Your Questions About Asda Shopping On Line
Thomas asks…
Hi can anyone tell me a valid code for Asda on-line shopping free Delivery mine has expired thanks?
admin answers:
Sorry I don’t have a valid code either, good luck thou Louise.!!!
Not much help on this one.!!
Robert asks…
ASDA on-line shopping? probs?
I am having trouble with the website, it won’t let me pick a delivery slot, anyone else having this?
admin answers:
Its sunday, i cant explain why but i always have had problems with tescos and asdas sites on a sunday, especially for shopping
George asks…
ASDA Grocery deliveries (on line shopping) I can’t find any Chestnuts?? what else could they be under?
admin answers:
Just type in chestnuts in the search box near the top right, and it should bring up anything relating to chestnuts.
Ive notcied in th past that not everything that is in-store is actually online though. So even though you know it is definitely in-store, is not guarantee that it will be on the online store for home delivery.
Just tried searching for chestnuts – this is all that was brought up when i did it. Might vary from area to area though? :;jsessionid=Hiz-5bNxWoXOmAw+TzT8dw**.oses4008-atg04?trailSize=1&searchString=chestnuts&domainName=Products&headerVersion=v1&_requestid=26531
Ruth asks…
asda shopping whats the crack ??!?!?
Im doing my shopping on-line which I have done several times before with no problems.
But I cant search aisle by aisle …has anyone else got this problem.It is just blank…..
not where’s the crack!
none taken NAKED CHEF x
…just annoyed at asda (breathe)
admin answers:
Thats happened at tesco before the whole fish aisle disappeared etc. Dont worry it will come back.
Richard asks…
if your banned from asda stores can you shop on line still does any body know?
admin answers:
If you are banned from the store, why on earth would you want to give them your money?
In answer to your question, yes I suppose you can still shop online – as they will then be delivering, you will still not be breaking the ban to physically enter the store. If in doubt you could always ring them and ask
Hope this helps
Betty asks…
Working for ASDA home delivery?
I have recently applied for a job to be a home delivery driver for Asda‘s on-line shopping service, does anyone have any advice or experience of this role that they could pass on ? Thanks !!!
Thanks, I do have a clean driving license and am over 18
admin answers:
But advise to be a good talker and look the part.
Turn up for the interview looking good and do some homework on the routes they look for.
Do you know the area.
Look up interview skills here, these are the basic questions you will be asked.
Good luck.
Lisa asks…
Have you ever recieved anything free?
I’m a little confused because my family done the shopping on-line with Asda on Sunday night and it was delivered on Monday evening, what’s strange is that I paid for it by debit card and I just checked my on-line banking there and I’ve not been charged at all for the shopping. Should I contact them or have I just got £60s worth of shopping for nothing?
Thanks for taking the time.
admin answers:
Yes. Once I ordered a scanner online from Wallyworld. They sent it. Then a few days later, another one showed up in my mail. I was never billed for the second one, but I did return it.
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