Archive for June 4, 2011
Your Questions About Hobbies Denver
Mary asks…
How much does it cost for a licence for red belly piranha in Denver, CO?
I had piranha when I was a kid in MI and loved them, and would like to retake the hobby. Where in denver sells red bellies, and have knowledge not only in the law but in the fish as well?
admin answers:
So far as I know, they’re still legal in Michigan, but not Colorado. Colorado does license them, but only for public display or legitimate research facilities, individuals may not own them. You can thank irresponsible nitwits for that.
As of 2008, piranhas were legal in the following states;
Alaska, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. I arranged the above list alphabetically for quicker checking. Even if they’re legal in your state, they may not be legal in your community, check first.
Paul asks…
To Denver-ians How is the cost of living compared to other cities like Minneapolis?
We might have an opportunity soon to buy a small hobby place outside of Denver… My husband also has a standing job offer there. It would be less than 20 minutes drive to the city. We are wondering what is the cost of living like out there? Better or worse than Minneapolis MN? thats where we are currently. We are looking at everything and the amount of money my husband will make if he gets that particular job and what it will cost for taxes and land and things.
admin answers:
I’m not sure but I’d guess the cost of living is probably similar or a little greater than in Minneapolis. If you Google cost of living comparisons you will find sites that can give you a better idea.
Land prices (if you’re looking for vacant land) are through the roof. If you mean home prices, they can vary widely depending on what part of the Metro area you’re intersted in. South is generally going to be more expensive than north because most of the new building is that direction. The closer you get to the mountains (west side) the more expensive also. I live northeast and we have a nice, three bedroom home on a large lot that we paid $180k for seven years ago. It was a steal then but unfortunately it’s probably not worth that much now due to the economy. That being said, it’s a buyers market!
Richard asks…
What recreational activity do you look forward to on the weekends (summer months)?
Many people are into unusual things… for example, the people
who race remote controlled cars. There are so many different
types of things people do for hobbies and recreation on the weekends. What is your thing? I am thinking about buying an
ATV and ride it in the mountains above Denver on the weekends. Currently I have nothing to look forward to on the weekends except vegging, which is a waste in my opinion.
admin answers:
Running rivers, and specifically kayaking.
Laura asks…
Im moving to a new city and would like to know good ways to meet new friends? Im a 22 year old girl moving?
with her boyfriend to Denver, CO at the end of this month. I know you can meet people from your job and maybe taking a class at the gym…but what are some more interesting ways I can meet friends? I dont have any specific hobbies…I would like any and all suggestions so I have lots of things to pick from!
Thankyou so much! =)
admin answers:
When a defining moment comes along, you can do one of two things. Define the moment, or let the moment define you.
Betty asks…
How much do canvasses run for along with acrylic paints?
I’ve been interested in started a new project, painting on a canvas, since my drawings on paper look so good.
So I’m wondering how much a 51 inch x something would be or something relative to that.
And how much the cheapest, yet semi-good quality acrylic paints would be at Hobby Lobby or Michaels would be.
Or if theres a discount art store anywhere in the Denver/Denver Metro Area.
Thank you.
admin answers:
You can get very large canvases from your local art retail stores like Hobby Lobby and Micheals or you can visit for namebrand and store brand canvases at really good prices. They also have a broad variety of them too. I got a pack of BASICS acrylics (all the primaries plus blk and wht) for about $13! I usually get my supplies from here if I can wait a couple days for my things to arrive.
If I recall, Micheals and Hobby Lobby’s acrylics cost about $4-$7 per tube if purchased without a pack.
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Your Questions About Hobbies Colorado
Mary asks…
what is required to have a hobby farm in colorado, and what are the advantages?
admin answers:
Hmmm! Yes go to >>>>
A Guide to Rural Living in Boulder CountyFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – View as HTML
Hobby farming, organic farming, gardening, or small-. Scaled farms have … In fact, Colorado has “Right to Farm” legislation that protects farmers and
Ruth asks…
Where should i go for a good fish hobby store in Fort Collins Colorado that isnt petco or petsmart?
admin answers:
Sorry I don’t live in Colorado so I can’t really tell
How about online?
Good Luck!
Sandra asks…
What is the culture like in Colorado?
I am 25 & looking to relocate from PA to another state. Colorado is one that I am considering. I am looking to learn more about Colorado from people that have lived there. I’m interested in what the climate is like year round; what the people are like; how’s the cost of living there; what are popular hobbies/activities; …
admin answers:
Depending on what part of co your considering. But in Denver, the climate is mostly warm in the summer and REALLY snowy and icey in the winter. It mostly has prcipitatiopn like snow and rain and ice because its location relating to the Gulf od Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. But i personally enjoy it. , its pretty average. And wit the size of the city theres alot of competition so you cant really put up prices as much.Hobbies;snowboarding, shopping is a MAJOR 4 me, malls, concerts, MANY entertaining indoor places as well as outdoor,(mountain activities), hot springs, swimming,ect. There is plenty of hot springs because of the mts. Wat of love about denver is that watever you need you can find it here. And the sight of all the buildings and skycrapers and lights is just amazing! PPl; in general its dangerous. But again, all big cities are dangerous. But as far as the clothing and ppl, there are very different and unique ppl because of the size. So you can find a miscellaneous kinds of ppl. But the clothing style is very intresting. .everyone seems to have a certain style. But again this is in Denver. Maybe its different in sumwhere else in CO. But ive been in various parts of co and everywhere is rich with differnt cultures and entertainment! I Highly recommend it!
Nancy asks…
Hobby shops near Littleton Colorado?
I need a model rocket, nothing fancy just something I’m looking for a hobby shop that sells model rockets near littleton colorado (don’t say bobs world of hobbies it went out of buissness years ago
admin answers:
Here are a few for you:
A.Remote Control Hobbies – – (303) 804-0470
B.Hobbytown USA – – (303) 716-0312 –
C.A2z Metalsmith Supply Inc – – (720) 283-7200 – More
D.Ultimate Flying Object – – (303) 703-3917 – More
E.Terry Ludwig Studios – – (303) 795-1232 – More
F.Hob-Lob Ltd Partnership – – (303) 933-0041 – More
G.Bonnie Brae Hobby Shop – – (303) 806-6526 – More
H.Colpar Hobbies – – (303) 988-5157 –
I.Diversions Needlepoint – – (303) 761-7766 –
J.Caboose Hobbies – – (303) 777-6766 –
Have fun!
Michael asks…
what are some good outside hobbies for a 14 year old?
i am 14 and i ride bikes but this is starting to cost alot of money and my parents are dicks and wont buy me anything but food. so i am looking for a fun hobbie like biking that is cheap that i could do in colorado. it needs to be cheap that way i can buy my own stuff that doesnt cost 500 for a new part.
admin answers:
What about sk8boarding or snowboarding
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Your Questions About Hobbies Colorado
Sharon asks…
what is required to have a hobby farm in colorado, and what are the advantages?
admin answers:
Hmmm! Yes go to >>>>
A Guide to Rural Living in Boulder CountyFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – View as HTML
Hobby farming, organic farming, gardening, or small-. Scaled farms have … In fact, Colorado has “Right to Farm” legislation that protects farmers and
William asks…
Where should i go for a good fish hobby store in Fort Collins Colorado that isnt petco or petsmart?
admin answers:
Sorry I don’t live in Colorado so I can’t really tell
How about online?
Good Luck!
Ruth asks…
What is the culture like in Colorado?
I am 25 & looking to relocate from PA to another state. Colorado is one that I am considering. I am looking to learn more about Colorado from people that have lived there. I’m interested in what the climate is like year round; what the people are like; how’s the cost of living there; what are popular hobbies/activities; …
admin answers:
Depending on what part of co your considering. But in Denver, the climate is mostly warm in the summer and REALLY snowy and icey in the winter. It mostly has prcipitatiopn like snow and rain and ice because its location relating to the Gulf od Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. But i personally enjoy it. , its pretty average. And wit the size of the city theres alot of competition so you cant really put up prices as much.Hobbies;snowboarding, shopping is a MAJOR 4 me, malls, concerts, MANY entertaining indoor places as well as outdoor,(mountain activities), hot springs, swimming,ect. There is plenty of hot springs because of the mts. Wat of love about denver is that watever you need you can find it here. And the sight of all the buildings and skycrapers and lights is just amazing! PPl; in general its dangerous. But again, all big cities are dangerous. But as far as the clothing and ppl, there are very different and unique ppl because of the size. So you can find a miscellaneous kinds of ppl. But the clothing style is very intresting. .everyone seems to have a certain style. But again this is in Denver. Maybe its different in sumwhere else in CO. But ive been in various parts of co and everywhere is rich with differnt cultures and entertainment! I Highly recommend it!
Thomas asks…
Hobby shops near Littleton Colorado?
I need a model rocket, nothing fancy just something I’m looking for a hobby shop that sells model rockets near littleton colorado (don’t say bobs world of hobbies it went out of buissness years ago
admin answers:
Here are a few for you:
A.Remote Control Hobbies – – (303) 804-0470
B.Hobbytown USA – – (303) 716-0312 –
C.A2z Metalsmith Supply Inc – – (720) 283-7200 – More
D.Ultimate Flying Object – – (303) 703-3917 – More
E.Terry Ludwig Studios – – (303) 795-1232 – More
F.Hob-Lob Ltd Partnership – – (303) 933-0041 – More
G.Bonnie Brae Hobby Shop – – (303) 806-6526 – More
H.Colpar Hobbies – – (303) 988-5157 –
I.Diversions Needlepoint – – (303) 761-7766 –
J.Caboose Hobbies – – (303) 777-6766 –
Have fun!
Joseph asks…
what are some good outside hobbies for a 14 year old?
i am 14 and i ride bikes but this is starting to cost alot of money and my parents are dicks and wont buy me anything but food. so i am looking for a fun hobbie like biking that is cheap that i could do in colorado. it needs to be cheap that way i can buy my own stuff that doesnt cost 500 for a new part.
admin answers:
What about sk8boarding or snowboarding
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Your Questions About Hobbies Boulder
George asks…
Best place to live around Boulder for a young rock-climbing couple with limited budget?
We would like to move from Pittsburgh to Boulder in the fall. Our hobbies are backpacking/hiking, climbing, outdoor activities, chilling at dive bars and photograghy. We don’t have scads of money (just starting out), but still want to live in a cute/safe place. Prefer to have some nature and privacy, but not be too far away from stores and modern conveniences. Any reccommendations? Any places to steer clear of?
admin answers:
Boulder is quite expensive, but there are some deals to be found in the summertime, after the students leave. You may also want to consider a town outside of Boulder, like Longmont or Superior. They’re close by and quite a bit cheaper.
Sharon asks…
Boulder? denver? for an alternative type artist / industrial musician / craft maker / hockey player?
I’m moving from Los Angeles within the next year or so and am looking at my options. I moved here from the Detroit area for an internship in a career i decided not to persue and am now looking for somewhere more permanent. I want a big city but with suburbs and nature. My fiance is working on a degree in Environmental Science so this is why Boulder is on our list.
I’m a special effects aritst (by hobby), painter, crafter etc and I play roller hockey. He does industrial music and plays hockey. We’re looking for a place that has a good art and music scene (rock, industrial, alternative etc). we don’t want to move to the northwest though we really like portland. So I’m kind of looking for something similar. Would Boulder be a good fit?
admin answers:
Boulder is a fine city, but Denver seems more like what you are looking for. It’s great here.
Sandra asks…
Boulder: Good city for an alternative type artist / industrial music / crafts etc?
I’m moving from Los Angeles within the next year or so and am looking at my options. I moved here from the Detroit area for an internship in a career i decided not to persue and am now looking for somewhere more permanent. I want a big city but with suburbs and nature. My fiance is working on a degree in Environmental Science so this is why Boulder is on our list. We considered Portland but prefer not to be up in that area.
I’m a special effects aritst (by hobby), painter, crafter etc and I play roller hockey. He does industrial music and plays hockey. We’re looking for a place that has a good art and music scene (rock, industrial, alternative etc). we don’t want to move to the northwest though we really like portland. So I’m kind of looking for something similar. Would Boulder be a good fit?
admin answers:
Fort Collins, is a better choice.. Great town and there is a university there, so it’s a collage town, with small town charm. Lots of diversity of peoples.
It isn’t a “big city”, but it has all the amenities your looking for. And talk about views ! It’s beautiful !
It was voted the number 2 best city to live in the US.
One of the first things you notice about this Rocky Mountain city is that practically every new road has a bike lane. Even the wheelless can get in on the action now that Fort Collins has a bike library: Residents and visitors can check out a bicycle for up to seven days, free.
The city’s Old Town historic district contains four microbreweries and more than two dozen restaurants. Bioscience and tech companies, including Agilent Technologies, Hewlett-Packard and Kodak, keep employment opportunities high. Colorado State University occupies a scenic spot in the middle of town. And the city just received a grant from the Department of Energy to start a solar-energy project downtown.
Lots to do, year round.
Plus is close, (about 1 hour north) to Denver.
Lived there myself at one time..
I really fell in love with the people and the friendly town. It is a great place to raise kids.
Joseph asks…
What college should I apply to?
I’m faced with a small problem as to deciding which colleges I would like to apply to due to a little disparity in my stats.
I have a G.P.A of 2.9 Not very good by most standards. (most kids in my class fall at around a 3.6-3.7)
However on the second time I took that SAT reasoning I scored 2100
critical reading: 720
math: 700
writing: 680
SAT II scores:
U.S. Hist: 720
Math II: 690
While my tests scores are good everything else is kind of bland. I have a minimal amount of community service and no heavy extracurricular like sports or managing a club. I do, however, have 2 advanced extracurricular art classes as well as a college writing course at Columbia University though it is worth no college credits. I’m part of a few clubs but most of my extracurricular list is composed of hobbies such as playing the guitar, writing, drawing, and reading. I can claim a fairly high level of ability in all of them.
I’m just having a hard time figuring out what my range is. I mean I have the test scores to get into most schools like U Penn and Chicago but my 2.9 G.P.A is more typical at schools like U of Arizona or U Colorado at boulder.
It seems likely that by the end of the semester I can raise it to like a 3.0 or 3.1 if I’m lucky. Also I have been diagnosed with an auditory processing disorder (a type of learning disability) that may give colleges a reason for my grades. (Though I have heard many colleges will avoid accepting students with any learning disabilities though they are not legally allowed to discriminate)
I have yet to decide on a major nor do I really have any idea as to what I could possibly major in.
Really any advice would help because the school college counselor has been 0 help.
admin answers:
Having a high SAT is great, but it’s really your GPA, in cases like yours, that schools will pay most attention to. That’s because what your GPA/SAT combo seems to show is that while you are obviously bright, you have trouble actually doing the classwork. So your GPA will be weighed very heavily, and it’s unlikely, unless it’s an unusual circumstance, that you’d get into a place like UPenn.
That said, if there’s a pattern to your grades – let’s say all your English grades have been high, but your math and science grades have dragged you down – and you apply as an English major, that’s in your favor. Likewise, if your grades are lowish because your freshman year was horrible, but you’ve done up since then, that’s actually very much in your favor.
When you apply to schools, you want to apply to reach, fit, and safety, plus 1-2 super safety. For you, I want you to pick 1-2 reach schools where your SATs are at the *high end* of their averages, but your GPA will obviously be rather low for them. Pick fit schools where your SATs are *higher* than their averages, and your GPA is a bit low for them. Then pick safety schools where your SATs are going to be very high for them, but your GPA is a good fit. And pick 1-2 super safety schools where, based on your GPA alone, you know you’ll be very likely to get in.
You should get into those safety schools. You may well get into a couple of the fit schools. You probably won’t get into the reach schools. But you might.
Your extra curriculars are fine, btw. Things like guitar and writing and drawing count. The art classes and the writing class counts. Don’t get overly anxious about that. You aren’t joiny-joiny. So be it.
In terms of what to major in, you don’t necessarily have to decide that now. You can go in undecided, if you want to. But you want to look most closely at majors that play to your strengths and interests. Have a look at the list of majors at two schools: U Arizona, and U Penn. See what they offer, and what interests you. Maybe that’ll spark some ideas.
Donald asks…
How to finally get over him? Please help?
Im falling apart at the seams since my breakup. My problem is that its been 10 months since I last saw him… I should be over him now but I’m not. After he broke up with me, I didn’t really make that much of an attempt to reconnect with him. after all, he made the decision to end things, he must have had a really good reason why I wasnt valuable enough to keep around. I am still shell-shocked & confused. i can’t handle life anymore. if i see someone that reminds me of him i have slight panick attacks, anxiety. i cant breath or think, i just want to run away. he was never abusive in any way, it just hurt & confused me so much when he broke up with me. I felt used, much like when a man rapes & murders a woman and dumps her body in a ravine or garbage can. i feel utterly used and drained. im not interested in getting to know other men, im very sad and bitter, angry about what happened.on the one hand i fantasize about being with him again someday, but in reality i am terified of having any contact with him, because he has the power to hurt me & i know I couldnt handle being hurt more, im scared of what will be next for me if that happens, maybe an insane asylum…? I’m so hurt… I liken the feeling to standing with my back up againts a huge boulder… and a huge tracktor trailer truck comes barreling into me, smashing me into the wall. actually i think that would be alot less painful than what i am feeling… its been almost a year since we broke up and i think about him every day… every single day and nearly every single minute. im comforted remembering the good times, then i remember the times he hurt me (not deliberatly, he wasnt abusive at all… actually too good to be true. but I hurt when he did thinks like only sent a text to me on valentines day that said ‘happy v-day’ and nothing else, etc) and cry, and all the energy leaves my body. i cant handle life anymore. i cant really function anymore. im just empty now… i wish that i never met him. I HAVE a life… a job, hobbies, etc. So I’m not sure what I can do to finally heal…. any advice?
admin answers:
Here’s [WHAT TO DO]:>> Block him PHYSICALLY from every goddamn book there is about the face to the leg! Cut his phone. DO NEVER EVER respond to his emails, SMS. NO MATTER WHAT!
SHOUT “NEXXXT!”; “NEXT”, “NEXT!”..”NEXT!”, many times, till someone pleases you & is here to STAY! YOU CALL the SHOTS here! Duh!
GET SOME SELF-RESPECT DUDETTE! I’LL GIVE YOU SOME RIGHT AWAY- You’re the WOMAN! You’re the coolest thing that has seen & his BLINDNESS, DUMB-HEAD or EVOLUTION AIN’T your concern/problem! KICK HIM (not physically). KICK HIM WHERE HE CAN’T EVEN SHOW. LOAD it with {{STYLE}} dude. LAUGH at HIM!
[GETTIN a GRIP on the "MISMATCH"]:>> “WHAT breakup?!”
: At a mall you see a REALLY artistic, exotic, uber-cool T-Shirt(guy). You think THIS IS ‘THE ONE’! You almost buy (marry) it to live happily eva after, but Oops! Turns out it’s 3(THREE) whole sizes smaller than yours. WHADYA DO?! Put it back to where you picked it from & shout “NEXT!”. That’s what!
: So You’re tryin keys(guys) from a bunch to open this door. You pick a key, HOPE it’ll “work”, but it DOESN’T! OMG! WHADYADO NOW?! Drop It And Pick The NEXT! That’s what! You waste NO time to sit & brood over “Why didn’t the key OPEN it for me?” YOU’RE the DOOR! Not some KEY! You hold back NUMEROUS GIFTS inside you. This person is ONE of the keys. If this key can’t open it, 2BAD, it’ll NEVER see your GIFTS! LAUGH NOW! The KEY “MOVES ON”! The door STAYS PUT! YOU CALL THE SHOTS!
Ts! Keys! MOVE ON! Somebody shout “NEXT!”
[CONSIDER THESE QUESTIONS]:>> Why would you treat someone on priority when you’re NOT their priority?
Why would you live with someone who DOESN’T like your company? Why in the HE.CK would you enjoy theirs?
If he doesn’t enjoy you, WHY WOULD YOU enjoy him NOT enjoying you, or ENJOY HIM AT ALL?!
If he’s OK with it, why EVER would you NOT be OK?! If he DOESN’T want it, why EVER would YOU?
If HE DOESN’T mind, WHY WOULD YOU?! Why would you need someone that DOESN’T need you? WHA:O? WhY.EVER?!
If HE DOESN’T NEED you & WANT you as much, why EVER would you? Why would you care if HE CAN’T/WON’T care?
Why would you be with someone who’s willing to LET YOU DOWN, LET YOU FAIL?! :O WHY IN THE ACTUAL HE.CK WOULD YOU DO THAT?!
It’s like wanting to live desperately with someone who you know will murder you! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? KICK HIM! He more than deserves it.
BASICALLY, why would you be with someone that FAILS YOU & is WILLING to LET YOU DOWN?
Your house(relationship) is broken so that it can be built anew with newer better things(new guy perhaps). So that it can be made stronger, better than ever before! That’s how “renovation” works!
[BEATING 'HER+HIM']:>> Be a LIONESS. Who the hell needs him?! Seeing him with ‘her’?(on fb?) KNOW that IT’S NOT YOU! How could he EVER have YOUR(you+him) kinda fun with some SUBSTITUTE of YOURS? YOU+HIM is what you relate to and think is rosy, NOT HER+HIM!
SNAP outa it! NOW! People who care, NEVER give up on you! STAY PUT. KICK HIM MORE!
[GETTIN A GRIP OVER HIS THOUGHTS]:>> His thoughts are ECHOES. You hear(think) them even after the SPEAKER’S gone. They HAPPEN to you – UNLIKE RADIO CHANNELS! They’re like garbage stink, unpleasant & pungent, staying even after the garbage truck’s gone. But that’s just the quality of garbage! IT’S NOT YOU! You walk past a street with garbage & smell stink! You didn’t plan on it! So too, you didn’t plan to have his thoughts! It’s not your fault if you smell garbage Keep walking, toward fragrance. [SING] MUCH, Get BUSY with things. His thoughts’ve GOTTA FADE.
You’re JUST fine without him. You still have skin and are breathing. The “breakup” didn’t even touch you! You din’t/don’t EVER need him at all! Trust me. Your self confidence, courage to live fully without him, to show him this, & that you don’t care a damn about him, IS success in this dirty mind game!
It was a long relationship? So what?! It’s the old houses that’re broken to bits to create newer mansions of light, laughter & clarity.
Breathe deep. DUMP HIM, at every level. Let him down. Show him, his place. You can do this. After kicking him royally, you have to help MANY who are in the same state(or worse) as you now, & need help. It’s ALL FOR THEM. This whole event is JUST so that you come out of it 100% SUCCESSFUL, tell & share your learnings, experiences & help these people. This is (your secret mission), the final PURPOSE behind the whole situation that’s in front of you now.
“Some blessings shatter all glasses and windows when they arrive”
Power to you! | God be wih you!
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Your Questions About Hobbies For Men
Mandy asks…
What are some hard or technical hobbies for men?
I’m into guitar and art but am looking for some more technical hobbies, like maybe computer programming. I’m an engineering student and want something challenging.
admin answers:
Hello there,
You could always try designing and building speaker cabinets. Something to run as a extension cab with your amp. A nice mix of electronics and woodworking.
Nancy asks…
What are some hobbies for men who have retired and have a vast amount of time on their hands?
Any ideas other than television are welcome. And thank you.
admin answers:
Whoa!! That’s a question i could answer all day long….
Collecting shells or other natural history items. Takes a lot of knowledge, and is an almost never-ending pursuit, limited only by time and money!!
Model railroads
Building models of ships, cars or other man-made things to scale, accurately.
Serially finding people to help in various areas of life, whether online or in non-virtual (aka “real”) life.
Designing then actually DOING inexpensive experiments which shed light upon questions that actually matter to a lot of folks. This could be immensely rewarding, and would require a lot of “homework” researching the relevant literature.
Making detailed observations of various animals or habitats or ocean conditions or weather patterns in the area where they live. This would be fairly active: you’d have to go out in all kinds of conditions and in all seasons to make the observations necessary to make the resulting data-set useful to researchers.
Do a lot of reading and data-crunching, then take a modest amount of money and see how much you can make it grow investing in the stock market.
Learning something from scratch, such as fine French or Italian cooking.
The list is only limited by imagination, health, and access to resources.
Sharon asks…
What are some good hobbies for men to get into?
I’m open to any suggestion.
admin answers:
Well model trains is always a good and sure fire hobby…im 51 and have around 70 trains myself and have 2 different layouts going…the nice thing is theres a gauge to fit any 1s room availability…im into HO myself and theres so many different thing out there for 1 to buy to dress a board out u would never get bored with it and if uve got a son or daughter its a hobby u can pass on to them ive got my own group if u decide on trains let me know and ill share my tips with u
Carol asks…
Hobbies men find attractive in women?
Just wondering Every guy is different, but are there any fairly universal hobbies females partake in that makes the girl seem even more attractive? Examples: A woman who cooks, drives a motorcycle, paints/art, reads, etc..
I’m interested to see because in a way hobbies represent a connection from the superficial to the meaningful: Looks are just superficial, Personality traits and core of who you are, obviously deep and meaningful, and then hobbies seem to borrow from both of those categories, since they represent something about the person, yet arent who they are in specific. So are there any hobbies/interests you think are attractive for a girl to have (or combination of different hobbies), and if you can think of it, what makes it seem attractive? Thanks!
admin answers:
Making sandwiches and I’m serious on that one.
Paul asks…
What are some good inexpensive hobbies for men who are disabled and have very little room to work in?
admin answers:
Stamp collecting
small garden
bird watching
coin collecting
learn to fix small electronics
models (cars, planes etc etc)
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Your Questions About Hobbies Colorado
Linda asks…
what is required to have a hobby farm in colorado, and what are the advantages?
admin answers:
Hmmm! Yes go to >>>>
A Guide to Rural Living in Boulder CountyFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – View as HTML
Hobby farming, organic farming, gardening, or small-. Scaled farms have … In fact, Colorado has “Right to Farm” legislation that protects farmers and
Lizzie asks…
Where should i go for a good fish hobby store in Fort Collins Colorado that isnt petco or petsmart?
admin answers:
Sorry I don’t live in Colorado so I can’t really tell
How about online?
Good Luck!
Helen asks…
What is the culture like in Colorado?
I am 25 & looking to relocate from PA to another state. Colorado is one that I am considering. I am looking to learn more about Colorado from people that have lived there. I’m interested in what the climate is like year round; what the people are like; how’s the cost of living there; what are popular hobbies/activities; …
admin answers:
Depending on what part of co your considering. But in Denver, the climate is mostly warm in the summer and REALLY snowy and icey in the winter. It mostly has prcipitatiopn like snow and rain and ice because its location relating to the Gulf od Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. But i personally enjoy it. , its pretty average. And wit the size of the city theres alot of competition so you cant really put up prices as much.Hobbies;snowboarding, shopping is a MAJOR 4 me, malls, concerts, MANY entertaining indoor places as well as outdoor,(mountain activities), hot springs, swimming,ect. There is plenty of hot springs because of the mts. Wat of love about denver is that watever you need you can find it here. And the sight of all the buildings and skycrapers and lights is just amazing! PPl; in general its dangerous. But again, all big cities are dangerous. But as far as the clothing and ppl, there are very different and unique ppl because of the size. So you can find a miscellaneous kinds of ppl. But the clothing style is very intresting. .everyone seems to have a certain style. But again this is in Denver. Maybe its different in sumwhere else in CO. But ive been in various parts of co and everywhere is rich with differnt cultures and entertainment! I Highly recommend it!
Carol asks…
Hobby shops near Littleton Colorado?
I need a model rocket, nothing fancy just something I’m looking for a hobby shop that sells model rockets near littleton colorado (don’t say bobs world of hobbies it went out of buissness years ago
admin answers:
Here are a few for you:
A.Remote Control Hobbies – – (303) 804-0470
B.Hobbytown USA – – (303) 716-0312 –
C.A2z Metalsmith Supply Inc – – (720) 283-7200 – More
D.Ultimate Flying Object – – (303) 703-3917 – More
E.Terry Ludwig Studios – – (303) 795-1232 – More
F.Hob-Lob Ltd Partnership – – (303) 933-0041 – More
G.Bonnie Brae Hobby Shop – – (303) 806-6526 – More
H.Colpar Hobbies – – (303) 988-5157 –
I.Diversions Needlepoint – – (303) 761-7766 –
J.Caboose Hobbies – – (303) 777-6766 –
Have fun!
Mandy asks…
what are some good outside hobbies for a 14 year old?
i am 14 and i ride bikes but this is starting to cost alot of money and my parents are dicks and wont buy me anything but food. so i am looking for a fun hobbie like biking that is cheap that i could do in colorado. it needs to be cheap that way i can buy my own stuff that doesnt cost 500 for a new part.
admin answers:
What about sk8boarding or snowboarding
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Your Questions About Hobbies Colorado
Sandy asks…
what is required to have a hobby farm in colorado, and what are the advantages?
admin answers:
Hmmm! Yes go to >>>>
A Guide to Rural Living in Boulder CountyFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – View as HTML
Hobby farming, organic farming, gardening, or small-. Scaled farms have … In fact, Colorado has “Right to Farm” legislation that protects farmers and
Paul asks…
Where should i go for a good fish hobby store in Fort Collins Colorado that isnt petco or petsmart?
admin answers:
Sorry I don’t live in Colorado so I can’t really tell
How about online?
Good Luck!
Mark asks…
What is the culture like in Colorado?
I am 25 & looking to relocate from PA to another state. Colorado is one that I am considering. I am looking to learn more about Colorado from people that have lived there. I’m interested in what the climate is like year round; what the people are like; how’s the cost of living there; what are popular hobbies/activities; …
admin answers:
Depending on what part of co your considering. But in Denver, the climate is mostly warm in the summer and REALLY snowy and icey in the winter. It mostly has prcipitatiopn like snow and rain and ice because its location relating to the Gulf od Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. But i personally enjoy it. , its pretty average. And wit the size of the city theres alot of competition so you cant really put up prices as much.Hobbies;snowboarding, shopping is a MAJOR 4 me, malls, concerts, MANY entertaining indoor places as well as outdoor,(mountain activities), hot springs, swimming,ect. There is plenty of hot springs because of the mts. Wat of love about denver is that watever you need you can find it here. And the sight of all the buildings and skycrapers and lights is just amazing! PPl; in general its dangerous. But again, all big cities are dangerous. But as far as the clothing and ppl, there are very different and unique ppl because of the size. So you can find a miscellaneous kinds of ppl. But the clothing style is very intresting. .everyone seems to have a certain style. But again this is in Denver. Maybe its different in sumwhere else in CO. But ive been in various parts of co and everywhere is rich with differnt cultures and entertainment! I Highly recommend it!
Mary asks…
Hobby shops near Littleton Colorado?
I need a model rocket, nothing fancy just something I’m looking for a hobby shop that sells model rockets near littleton colorado (don’t say bobs world of hobbies it went out of buissness years ago
admin answers:
Here are a few for you:
A.Remote Control Hobbies – – (303) 804-0470
B.Hobbytown USA – – (303) 716-0312 –
C.A2z Metalsmith Supply Inc – – (720) 283-7200 – More
D.Ultimate Flying Object – – (303) 703-3917 – More
E.Terry Ludwig Studios – – (303) 795-1232 – More
F.Hob-Lob Ltd Partnership – – (303) 933-0041 – More
G.Bonnie Brae Hobby Shop – – (303) 806-6526 – More
H.Colpar Hobbies – – (303) 988-5157 –
I.Diversions Needlepoint – – (303) 761-7766 –
J.Caboose Hobbies – – (303) 777-6766 –
Have fun!
Sharon asks…
what are some good outside hobbies for a 14 year old?
i am 14 and i ride bikes but this is starting to cost alot of money and my parents are dicks and wont buy me anything but food. so i am looking for a fun hobbie like biking that is cheap that i could do in colorado. it needs to be cheap that way i can buy my own stuff that doesnt cost 500 for a new part.
admin answers:
What about sk8boarding or snowboarding
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