Archive for August 3, 2011
Your Questions About Clothes Shopping Online
Linda asks…
What website do the Spanish use to do their online clothes shopping?
I’m a 29 year old woman and would like to order clothes from an online Spanish retailer, in the UK I used to order from stores like River Island etc so would really like something similar. I know I could just drive to the shops but don’t particularly enjoy shopping in the stores and would really like to do it from the computer.
admin answers:
You’d have to google Spanish based stores.
Ruth asks…
What are some good online clothes shopping sites?
I’m keen on doing some online shopping, and was wondering if anyone knows any more sites for online clothes shopping like and Not sites for shops you can find on the high street, just online store kind of things? With reasonable prices?
admin answers:
Quiz clothing-
Joseph asks…
Can anyone help me with clothes shopping online?
I’m a fashion student at Teesside University, I’m currently researching for my end of year project – could I please take a couple of minutes of your time just to fill out this questionnaire about online shopping for clothes, if you just click on the link below then press done when your finished this will send the answers to me.
Thank You!
admin answers:
Hope your surveys help you and good luck in the future
Nancy asks…
Can anyone recommend any online clothes shopping/catalog websites?
I’m on exchange in America from England for 6 months. Came out here really looking forward to shopping (and studying of course), unfortunately my university (Penn State) is in the middle of no where with hardly any clothes shops unless i go for a weekend away to a mall/NY (can only afford to do once). I’m resulting to online shopping. Anyone know any good websites? I can’t find any, I’m 20.
admin answers:
Basically all the stores have websites you can order off from.
I get catalogs from alloy, even though i’ve never bought anything there, i just like to look for inspiration, but there clothes are so cute, you should definitely give that a try.
Also, forever 21, wetseal, charlotte russe, loveculture (not sure if there website is open, but it was in construction a while ago), american eagle.
Michael asks…
Looking for really cheap online clothes shopping?
Kind of have a budget on clothes shopping and I could really use some awesome suggestions of online places to get clothes? Live in the US btw so can’t really use boohoo. Thanks so much
admin answers:
Papaya Clothing
Wet Seal
Forever 21
Go Jane
Mary asks…
Clothes Online Shopping websites for kids?
I need to buy a few stuff (clothes) for a 3 year old girl .. what are some good online shopping websites that i can use?
admin answers: has the cutest clothes at great prices. Especially good if you don’t want your kid wearing the same clothes as everyone else.
Chris asks…
any good web addresses for online clothes shopping in Australia?
i was wondering is there any good online clothes shopping sites for children and women’s clothes like the littlewoodsireland here in moving to Australia soon and was wondering is there a similar site there .
admin answers:
change currency at the top or bottom of the page depending which site.
These two ship to australia and worldwide,
hope that helps
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Your Questions About Food Shopping On Line
John asks…
Which supermarket is best at on-line food shopping?
I’ve been using Sainsbury’s for the past two years and the standard is going so badly down hill that I need to swap ASAP. Food arriving 15 hours late, loads of excuses, etc etc. Total rubbish! Which supermarket should I switch to?
admin answers:
they have 24 hour delivery and they are very fast!
They also have everything u wil eva need
i been using it a long time now
Lizzie asks…
What is your experience of on line food shopping?
I have just done one for Sainsbury’s after having a most awful experience with Tesco a few years ago which put me off. (laboured to get my order, items not there sort of thing) .I was wondering if it had improved
admin answers:
Why waste petrol and time to join a herd of cattle being herded, processed and manipulated, whilst suffering the gullibility of British consumers.
Supermarkets and Shopping Centres are just temples of consumer extortion, give me the freedom of the internet every time!
Laura asks…
How many Irish people have used Tesco on-line food shopping & were you happy with it ?
Had no choice but to order on line a my son has chickenpox so we are stuck in as don’t want to spread to others…have heard great reviews from pals as said they were very happy with it….be interested to hear from those that have used it ….
admin answers:
I’ve used it in the UK it was fine. One time the driver brought the wrong item and I rang the helpline and they refunded me immediately. Its great for emergencies or if you are disabled etc and can’t get out. Its also good if you are on a budget and need to plan your meals, no impulse buying.
We live too far from the nearest Tesco (20 miles) so they won’t deliver to us here and anyway I love mooching for bargains and “sell by date” stuff which you can’t do when you order online.
Helen asks…
Do you think on line food shopping saves or costs you more?
admin answers:
Costs more
Thomas asks…
on line shopping for food do you get what you order?
ive never ordered food shopping on line before ,,and im thinking to do it online with tesco or asda will they deliver all i order or do they get it wrong and how long does it take to deliver can i have your experiences thanks
admin answers:
I used Tesco a lot whilst heavily pregnant.
What happens, is if they don’t have the exact thing you ordered, the make a ‘substitution’ with something they feel will be suitable. If when the delivery guy gets there (Tesco delivery men are absolute angels – highly recommend.) he will go through them and you can choose not to take them – and they will be removed from your bill.
This does create irritation though. For instance – I ordered extra low fat cream cheese – as it is a staple of my diet and they substituted with full fat cream cheese, which most definately is NOT on the diet! Also, for daughters christening, ordered 20 bottles of pink champagne and ended up getting normal coloured – not a disaster, but if I had known (they delivered on the day) I would have gone elsewhere and bought the pink.
Try it though – it will cut you shopping bills as you don’t wander down aisles of temptation! Also – Tesco have this great ‘express shopper’ on the left hand side. You just write your list and go from there!
Betty asks…
does anyone order their food shopping on-line? and which supermarkets have you found offer the best service?
admin answers:
Yes, tesco. Great and easy but only after the first time. They “star” stuff for you so you can easily do it again next time.
Very cool.
Carol asks…
Survey: How many people have done their weekly food shopping on-line ?
admin answers:
Jasus I would never go out again,,,,
no i love the jaunt around
Hardys wine from £9.99 to £3.99 whoo hoo
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Your Questions About Shopping On Line
Michael asks…
How to get on line shopping discount or cash back?
I spent many time and money on on line shopping. I heard that some websites can make cash back by using there link.
I don’t know how it work but I want to know how can I get some of my cash back.
Please give me some tips to save on online shopping or tell the way to get cash back.
Thanks and have a good day.
admin answers:
I don’t know if it will work. I just registered for a few days and haven’t get any cash back. But you can try it by yourself.
Good luck !
Maria asks…
How does the financial crisis affect the on-line shopping?
How does the financial crisis affect people’ on-line shopping ? Will you buy the products from a website abroad now,especially the brand items?
admin answers:
Like all markets it will slow down – i just hope it does not come to a halt!!!!
Carol asks…
What’s a good way to attract costumers to an on-line shopping mall?
My friend has an on-line shopping for women’s clothing and she seems to have trouble starting the business off. She hasn’t got too many customers so if any of you guys have any advise feel free to comment.
admin answers:
Make a chain of friends., like if a lady brings her friend give her commission
Mary asks…
How has on-line shopping affected mall shopping ? What is the wave of the future ?
I have to write a three page paper on how on-line shopping has affected mall shopping ? and What is the wave of the future ? I really don’t know and I wanted to get some help. So if you have some answers please let me know and send your answers. THANKS !!!
admin answers:
I believe that on-line shopping has hurt mall shopping a lot. Many businesses in the mall now offer on-line shopping to try and overcome this drawback. I believe that there will be more and more on-line shopping as time goes by.
Helen asks…
How does the financial crisis affect people’ on-line shopping?
What do you think about the affection of the financial crisis on people’ on-line shopping,especially the products with the brand names? Any influence on you?
admin answers:
The financial crisis has caused a sharp decrease in consumer spending, particularly on items that are non-essential. Name-brand items are often being substituted by no-name products. Some people may be using the internet to do more comparison pricing and may be shopping online a bit more. Overall, however, all shopping has decreased.
Hope this helps. Good luck.
Sandra asks…
Would you begin singing a Christmas Carol in order to lighten the mood in a long shopping line?
Can’t you just see the people around you having that “Got to get OUT of here” expressins on their faces, forgetting why they are there in the first place, becoming frusterated with the long lines at checkout….
Are you ballsy enough to try to cheer the line — ‘lines’ — back to the festivity of the Holiday by singing out loud a tune that is a reminder of what we are celebrating?
Why or why not?
admin answers:
As a matter of fact, I already do that. Most stores play Christmas songs on their overhead and I LOVE christmas and christmas songs so I sing to them anyway. I love to sing and I don’t really care where I’m at, I’ll sing regardless. I work in retail and we play Christmas songs and I sing them alll day long. The customers and employees don’t seem to mind, some even like when I do it and some join in. IT’S CHRISTMAS AND IT’S FUN! Lol I don’t really care if I look like a dork, I’m having fun and it’s not doing any harm. I fully recommend others try it, lighten up and do something fun
Charles asks…
Advice on quality of purchase of electronic and computer peripherals through on line shopping?
I would like to know about the quality of electronic gadget and computer if it is purchased through on line shopping. Please advice.
admin answers:
Be sure to read full description of the product. Go to a national chain website and make a note of the price, model #, etc. Then google the item and see what turns up. I would pick companies here in the US, or your home country. MAKE DAMN SURE that what you want is what you are buying——ask the seller/company questions!!! Make sure it is not a refurbished/used product (unless that is what you want). It’s your money, be smart about it!!! I have bought all kinds of computer parts online and , actually, have never been ripped-off—-because I do my homework and I’m careful.
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Your Questions About Shopping Online Primark
David asks…
where is an online Primark shopping site?
i really need to see a Primark online shopping site
admin answers:
How about this one,check to visit http:// , I always buy things there.the price is reasonable and people are very kind.
Joseph asks…
Wouldn’t it be great if primark did online shopping, anyone know if they have plans to?
If not can anyone think of any similar websites that do online shopping?
admin answers:
That would actually be awsome , my nearest primark is like 1/2 hour away =[ but i absolutely love it. :D and if they did put their clothes on the internettt you wouldnt have to line up in the HUGEEEEEE liness!
Sandra asks…
Primark shopping online
Does anyone know if there’s a website showing Primark‘s new stock?
admin answers:
All I could find is this:
Good job really, if they had a site where you could buy stuff I’d never stop spending!
George asks…
does anyone know of any shops online like Primark or just nice reasonable prices ladies clothes?
I love primark clothes, their cheap so you can wear them a few times and not feel bad when you dont want them anymore!
As Primark do not have an on line shop does anyone know if there are any online shops that are similar???
admin answers:
H&M have a sale on right now.
Linda asks…
why doesnt primark have an online shop like every other successfull clothes shop in this country?
new look,river island,top shop even peacocks they all have online shops so why does primark thinks its so special that it can’t even be bothered to make an online store for itself? Doesnt it care about the punters??
by the way I probably have spelt words wrong. I do that alot. Don’t get mad.
admin answers:
Probably because it sells poor quality cheap tat which it imports and sells at a low profit margin, making it impossible to offer more savings.
Lizzie asks…
one of those days again where i think how unfortunate is it that primark don’t have online shopping?
those morons.
admin answers:
I know! Tell me about it.
They better get it sorted!
John asks…
primark shopping – 10 points?
can someone please show me the shop online at primark
admin answers:
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Your Questions About Shopping On Line Shoes
Ruth asks…
Pls tell me the best on-line shoes shop in Greece,Turkey , Lebanon or Iran?
i want to konw the shoes style and fashion in these place ,thank you
admin answers:
In Turkey Hotiç is one of the famous shoe brands:
Richard asks…
What is the best site to buy shoes on line?
I need a Nike basketball shoe size 14. Where do you shop for shoes on line at a great price? Thank you for your time and help.
admin answers:
Http:// is the best site to buy a Nike basketball shoe size 14 on line,The prices are good and maybe FREE Shipping.
Maria asks…
i want to open a shoes shop on line?
i want to open a shoes shop on line. but the first i need to own some beautiful shoes. i don’t know where to buy. my sister gave me this web i like them very much. but i can’t decide which of them will seal very well. would you help to me to choose some.?
admin answers:
Every girl needs a black pair and a red pair and also a peep toe
Christian Louboutin pumps Decollete Suede Red- I Like those
Christian Louboutin Rolando Hidden-Platform Black Pump
and also before you buy these are not the real thing so before i would buy i would double check the site and also pay with paypal so noone steals your info
Steven asks…
Where can I find a reliable on-line shoe shop for men which ships worldwide?
(I’d like to know a website address)
admin answers:
Sharon asks…
Can you provide me with links to shop on line for cute women’s clothing & shoes preferably in Britain?
I wont be able to go out for awhile due to an injury, so i would like to spend some time shopping online & i never really have before so i need some help. Im in my 20′s also if that helps give you an idea of taste. Im open to anything though, just not granny clothes or target etc. I want real shops. Not things like the Gap or American eagle etc. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks : )
admin answers: is a good ladies fashion online store, located in London. There are also some other fashionable shops like topshop, monsoon, asos, river island, h&m. Etc. These are very fashionalble shops that thousands shop at. Hope this helped you =]
Betty asks…
how to know my exact shoes size,on on-ine shopping,?
i want buy a pair of shoes for the coming winter on the on-line shop, but its difficult for me know the exact size of shoes. what should i do ?
admin answers:
See what size your shoes are then make sure you order the same size online.
William asks…
what are some of your favorite stores to shop on line?
what stores are your favorite stores to shop on line for clothes shoes and accessories?
if you could send me some out fits you love that would be great too. thank you everyone in advance!
admin answers:
I absolutely loove raiding the sales section of
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