Archive for August 18, 2011
Your Questions About Next Shopping On Line
James asks…
do you find it rude when your shopping and the person next in line rushes?
up on you.
my example I was shopping today i paid with cash money so I had to put my cash i also count it so if there is an issue i still have the attention of the teller. then i put it in my purse or back pocket. today back pocket was that. Before I could even fold my money to put it away this lady was hiding my bag of stuff i bought with her body.
Once i got my money away i grabed my bag i said excuse me may i get my things. and she said sorry.. so I know it wasn’t intentional but this is just one example
i’m in ahurry because of lunch … but i find some people who do this are rude. Lilke can I have personal space.. if i wasn’t paying attention and yawned I would of knocked the lady out.
Where do you draw the line and when do you say something to another human for their rushes.?
i know we are in the fast go go go faster age. but still.
okay i normally do not thumbs down people but i guess today is an exception!
Please guys answer the questions I ask not the ones you develop in your head. please and thank you!
admin answers:
Im a cashier at a local mall around where I live. Unfortunately its really common for people to just assume that they have to rush the person in front of them. They should be aware that shopping is not a race. Generally if a customer does this I tell them to wait one moment (politely) and finish up with the other customer. Your cashier probably should have done that but sadly this doesn’t deter all customers. I would draw the line at someone just pushing their way in front of me and invading my space rather than just rushing me from behind. I say definitely mention when someone is being rude to you but don’t make a scene out of it because that helps no one.
William asks…
How do you keep a story interesting without rushing ahead to the next line or conversation?
“Wooo! Can we go on again?” Summer asked us all as we were clinking back to the start of the ride.
“YESS!” we all screeched pulling the safety bars back over us.
About six hours, lunch and lots more rides later we were tiring and Elisha’s mum who was picking us up rang us to say that she was done shopping and she’d be coming to pick us up in half an hour.
We rode our last ride at Alton Towers and then mooched back up to the car park were Elisha’s mum was waiting.
“Hi girls! Did you all have fun?” Elisha’s mum, Claire, asked, “Mind the bags, I‘ve been shopping all day.”
Elisha shoved all the bags in the boot and said “Get in.”
I feel like when I write I rush my story. The paragraph or sentence can be decent but then the next line will seem rushed like I’ve got bored of that bit so I’ll move on. How can I prevent this?
admin answers:
As you’re writing your first draft, you don’t have to worry too much about the pace of the story… That’s more an issue that comes with editing, than with initial writing.
Let yourself rush ahead if it feels like you’re bored… Maybe the story is ready to keep moving. You can always go back and add more if you need to. When you’re done with the entire story, and you have a better idea of the story that you’re telling, you’ll be able to reread what you’ve written and say “I’m rushing this… I want there to be more tension in this scene” and you can insert more dialogue, description or conflict as you need to.
It’s best to not focus TOO much on pacing during this first draft. Focus on getting the story out, and on your second draft, focus on getting the story better formed.
Jenny asks…
How much makeup do you wear for everyday things like grocery shopping, errands etc. or do you not wear any?
Sometimes I feel like I wear too much makeup to go out for everday things like shopping and other errands etc. Here’s what I wear:
I do a full face application of Almay Smart Shade makeup, then I powder any shiny parts with a translucent face powder (usually Cover Girl), next I use some eyebrow powder on my eyebrows to fill in any bald looking spots. Then I apply only 1 shade of eyeshadow to my eyelids only (usually a med. brown eyeshadow). Next, I line my eyes with black liquid eyeliner, top of eye only along the edge of the eyelids and I try to make the line as thin as I can. (I never ever skip the eyeliner step, I feel naked without it). Next I do a coat of mascara and sometimes I curl my eyelashes and sometimes I don’t (depending on how much time I have). Then my favorite lipstick or lipgloss and finally, depending on if I have time or not I’ll use a little bit blush, but I usually skip the blush. Is that too much make-up to wear for going out to do errands?
admin answers:
I do my whole face…foundation, powder, eyeshadow, liner, mascara, lipstick or lipgloss…even if i`m just at home…i just luv playing around with makeup, it`s fun & i like to see how creative i can get!!! The only time i ever go outside without my makeup on, is when i`m going to the tanning bed…
George asks…
Why do I need to take my telephone plug out from socket when I use my Credit card machine on the same tel line?
Here in my shop, I have got one tel line which is connected to my tel and Credit card machine. When I use C/C machine, the transaction does not go through until I disconnect the tel from its socket.
This problem does not occur in my next door shop. please help…
admin answers:
Your telephone jack is wired incorrectly. Try using a phone in the jack that you have the credit card machine plugged into.
Charles asks…
My boyfriend and I are off to Greece next month and I want to buy a few new, cute outfits?
but I don’t want to spend alot. It will be cold in Greece next month and I need to do my shopping on-line! Any great stores that I should check out?
admin answers:
thats where i get all my clothes from i love all of those websites they are amazing!! Have fun!
Ken asks… What comes to mind? Would you be curious about there jewelry line?
its a domain name i’m coming up with, so far I have my Jewelry line, next mission is creating shirts in a few months… Would you shop at a place with this name? I sell rosaries (fashion) for jews, muslims and catholics, but no jesus on the crucifix, sorry y’all!
Or how about
I believe I can only handle the main religions lol, there are already a lot of christian rosaries and pagan and wiccan ones
admin answers:
Personally i would definitely look into. I am jewish so i would surely check it out!
Helen asks…
The Blues- Do’s & Dont’s
Another email I got. Anyone else see this? (Bet this has already been posted here 12 dozen times, huh?)
If you are new to Blues music, or like it but never really understood
the why and wherefores, here are some very fundamental rules:
1. Most Blues begin with: “Woke up this morning…”
2. “I got a good woman” is a bad way to begin the Blues, unless
you stick something nasty in the next line like, “I got a good
woman, with the meanest face in town.”
3. The Blues is simple. After you get the first line right, repeat it.
Then find something that rhymes – sort of: “Got a good woman
with the meanest face in town. Yes, I got a good woman with
the meanest face in town. Got teeth like Margaret Thatcher
and she weigh 500 pound.”
4. The Blues is not about choice. You stuck in a ditch, you stuck
in a ditch…ain’t no way out.
5. Blues cars: Chevys, Fords, Cadillacs and broken-down trucks.
Blues don’t travel in Volvos, BMWs, or Sport Utility Vehicles.
Most Blues transportation is a Greyhound bus or a southbound
train. Jet aircraft and state-sponsored motor pools ain’t even in
the running. Walkin’ plays a major part in the Blues lifestyle.
So does fixin’ to die.
6. Teenagers can’t sing the Blues. They ain’t fixin’ to die yet.
Adults sing the Blues. In Blues, “adulthood” means being old
enough to get the electric chair if you shoot a man in Memphis.
7. Blues can take place in New York City but not in Hawaii or
anywhere in Canada. Hard times in Minneapolis or Seattle is
probably just clinical depression. Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas
City, Memphis, and Nawlins are still the best places to have
the Blues. You cannot have the Blues in any place that don’t
get rain.
8. A man with male pattern baldness ain’t the Blues. A woman
with male pattern baldness is. Breaking your leg ’cause you
were skiing is not the Blues. Breaking your leg ’cause a alligator
be chomping on it is.
9. You can’t have no Blues in an office or a shopping mall. The
lighting is wrong. Go outside to the parking lot or sit by the
10. Good places for the Blues
a. highway
b. jailhouse
c. empty bed
d. bottom of a whiskey glass
11. Bad places for the Blues
a. Nordstrom’s
b. gallery openings
c. Ivy League institutions
d. golf courses
12. No one will believe it’s the Blues if you wear a suit, ‘less you
happen to be an old person, and you slept in it.
13. Do you have the right to sing the Blues?
Yes, if:
a. you’re older than dirt
b. you’re blind
c. you shot a man in Memphis
d. you can’t be satisfied
No, if:
a. you have all your teeth
b. you were once blind but now can see
c. the man in Memphis lived
d. you have a 401K or trust fund
14. Blues is not a matter of color. It’s a matter of bad luck. Tiger
Woods cannot sing the Blues. Sonny Liston could have.
Ugly white people also got a leg up on the Blues.
15. If you ask for water and your darlin’ gives you gasoline, it’s
the Blues.Other acceptable Blues beverages are:
a. cheap wine
b. whiskey or bourbon
c. muddy water
d. black coffee
The following are NOT Blues beverages:
a. Perrier
b. Chardonnay
c. Snapple
d. Slim Fast
16. If death occurs in a cheap motel or a shotgun shack, it’s a
Blues death. Stabbed in the back by a jealous lover is
another Blues way to die. So are the electric chair,
substance abuse and dying lonely on a broken-down cot.
You can’t have a Blues death if you die during a tennis
match or while getting liposuction.
17. Some Blues names for women:
a. Sadie
b. Big Mama
c. Bessie
d. Fat River Dumpling
18. Some Blues names for men:
a. Joe
b. Willie
c. Little Willie
d. Big Willie
19. Persons with names like Michelle, Amber, Jennifer, Debbie,
and Heather can’t sing the Blues no matter how many
men they shoot in Memphis.
20. Blues Name Starter Kit
a. name of physical infirmity (Blind, Cripple, Lame, etc.)
b. first name (see above) plus name of fruit (Lemon, Lime,
Kiwi, etc.)
c. last name of President (Jefferson, Johnson, Fillmore, etc.)
For example: Blind Lime Jefferson, Pegleg Lemon
Johnson or Cripple Kiwi Fillmore, etc. (Well, maybe not “Kiwi.”)
21. I don’t care how tragic your life is: if you own a computer, you
cannot sing the blues, period.
admin answers:
Fonzie, I love the blues. And this had to be one of the funniest things I’ve ever read.
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Your Questions About Shopping On Line Us
Mary asks…
How is the Canadian dollar effecting the US online shopping?
Am I going to get a better deal as a canadian to purchase things on line from the US right now?
admin answers:
My understanding is that as the US dollar falls, people living in other countries can get more for their money. I’m guessing that applies to online shopping as well, though you have to take in account any customs fees & shipping. Any savings might be offset by those expenses.
Susan asks…
Help me please to find an on line shop with US sport items,but in Europe.?
I mean MLB or NBA teams jerses.
admin answers:
Look on ebay, and if your too young then get an adult with an account to look for you.
Joseph asks…
How to shop from US to France on line?
My family is in France, I would like to order from French stores and delivered directly to my family. Where do I start?
I would also buy on line for myself from European stores
admin answers:
It depends what you want to buy.
Books, music, … Http://
or a big store with no risk (music, books, comics, movies, computers, hifi, television, mobile phones…)
If you want to buy toys: (it’s in french) or
I prefer the games of 123 famille.
For chocolates: (english version available). This one makes chocolates and candy flowers. Unbelievable.
Electric appliances:
Those are the big ones… You shouldn’t have any problem.
Good shopping.
Mark asks…
Thanks Sunshine_Today! About US shopping for Digital Camera, do prices on on-line stores go down black Friday?
admin answers:
Yes, typically prices do get reduced on Black Friday. Just look around for the best deals, but don’t take all day, Black Friday only comes around once a year! So, my best advice to you is, if you think it’s a good deal, then go for it, but use your best judgment. It sounds like you live outside of the US, so too bad you can’t buy it and return it to the store, if you find it cheaper later.
Donna asks…
Is there a website like eBay that also features on-line shopping but uses currencies other than US dollars?
A site where you can buy stuffs using money other than dollars and offer services for other countries…
admin answers:
Ebay uses pounds to just type in in your browser bar
Lisa asks…
how can i purchase a vaio laptop from us through on-line..what should i do?should i pay the tax n all?
should i pay the tax in addition to shipping charges?i dont know much about on line shopping..hope u’ll help is profitable?
admin answers:
Where are you from?
If you are from India then you will be paying tax to Customs.Which will be pretty high!
Nancy asks…
Has this ever happened to you while shopping? Part ll (cats)?
This is a “true” story!
Now let me tell you about shopping at the A&P grocery store.
We used to have 14 cats, none related, all foundlings.
We bought more cat food than we did people food on a regular basis.
The cashier at the grocery asked my husband if we had cats, “Nope”, he answered, “but I am the nutritionist for the Dixie White House Nursing Facility & those old people don’t know what they are eating.”
The clerk had a really strange look on her face, never said a word.
The people in the line behind us, well that was a different story. They told my husband they were reporting him to the health department, because this was just too outrageous. Ben just smiled and let these folks go on and on.
Now shopping with us are the youngest twins (Borrie and Boo), they are about 6 or 7 and my 3 older kids as well. The teenage twins (Zan and Paul) tried to act like we weren’t related to each other. My oldest son RJ, played right along with Ben. The two of them were talking about how to make cat food pizza, using cheap freebie ketchup packets from McDonald’s and tuna cat food. They just went on and on. They seemed to love to agitate the other people in line.
Now what makes this even funnier is, my first ex-husband is in the nutritionist for this facility.
As I understand it from a very reliable source, he was fired because of this particular incident at the A&P.
After this the cat food story was always an embarrassment to the teenage twins and the younger ones as well.
No one wants to go to the grocery store with Ben anymore.
Thank you Bu, for your true story.
Peace and Blessings
* I have a friend who always comes over to eat. He always knows he will get a good meal and sometime he would help himself.
I feed my dogs rather well, ground beef with gravy and dog food. One day my friend came over and helped himself to some I had left in a skillet. He thought it was yummy! I did not have the heart to tell him but, offered him something else instead.
He does not help himself much anymore.
Thanks Virgin Eartha. That’s a whopper of a story there! lol!
admin answers:
And you make the pizza crust with biscuit dough. The brand of tuna was something in a blue label from Canada called, “7th Heaven” Cat food, it looked just like white albacore tuna. Nu-Nu loved the stuff.
Nu-Nu was our hermaphrodite cat, she had both male & female components. “She” was Dad’s best baby cat, all 18 lbs of her!
Dad’s are the only people who can scratch themselves in public and get a laugh or 2.
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Your Questions About Clothes Shopping Online
Richard asks…
What website do the Spanish use to do their online clothes shopping?
I’m a 29 year old woman and would like to order clothes from an online Spanish retailer, in the UK I used to order from stores like River Island etc so would really like something similar. I know I could just drive to the shops but don’t particularly enjoy shopping in the stores and would really like to do it from the computer.
admin answers:
You’d have to google Spanish based stores.
Charles asks…
What are some good online clothes shopping sites?
I’m keen on doing some online shopping, and was wondering if anyone knows any more sites for online clothes shopping like and Not sites for shops you can find on the high street, just online store kind of things? With reasonable prices?
admin answers:
Quiz clothing-
George asks…
Can anyone help me with clothes shopping online?
I’m a fashion student at Teesside University, I’m currently researching for my end of year project – could I please take a couple of minutes of your time just to fill out this questionnaire about online shopping for clothes, if you just click on the link below then press done when your finished this will send the answers to me.
Thank You!
admin answers:
Hope your surveys help you and good luck in the future
David asks…
Can anyone recommend any online clothes shopping/catalog websites?
I’m on exchange in America from England for 6 months. Came out here really looking forward to shopping (and studying of course), unfortunately my university (Penn State) is in the middle of no where with hardly any clothes shops unless i go for a weekend away to a mall/NY (can only afford to do once). I’m resulting to online shopping. Anyone know any good websites? I can’t find any, I’m 20.
admin answers:
Basically all the stores have websites you can order off from.
I get catalogs from alloy, even though i’ve never bought anything there, i just like to look for inspiration, but there clothes are so cute, you should definitely give that a try.
Also, forever 21, wetseal, charlotte russe, loveculture (not sure if there website is open, but it was in construction a while ago), american eagle.
Mark asks…
Looking for really cheap online clothes shopping?
Kind of have a budget on clothes shopping and I could really use some awesome suggestions of online places to get clothes? Live in the US btw so can’t really use boohoo. Thanks so much
admin answers:
Papaya Clothing
Wet Seal
Forever 21
Go Jane
Mary asks…
Clothes Online Shopping websites for kids?
I need to buy a few stuff (clothes) for a 3 year old girl .. what are some good online shopping websites that i can use?
admin answers: has the cutest clothes at great prices. Especially good if you don’t want your kid wearing the same clothes as everyone else.
Sandra asks…
any good web addresses for online clothes shopping in Australia?
i was wondering is there any good online clothes shopping sites for children and women’s clothes like the littlewoodsireland here in moving to Australia soon and was wondering is there a similar site there .
admin answers:
change currency at the top or bottom of the page depending which site.
These two ship to australia and worldwide,
hope that helps
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EBook reader reader vs. paper books
A book critic in eBook reader HuiGe Maojian told us today, some nice paper, the books Don Quixote have actually mean. But some words and some of the people is doomed to failure, to live on paper.
If “Ebook reader destroy paper books” vision in the online and offline lively one, recently in Taiwan street of the sixth book fair instead of Summit “digital publishing and the cross-strait cooperation” BBS of efferent other voice – Taiwan Huayi digital co.Ltd Deputy Director-General, “global dissemination and international relations’ ChenJianAn think: even the translator were also only for the reader a reading form, can not fully replace the gedruckten; E book “is treat” due to the copyright question, is more and more paper Publisher sentenced.
Traditional publishing industry to it is ready to detonate bombs
Beautiful countries, that the literary agent Andrew a above which recently decided was many people see glasses can be designed, she announced the establishment of modern and contemporary literature organization, and each character including Palmer MuKe classic books specialized in electronic publishing, bear the Paul, Nabokov, BoErHeSi, Electra, including the doppler generation grams 17 top authors 20 movies electronic copyright, exclusive sale in Amazon Kindle e-book platform. The rock is no longer House with traditional press slip in the near future paper books, but direct copyright copyright electronic publishers sell sold. This means that eBook reader need not paper “to” copyright, such as tomatoes directly to people without passing through his lips books, and the market CaiChang re-gift batch sold.
On the traditional publishing industry, this is always a star for the bomb blew. Plus this April, launch of Ipad and Kindle3, this bomb again undoubtedly published schedule of many. Set forward according to the American Publishers Association data, the Ipad already listed, less than six months sales exceed 330 million Taiwan; In 2008, sales of units had a year to six times that number, with more than 50 Kindle is then double growth of Amazon e-book sales. Last Christmas, the website announced above, eBook reader sold paper, now each sale 100 books this paper, there were almost 180 books Kindle Edition eBook reader sell at the same time. Kindle3 is overcast, the price of less than 200 beauty, consumer temptation enormous be. Recently, Oxford University Press announces even high-profile by the online edition, significantly more than the paper version, demand in the third edition of the Oxford English Dictionary no longer with “Brick” who true only online; But the Dutch Wei Secco group 2009 digital publishing income already 34 billion accounting for his 52 percent of the revenue. If the mass gradually, be that books from paper be accepted eBook reader “destroy the idea of a book,” the fate of the official future a “Wolf” story? is a comprehensive business-to-business site serve as the leading international platform for foreign buyers and Chinese sellers. Secondly, offers hundreds of thousands electronics & accessories from certification Chinese wholesalers.
View the original article here
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Your Questions About Shopping Online Primark
Michael asks…
where is an online Primark shopping site?
i really need to see a Primark online shopping site
admin answers:
How about this one,check to visit http:// , I always buy things there.the price is reasonable and people are very kind.
Mary asks…
Wouldn’t it be great if primark did online shopping, anyone know if they have plans to?
If not can anyone think of any similar websites that do online shopping?
admin answers:
That would actually be awsome , my nearest primark is like 1/2 hour away =[ but i absolutely love it. :D and if they did put their clothes on the internettt you wouldnt have to line up in the HUGEEEEEE liness!
Jenny asks…
Primark shopping online
Does anyone know if there’s a website showing Primark‘s new stock?
admin answers:
All I could find is this:
Good job really, if they had a site where you could buy stuff I’d never stop spending!
Betty asks…
does anyone know of any shops online like Primark or just nice reasonable prices ladies clothes?
I love primark clothes, their cheap so you can wear them a few times and not feel bad when you dont want them anymore!
As Primark do not have an on line shop does anyone know if there are any online shops that are similar???
admin answers:
H&M have a sale on right now.
Paul asks…
why doesnt primark have an online shop like every other successfull clothes shop in this country?
new look,river island,top shop even peacocks they all have online shops so why does primark thinks its so special that it can’t even be bothered to make an online store for itself? Doesnt it care about the punters??
by the way I probably have spelt words wrong. I do that alot. Don’t get mad.
admin answers:
Probably because it sells poor quality cheap tat which it imports and sells at a low profit margin, making it impossible to offer more savings.
Daniel asks…
one of those days again where i think how unfortunate is it that primark don’t have online shopping?
those morons.
admin answers:
I know! Tell me about it.
They better get it sorted!
George asks…
primark shopping – 10 points?
can someone please show me the shop online at primark
admin answers:
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Your Questions About Shopping On Line Shoes
Carol asks…
Pls tell me the best on-line shoes shop in Greece,Turkey , Lebanon or Iran?
i want to konw the shoes style and fashion in these place ,thank you
admin answers:
In Turkey Hotiç is one of the famous shoe brands:
Lizzie asks…
What is the best site to buy shoes on line?
I need a Nike basketball shoe size 14. Where do you shop for shoes on line at a great price? Thank you for your time and help.
admin answers:
Http:// is the best site to buy a Nike basketball shoe size 14 on line,The prices are good and maybe FREE Shipping.
David asks…
i want to open a shoes shop on line?
i want to open a shoes shop on line. but the first i need to own some beautiful shoes. i don’t know where to buy. my sister gave me this web i like them very much. but i can’t decide which of them will seal very well. would you help to me to choose some.?
admin answers:
Every girl needs a black pair and a red pair and also a peep toe
Christian Louboutin pumps Decollete Suede Red- I Like those
Christian Louboutin Rolando Hidden-Platform Black Pump
and also before you buy these are not the real thing so before i would buy i would double check the site and also pay with paypal so noone steals your info
Richard asks…
Where can I find a reliable on-line shoe shop for men which ships worldwide?
(I’d like to know a website address)
admin answers:
John asks…
Can you provide me with links to shop on line for cute women’s clothing & shoes preferably in Britain?
I wont be able to go out for awhile due to an injury, so i would like to spend some time shopping online & i never really have before so i need some help. Im in my 20′s also if that helps give you an idea of taste. Im open to anything though, just not granny clothes or target etc. I want real shops. Not things like the Gap or American eagle etc. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks : )
admin answers: is a good ladies fashion online store, located in London. There are also some other fashionable shops like topshop, monsoon, asos, river island, h&m. Etc. These are very fashionalble shops that thousands shop at. Hope this helped you =]
Mandy asks…
how to know my exact shoes size,on on-ine shopping,?
i want buy a pair of shoes for the coming winter on the on-line shop, but its difficult for me know the exact size of shoes. what should i do ?
admin answers:
See what size your shoes are then make sure you order the same size online.
Steven asks…
what are some of your favorite stores to shop on line?
what stores are your favorite stores to shop on line for clothes shoes and accessories?
if you could send me some out fits you love that would be great too. thank you everyone in advance!
admin answers:
I absolutely loove raiding the sales section of
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