Article by Alex Sanders
Being Crossfit Will Crossover To All Sports In Life – Health – Fitness
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CrossFit offers a wide array of exercise components, as well as encourages all other sports. So go out and kayak, hike, mountain climb, ski, swim, etc. Because the ultimate Cross Fitters goal is to become conditioned in everything and for everything; to be prepared for the expected bumps in life as well as the unexpected. While CrossFit is an amazing, entire body conditioning program, it isn’t the only sport you should be doing to maintain overall physical strength. When you are first learning any of your CrossFit lifts, be sure to use a PCV pipe or something else, like a broom handle, with little or no weight. This allows you to perfect your form and technique without the pressure of a heavy weight to make you bail your load. While a little weight helps me with my clients and back squat form or the deadlift, the overhead squat, for one, should not be done with any weight until your technique is near perfection. To allow yourself time to really understand the lift and the movements your body must undergo while performing them, little or no weight is best. Substantial amount of weight + bad technique = injury! Take the time and do the lifts right so you can perform them again and again, adding weight very slowly to build your muscle the right and safe way. After a few CrossFit workout sessions, you probably have a basic understanding of what exactly CrossFit is and the demands in places on your body. To help maximize your results and improve the effectiveness of your workouts, here are some CrossFit tips and tricks: Learn proper form and technique for each and every CrossFit exercise you are performing. From deadlifts to squats to pull-ups and everything in between, proper technique is important. Proper technique can help promote a full range of motion during every exercise. Proper technique can also help prevent injuries. If you don’t understand something or need clarification, ask a CrossFit St. Petersburg trainer. Scale your workouts as necessary in order to complete workouts at a high level of intensity. CrossFit programs can be scaled to suit anyone regardless of age, skill and ability level. Workouts can be scaled by reducing repetitions, decreasing the amount of weights used or substituting exercises. Eating a clean, well-balanced diet is also important to your success with a CrossFit training program. Proper nutrition can help to support health body functions while optimizing your performance. Focus on eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, lean beef, fish and chicken. Keep track of your workouts. Use an online planner or daily planner to keep track of all of your workouts. There are two things to look for in regards to equipment. Is there enough? And, is it well organized? If you can find everything easily and there is either plenty to go around or the instructor is quick to organize around the limiting factor, then these are good signs. If I have to ask too many questions in regards to where equipment is or what weight the bars are, I find it a frustrating experience. If I see a gym takes care of its equipment, I am more likely to think they will take care of me. While I don’t expect a CrossFit gym to be pristine, there is a difference between looking like an old-school, hard-core gym and just being dirty. Personally, I look at the floors, the bars and kettlebells for chalk (or blood) remnants, and for general dustiness. Having a clean bathroom and shower goes a long way, as well.
About the Author
Crossfit Tecnica is an award winning Crossfit St. Petersburg fitness gym.
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Alex Sanders
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