), all of which are considered ferromagnetic since they are strongly attracted to a magnet, it is difficult to see what makes them so different from the other elements next to them or below them in the periodic table. In other words, if Iron is so strongly magnetic, why isn’t Manganese? Perhaps there are other factors we need to take into account such as the crystalline structure. But it is generally accepted that these ferromagnetic elements have large magnetic moments due to un-paired electrons in their outer orbitals. This is like having current flowing in a coil of wire, creating a magnetic field. Even the spin of the electron is thought to create a minute magnetic field. When you get a bunch of these fields together, they add up to bigger fields.
Hope it helps!
Paul asks…
How do magnets work when I ride my horse?
I tried to ride a horse but it wouldn’t listen. Someone told me to use magnets but I don’t know how they work!
admin answers:
A magnet is any object that has a magnetic field. It attracts ferrous objects like pieces of iron, steel, nickel and cobalt. In the early days, the Greeks observed that the naturally occurring ‘lodestone’ attracted iron pieces. From that day onwards began the journey into the discovery of magnets.
What is a magnetic field? The space surrounding a magnet, in which magnetic force is exerted, is called a magnetic field. If a bar magnet is placed in such a field, it will experience magnetic forces. However, the field will continue to exist even if the magnet is removed. The direction of magnetic field at a point is the directiopenisn of the resultant force acting on a hypothetical North Pole placed at that point.
When current flows in a wire, a magnetic field is created around the wire. From this it has been inferred that magnetic fields are produced by the motion of electrical charges. A magnetic field of a bar magnet thus results fromvagina the motion of negatively charged electrons in the magnet.
Just as an electric field is described by drawing the electric lines of force, in the same way, a magnetic field is described by drawing the magnetic lines of force. When a small north magnetic pole is placed in the magnetic field created by a magnet, it will experience a force. And if the North Pole is free, it will move under the influenassholece of magnetic fielfucking trolledd. The path traced by a North magnetic pole free to movepenised under ttrololololhe influence of a magnetic field is called a magnetic line of force. In other words, the magnetic lines of force are the lines drawn in a magnetic field along which a north magnetic pole would move.
The direction of a magnetic line of force at any point gives the direction of the magnetic force on a north pole placed at that point. Since the direction of magnetic line of force is the direction of force on a North Pole, so the magnetic lines of force always begin on the N-pole of a magnet and end on the S-pole of thelolz magnet. A small magneticyou’ll never get this compass when moved along a line of force always sets itself along the line tangential to it. So, a line drawn from the South Pole of the compass to its North Pole indicates the direction of the magnetic field.
Long story short, you have to get the magnet as far into your horses arse as possible before you start seeing any results. Even then i’d put another one just to make sure you dont get jew’d out of a good ride. If he starts kicking back just tie down his legs, don’t worry it might not hurt the horse, I’m pretty sure.
Steven asks…
How the hell do magnets work?
I don’t want an elementary school explanation. How does a north pole attract a south pole?
Would magnets work on other planets?
admin answers:
I’m not quite sure, seeing as I’m Christian, but you may want to seek the help of a local mormon. They’ll usually pop by your home at around 7:30 on saturday morning.
Hope I helped
Laura asks…
Why do people think how magnets work proves God exists?
I am NOT kidding or complaining. I have noticed that people sometimes challenge their opponant “if there’s no God, then explain how magnets work.”
I don’t get the connection. Why would the existence of magnets prove God?
admin answers:
“F***ing Magnets, How Do They Work? Is a lyrical reference to the 2009 single Miracles by the Insane Clown Posse, an American hip hop duo from Detroit, Michigan. The song describes the wonders of the universe and an appreciation for nature’s beauty, while angrily eschewing science. Among the most quotable lines can be heard at 1:52, “f***ing magnets, how do they work,” which instantly became a popular catchphrase on the web.
Combine that with the argument from ignorance logical fallacy.
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Your Questions About How Do You Find The Area Of A Circle
Paul asks…
How do you find area of a circle with circumference?
how do u find area of a circle using circumference for example 18.84 units is the circumference.
admin answers:
Divide the circumference by PI (approximately 3.14159) to get the diameter. Then divide the diameter by 2 to get the radius. Then the area is equal to PI times (radius squared). Usually stated as A = PI*r^2.
Laura asks…
I have to do this matth packet but im totally brain dead. How do you find Area and Circumfrence of a circle???
The thing i need to find is a circle with a Diameter of 10. I think thats what it is. Its a circle with a line going across like this: ——– and above the line, it says 10 cm
admin answers:
Area of a Circle = pi x r^2
the radius is 1/2 the diameter so your radius is 5 cm
Area = pi x (5cm)^2
= pi x 25 cm^2
= 78.5 cm^2
The circumference is equal to 2 x pi x r
C = 2 x pi x 5cm
= 31.4 cm
you can use 3.14 as a value for pi in these problems
Charles asks…
How do u make a formula for finding the area and preimeter of a regular octagon circumscribd around a circle?
Radius of circle is r,
Formula has to include what you did with circle to find Area and preimeter of circle
admin answers:
The octagon can be divided into 16 right triangles with apex angle = 22.5°. For each triangle:
base = r·tan(22.5°)
height = r
area = (½)r²·tan(22.5°)
area of octagon = 16·(area of triangle)
= 8r²·tan(22.5°)
perimeter of octagon = 16·(base of triangle)
= 16r·tan(22.5°)
Ken asks…
how do you find area of a circle?
the question is the area of a circle is 25pi find the length of the radius.
can anyone explain it?
admin answers:
Area of a circle (A) = pi r^2
Find r:
Solve A = pi r^2 for A:
A = pi r^2
r^2 = A/pi
r = sqrt(A/pi)
A = 25pi
r = sqrt(25pi/pi)
r = sqrt(25)
r = 5
John asks…
How do you find the area of a circle with the middle as square shape?
Ok, so you have to find the area of the shaded shape which is the circle.The circle has a radius of 4cm and the squares’ (which is in the middle of the circle) length is 4×4. Please help me, It’s due for Monday.
admin answers:
Use the formula πr^2 to find the circle.
π x (4)^2 = 50.27
The area of the square can be found by 4 x 4 = 16
subtract both of them to find the shaded area.
50.27 – 16 = 34.27
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Your Questions About How Does Twitter Work
Ken asks…
How does trending topic on twitter work? Why does a 2nd spot trending topic disappeared suddenly on the TTs?
How does trending topic on twitter work? Why does a 2nd spot trending topic disappeared suddenly on the trending topics? For example, a 2nd spot trending topic “#saranghaeyokimheechul” had disappeared suddenly. Thanks ^^;;
admin answers:
Twitter updates really quickly. People are Tweeting new things all the time which can trend within 5 minutes of becoming breaking news.
Another possibility is regulation, if a topic begins trending and suddenly disappears, it could be inappropriate or just become unpopular. The internet world is so quick you can blink your eyes and new websites are huge, topics are gone or have become TT’s.
I saw a chance to win a sony Vaio laptop go trending from @Shopow_ and before I got chance it vanished! I ended up knowing a friend who had entered the draw so I tracked them down.
Hope this answers your Question.
Richard asks…
How exactly does Twitter work?
I hear a bit about twitter but what exactly is it? My friend told me it works with your cell phone, how does it work with your cell phone? When you use your cell phone, do you get charged? can someone please help me? Thanks.
admin answers:
Twitter is USELESS
you just update what your doing in the moment. The whole cell phone thing is if you want to update what your doing on the go.
For example if i was on twitter right now my ‘tweet’ would of been
‘answering questions on answers.’
Betty asks…
How does twitter work?
I want to sign up I know you can follow your favorite celebrities on it but not much else so how does it work and how old do you have to be to use it
admin answers:
Twitter is a website which offers a social networking service which enables its users to send and read other users’ messages called tweets. Tweets are publicly visible by default, however senders can restrict message delivery to their friends list. Users may subscribe to other author tweets—this is known as following and subscribers are known as followers. Twitter has many uses for both personal and business use. It’s a great way to keep in touch with your friends and quickly broadcast information about where you are and what you’re up to. For example, “I’m downtown and aching for some sushi. Anyone like to join me?”
by the way, Twitter has no minimum age, so everyone old enough to read can join.
Sandy asks…
How does twitter work? do the orginal authors see my reply,or do they have to be following me?
I am following several people on twitter, do they need to be following me as well, to see my posts?
admin answers:
Yes , they should follow you to see your posts, if you are following them you see their posts, and they will not see your posts until they follow you.
Nancy asks…
How does Twitter work? Is it used for social networking?
I’ve been looking into Twitter and it seems like everyone’s post is all having to do with media stuff such as mostly sports and some politics. I don’t see much socializing. Is that how it is?
admin answers:
It is not really a social networking site. In twitter there are many celebrities. You can follow them or ask your friend to follow you. If you follow some celebrities you’ll get there’s latest update. There is nothing special about Twitter.
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