Archive for June 3, 2011
Hobby collectibles – news and values
The following article explains, how you know about hobby values can and where you support hobby collectible messages in your collection you can find.
Collect or gather elements can be a fun hobby. There are a lot of interesting things figures, thimbles, plates collect such as coins, stamps, sports cards, art and crafts, brass, etc. and to convene. You can view the list on and go. It is on no limit what you can earn. It is something personal and individual varies. Some collections are as hobby values and function in hobby collectible news from time to time in which demand for certain items is created and if could get a good price.
If you are interested in, that your own collection of elements, but have no idea what kind of item to collect hobby then collectible news provide you with enough information in the way of the collectibles available, their demand for it in the market and hobby values. Multiple websites contain this valuable information about collectibles. If you desires to collect sports cards then news sport includes details of most players, their play statistics and your opinion.
If you by chance an art collector, then can you opinions and views on art shows, museums, travel you souvenirs, artists demand and the market rates for such collectibles on hobby collectible news. Some rare pieces of values get can good hobby painting and gaining some knowledge of such collectibles, you can make a good investment. Some hobby collectible news beats rare coins made of gold and silver as a valuable collector’s items. Sometimes, many ancient items can add value to your existing vintage books. Philately or stamp collecting, comic book could collections, collections, Crystal Golf collectibles and vintage toys also your hobby values improve. These are just a few popular items, collected by people. Various other elements make for some good collectable.
There are some weekly newsletter online, with news collectible, hobby come out. Through this newsletter, you can get current information on the latest trend in collectibles, their values, new article demand and various other tidbits. Some ancient magazines talk about upcoming attractions, art fairs, auctions, auction prices and latest hobby values as well.
By online newsletter, art magazines and journals, and other hobby collectible newssubscribe to, you can follow values and what is and what from and updated other useful information on the latest news in the hobby world, views and opinions on hobby.
There are many blogs and, where serious collectors on their opinions hobby valuesExpress. You can trade with other collectors here various collectibles.
Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tips Taxed
Carol asks…
At what rate are the tips taxed at?
My company deducted 100% of my tips directly from my gross check amount. I worked 48 hrs and got net pay of $54.00, and I never reported any tips to the company. So what do i do now?
admin answers:
You should report the tips accurately. If a correction is needed on your paycheck your payroll department will fix it.
You employer is required to deduct income tax, SS and Medicare tax on tips. He may be working from your credit card tips or estimating your allocated tips.
John asks…
A question about how tips are taxed on each paycheck?
I claimed $224.00 in tips on my payroll check. The company deducted the $224.00 from my account instead of taxing the tips. I thought the company was to tax the tips, not turn around and take the tip amount out of my paycheck?
admin answers:
What usually happens is that the employer adds your tips to your wages, then calculates the taxes, then subtracts the tips back out since you already got them.
Sandy asks…
Why are my tips added then subtracted from my paycheck?
I work at a restaurant, and tips are not handed out at the end of the night, they are added to our paychecks that we get at the end of every two weeks. For example under the heading Earnings and HOurs it will say TIPS-TAXED and have the amount so lets say 20.00, then it deducts taxes, then there is another section that says Adjustments to Net Pay, and under that it says TIPS-DEDUCT and it subtracts the 20.00 dollars that was given in earnings. What is going on and why is would they even put the tips in there if I was not going to get any of them?
admin answers:
Do a little math and figure out if your paycheck includes tips or not. Start with the value on the check (this is your net income) and work backwards until you get your gross income. For example FICA (Social security, medicare etc) is $30, income tax $50, your net income is $500, tips $20.
$500 + 30 + 50 + 20 = $600 this is your gross income including tips. Does this equal to what is stated as your gross income on your pay stub? If yes then you are getting paid properly, and the adjustment is done because for tax purposes on your employers side.
Ruth asks…
Can tips from working as a waitress be taxed?
I’m 17. In full time education. Work 12 hours per week(roughly). Recently my employer decided that all tip money should be pooled as it has to be taxed then shared out amongst everyone. I don’t agree with this as I’m sure I shouldn’t be taxed and tips are voluntary like gift aid. Also, my shifts have been cut down to avoid the company paying employee tax but I’m not sure if i can be taxed anyway. So, can anyone help me learn the basics?
admin answers:
I assume your employer is the troncmaster and the tips are being taxed under PAYE. Tips are taxable as they form part of your income.
If you’re suspicious, check with HMRC that a tronc is in operation.
David asks…
Do restaurant staff get taxed on tips now?
I worked as a waitress in California 20 odd years ago and just pocketed my tips; I never had to record them or pay tax on them. Is it true that staff now have to record thier tips and get taxed??
I tip to give the waiter/waitress a bonus, not so that the Govt can take a cut!!
admin answers:
Yes, always try to tip in cash so we don’t have to report EVERYTHING though, just the minimum.
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tips Off
Helen asks…
How can I get my french tips off of my nails?
I got french tips a a little over a month ago and recently had to get rid of them due to a job which required heavy typing. I have had fake nails before and have always just popped them off after a while. However, these ones seem to be super strong. I ended up having to cut the tips off and now have about 3cm worth of the clear nail part still stuck to all of my nails. I have worked at these for a couple of weeks to try to loosen them off without any luck. Does anyone have any tips as to how I could get them off… without a lot of pain?
admin answers:
Use acetone nail polish remover and let them soak for about 15minutes and then peel back slowly.
Laura asks…
Is it possible to snip the end off yucca plants growing in garden to avoid accidents with sharp tips?
My little niece is coming to stay and the sharp tips of the plants are at eye level and I wan to avoid any accidents. Will snipping the sharp tips off ham the plant?
admin answers:
The wicked with works and words have called it to them: and esteeming it a friend, have fallen away and have made a covenant with it: because they are worthy to be of the part thereof.
Betty asks…
How can i take off Crystal tips without messing up my real nail?
I got my nails done a while back and when I decided to take the tips off they completly messed up my real nails. I need to get my nails done again for a wedding. Is there a way the nail person can do them so that this doesn’t happen again?
admin answers:
Actually its much better for you to just grow your own nails enough to make them look decent when you get them done. If you really want tips then you should invest in an acrylic remover. These are really harsh (more than reg nail polish remover) and you will need to moisturize your hands afterwards, but if you soak your fingers in the solution The acrylic tip should get really soft and be able to lift off easily. Good luck!
Mark asks…
How do I get my tips off?
I got tips put on my nails for prom but now I want them off. Some of them i got off pretty easily but others are really stuck on. Is there a good technique to getting them off yourself without having to go back to the salon to get them removed?
admin answers:
You are going to need to soak them in acetone. First clip them low. Then try to remove any lose acrylic from the nail. Then soak them in the acetone. After about 5 minutes, take a nail file buffer and remove the goopy stuff. Then soak again. Repeat the process until your natural nail doesn’t have anymore acrylic on the top.
Sandra asks…
Anyone else like to take the plastic tips off their black & milds?
I’ve never liked the plastic tips on black & milds, since it made the cigar look so fake or something to me. It’s hard to explain, but they never actually looked like cigars to me because of the tip.. Anyways, I started taking them off, and noticed that with every inhale I get much more of the flavor now. So my question is does anyone else like taking the plastic tips off? Am I dumb for doing this? Any risks or anything to doing this?
You don’t actually inhale cigar smoke into your lungs…just into your mouth…so I don’t see how I’m getting more cigar smoke into my lungs…
admin answers:
The tip is their simply so that you don’t get the head of the cigar all wet and mushy – it has no other purpose and is not a filter.
Guess I don’t understand why you think the tip makes them look ‘fake’ – they aren’t ‘real’ cigars to begin with…
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tips Au Prizes
Carol asks…
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Yes I did vote, just so that the sooner declared winner you can clean up all of that. So let’s start
1) To help fight boredom, put on some music you like while you clean.
2) This is where the music will really help: start with your closet, put all clean clothes where they belong (hangers, etc.) dirty clothes in a hamper, or laundry basket. Remember to put your shoes in the closet too. Then, your dresser-make sure all clean clothes are put away in proper order (underwear in top drawer, etc.,), Dust and declutter the top of the dresser, put things back where they belong. Same with desk, table, chair, etc. Have you changed the sheets on your bed yet this week? If not, please do so. Then Vacuum (or sweep the floor if hardwood), take out the trash. Done!
Now, the trick is this: to keep it up daily–if you have dirty dishes in your room, take them out to the kitchen as soon as you are done eating/drinking. Have a place for your papers, a file folder, etc. Make sure all surfaces are de-cluttered before you go to bed. Make your bed every morning when you first get up. You only need to dust and vacuum and take the trash out once per week (unless you have a lot of trash). Basically, it’s have a place for everything, and everything in it’s place. Being organized helps keep things clean/tidy.
3) For storage bins, I would suggest IKEA/Wal-Mart/K-Mart,
for inexpensive but good storage bins.
Have fun. Take care.
William asks…
Entering Dolly magazine’s Neighbours (a popular TV show in Australia) audition. Have any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (nearly 13) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people say I’m doing really well!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The prize is a contract on Neighbours for 6 weeks, which may be extended to up to three years!
All comments + tips etc. are appreciated! Thanks : )
P.S. – I also want to stand out in a crowd! After all, there will be a lot of people entering!
admin answers:
Go after your dreams. Be sure to mention ” Although I have no professional trainer in acting, I feel its just one of those that isn’t mandatory in being taught. However, if it is meant for you, you will learn naturally.” Also be sure to mention you have however that you have been participating in your high school drama. Keep in mind, a smile is cute so be sure to stay confident and smile.
Charles asks…
Entering the Dolly magazine’s Neighbours audition (Neighbours is a popular Aussie TV show). Got any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine, which I have), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (turning 13 this month) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people have been complimenting me and saying I’m doing really well (I really don’t mean to sound full of myself, but it is true that people say that)!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The main prize is a 6-week to 3-year contract on Neighbours!
I’m basically looking for ways to stand out in the crowd (there will be heaps of people entering!) as well as learn any other tips and comments etc. – all of which are appreciated : )
admin answers:
Your CV is your resume. Remember to put the most recent thing first, and divide it up into categories: e.g. Academic qualifications (obviously you’re quite young so won’t have many of these yet – don’t worry! Just include the schools you go / have been to), Work Experience, and Talents & Skills. If you have any vocational qualifications (e.g. Singing grades, dance exams, regional diving champion etc) then include those too.
Put in everything you can think of, even if it doesn’t seem relevant. Your startling ability to waterski may not seem worth mentioning but seem like it’ll make much difference to a soap based in a small dead-end street but if you’ve got something they can use, then they’ll be interested, because there’s no point in having actors who can’t do anything of use. They can always write things into the script, and you’ll find yourself waterskiing on national TV in no time!! Having said that, be concise, and don’t go over the top (e.g. “I once beat my friend at Connect 4 sixteen times in one afternoon)”. When it comes to your CV, you can’t say things like “everyone says I’m really good” – although that’s great that they say that, and obviously you can keep that thought in your head to give yourself confidence and drive, they won’t care, and it won’t look good.
Ditto what the poster above said in terms of character: do something different. Watch some episodes of Neighbours and see who is missing. Bree (? – it’s been a while since I watched it, and I’m in the UK so we’re behind!) did that whole goth-look already, so I wouldn’t recommend that. But which “group” isn’t being represented? Who would you, as a viewer, like to see on screen when you watch it every day? If you can have reasoning behind why you think that your character would be invaluable to the story, then they will be far more likely to take notice.
Good luck! The entire student population of Britain will be behind you!!
Sandra asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Voted for you
Donna asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Hello! I just voted for you five times (with different e mail accounts). It looks like you are ahead at the moment! I will go back next week and vote for you again when they let me!
Good luck! There is always room for improvement!
Powered by Yahoo! Answers
Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tips Au Prizes
Ruth asks…
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Yes I did vote, just so that the sooner declared winner you can clean up all of that. So let’s start
1) To help fight boredom, put on some music you like while you clean.
2) This is where the music will really help: start with your closet, put all clean clothes where they belong (hangers, etc.) dirty clothes in a hamper, or laundry basket. Remember to put your shoes in the closet too. Then, your dresser-make sure all clean clothes are put away in proper order (underwear in top drawer, etc.,), Dust and declutter the top of the dresser, put things back where they belong. Same with desk, table, chair, etc. Have you changed the sheets on your bed yet this week? If not, please do so. Then Vacuum (or sweep the floor if hardwood), take out the trash. Done!
Now, the trick is this: to keep it up daily–if you have dirty dishes in your room, take them out to the kitchen as soon as you are done eating/drinking. Have a place for your papers, a file folder, etc. Make sure all surfaces are de-cluttered before you go to bed. Make your bed every morning when you first get up. You only need to dust and vacuum and take the trash out once per week (unless you have a lot of trash). Basically, it’s have a place for everything, and everything in it’s place. Being organized helps keep things clean/tidy.
3) For storage bins, I would suggest IKEA/Wal-Mart/K-Mart,
for inexpensive but good storage bins.
Have fun. Take care.
Sharon asks…
Entering Dolly magazine’s Neighbours (a popular TV show in Australia) audition. Have any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (nearly 13) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people say I’m doing really well!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The prize is a contract on Neighbours for 6 weeks, which may be extended to up to three years!
All comments + tips etc. are appreciated! Thanks : )
P.S. – I also want to stand out in a crowd! After all, there will be a lot of people entering!
admin answers:
Go after your dreams. Be sure to mention ” Although I have no professional trainer in acting, I feel its just one of those that isn’t mandatory in being taught. However, if it is meant for you, you will learn naturally.” Also be sure to mention you have however that you have been participating in your high school drama. Keep in mind, a smile is cute so be sure to stay confident and smile.
George asks…
Entering the Dolly magazine’s Neighbours audition (Neighbours is a popular Aussie TV show). Got any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine, which I have), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (turning 13 this month) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people have been complimenting me and saying I’m doing really well (I really don’t mean to sound full of myself, but it is true that people say that)!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The main prize is a 6-week to 3-year contract on Neighbours!
I’m basically looking for ways to stand out in the crowd (there will be heaps of people entering!) as well as learn any other tips and comments etc. – all of which are appreciated : )
admin answers:
Your CV is your resume. Remember to put the most recent thing first, and divide it up into categories: e.g. Academic qualifications (obviously you’re quite young so won’t have many of these yet – don’t worry! Just include the schools you go / have been to), Work Experience, and Talents & Skills. If you have any vocational qualifications (e.g. Singing grades, dance exams, regional diving champion etc) then include those too.
Put in everything you can think of, even if it doesn’t seem relevant. Your startling ability to waterski may not seem worth mentioning but seem like it’ll make much difference to a soap based in a small dead-end street but if you’ve got something they can use, then they’ll be interested, because there’s no point in having actors who can’t do anything of use. They can always write things into the script, and you’ll find yourself waterskiing on national TV in no time!! Having said that, be concise, and don’t go over the top (e.g. “I once beat my friend at Connect 4 sixteen times in one afternoon)”. When it comes to your CV, you can’t say things like “everyone says I’m really good” – although that’s great that they say that, and obviously you can keep that thought in your head to give yourself confidence and drive, they won’t care, and it won’t look good.
Ditto what the poster above said in terms of character: do something different. Watch some episodes of Neighbours and see who is missing. Bree (? – it’s been a while since I watched it, and I’m in the UK so we’re behind!) did that whole goth-look already, so I wouldn’t recommend that. But which “group” isn’t being represented? Who would you, as a viewer, like to see on screen when you watch it every day? If you can have reasoning behind why you think that your character would be invaluable to the story, then they will be far more likely to take notice.
Good luck! The entire student population of Britain will be behind you!!
Mandy asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Voted for you
Richard asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Hello! I just voted for you five times (with different e mail accounts). It looks like you are ahead at the moment! I will go back next week and vote for you again when they let me!
Good luck! There is always room for improvement!
Powered by Yahoo! Answers
Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tips Taxable
Charles asks…
Taxable tips?
As a server, does the law require that you declare 100% of your tip income? My employer has said to claim 10% of my sales (almost 100%) and I am just curious what the law is. I am not concerned with fudging, I just want to know if employer’s have a say, or choose a standard, and what the IRS says.
admin answers:
Yes you have to claim 100% of your tips, however, any tips totaling under $20 for the month are not subject to social security & medicare. If your tips are less that the average for the business you work for (probably the 10% of sales figure your employer gave you), you need to keep a record of your tips (a tip diary) for documentation if the IRS requests it.
William asks…
tips earned are taxable but…?
Tips earned are taxable but is there a % of how much I should report to IRS or my employer? let’s say I earned $100 for tips, should I report the whole amount or can I report $80 only?
admin answers:
You’re supposed to report the full amount, but few do. I’ve attached a link about tip reporting.
Robert asks…
It looks like 100% of my wife’s tips are taken out of her paycheck?
On her paystub under GROSS REPORTED TIPS it reads $215. To the right in the section with medicare, fed tax, ss tax, etc. it shows that same $215 deducted from her pay. What gives? I realize that the tips are taxable, but doesn’t something seem off that 100% of her tips go to the fed and get taken out of her check? What’s the point in receiving tips if they ALL come out of your paycheck??
admin answers:
You are misunderstanding what’s happening.
The tips are added to her other income at the top before taxes are calculated on them. Then they’re subtracted back out since she has already gotten them. You’re forgetting she goes home with them in her pocket – so while the employer has to add them to her wages to calculate the tax, they then subtract them back out since she already has them.
Laura asks…
I get my tips back in cash… does this work with taxes?
I work at a baseball stadium as a vendor. It’s my first job. I get paid commission and then keep my tips. Just a coupel days ago, my dad told me tips are taxable. Luckily, I have kept track of all my tips in an envelope.
Here’s the thing: I get my tips in cash. I give my manager the money I was given at the beginning plus what I sold and then I take the tips home in cahs. I don’t report them or anything.
So how do I go about this? Am I supposed to report my tips at work (I’ve already worked a while now….that would be tough)? How do I get taxed if it’s all in cash? The tips do not show on the paycheck.
admin answers:
Yes you are supposed to report them at work, and they are supposed to withhold tax on it. If they are not having you report them, you still have to report them on your tax return. Start by asking at work how you report your tips to them. This is if you’re an employee.
If you’re considered an independent contractor, then you just report the tips the same as your commission.
Donald asks…
Paycheck with Tips Deducted?
My wife recently started working at a small bar part time.(California) Her first check was very questionable. He hired her at $8.00 and hour. Her first check was for 22 hours. That came to $176.00. He had kept track of her tips and put $59.00 down for income of tips. Total $235.00 He then took out $29.00 for Taxes. He did not list if it was State, Federal, SDI, just taxes. Then minused $59.00 back out after taxes for her tips. Is this right? I understand Tips are taxable income yet he ran them through the tax then minused out the entire $59.00 after taxes. is that correct? What about the taxes?
admin answers:
This does not seem right. I would definitely speak with your employer to ask how they came to that calculation. Most jobs that have tipping involved require the worker to report all tips actually earned. That amount is added to the hourly wage (gross income) then taxes are deducted based on local, state, and federal tax reporting laws and requirements.
He should not “assume” an amount that was earned from tips, but rely on the employee to report that amount earned. I would definitely question him how he came to that result.
If she is owed wages, most states have a procedure for filing a wage claim against the employer.
You can also try a paycheck calculator to see if her final pay was accurate.
Hope that helps.
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tipster
Linda asks…
What are my rights as a “crimestoppers” police tipster?
I am interested in reporting a possible felony to a police agency. But I don’t want them to coerce me into giving information or denying me my compensation for any reason. Am I required to divulge the information if they do not make me feel secure or comfortable with making the report?
I am concerned about the crime, my safety, and I would like compensation for taking the risk.
admin answers:
For those very reasons you are reluctant crimestoppers is not part of the police but a community organization.
You can remain anonymous. They give you a number for ID.
Please be aware that it up to the people at crimestoppers what you compensation, if any, is.
Even if a reward has been publicized the rewards normally are contingent upon arrest and conviction. If your info is of the type where you are needed for conviction or for a warrant and you do not cooperate you get nil.
Luckily for most of us others actually believe in public service and their duty to the society or no one would be safe in their homes or on the streets.
Laura asks…
Who is the best horse racing tipster to follow please?
my booky keeps beating me, need serious help lol! only betting small ampounts but i am pants at picking horses!
admin answers:
My simple advice:
Get the Daily Racing Form (DRF).
For the first four races on a card, calculate who is on-point. (On-point meaning: What handicapper listed in the DRF is picking winners, or at least horses that are showing).
After that, handicap as you would, but play credence to the “hot hand.” (the DRF handicapper that is on-point)
As stated, this advice only works for large claiming ($35,000), bona-fide allowance, or major stakes (G2+) races.
If you are trying to pick a mule at RiverDowns (or other small-priced tracks), choose a number, because all the handicapping advice in the world will not help.
There is a lot more handicapping advice out there, which in time, you will learn. However, if you follow the advice provided off the bat, you will get a good start in the game.
James asks…
Markopoulos Bernie Madoff tipster is a dead man walking in my opinion. What do you think?
admin answers:
Granma said Madoff- is living proof Jews cannot be trusted with large sums of money.
Her husband died fighting the Germans in Italy.
Maria asks…
I say, Idle Talk, My Will, Parsons Legacy.. Best of luck all you Yahooers..
admin answers:
1) State of Play.
2) Comply or Die.
3) Parsons Legacy.
Michael asks…
BWJ1963 is this yahoo best tipster?
those tips today were red hot i wish i had been near my pc ? and whats that number you keep writing ? it dont work keep the tips coming though they are spot on !
admin answers:
I live in the united states. I have been around crooked jockeys for 34 years…
So i pick like the owners think. Not the average player…i live in
so. California and 951-454-8265 is the turf-man’s insider secrets
horseracing hotline.. I sell my tip sheets at for $10.00
a day….but someone at y.a. Needed some winners in the u.k.
And i said i would put together a system for u.k. Players…
We are now 7 for 11….but we should be able to do better…
So feel free to e-mail me direct…..will send my plays for
saturday later on tonight…..thank’s for the comment…
All i can do is my best…..see you in the winners circle….
turf-man’s picks for saturday 10/20/2007…..
New market…..1705…..distinction
cheltenham…..1750…..razor royale
catterick…..1650… force
wolverhampton…..1900… badeya
cork…..1440… breaker
this week we are 7 out of 11…..and trying to add to that tally…
Ph# is in the united states…..951-454-8265
good luck and i will see you in the winners circle$$$$$
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Your Questions About My Tips Taxable
Mandy asks…
Taxable tips?
As a server, does the law require that you declare 100% of your tip income? My employer has said to claim 10% of my sales (almost 100%) and I am just curious what the law is. I am not concerned with fudging, I just want to know if employer’s have a say, or choose a standard, and what the IRS says.
admin answers:
Yes you have to claim 100% of your tips, however, any tips totaling under $20 for the month are not subject to social security & medicare. If your tips are less that the average for the business you work for (probably the 10% of sales figure your employer gave you), you need to keep a record of your tips (a tip diary) for documentation if the IRS requests it.
Carol asks…
tips earned are taxable but…?
Tips earned are taxable but is there a % of how much I should report to IRS or my employer? let’s say I earned $100 for tips, should I report the whole amount or can I report $80 only?
admin answers:
You’re supposed to report the full amount, but few do. I’ve attached a link about tip reporting.
John asks…
It looks like 100% of my wife’s tips are taken out of her paycheck?
On her paystub under GROSS REPORTED TIPS it reads $215. To the right in the section with medicare, fed tax, ss tax, etc. it shows that same $215 deducted from her pay. What gives? I realize that the tips are taxable, but doesn’t something seem off that 100% of her tips go to the fed and get taken out of her check? What’s the point in receiving tips if they ALL come out of your paycheck??
admin answers:
You are misunderstanding what’s happening.
The tips are added to her other income at the top before taxes are calculated on them. Then they’re subtracted back out since she has already gotten them. You’re forgetting she goes home with them in her pocket – so while the employer has to add them to her wages to calculate the tax, they then subtract them back out since she already has them.
Steven asks…
I get my tips back in cash… does this work with taxes?
I work at a baseball stadium as a vendor. It’s my first job. I get paid commission and then keep my tips. Just a coupel days ago, my dad told me tips are taxable. Luckily, I have kept track of all my tips in an envelope.
Here’s the thing: I get my tips in cash. I give my manager the money I was given at the beginning plus what I sold and then I take the tips home in cahs. I don’t report them or anything.
So how do I go about this? Am I supposed to report my tips at work (I’ve already worked a while now….that would be tough)? How do I get taxed if it’s all in cash? The tips do not show on the paycheck.
admin answers:
Yes you are supposed to report them at work, and they are supposed to withhold tax on it. If they are not having you report them, you still have to report them on your tax return. Start by asking at work how you report your tips to them. This is if you’re an employee.
If you’re considered an independent contractor, then you just report the tips the same as your commission.
Ruth asks…
Paycheck with Tips Deducted?
My wife recently started working at a small bar part time.(California) Her first check was very questionable. He hired her at $8.00 and hour. Her first check was for 22 hours. That came to $176.00. He had kept track of her tips and put $59.00 down for income of tips. Total $235.00 He then took out $29.00 for Taxes. He did not list if it was State, Federal, SDI, just taxes. Then minused $59.00 back out after taxes for her tips. Is this right? I understand Tips are taxable income yet he ran them through the tax then minused out the entire $59.00 after taxes. is that correct? What about the taxes?
admin answers:
This does not seem right. I would definitely speak with your employer to ask how they came to that calculation. Most jobs that have tipping involved require the worker to report all tips actually earned. That amount is added to the hourly wage (gross income) then taxes are deducted based on local, state, and federal tax reporting laws and requirements.
He should not “assume” an amount that was earned from tips, but rely on the employee to report that amount earned. I would definitely question him how he came to that result.
If she is owed wages, most states have a procedure for filing a wage claim against the employer.
You can also try a paycheck calculator to see if her final pay was accurate.
Hope that helps.
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Your Questions About My Tips Au Prizes
Maria asks…
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Yes I did vote, just so that the sooner declared winner you can clean up all of that. So let’s start
1) To help fight boredom, put on some music you like while you clean.
2) This is where the music will really help: start with your closet, put all clean clothes where they belong (hangers, etc.) dirty clothes in a hamper, or laundry basket. Remember to put your shoes in the closet too. Then, your dresser-make sure all clean clothes are put away in proper order (underwear in top drawer, etc.,), Dust and declutter the top of the dresser, put things back where they belong. Same with desk, table, chair, etc. Have you changed the sheets on your bed yet this week? If not, please do so. Then Vacuum (or sweep the floor if hardwood), take out the trash. Done!
Now, the trick is this: to keep it up daily–if you have dirty dishes in your room, take them out to the kitchen as soon as you are done eating/drinking. Have a place for your papers, a file folder, etc. Make sure all surfaces are de-cluttered before you go to bed. Make your bed every morning when you first get up. You only need to dust and vacuum and take the trash out once per week (unless you have a lot of trash). Basically, it’s have a place for everything, and everything in it’s place. Being organized helps keep things clean/tidy.
3) For storage bins, I would suggest IKEA/Wal-Mart/K-Mart,
for inexpensive but good storage bins.
Have fun. Take care.
Richard asks…
Entering Dolly magazine’s Neighbours (a popular TV show in Australia) audition. Have any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (nearly 13) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people say I’m doing really well!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The prize is a contract on Neighbours for 6 weeks, which may be extended to up to three years!
All comments + tips etc. are appreciated! Thanks : )
P.S. – I also want to stand out in a crowd! After all, there will be a lot of people entering!
admin answers:
Go after your dreams. Be sure to mention ” Although I have no professional trainer in acting, I feel its just one of those that isn’t mandatory in being taught. However, if it is meant for you, you will learn naturally.” Also be sure to mention you have however that you have been participating in your high school drama. Keep in mind, a smile is cute so be sure to stay confident and smile.
John asks…
Entering the Dolly magazine’s Neighbours audition (Neighbours is a popular Aussie TV show). Got any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine, which I have), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (turning 13 this month) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people have been complimenting me and saying I’m doing really well (I really don’t mean to sound full of myself, but it is true that people say that)!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The main prize is a 6-week to 3-year contract on Neighbours!
I’m basically looking for ways to stand out in the crowd (there will be heaps of people entering!) as well as learn any other tips and comments etc. – all of which are appreciated : )
admin answers:
Your CV is your resume. Remember to put the most recent thing first, and divide it up into categories: e.g. Academic qualifications (obviously you’re quite young so won’t have many of these yet – don’t worry! Just include the schools you go / have been to), Work Experience, and Talents & Skills. If you have any vocational qualifications (e.g. Singing grades, dance exams, regional diving champion etc) then include those too.
Put in everything you can think of, even if it doesn’t seem relevant. Your startling ability to waterski may not seem worth mentioning but seem like it’ll make much difference to a soap based in a small dead-end street but if you’ve got something they can use, then they’ll be interested, because there’s no point in having actors who can’t do anything of use. They can always write things into the script, and you’ll find yourself waterskiing on national TV in no time!! Having said that, be concise, and don’t go over the top (e.g. “I once beat my friend at Connect 4 sixteen times in one afternoon)”. When it comes to your CV, you can’t say things like “everyone says I’m really good” – although that’s great that they say that, and obviously you can keep that thought in your head to give yourself confidence and drive, they won’t care, and it won’t look good.
Ditto what the poster above said in terms of character: do something different. Watch some episodes of Neighbours and see who is missing. Bree (? – it’s been a while since I watched it, and I’m in the UK so we’re behind!) did that whole goth-look already, so I wouldn’t recommend that. But which “group” isn’t being represented? Who would you, as a viewer, like to see on screen when you watch it every day? If you can have reasoning behind why you think that your character would be invaluable to the story, then they will be far more likely to take notice.
Good luck! The entire student population of Britain will be behind you!!
Helen asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Voted for you
Lizzie asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Hello! I just voted for you five times (with different e mail accounts). It looks like you are ahead at the moment! I will go back next week and vote for you again when they let me!
Good luck! There is always room for improvement!
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tips Au Prizes
Maria asks…
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Yes I did vote, just so that the sooner declared winner you can clean up all of that. So let’s start
1) To help fight boredom, put on some music you like while you clean.
2) This is where the music will really help: start with your closet, put all clean clothes where they belong (hangers, etc.) dirty clothes in a hamper, or laundry basket. Remember to put your shoes in the closet too. Then, your dresser-make sure all clean clothes are put away in proper order (underwear in top drawer, etc.,), Dust and declutter the top of the dresser, put things back where they belong. Same with desk, table, chair, etc. Have you changed the sheets on your bed yet this week? If not, please do so. Then Vacuum (or sweep the floor if hardwood), take out the trash. Done!
Now, the trick is this: to keep it up daily–if you have dirty dishes in your room, take them out to the kitchen as soon as you are done eating/drinking. Have a place for your papers, a file folder, etc. Make sure all surfaces are de-cluttered before you go to bed. Make your bed every morning when you first get up. You only need to dust and vacuum and take the trash out once per week (unless you have a lot of trash). Basically, it’s have a place for everything, and everything in it’s place. Being organized helps keep things clean/tidy.
3) For storage bins, I would suggest IKEA/Wal-Mart/K-Mart,
for inexpensive but good storage bins.
Have fun. Take care.
John asks…
Entering Dolly magazine’s Neighbours (a popular TV show in Australia) audition. Have any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (nearly 13) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people say I’m doing really well!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The prize is a contract on Neighbours for 6 weeks, which may be extended to up to three years!
All comments + tips etc. are appreciated! Thanks : )
P.S. – I also want to stand out in a crowd! After all, there will be a lot of people entering!
admin answers:
Go after your dreams. Be sure to mention ” Although I have no professional trainer in acting, I feel its just one of those that isn’t mandatory in being taught. However, if it is meant for you, you will learn naturally.” Also be sure to mention you have however that you have been participating in your high school drama. Keep in mind, a smile is cute so be sure to stay confident and smile.
Donna asks…
Entering the Dolly magazine’s Neighbours audition (Neighbours is a popular Aussie TV show). Got any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine, which I have), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (turning 13 this month) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people have been complimenting me and saying I’m doing really well (I really don’t mean to sound full of myself, but it is true that people say that)!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The main prize is a 6-week to 3-year contract on Neighbours!
I’m basically looking for ways to stand out in the crowd (there will be heaps of people entering!) as well as learn any other tips and comments etc. – all of which are appreciated : )
admin answers:
Your CV is your resume. Remember to put the most recent thing first, and divide it up into categories: e.g. Academic qualifications (obviously you’re quite young so won’t have many of these yet – don’t worry! Just include the schools you go / have been to), Work Experience, and Talents & Skills. If you have any vocational qualifications (e.g. Singing grades, dance exams, regional diving champion etc) then include those too.
Put in everything you can think of, even if it doesn’t seem relevant. Your startling ability to waterski may not seem worth mentioning but seem like it’ll make much difference to a soap based in a small dead-end street but if you’ve got something they can use, then they’ll be interested, because there’s no point in having actors who can’t do anything of use. They can always write things into the script, and you’ll find yourself waterskiing on national TV in no time!! Having said that, be concise, and don’t go over the top (e.g. “I once beat my friend at Connect 4 sixteen times in one afternoon)”. When it comes to your CV, you can’t say things like “everyone says I’m really good” – although that’s great that they say that, and obviously you can keep that thought in your head to give yourself confidence and drive, they won’t care, and it won’t look good.
Ditto what the poster above said in terms of character: do something different. Watch some episodes of Neighbours and see who is missing. Bree (? – it’s been a while since I watched it, and I’m in the UK so we’re behind!) did that whole goth-look already, so I wouldn’t recommend that. But which “group” isn’t being represented? Who would you, as a viewer, like to see on screen when you watch it every day? If you can have reasoning behind why you think that your character would be invaluable to the story, then they will be far more likely to take notice.
Good luck! The entire student population of Britain will be behind you!!
Carol asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Voted for you
Ruth asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Hello! I just voted for you five times (with different e mail accounts). It looks like you are ahead at the moment! I will go back next week and vote for you again when they let me!
Good luck! There is always room for improvement!
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