Archive for April 2011
Definitions of tips on the Web: by google
Definitions of tips on the Web: by google
- Silyl ethers are a group of chemical compounds which contain a silicon atom covalently bonded to an alkoxy group. The general structure is R1R2R3Si−O−R4 where R4 is an alkyl group or an aryl group. Silyl ethers are usually used as protecting groups for alcohols in organic synthesis. …
- The term tipster refers to someone who on a regular basis provides information (tips) on likely winners in sporting events. …
tip – cause to tilt; “tip the screen upward” - tip – mark with a tip; “tip the arrow with the small stone”
- give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on; “Remember to tip the waiter”; “fee the steward”
- tip – topple: cause to topple or tumble by pushing
- tip – lean: to incline or bend from a vertical position; “She leaned over the banister”
- tip – the extreme end of something; especially something pointed
- tip – tiptoe: walk on one’s toes
- tip – gratuity: a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)
- tip – tap: strike lightly; “He tapped me on the shoulder”
- tip – an indication of potential opportunity; “he got a tip on the stock market”; “a good lead for a job”
- tip off: give insider information or advise to; “He tipped off the police about the terrorist plot”
- tip – point: a V shape; “the cannibal’s teeth were filed to sharp points”
- remove the tip from; “tip artichokes”
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Definitions of tips on the Web: by google
Definitions of tips on the Web: by google
- Silyl ethers are a group of chemical compounds which contain a silicon atom covalently bonded to an alkoxy group. The general structure is R1R2R3Si−O−R4 where R4 is an alkyl group or an aryl group. Silyl ethers are usually used as protecting groups for alcohols in organic synthesis. …
- The term tipster refers to someone who on a regular basis provides information (tips) on likely winners in sporting events. …
tip – cause to tilt; “tip the screen upward” - tip – mark with a tip; “tip the arrow with the small stone”
- give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on; “Remember to tip the waiter”; “fee the steward”
- tip – topple: cause to topple or tumble by pushing
- tip – lean: to incline or bend from a vertical position; “She leaned over the banister”
- tip – the extreme end of something; especially something pointed
- tip – tiptoe: walk on one’s toes
- tip – gratuity: a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)
- tip – tap: strike lightly; “He tapped me on the shoulder”
- tip – an indication of potential opportunity; “he got a tip on the stock market”; “a good lead for a job”
- tip off: give insider information or advise to; “He tipped off the police about the terrorist plot”
- tip – point: a V shape; “the cannibal’s teeth were filed to sharp points”
- remove the tip from; “tip artichokes”
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Making Money From Home
Making Money From Home
Make money on the internet.Well with the price of food and gas seemingly costing more than champagne and Beluga Caviar , very a few people can afford to turn away from ways to get there hands on a bit of extra cash. the positive thing is that there are lots of undemanding alternatives to supplement your retirement money , or income out there on the net.
This site is for those who want to retire early from a job they dislike. If you just want to sit around and do nothing, I can’t help you. But for those who want some freedom and don’t mind being productive on your own schedule, retirement at fifty or less is a possibility.
Many thousands of people are getting themselves hundreds of extra dollars revenue a month by doing just that, and theres thousands more out there that are gaining several hundred dollars a month or more,
thousands of people similar to you and me “period” are making enough to give up their day job ,and become their own boss working from your own home.
Just like this man chris farrell at( it didn’t take him long at all to begin making a lucrative online revenue. Within a year, he was making enough cash to live the Beverly Hills lifestyle, So the dream is there to be had and More and more people like you are I are jumping on the bandwagon maybe not the Beverly Hills lifestyle but a much better life,
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How to Retire Healthy, Wealthy and
Going back about fifty years, retirement was considered to be the short gap between receiving a gold watch and the last rights!
Happily today retirement is granted as the set out of a whole new life adventure.
With the likelihood that we will retire with all our faculties intact and fully functioning and with a good number of years in front of us, we now require to take a little more time to plan our retirement years to be sure we get the best most out of them.
Whatever your retirement dream – from a home in the sun, a boat on a river, or easily pottering about in the garden – all of these things are probable with careful preparing.
But have you ever wondered why so lots of us continually push the practicalities of retirement preparing to the back of our minds while rushing by means of our lives complaining about the pressures of work and dreaming of the day when we can in spite of everything put our feet up?
What is it that causes this dichotomy in us?
I think that most of us would agree the two main causes are lack of time and reluctance.
And yet each and every one of us realizes how vital it is to plan and save for our retirement!
After all we are quite completely bombarded by the media week in week out with facts about the pension time bomb and the fact that lots of us will apparently struggle for the price of a cup of tea permit alone a beautiful villa in the sun when we get to 65!
So, with everything that information taken on board what can we do to make our retirement a glad one?
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Hobby ideas
There are so many hobbies such as there are ideas. A hobby all leisure activities can be follow outside of work or career. Hobbies increase ranging from fish or the star through a telescope watching growing algae in your tank. A hobby can be anything that you you want to be. It can be anything you want to do. Hobbies are unlimited. Just think of all the things that you ever wanted to do, and start you can they do by no means small. Read books about it. For some people may read books a hobby. Study and research various things may be a hobby. Some people are just curious and want to know everything.
I have many different interests in my life. For this reason it took me a long time a large selection in college. My freshman year, I was a great music, but I wanted to pursue music as a career. It wasn’t that I I loved it not like music, but it was something I wanted to do as a hobby instead. I like astronomy and thoughts, physics and astronomy; I thought it was something, which I much enjoyed, but I decided to have hobbies and be. I ended up with major political science, with minors in business and. For some people what is I in school studied a hobby for them. Some people love to take part as a hobby in politics; other love learning foreign languages as a hobby or personal interest; Some people like to keep track of business as a hobby – this is particularly evident by those, the consequences of the stock exchange and invest their money as a hobby. Investing in the stock market is a hobby, I enjoy me.
Some women like to grow plants and flower garden as their hobbies. Men and also works in the garden or yard as a way to get away from work. It is relaxing some of the work in the dirt or soil. I actually once in a popular science magazine, which is actually a chemical in the soil, makes the people feel good. It is no wonder that some people enjoy working on the yard and garden so much. It is really you probably feel.
Camping is a hobby that many people also enjoy. I know some people who keep only by the outdoor can not. You want to be always on top in the mountains or out on the Lake. Some fish, to hunt some love, crowd some love while others take like, just look at the landscape and images. Photography itself is a popular hobby for many people and the possibilities are endless with all landscapes and backgrounds to take pictures of life in the city to the mountains and backcountry.
Travel may be your hobby. Some people may only find new things and new places, the, which you never before been. I met a family who said they could be not only happy. Could not find it, what like started to travel to them. That is, what happy, go and had the world, new to see diverse and exotic places. Are the possibilities are endless to. A new place for many people is often an hour or just a little bit more. Think of all the spots you want to visit and which are feasible and start to visit them. Ausfinden forth how the other places and hobbies to make long term possible. In the meantime, you bring your hobby ideas to life on the online hobby shop and much more.
Peter Jay is the owner/President and CEO of variety access ? online hobby shop and much more. Access go learn more about hobbies, hobby products or variety to
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Hobby psychology
Happiness is the result of small amounts of success. You will be not successfully what inevitably on everything, you are trying to do. Also, if you your success of extreme standards measure as some large and important task to complete, then you probably often be too hard on yourself and feel like a failure, despite all your other small take place. It is better, focus on the small successes and make it as often as you can pass. Mastering a new hobby a small success, you can run, might to make, and that you have control over have. In addition, it is something that you want to do. You can be successful in the things to which you want to.
If you or someone you know problems get enthusiastic live or has little ambition, maybe it’s time, have a little success or help they find a little success. Success can be inspiring. Success can your confidence build. When you learn a new hobby, increase your confidence. You are ambitious and happy. You will be excited about other things, that before you were not enthusiastic.
A hobby can do something for you. One of my favorite quotes is “Variety is the spice of life.” A hobby is something that you can make your life more interesting. It can very useful for your sanity how you fill your life with the things that you love and enjoy. It can also give a feeling of control you hobby draft. You will find the things that you like. You can your own interests to pursue.
As you experiment with different hobbies you find yourself. Find out what you like really are, what makes you really happy. Perhaps will make happy physical exercise, in this case, that requires some physical exertion as mountain biking should be run to lift weights, dance a hobby, swimming or sport drive. Perhaps, you would enjoy a hobby where you can interact with other people; most of the mentioned hobbies could be carried out also with others. Could you find back also, that put more hobbies like outdoor yard games, barbecue, camping or boating. Whatever your interests are, or what you think they would be, find a related hobby and hunt him. There is also a hobby for people, the happy time alone as crochet, scrapbooking, arts and crafts. Some people to tinker with things like or technology, are interested in this case, they might like model airplanes or radio control aircraft. Many people have to communicate a hobby with ham radios. There are so many hobbies such as there are ideas.
A leisure hobby or pastime pursued someone outside their regular career is by definition. It is something that adds quality to life and the variety of your nine to five job. It is something that you can look at the end of the day or at the end of the week doing something you enjoy. It is something that you can spend that time with family or friends. It is something to be happy end and a reason for you to provide. Hobbies can help themselves and where your real lay interests to find.
So, you will find a new hobby today. Download find a hobby in the online hobby, you think, makes the challenges you intelligent, a better person to be and that is something you enjoy. You will be surprised what a difference be it makes in your life.
Peter Jay is the owner/President and CEO of variety access ? online hobby shop and much more. Access go learn more about hobbies, hobby products or variety to
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Groom your hobbies like babies!
Many think that hobbies are just a waste of time. Many have no great hobbies, but they enjoy their pastime, to inject luck on their inactive life and time. Could many of the small question not answered, whether they all hobbies or not. You think deep and could not properly answer. Suddenly they can say, “Paper read” their hobby is. In fact, paper is reading more productive hobbies that will help you to develop your vocabulary and communication skills. Your presentation skills will develop this kind of hobbies. Reading as a hobby will improve your knowledge, skills, skills and attitude.
How can a hobby become productive and pleasant at the same time? If you are interested in one thing, you will collect information and it will improve your enthusiasm. If a girl is interested in gardening, she will study more about gardening. This can improve their enthusiasm and motivate them to do courses in horticulture and related sciences. Have not that kind of hobbies, get this kind of possibilities to study and be a proactive and productive.
In General, hobbies are the reflections of the soul. We show interest in the things we like. In fact may not the course that we’ll be studying our taste. But hobby reflects our true self and it is the attraction of our personality. Hobbies, improve our enthusiasm and motivate us to work. Hobbies give us happiness beyond our experience and qualifications. Those who have become successful in their professional life related with a hobby. Former President of India, Dr. A. p. j. Abdul Kalam deployment some time, his stress by Veena played to beat his most loving hobby.
Some people always declare their hobbies and have no sincerity to pursue them. If you are interested in chess, you should some knowledge about Karpov, Kasparov and Viswanathan Anand. These types of people explain their hobbies to show their interests only. This is a dangerous property. If you appear for civil services examination they ask about your hobbies. You have no sincerity in connection with your hobbies, you lose your image and you can not trust interviewer.
On many occasions, hobbies can inspire you convert as a profession. Hobbies will improve your enthusiasm in our daily lives. Identify then reflects a hobby which inspire your personality to improve your image and others.
The author is a senior HR professional, HR consultant, career management consultant, soft skills trainer and founder CEO of Aimkaam Consultrainers, Hyderabad. Contact me for your campus recruitment training and leadership development programs. You can reach me at
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AND I am an artist: art as a hobby
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The dictionary definition of hobby is: “A pursuit outside one’s regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation.” (Merriam-Webster)
The word hobby evokes an image of something you love to do, something you ache for when you’re sitting as your desk looking out at the window at a sunny day, something you never seem to have quite enough time for.
So why is it that some people call art a hobby, and some people don’t?
And do the ones who are doing art as a hobby have more freedom, relaxation and fun? While the rest of us “serious artists” only run into creative roadblocks once we step off the hobby train and put on the “artist” hat?
I began thinking about art as a hobby when I heard about Downtown Jam, a Toronto club made up of three studio rooms where amateur musicians can sign-up for a night of jamming.
No audience, no performance, simply playing for fun.
I asked Andrew Hall, the owner of Downtown Jam, the differences he sees between a “jammer” and a professional musician. He says a “jammer” doesn’t make his or her living from their music. They have another job, and come to Downtown Jam as a way to unwind and de-stress at the end of their workday.
So I started thinking some more about the difference between being an artist and having art as a hobby. First I wondered why someone would want to have art as a hobby, and I came up with three main reasons.
1. Freedom.
2. Relaxation.
3. Fun.
As I looked closer at each of these reasons, I found that each of them are the tip of a very big iceberg of emotional, mental and creative considerations in what was turning out to be a very complex topic!!
Art as a hobby means freedom from the creative constraints that might be involved once you claim it as a business, way of life or part of your identity.
Additionally, a hobby involves more personal choice and expression of the artist’s personal creative preferences.
This is as opposed to using creativity in a more commercial setting, to fulfill a commission as part of a job or in a therapeutic setting where clinical considerations come before personal creative fulfillment.
Darlene, a full-time artist, wrote in an email, “I now work in a full time job doing art, though it is not my style or passion, I still do enjoy it…..others think of me as a professional artist…..I just don’t feel that way at this time”.
Art as a hobby doesn’t just involve a sense of “freedom FROM”, it also involves a sense of “freedom TO”.
When it’s not something we feel we “have to” start, work on or complete, don’t we approach a creative project with more zest? When we’re involved in a hobby, isn’t it more about the “doing” than about the finishing?
The downside to this freedom is that there’s no pressure to perform, to get better, to challenge ourselves or to grow. And it becomes too easy to “hide our light under a bushel” and keep our creative gifts to ourselves instead of sharing them with the world.
Another down side of this approach to art is that hobbies are usually the first thing to go when we get busy.
And doesn’t freedom contradict what we know to be true about creativity? We’re not free to do it; we’re COMPELLED to do it. It’s not really a choice.
Like Elaine wrote in the Everyday Artist blog, ” Art is my life. It’s my identity, it’s the way I’m put together on the inside…… sooner or later I have to do something creative…..”
The very definition of hobby at the beginning of this article speaks of relaxation as the purpose.
While the process of pursuing our creative expression CAN be relaxing and peaceful when we’re in the creative flow, BEING an artist can be a source of stress. Roadblocks to creativity impact our mental, physical and emotional well-being, as well as our relationships with others.
A.V. writes that art isn’t something he DOES, to relax or for any other reason, it’s something he IS.
“It is not possible to have anything creative as a hobby. Even what may be considered as a passive activity like listening to music becomes meaningful only when you sink your whole being into it…For a properly integrated person there can be no hobbies; only other dimensions of the person.”
Art as a hobby calls for a sense of FUN and lack of “serious” or “hard” work.
But when we’re in it for fun, it implies that we don’t take ourselves seriously as artists. And this rubs some artists the wrong way.
As Steve writes, “…if I consider art as just a hobby, I feel I am doing myself an injustice and neglecting something that I love so much.”
This impacts your interactions and relationships with:
* The government, as there may be financial repercussions for not declaring your creative work
* Other artists, how you’re perceived by them and the support you can give and receive
* Your family and friends, and how respectful they are of your creative time
* The general public, your customers and prospective customers
* Yourself!
And also, when we tell ourselves our art is just for fun, there’s no impetus to put in the time and effort to move past our current level of skill and achieve mastery.
This isn’t always true, of course. Andrew Hall tells me that his “jammers” sometimes set a goal of learning how to play all 500+ songs in the Downtown Jam songbook. And that definitely takes work! But he also says, “the typical ‘jammer’ does not or should not take her/his musical skills too seriously.”
Doug writes, “Keeping art as a hobby is not only good sense, it’s good for you. For years, even when I wasn’t sure of my “artistic connection” I continued to make collages and each time I would enter that creative “flow” know for sure that whether it’s a hobby, a calling, or a professional or all — art is not only necessary, it’s bliss in pure form.”
Andrew Hall discussed the rewards that his regular “jammers” enjoy. “This is a health club” and a much-needed outlet for releasing stress. The club provides a chance to meet wonderful people who are all there for the same reasons, and “you can count on having fun here”. Andrew strives (and succeeds) to make the club as welcoming and fun as possible.
In my own experience of using music as a hobby, I have to say that I had a FANTASTIC time at Downtown Jam.
I’m already blessed to be able to use my creativity in many forms in my work life – my music therapy calls on my musical, interpersonal, therapeutic and clinical skills, my freelance writing calls on my organizational, creative problem-solving, coaching, collaborative and writing skills, and my article writing and product creation for artists allows me to draw on and combine all of the above.
And just as other folks who seek out art as a fun and relaxing diversion, free of any external constraints, expectations or demands, I often long for a creative outlet that doesn’t have a product, performance or any specific outcome in mind, but that’s just fun for me in the moment.
And that’s what I found at Downtown Jam.
As long as I’m pursuing my work in a meaningful way and sharing my gifts with the world, there’s nothing wrong with seeking out a creative setting that’s JUST FOR ME.
So as long as I’m not hiding out in my hobby, then branching out to explore my creativity in a way that’s purely for freedom, relaxation and fun, is a wonderful way to recharge, refresh and reward myself for my creative work during the rest of the week.
If you see art as a hobby, or if you’re behaving as if it is, what could be different for you if you took it to the next level and claimed is as part of your identity or as a profession?
And if the serious business of your art-making is constantly fraught with roadblocks and stress, keeping you from enjoying your art in a passionate way, what could be different for you if you found a way to use your art (or maybe a related art form) as a hobby?
© Linda Dessau, 2006.
Linda Dessau, the Self-Care Coach, helps artists enhance their creativity by addressing their unique self-care issues. Feel like your creativity is blocked? Sign-up for your complimentary copy of the popular e-course, “Roadblocks to Creativity” by visiting
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Like creating a hobby business
Hobbies are a way for people to express themselves and show that their own interests, to separate that from their friends and family. Hobbies are our specialty, no sideline. Hobbies include activities or interests outside of the regular cast, and primarily for the purpose of deriving pleasure. Therefore, it would be easy for you, a hobby shop!
Hobbies are a great way, passed the time, or offer a flight to your daily routine. They are fun and keep you focused and motivated tensions from other things in life, and you free help.
You are a great way to spend time and not much money. They are not only good for our career but also for our well-being. Hobbies are great ways to spend quality time with friends and family.
These are things that you love to do and are great pastime and a major distraction of thoughts of work, stress, etc.. They provide a way time slightly, when issuing the free time to spend. Hobbies are a great way to relax in Middle-Earth.
And so how you enthusiastically follow your hobby can turn through a hobby business your passion in your own home based business.
Hobbies are traditionally as diversions instead called or thought professions. But this is not the complete image because hobbies include a variety of activities. You are one of the most under used income opportunities. And create a hobby company could change your financial future.
By creating a hobby business-is the work and even retirement make it fun. Online marketing is something that you personal and financial content can make if you decide to turn your hobby into your core business.
Marketing Opportunities are just around the corner waiting tune up your sales.
Turn your hobby into a company may have many late nights and weekends but is worth the effort would be. Although trends in revenue turn project process extremely time consuming be can, can create a hobby business to be a very rewarding challenge.
Shy you not questions to ask, because most successful entrepreneur mentors once, also had. And don’t even think large amounts of storage space with all costs except when you know that you are the sales to rent. Faith, that your hobby equipment under high demand will use it of you daily will keep for a company. Do some research on the type of business equipment you need.
Hobbies are arts & crafts create an oasis of calm for yourself and others. Hobbies like this are often the driving force behind many successful entrepreneurial companies, but you need more than passion to secure your financial future.
Sell children’s products and transitional hobby products have increased in recent years thanks to the different product mix, which have been developed. Hobby-related sales continue to be strong, even during sectors with each new enthusiasm vary. As an example, not model railways are simply the way anytime soon.
You have a hobby that you are passionate and könnten-if you use some extra income – creating a hobby business could be a great alternative for you and your family.
Annette Hampton is the author of this article and has an extensive 20 year background in sales and marketing. Have a hobby that you are passionate about are and would like to know how to Create A hobby business? Start today. Make sure that you take the video tour!
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The benefits of having a hobby
Some people consider a hobby as a waste of time. You might think a hobby has no purpose or it is easy to do something to pass the time. A hobby is much more than just a pastime for hobbyists. A hobby has many advantages and benefits for each. For some, a hobby is an emotional outlet, for others a way know to gain. Hobbies keep our mind and our hands – active. What are your reasons if you think to start a hobby have or is always an new check the following to help your decision.
Time for us
One of the biggest advantages of hobby is a quiet time it allows. People tend to think more when their favorite hobby, enjoy them without disturbing distractions of the outside world, clearly. The spirit moves and hobbyists come often with some of their best ideas in the enjoy time passing their favorite activity.
Shows a talent and passion
Hobbyists often find a talent and they had known the passion that they can not have before. Some people have sat at the piano to learn, how to play, only to find out that they had always a hidden talent for the play it anyway. Others may find that she have a niche for or some other craft after only a try. But the only way to discover this hidden talent is ever to try. The first step is to find something that you are interested in. From there, you can find that it better than you ever could have thought you.
Use a hobby as a networking tool
The only time you should your hobby on a resume or job application is list, if your hobbies are on job type, which you are applying. Notes on the other hand, a hobby during a job interview might be a lovable quality, where the potential employer. She wrote in an interview in which may reflect also a great conversation starter and a small portion of your individual personality. Hobbies have a way, which means that you are working with others, because not each activity enjoy the most hobbies. Find hundreds of message boards, forums and clubs that are specifically marked for many special hobbies.
Hobbies offer a time of relaxation
The most hobbies are an ideal way to relax. Enjoy coming home from work and your favorite pastime sit helps, take your mind of the tensions of the day. Hobbies help also you before going to bed to relax, so that you can a better night’s sleep.
With all the advantages that can provide a hobby, it’s no wonder why the hobby shop industry as a successful market. There are literally hundreds of hobbies available and are the only limit that a person has to place them on their own. The perfect hobby for each individual is one that he or she enjoys some includes and would like to regularly do.
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