Archive for June 2, 2011
Your Questions About My Tips Au Prizes
Daniel asks…
Messy situation , will you please vote to help me out of it?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Yes I did vote, just so that the sooner declared winner you can clean up all of that. So let’s start
1) To help fight boredom, put on some music you like while you clean.
2) This is where the music will really help: start with your closet, put all clean clothes where they belong (hangers, etc.) dirty clothes in a hamper, or laundry basket. Remember to put your shoes in the closet too. Then, your dresser-make sure all clean clothes are put away in proper order (underwear in top drawer, etc.,), Dust and declutter the top of the dresser, put things back where they belong. Same with desk, table, chair, etc. Have you changed the sheets on your bed yet this week? If not, please do so. Then Vacuum (or sweep the floor if hardwood), take out the trash. Done!
Now, the trick is this: to keep it up daily–if you have dirty dishes in your room, take them out to the kitchen as soon as you are done eating/drinking. Have a place for your papers, a file folder, etc. Make sure all surfaces are de-cluttered before you go to bed. Make your bed every morning when you first get up. You only need to dust and vacuum and take the trash out once per week (unless you have a lot of trash). Basically, it’s have a place for everything, and everything in it’s place. Being organized helps keep things clean/tidy.
3) For storage bins, I would suggest IKEA/Wal-Mart/K-Mart,
for inexpensive but good storage bins.
Have fun. Take care.
David asks…
Entering Dolly magazine’s Neighbours (a popular TV show in Australia) audition. Have any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (nearly 13) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people say I’m doing really well!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The prize is a contract on Neighbours for 6 weeks, which may be extended to up to three years!
All comments + tips etc. are appreciated! Thanks : )
P.S. – I also want to stand out in a crowd! After all, there will be a lot of people entering!
admin answers:
Go after your dreams. Be sure to mention ” Although I have no professional trainer in acting, I feel its just one of those that isn’t mandatory in being taught. However, if it is meant for you, you will learn naturally.” Also be sure to mention you have however that you have been participating in your high school drama. Keep in mind, a smile is cute so be sure to stay confident and smile.
James asks…
Entering the Dolly magazine’s Neighbours audition (Neighbours is a popular Aussie TV show). Got any tips etc.?
It says I need to send in a video of me performing a script (found in the latest Dolly magazine, which I have), and also a CV (I think that’s a resume?) and a headshot photo of myself.
I’m 12 (turning 13 this month) and have never done any performances or anything, but I’ve been doing Drama at my highschool this year and am really enjoying it and people have been complimenting me and saying I’m doing really well (I really don’t mean to sound full of myself, but it is true that people say that)!
Is there anything I really need to know? Would would I need to include in my CV? Would they consider me seeing as I’m not experienced in acting?
The main prize is a 6-week to 3-year contract on Neighbours!
I’m basically looking for ways to stand out in the crowd (there will be heaps of people entering!) as well as learn any other tips and comments etc. – all of which are appreciated : )
admin answers:
Your CV is your resume. Remember to put the most recent thing first, and divide it up into categories: e.g. Academic qualifications (obviously you’re quite young so won’t have many of these yet – don’t worry! Just include the schools you go / have been to), Work Experience, and Talents & Skills. If you have any vocational qualifications (e.g. Singing grades, dance exams, regional diving champion etc) then include those too.
Put in everything you can think of, even if it doesn’t seem relevant. Your startling ability to waterski may not seem worth mentioning but seem like it’ll make much difference to a soap based in a small dead-end street but if you’ve got something they can use, then they’ll be interested, because there’s no point in having actors who can’t do anything of use. They can always write things into the script, and you’ll find yourself waterskiing on national TV in no time!! Having said that, be concise, and don’t go over the top (e.g. “I once beat my friend at Connect 4 sixteen times in one afternoon)”. When it comes to your CV, you can’t say things like “everyone says I’m really good” – although that’s great that they say that, and obviously you can keep that thought in your head to give yourself confidence and drive, they won’t care, and it won’t look good.
Ditto what the poster above said in terms of character: do something different. Watch some episodes of Neighbours and see who is missing. Bree (? – it’s been a while since I watched it, and I’m in the UK so we’re behind!) did that whole goth-look already, so I wouldn’t recommend that. But which “group” isn’t being represented? Who would you, as a viewer, like to see on screen when you watch it every day? If you can have reasoning behind why you think that your character would be invaluable to the story, then they will be far more likely to take notice.
Good luck! The entire student population of Britain will be behind you!!
Carol asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Voted for you
Mandy asks…
It’s a mess! , will you please vote to help me out of it? please?
i should probably be asking for cleaning and organising tips before anything!
will you please vote for my pic? (provided you think i’m messy enough to deserve it!)
mine has a Red Border
and it’s titled “welcome..”
yes, that is my mess *hides in shame!*. i am hoping the prize might help me with some storage solutions! thanks, let me know if you vote!
admin answers:
Hello! I just voted for you five times (with different e mail accounts). It looks like you are ahead at the moment! I will go back next week and vote for you again when they let me!
Good luck! There is always room for improvement!
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Your Questions About My Tips Taxable
Ken asks…
Taxable tips?
As a server, does the law require that you declare 100% of your tip income? My employer has said to claim 10% of my sales (almost 100%) and I am just curious what the law is. I am not concerned with fudging, I just want to know if employer’s have a say, or choose a standard, and what the IRS says.
admin answers:
Yes you have to claim 100% of your tips, however, any tips totaling under $20 for the month are not subject to social security & medicare. If your tips are less that the average for the business you work for (probably the 10% of sales figure your employer gave you), you need to keep a record of your tips (a tip diary) for documentation if the IRS requests it.
Sharon asks…
tips earned are taxable but…?
Tips earned are taxable but is there a % of how much I should report to IRS or my employer? let’s say I earned $100 for tips, should I report the whole amount or can I report $80 only?
admin answers:
You’re supposed to report the full amount, but few do. I’ve attached a link about tip reporting.
Donna asks…
It looks like 100% of my wife’s tips are taken out of her paycheck?
On her paystub under GROSS REPORTED TIPS it reads $215. To the right in the section with medicare, fed tax, ss tax, etc. it shows that same $215 deducted from her pay. What gives? I realize that the tips are taxable, but doesn’t something seem off that 100% of her tips go to the fed and get taken out of her check? What’s the point in receiving tips if they ALL come out of your paycheck??
admin answers:
You are misunderstanding what’s happening.
The tips are added to her other income at the top before taxes are calculated on them. Then they’re subtracted back out since she has already gotten them. You’re forgetting she goes home with them in her pocket – so while the employer has to add them to her wages to calculate the tax, they then subtract them back out since she already has them.
Nancy asks…
I get my tips back in cash… does this work with taxes?
I work at a baseball stadium as a vendor. It’s my first job. I get paid commission and then keep my tips. Just a coupel days ago, my dad told me tips are taxable. Luckily, I have kept track of all my tips in an envelope.
Here’s the thing: I get my tips in cash. I give my manager the money I was given at the beginning plus what I sold and then I take the tips home in cahs. I don’t report them or anything.
So how do I go about this? Am I supposed to report my tips at work (I’ve already worked a while now….that would be tough)? How do I get taxed if it’s all in cash? The tips do not show on the paycheck.
admin answers:
Yes you are supposed to report them at work, and they are supposed to withhold tax on it. If they are not having you report them, you still have to report them on your tax return. Start by asking at work how you report your tips to them. This is if you’re an employee.
If you’re considered an independent contractor, then you just report the tips the same as your commission.
Donald asks…
Paycheck with Tips Deducted?
My wife recently started working at a small bar part time.(California) Her first check was very questionable. He hired her at $8.00 and hour. Her first check was for 22 hours. That came to $176.00. He had kept track of her tips and put $59.00 down for income of tips. Total $235.00 He then took out $29.00 for Taxes. He did not list if it was State, Federal, SDI, just taxes. Then minused $59.00 back out after taxes for her tips. Is this right? I understand Tips are taxable income yet he ran them through the tax then minused out the entire $59.00 after taxes. is that correct? What about the taxes?
admin answers:
This does not seem right. I would definitely speak with your employer to ask how they came to that calculation. Most jobs that have tipping involved require the worker to report all tips actually earned. That amount is added to the hourly wage (gross income) then taxes are deducted based on local, state, and federal tax reporting laws and requirements.
He should not “assume” an amount that was earned from tips, but rely on the employee to report that amount earned. I would definitely question him how he came to that result.
If she is owed wages, most states have a procedure for filing a wage claim against the employer.
You can also try a paycheck calculator to see if her final pay was accurate.
Hope that helps.
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tips 1 X 2
Sandra asks…
Tips for how to integrate x^2*sqrt(1-x^2)?
I’ve been going my old calculus II book to do some freshening up in my integration skills and this one is throwing me for a loop.
My ti89 and the answer key gives the same answer of: (arcsin(x)+x*sqrt(1-x^2)-2x(1-x^2)^(3/2))/8 i know the integral for the sqrt(1-x^2) is (arcsin(x)+x*sqrt(1-x^2)
I attempted to solve via integration by parts and then a trig substitution which led me to about 4 more iterations of parts integration but i just feel that i am making this problem longer than it is. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
admin answers:
Integral ( x^2 sqrt(1 – x^2) dx )
Use trig substitution.
Let x = sin(t). Then
dx = cos(t) dt.
Integral ( sin^2(t) sqrt(1 – sin^2(t)) cos(t) dt )
Integral ( sin^2(t) sqrt(cos^2(t)) cos(t) dt )
Integral ( sin^2(t) cos(t)cos(t) dt )
Integral ( sin^2(t) cos^2(t) dt )
Express as the square of a product.
Integral ( [sin(t)cos(t)]^2 dt )
Use the identity sin(t)cos(t) = (1/2)sin(2t).
Integral ( [(1/2)sin(2t)]^2 dt )
Integral ( (1/4)sin^2(2t) dt )
(1/4) Integral ( sin^2(2t) dt )
Use the half angle identity
sin^2(y) + (1/2)(1 – cos(2t)).
sin^2(2t) = (1/2)(1 – cos(4t)).
(1/4) Integral ( (1/2) (1 – cos(4t)) dt )
(1/8) Integral ( (1 – cos(4t)) dt )
Integrate normally.
(1/8) [ t - (1/4)sin(4t)) ] + C
(1/8)t – (1/32)sin(4t) + C
To put back in terms of x, first break down sin(4t) into single sines and cosines.
Sin(4t) = sin(2*2t)
= 2sin(2t)cos(2t)
= 2[2sin(t)cos(t)] [cos^2(t) - sin^2(t)]
= [4sin(t)cos(t)] [cos^2(t) - sin^2(t)]
(1/8)t – (1/32)[4sin(t)cos(t)] [cos^2(t) - sin^2(t)] + C
(1/8)t – (1/8)[sin(t)cos(t)] [cos^2(t) - sin^2(t)] + C
To convert back in terms of x, recall that we let
x = sin(t). This means
sin(t) = x/1 = opp/hyp.
Opp = x
hyp = 1, so by Pythagoras,
adj = sqrt(1 – x^2)
cos(t) = adj/hyp = sqrt(1 – x^2)/1 = sqrt(1 – x^2)
Replace sin(t) with x and cos(t) with sqrt(1 – x^2).
Also, since x = sin(t), it follows that t = arcsin(x), so replace the single t with arcsin(x).
(1/8)t – (1/8)[sin(t)cos(t)] [cos^2(t) - sin^2(t)] + C
(1/8)arcsin(x) – (1/8)(x)(sqrt(1 – x^2)) ( 1 – x^2 – x^2 ) + C
(1/8)arcsin(x) – (1/8)(x)(sqrt(1 – x^2)) ( 1 – 2x^2 ) + C
Betty asks…
Definite integral from -7 to 1 of sqrt (64-x^2)?
I have been working on this problem for a few hours trying many ways to solve it by using integration by parts and substitution but I have yet figured it out.
The question asks to integrate by parts and use the multiply by 1 trick so thats how I started off but I get stuck at something I need to integrate. I used some trig substitution which is new to me and I dont think I will write down my failed steps but I will show how far that I got up to and am sure is correct.
So i have integral from -7 to 1 of 1* sqrt (64-x^2)
I set u to sqrt (64-x^2) which means u’ is -x/sqrt(64-x^2) and v’ is 1 which means v is x.
integration by parts is uv – integral of v*u’ :
[x*sqrt(64-x^2)] {-7 to 1} – integral x* -x/sqrt(64-x^2)
So i get to:
[x*sqrt(64-x^2)] {-7 to 1} + integral x^2/sqrt(64-x^2) and i get stuck there.
I tried using that x = 8sint substitution that i have read about but it appears to be failing me. Any tips? You do not have to outright solve it but guide me along closer to the finish.
admin answers:
This is a good exam question and there are several pitfalls you want to avoid in solving this type of problem.
To answer your question visually, Dr. Pan (MathDoc) has recorded a YouTube video. Please follow the link below:
Donald asks…
Can you help me it my x-y intercept problem(s) for calculus?
find the x and y intercepts of:
1. x^3 – 4x^2 – 12x
2. 2x / x^2 – 9 [ this / means over]
3. 6x / 2x + 3
4. Sqrt of (x) * (x – 6)
Thanks for your help. Just at least help me with some if not all! Showing work helps me a lot to. Thanks
Some helpful tips:
X-intercept: put 0 in for Y
Y- intercept: put 0 in for x
admin answers:
The y-intercept is the easiest thing in the world to find.
Just let x = 0 (which you obviously already know) and calculate
Calculating with lots of zeroes is pretty easy.
1. Y = 0 – 0 – 0 = 0
2. Y = 0/(9-0) = 0
3. Y = 0/(0+3) = 0
4. Y = 0 * -6 = 0
X-intercepts are a little trickier
You need to let y=0 and solve for x (this often requires factoring and letting each factor = 0)
X^3 – 4x^2 – 12x = 0
x (x^2 – 4x – 12) = 0
x (x – 6) (x + 2) = 0
x = 0, 6, -2
2x / (x^2 – 9) = 0 . . . . . . . If numerator = 0, then whole fraction = 0
2x = 0
x = 0
Similar to #2
Sqrt(x) * (x-6) = 0 . . . This one’s already factored, so it’s pretty easy
x = 0, 6
Nancy asks…
Need Some Tips On My Elemental Hero-Hybrid Deck?
I have a upcoming neighborhood tournament next week and so far my deck consists of:
1 x E-Hero Burstinatrix
2 x E-Hero Stratos
2 x E-Hero Ocean
2 x E-Hero Woodsman
1 x E-Hero Necroshade
1 x E-Hero Bladedge
1 x E-Hero Sparkman
1 x E-Hero Heat
1 x E-Hero Clayman
1 x E-Hero Avian
1 x E-Hero Wildheart
2 X Rose, Warrior of Revenge (Tuners)
1 x Neo Spacian Dark Panther
1 x Witch of the Black Forest
1 x Neo Spacian Grand Mole
1 x Cyber Dragon
1 x Necro Gardna
1 x Jinzo
1 x Sangan
1 x D.D Warrior Lady
1 x Monster Reborn
3 x Polymerization
1 x Skyscraper
1 x Skyscraper 2 – Hero City
1 x Future Fusion
1 x Harpie’s Feather Duster
1 x Nobleman of Crossout
1 x Mystical Space Typhoon
1 x Reinforcement of the Army
1 x Hero’s Bond
1 x Scapegoat
2 x Trap Jammer
1 x Mirror Force
1 x Bottomless Trap Hole
1 x Hero Signal
1 x E-Hero Thunder Giant
1 x E-Hero Rampart Blaster
1 x E-Hero Necroid Shaman
1 x E-Hero Grand Neos
1 x E-Hero Wild Wingman
1 x E-Hero Shining Flare Wingman
1 x E-Hero Flame Wingman
1 x E-Hero Phoenix Enforcer
1 x E-Hero Terra Firma
1 x E-Hero Wildedge
1 x E-Hero Plasma Vice
1 x E-Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer
1 x Stardust Dragon
1 x Avenging Knight Parshath
-Any tips would be helpful, as i’m trying to use the effects of the neo spacians and sync my ele heroes with my rose warriors to generate sycnro’s as well as combining various heroes for powerful fusions so i geuss you can consider this a hybrid deck. Some tips would be nice- if you leave negative comments, please tell me how i can improve the deck- THANKS!
admin answers:
Witch of the Black Forest and Harpie’s Feather Duster is Banned.
Remove the neos cards, they need to be in a separate deck.
Add red dragon archfiend
add colossal fighter
remove D.D warrior lady
remove 1 Stratos(Limited to1)
Add Heavy Storm
Add Hero CounterAttack and Mirror Gate(protect heroes)(traps)
Thomas asks…
HELP!! Dancing in 4 1/2 in heels x.x?
My jr/sr prom is THIS Saturday ! I’m wearing 4 1/2 inch heels. Does any1 have any tips or advice for me? I’ve never danced in heels this high none-the-less worn them!
Any help I can get will be VERY appreciated.
admin answers:
I literally laughed because i’m currently wearing 4 1/2 in heels and about to go to a club!
Its really easy trust me.. Make sure they FIT WELL! Dont want them to slightly come off, comfortable and try walking in them just so you can get the feel of them
you’ll be fine, but dance a little slow at first and eventually get faster cus trust me girl falling and wearing heels not good! ALSO please tell me you know how to walk in them, cus theres no use in wearing them if you can’t walk in them ):
good luck! I’m sure you’ll be fine!
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Related Reading:

Your Questions About My Tips 1 X 2
David asks…
Tips for how to integrate x^2*sqrt(1-x^2)?
I’ve been going my old calculus II book to do some freshening up in my integration skills and this one is throwing me for a loop.
My ti89 and the answer key gives the same answer of: (arcsin(x)+x*sqrt(1-x^2)-2x(1-x^2)^(3/2))/8 i know the integral for the sqrt(1-x^2) is (arcsin(x)+x*sqrt(1-x^2)
I attempted to solve via integration by parts and then a trig substitution which led me to about 4 more iterations of parts integration but i just feel that i am making this problem longer than it is. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
admin answers:
Integral ( x^2 sqrt(1 – x^2) dx )
Use trig substitution.
Let x = sin(t). Then
dx = cos(t) dt.
Integral ( sin^2(t) sqrt(1 – sin^2(t)) cos(t) dt )
Integral ( sin^2(t) sqrt(cos^2(t)) cos(t) dt )
Integral ( sin^2(t) cos(t)cos(t) dt )
Integral ( sin^2(t) cos^2(t) dt )
Express as the square of a product.
Integral ( [sin(t)cos(t)]^2 dt )
Use the identity sin(t)cos(t) = (1/2)sin(2t).
Integral ( [(1/2)sin(2t)]^2 dt )
Integral ( (1/4)sin^2(2t) dt )
(1/4) Integral ( sin^2(2t) dt )
Use the half angle identity
sin^2(y) + (1/2)(1 – cos(2t)).
sin^2(2t) = (1/2)(1 – cos(4t)).
(1/4) Integral ( (1/2) (1 – cos(4t)) dt )
(1/8) Integral ( (1 – cos(4t)) dt )
Integrate normally.
(1/8) [ t - (1/4)sin(4t)) ] + C
(1/8)t – (1/32)sin(4t) + C
To put back in terms of x, first break down sin(4t) into single sines and cosines.
Sin(4t) = sin(2*2t)
= 2sin(2t)cos(2t)
= 2[2sin(t)cos(t)] [cos^2(t) - sin^2(t)]
= [4sin(t)cos(t)] [cos^2(t) - sin^2(t)]
(1/8)t – (1/32)[4sin(t)cos(t)] [cos^2(t) - sin^2(t)] + C
(1/8)t – (1/8)[sin(t)cos(t)] [cos^2(t) - sin^2(t)] + C
To convert back in terms of x, recall that we let
x = sin(t). This means
sin(t) = x/1 = opp/hyp.
Opp = x
hyp = 1, so by Pythagoras,
adj = sqrt(1 – x^2)
cos(t) = adj/hyp = sqrt(1 – x^2)/1 = sqrt(1 – x^2)
Replace sin(t) with x and cos(t) with sqrt(1 – x^2).
Also, since x = sin(t), it follows that t = arcsin(x), so replace the single t with arcsin(x).
(1/8)t – (1/8)[sin(t)cos(t)] [cos^2(t) - sin^2(t)] + C
(1/8)arcsin(x) – (1/8)(x)(sqrt(1 – x^2)) ( 1 – x^2 – x^2 ) + C
(1/8)arcsin(x) – (1/8)(x)(sqrt(1 – x^2)) ( 1 – 2x^2 ) + C
Helen asks…
Definite integral from -7 to 1 of sqrt (64-x^2)?
I have been working on this problem for a few hours trying many ways to solve it by using integration by parts and substitution but I have yet figured it out.
The question asks to integrate by parts and use the multiply by 1 trick so thats how I started off but I get stuck at something I need to integrate. I used some trig substitution which is new to me and I dont think I will write down my failed steps but I will show how far that I got up to and am sure is correct.
So i have integral from -7 to 1 of 1* sqrt (64-x^2)
I set u to sqrt (64-x^2) which means u’ is -x/sqrt(64-x^2) and v’ is 1 which means v is x.
integration by parts is uv – integral of v*u’ :
[x*sqrt(64-x^2)] {-7 to 1} – integral x* -x/sqrt(64-x^2)
So i get to:
[x*sqrt(64-x^2)] {-7 to 1} + integral x^2/sqrt(64-x^2) and i get stuck there.
I tried using that x = 8sint substitution that i have read about but it appears to be failing me. Any tips? You do not have to outright solve it but guide me along closer to the finish.
admin answers:
This is a good exam question and there are several pitfalls you want to avoid in solving this type of problem.
To answer your question visually, Dr. Pan (MathDoc) has recorded a YouTube video. Please follow the link below:
Paul asks…
Can you help me it my x-y intercept problem(s) for calculus?
find the x and y intercepts of:
1. x^3 – 4x^2 – 12x
2. 2x / x^2 – 9 [ this / means over]
3. 6x / 2x + 3
4. Sqrt of (x) * (x – 6)
Thanks for your help. Just at least help me with some if not all! Showing work helps me a lot to. Thanks
Some helpful tips:
X-intercept: put 0 in for Y
Y- intercept: put 0 in for x
admin answers:
The y-intercept is the easiest thing in the world to find.
Just let x = 0 (which you obviously already know) and calculate
Calculating with lots of zeroes is pretty easy.
1. Y = 0 – 0 – 0 = 0
2. Y = 0/(9-0) = 0
3. Y = 0/(0+3) = 0
4. Y = 0 * -6 = 0
X-intercepts are a little trickier
You need to let y=0 and solve for x (this often requires factoring and letting each factor = 0)
X^3 – 4x^2 – 12x = 0
x (x^2 – 4x – 12) = 0
x (x – 6) (x + 2) = 0
x = 0, 6, -2
2x / (x^2 – 9) = 0 . . . . . . . If numerator = 0, then whole fraction = 0
2x = 0
x = 0
Similar to #2
Sqrt(x) * (x-6) = 0 . . . This one’s already factored, so it’s pretty easy
x = 0, 6
Sharon asks…
Need Some Tips On My Elemental Hero-Hybrid Deck?
I have a upcoming neighborhood tournament next week and so far my deck consists of:
1 x E-Hero Burstinatrix
2 x E-Hero Stratos
2 x E-Hero Ocean
2 x E-Hero Woodsman
1 x E-Hero Necroshade
1 x E-Hero Bladedge
1 x E-Hero Sparkman
1 x E-Hero Heat
1 x E-Hero Clayman
1 x E-Hero Avian
1 x E-Hero Wildheart
2 X Rose, Warrior of Revenge (Tuners)
1 x Neo Spacian Dark Panther
1 x Witch of the Black Forest
1 x Neo Spacian Grand Mole
1 x Cyber Dragon
1 x Necro Gardna
1 x Jinzo
1 x Sangan
1 x D.D Warrior Lady
1 x Monster Reborn
3 x Polymerization
1 x Skyscraper
1 x Skyscraper 2 – Hero City
1 x Future Fusion
1 x Harpie’s Feather Duster
1 x Nobleman of Crossout
1 x Mystical Space Typhoon
1 x Reinforcement of the Army
1 x Hero’s Bond
1 x Scapegoat
2 x Trap Jammer
1 x Mirror Force
1 x Bottomless Trap Hole
1 x Hero Signal
1 x E-Hero Thunder Giant
1 x E-Hero Rampart Blaster
1 x E-Hero Necroid Shaman
1 x E-Hero Grand Neos
1 x E-Hero Wild Wingman
1 x E-Hero Shining Flare Wingman
1 x E-Hero Flame Wingman
1 x E-Hero Phoenix Enforcer
1 x E-Hero Terra Firma
1 x E-Hero Wildedge
1 x E-Hero Plasma Vice
1 x E-Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer
1 x Stardust Dragon
1 x Avenging Knight Parshath
-Any tips would be helpful, as i’m trying to use the effects of the neo spacians and sync my ele heroes with my rose warriors to generate sycnro’s as well as combining various heroes for powerful fusions so i geuss you can consider this a hybrid deck. Some tips would be nice- if you leave negative comments, please tell me how i can improve the deck- THANKS!
admin answers:
Witch of the Black Forest and Harpie’s Feather Duster is Banned.
Remove the neos cards, they need to be in a separate deck.
Add red dragon archfiend
add colossal fighter
remove D.D warrior lady
remove 1 Stratos(Limited to1)
Add Heavy Storm
Add Hero CounterAttack and Mirror Gate(protect heroes)(traps)
Daniel asks…
HELP!! Dancing in 4 1/2 in heels x.x?
My jr/sr prom is THIS Saturday ! I’m wearing 4 1/2 inch heels. Does any1 have any tips or advice for me? I’ve never danced in heels this high none-the-less worn them!
Any help I can get will be VERY appreciated.
admin answers:
I literally laughed because i’m currently wearing 4 1/2 in heels and about to go to a club!
Its really easy trust me.. Make sure they FIT WELL! Dont want them to slightly come off, comfortable and try walking in them just so you can get the feel of them
you’ll be fine, but dance a little slow at first and eventually get faster cus trust me girl falling and wearing heels not good! ALSO please tell me you know how to walk in them, cus theres no use in wearing them if you can’t walk in them ):
good luck! I’m sure you’ll be fine!
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