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Cosmetology School CE Courses ( hair color Highlights Part 3) Cosmetology School CE Courses ( hair color Highlights Part 3)
Posted by: SalonDVideos

Video duration: 408 seconds
Global video hits: 15569

Rebecca HighlightsPart 3 of 3 For more information regarding educational videos and hair appointments! please contact our salon at www.salond.com Texas Hairdressers: Get your continuing Education Hours with us! Visit www.cosmetology-cont inuing-ed.com for more information! More States to be added soon! more videos to be added soon! Salon D Dallas, Texas

Related: ce, approved, courses, www.salondeducation.com

Texas Cosmetology CE Classes Short Hair Cut (Part 2) Texas Cosmetology CE Classes Short Hair Cut (Part 2)
Posted by: SalonDVideos

Video duration: 477 seconds
Global video hits: 58940

Tacie Short CutPart 2 of 4 For more information regarding educational videos and hair appointments! please contact our salon at www.salond.com more videos to be added soon! Salon D Dallas, Texas Texas Hairdressers: Get your continuing Education Hours with us! Visit www.cosmetology-cont inuing-ed.com for more information! More States to be added soon!

Related: learn, how, to, cut, hair, online, www.salondeducation.com

Learn to Cut Hair and Get Cosmetology CE Hour (Short Cut Part 1) Learn to Cut Hair and Get Cosmetology CE Hour (Short Cut Part 1)
Posted by: SalonDVideos

Video duration: 491 seconds
Global video hits: 191769

Tacie Short CutPart 1 of 4 For more information regarding educational videos and hair appointments! please contact our salon at www.salond.com more videos to be added soon! Salon D Dallas, Texas Texas Hairdressers: Get your continuing Education Hours with us! Visit www.cosmetology-cont inuing-ed.com for more information! More States to be added soon!

Related: learn, to, style, hair, www.salondeducation.com

Online Beauty School CE Classes Short Cut (Part 3) Online Beauty School CE Classes Short Cut (Part 3)
Posted by: SalonDVideos

Video duration: 523 seconds
Global video hits: 85187

Tacie Short CutPart 3 of 4 For more information regarding educational videos and hair appointments! please contact our salon at www.salond.com more videos to be added soon! Salon D Texas Hairdressers: Get your continuing Education Hours with us! Visit www.cosmetology-cont inuing-ed.com for more information! More States to be added soon! Dallas, Texas

Related: cosmetology, license, renewel, classes, online, www.salondeducation.com

Cosmetology Education CE Courses Short Cut (Part 4) Cosmetology Education CE Courses Short Cut (Part 4)
Posted by: SalonDVideos

Video duration: 350 seconds
Global video hits: 108714

Tacie Short CutPart 4 of 4 For more information regarding educational videos and hair appointments! please contact our salon at www.salond.com more videos to be added soon! Salon D Dallas, Texas Texas Hairdressers: Get your continuing Education Hours with us! Visit www.cosmetology-cont inuing-ed.com for more information! More States to be added soon!

Related: www.salondeducation.com

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