Archive for August 2, 2011
Your Questions About Shopping On Line Shoes
Mark asks…
Pls tell me the best on-line shoes shop in Greece,Turkey , Lebanon or Iran?
i want to konw the shoes style and fashion in these place ,thank you
admin answers:
In Turkey Hotiç is one of the famous shoe brands:
Daniel asks…
What is the best site to buy shoes on line?
I need a Nike basketball shoe size 14. Where do you shop for shoes on line at a great price? Thank you for your time and help.
admin answers:
Http:// is the best site to buy a Nike basketball shoe size 14 on line,The prices are good and maybe FREE Shipping.
Michael asks…
i want to open a shoes shop on line?
i want to open a shoes shop on line. but the first i need to own some beautiful shoes. i don’t know where to buy. my sister gave me this web i like them very much. but i can’t decide which of them will seal very well. would you help to me to choose some.?
admin answers:
Every girl needs a black pair and a red pair and also a peep toe
Christian Louboutin pumps Decollete Suede Red- I Like those
Christian Louboutin Rolando Hidden-Platform Black Pump
and also before you buy these are not the real thing so before i would buy i would double check the site and also pay with paypal so noone steals your info
Donna asks…
Where can I find a reliable on-line shoe shop for men which ships worldwide?
(I’d like to know a website address)
admin answers:
John asks…
Can you provide me with links to shop on line for cute women’s clothing & shoes preferably in Britain?
I wont be able to go out for awhile due to an injury, so i would like to spend some time shopping online & i never really have before so i need some help. Im in my 20′s also if that helps give you an idea of taste. Im open to anything though, just not granny clothes or target etc. I want real shops. Not things like the Gap or American eagle etc. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks : )
admin answers: is a good ladies fashion online store, located in London. There are also some other fashionable shops like topshop, monsoon, asos, river island, h&m. Etc. These are very fashionalble shops that thousands shop at. Hope this helped you =]
William asks…
how to know my exact shoes size,on on-ine shopping,?
i want buy a pair of shoes for the coming winter on the on-line shop, but its difficult for me know the exact size of shoes. what should i do ?
admin answers:
See what size your shoes are then make sure you order the same size online.
Robert asks…
what are some of your favorite stores to shop on line?
what stores are your favorite stores to shop on line for clothes shoes and accessories?
if you could send me some out fits you love that would be great too. thank you everyone in advance!
admin answers:
I absolutely loove raiding the sales section of
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Warcraft III Battle Chest
The Warcraft III Battle Chest is the ultimate collection of the best-selling Blizzard strategy games. This set includes 2002 Game of the Year Warcraft III: The Reign of Chaos as well as the recently released and critically acclaimed follow-up – Warcraft III Expansion: The Frozen Throne. In addition to all these hours of epic adventure in the world of Azeroth and limitless online fun on the gaming site the Battle Chest also contains strategy guides from Brady Games for both titles to help players dominate the battlefield. This collection is valued at over $75.00 sold separately and is perfect for entering the epic war between the races of Azeroth and the demonic Burning Legion.Features:The ultimate collection of the best-selling Blizzard strategy gamesIncludes 2002 Game of the Year Warcraft III: The Reign of ChaosIncludes Warcraft III Expansion: The Frozen ThroneContains strategy guides from Brady Games for both titles to help players dominate the battlefieldPerfect for entering the epic war between the races of Azeroth and the demonic Burning LegionSystem Requirements:Windows 98/ME/2000/XP 400 MHz Pentium II or equivalent 128 MB of RAM 8 MB 3D video card (TNT i810 Voodoo 3 Rage 128 equivalent or better) with DirectX 8.1 support 550MB of hard drive space 4X CD-ROM driveFormat: WIN 98NT2000XP Genre: ENTERTAINMENT Rating: T – Teen UPC: 020626720892 Manufacturer No: 72089
Price: $19.99
Click here to buy from Amazon
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Your Questions About Asda Shopping On Line
Maria asks…
Hi can anyone tell me a valid code for Asda on-line shopping free Delivery mine has expired thanks?
admin answers:
Sorry I don’t have a valid code either, good luck thou Louise.!!!
Not much help on this one.!!
Michael asks…
ASDA on-line shopping? probs?
I am having trouble with the website, it won’t let me pick a delivery slot, anyone else having this?
admin answers:
Its sunday, i cant explain why but i always have had problems with tescos and asdas sites on a sunday, especially for shopping
William asks…
ASDA Grocery deliveries (on line shopping) I can’t find any Chestnuts?? what else could they be under?
admin answers:
Just type in chestnuts in the search box near the top right, and it should bring up anything relating to chestnuts.
Ive notcied in th past that not everything that is in-store is actually online though. So even though you know it is definitely in-store, is not guarantee that it will be on the online store for home delivery.
Just tried searching for chestnuts – this is all that was brought up when i did it. Might vary from area to area though? :;jsessionid=Hiz-5bNxWoXOmAw+TzT8dw**.oses4008-atg04?trailSize=1&searchString=chestnuts&domainName=Products&headerVersion=v1&_requestid=26531
John asks…
asda shopping whats the crack ??!?!?
Im doing my shopping on-line which I have done several times before with no problems.
But I cant search aisle by aisle …has anyone else got this problem.It is just blank…..
not where’s the crack!
none taken NAKED CHEF x
…just annoyed at asda (breathe)
admin answers:
Thats happened at tesco before the whole fish aisle disappeared etc. Dont worry it will come back.
Laura asks…
if your banned from asda stores can you shop on line still does any body know?
admin answers:
If you are banned from the store, why on earth would you want to give them your money?
In answer to your question, yes I suppose you can still shop online – as they will then be delivering, you will still not be breaking the ban to physically enter the store. If in doubt you could always ring them and ask
Hope this helps
Robert asks…
Working for ASDA home delivery?
I have recently applied for a job to be a home delivery driver for Asda‘s on-line shopping service, does anyone have any advice or experience of this role that they could pass on ? Thanks !!!
Thanks, I do have a clean driving license and am over 18
admin answers:
But advise to be a good talker and look the part.
Turn up for the interview looking good and do some homework on the routes they look for.
Do you know the area.
Look up interview skills here, these are the basic questions you will be asked.
Good luck.
Susan asks…
Have you ever recieved anything free?
I’m a little confused because my family done the shopping on-line with Asda on Sunday night and it was delivered on Monday evening, what’s strange is that I paid for it by debit card and I just checked my on-line banking there and I’ve not been charged at all for the shopping. Should I contact them or have I just got £60s worth of shopping for nothing?
Thanks for taking the time.
admin answers:
Yes. Once I ordered a scanner online from Wallyworld. They sent it. Then a few days later, another one showed up in my mail. I was never billed for the second one, but I did return it.
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Your Questions About Clothes Shopping Online
Mary asks…
What website do the Spanish use to do their online clothes shopping?
I’m a 29 year old woman and would like to order clothes from an online Spanish retailer, in the UK I used to order from stores like River Island etc so would really like something similar. I know I could just drive to the shops but don’t particularly enjoy shopping in the stores and would really like to do it from the computer.
admin answers:
You’d have to google Spanish based stores.
Laura asks…
What are some good online clothes shopping sites?
I’m keen on doing some online shopping, and was wondering if anyone knows any more sites for online clothes shopping like and Not sites for shops you can find on the high street, just online store kind of things? With reasonable prices?
admin answers:
Quiz clothing-
Paul asks…
Can anyone help me with clothes shopping online?
I’m a fashion student at Teesside University, I’m currently researching for my end of year project – could I please take a couple of minutes of your time just to fill out this questionnaire about online shopping for clothes, if you just click on the link below then press done when your finished this will send the answers to me.
Thank You!
admin answers:
Hope your surveys help you and good luck in the future
Mark asks…
Can anyone recommend any online clothes shopping/catalog websites?
I’m on exchange in America from England for 6 months. Came out here really looking forward to shopping (and studying of course), unfortunately my university (Penn State) is in the middle of no where with hardly any clothes shops unless i go for a weekend away to a mall/NY (can only afford to do once). I’m resulting to online shopping. Anyone know any good websites? I can’t find any, I’m 20.
admin answers:
Basically all the stores have websites you can order off from.
I get catalogs from alloy, even though i’ve never bought anything there, i just like to look for inspiration, but there clothes are so cute, you should definitely give that a try.
Also, forever 21, wetseal, charlotte russe, loveculture (not sure if there website is open, but it was in construction a while ago), american eagle.
Chris asks…
Looking for really cheap online clothes shopping?
Kind of have a budget on clothes shopping and I could really use some awesome suggestions of online places to get clothes? Live in the US btw so can’t really use boohoo. Thanks so much
admin answers:
Papaya Clothing
Wet Seal
Forever 21
Go Jane
Betty asks…
Clothes Online Shopping websites for kids?
I need to buy a few stuff (clothes) for a 3 year old girl .. what are some good online shopping websites that i can use?
admin answers: has the cutest clothes at great prices. Especially good if you don’t want your kid wearing the same clothes as everyone else.
Mandy asks…
any good web addresses for online clothes shopping in Australia?
i was wondering is there any good online clothes shopping sites for children and women’s clothes like the littlewoodsireland here in moving to Australia soon and was wondering is there a similar site there .
admin answers:
change currency at the top or bottom of the page depending which site.
These two ship to australia and worldwide,
hope that helps
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